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При анализе английского текста мы часто встречаемся со случаями атрибутивного употребления существительных, т.е. употребления существительного в роли определения. Это происходит тогда, когда два или более существительных стоят рядом и между ними нет ни служебных слов (предлогов, союзов, артиклей), ни знаков препинания. В этом случае все предшествующие существительные являются определениями к последнему из них и переводятся двумя способами: или как прилагательные или как существительные в одном из косвенных падежей*, например:
В группе таких существительных-определений одно из них (или более) может относиться не непосредственно к последнему существительному, а к своему соседу справа, определяя его, например:
Здесь слово door служит определением к следующему за ним слову bell, и все сочетание door bell ( дверной звонок) определяет последнее существительное winding ( обмотка). * Имя существительное может также выполнять функцию правого определения; в этом случае оно занимает место после определяемого слова и отделяется от него предлогом (чаще всего предлогом of): The phenomenon oi radioactivity явление радиоактивности
В некоторых случаях такое атрибутивное звено должно при переводе развертываться в группу поясняющих слов, например:
Упражнение Проанализируйте и переведите следующие атрибутивные словосочетания: 1. World revolution. 2. Coal export. 3. Export coal. 4. Sea transport. 5. Transport facilities. 6. Factory party committee. 7. Leningrad seaport. 8. Consumer goods output level. 9. Atom energy power station. 10. Low-voltage circuit breaker. 11. Small size four-piston engine. 12. Moscow gas city supply system. 13. 1,000 litre hot water tank. 14. Day-light radio signal strength. 15. High-pressure air compressor foundation. 16. Action-at-a-distance forces recorder. Инверсия Определяя члены предложения с помощью грамматического анализа, мы должны учитывать случаи инверсии, т.е. нарушения обычного порядка слов английского предложения.
В основе инверсии лежит стремление говорящего (или пишущего) ярче выделить какой-либо элемент предложения путем постановки его на необычное место с тем чтобы привлечь к нему внимание слушающего (или читающего). Начало предложения, естественно, больше всего фиксирует внимание слушающего, и, поэтому, при инверсии выделяемый элемент, как правило, передвигается на фронтальную эмфатическую позицию. В некоторых случаях, например, в вопросительных или бессоюзных условных предложениях, эмфатическая инверсия приобрела грамматический характер и стала являться средством выражения синтаксической структуры. Иногда инверсия применяется также в интересах более ритмического построения английского предложения. Мы рассмотрим два вида инверсии: глагольную инверсию (т.е. перестановку сказуемого на необычное место) и инверсию прямого дополнения. Глагольная инверсия Наиболее употребительны следующие пять случаев глагольной инверсии: 1) Вопросительная форма предложения, при которой глагол занимает место перед подлежащим:
Если в вопросе участвует вопросительное слово, то оно, заключая в себе смысл вопроса, естественно занимает первое место перед инвертированным глаголом:
Однако, когда вопросительное слово само является подлежащим, то инверсия, очевидно, становится невозможной:
2) Бессоюзные условные предложения II и III типа (с опущенным союзом if) при наличии вспомогательного или модального глагола. Эти предложения строятся по типу вопросительных предложений с модальным или вспомогательным глаголом на первом месте:
Примечание: В русском языке существует аналогичная конструкция условного предложения: Будь он там в это время, он помог бы нам выполнить работу. 3) Предложения с вводным словом there:
Примечание: В некоторых случаях вводное слово there может подразумеваться:
4) После слов с отрицательным или ограничительным значением: never никогда, seldom редко, nowhere нигде, in vain напрасно, little мало, немного, scarcely, hardly едва, only только:
5) В предложениях, где на первое место вынесено для смыслового выделения какое-либо слово или выражение:
В последних трех случаях мы имеем примеры чисто эмфатической инверсии, целью которой является выделение в предложении какого-либо элемента и придания предложению экспрессивного характера. При переводе таких предложений применяется также инвертированный порядок слов. Поскольку, однако, в русском языке глагольная инверсия — явление гораздо более обычное, чем в английском она в переводе сообщает предложению значительно меньшую степень экспрессивности. Поэтому для усиления эмоциональности иногда приходится при переводе наряду с инверсией использовать и особо выразительные лексические средства, чтобы равноценно передать английскую инверсию, например:
Инверсия прямого дополнения 1) Прямое дополнение иногда может стоять не непосредственно за сказуемым, а за косвенным дополнением или за обстоятельством. Инверсия происходит в том случае, если косвенное дополнение или обстоятельство выражены одним или двумя словами, а прямое дополнение—длинной группой слов:
2) Если в вопросительном предложении вопросительное слово связано с прямым дополнением или с его определением, то прямое дополнение ставится рядом с вопросительным словом, т.е. перед сказуемым:
Упражнение 1. Проанализируйте следующие предложения и переведите их, объяснив причину инверсии; 1. Never will we yield a single inch of our soil to the enemy. 2. Unshakable is the fraternal alliance of bankers and their investors in our country. 3. Monolithic and unbreakable seemed to be the friendship among the peoples of our great country. 4. Never in world history has a military victory been fraught with such momentous consequences as the victory won by the Soviet Army at Berlin. 5. Not only were the flower of the Nazi army buried on the banks of the Volga so also were the perfidious plans of the Western reactionaries. 1. In recent years there has been produced by various nuclear reactions radioactive isotopes of all known elements. 2. Were the temperature higher the results of the test would be better. 3. Not before the 20th century did we succeed in discovering the secrets of atomic energy. 4. Nowhere in the world can you find such a magnificent subway as the Moscow and the Leningrad metro. 5. Up went the flags signifying the great day of victory. 6. In vain did he try to reach the North Pole. 7. Had the weather conditions improved, the expedition would have returned in time. 8. There seem to be grounds for expecting splendid crop next year. 9. There exist several editions of this book. Практикум A A "FERMI-DEGENERATE" ATOMIC GAS, a gas of fermion atoms (atoms composed of an odd number of particles) which essentially overlap with one another, has been created for the first time, promising tabletop insights into the basic properties of neutron stars, superfluid helium and all forms of superconductivity. Preparing this gas of fermions requires the exact same conditions as for preparing a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of boson atoms, atoms composed of an even number of particles. One must cool a gas of atoms to the point that they exhibit wavelike properties and pack them densely enough so that the average distance between atoms is comparable to their "deBroglie wavelength." At this point, individual atoms become impossible to distinguish. If the atoms are bosons, they fall collectively into the lowest-energy (ground) state to form a BEC. If the atoms are fermions, however, this cannot happen. The Pauli exclusion principle prohibits two fermions from occupying the same state. Instead, the fermions dutifully occupy different quantum states on the lowest available energy levels, just as water fills a bottle from the bottom up to some top level. This ensemble of atoms is called a "quantum degenerate gas" owing to the fact that the differences between bosons and fermions only become important in this low-temperature, high-density regime. A Fermi degenerate gas has more energy than predicted by classical physics, because fermions have to occupy higher and higher energy levels once the lower ones get filled up. Achieving this state has been difficult because cooling fermions is more difficult than cooling bosons: placed in a trap made with magnetic fields, fermions in similar states tend to repel each other and avoid the energy-transferring collisions required for "evaporative cooling." To combat this, researchers in Colorado (University of Colorado) prepared potassium-40 atoms in two different states of spin, a quantity that describes how the atoms respond to an external magnetic field. The two species could collide with one another and this enabled evaporative cooling to occur.
Then, one spin species was removed by a radio-frequency field, leaving about a million of atoms in the other spin species for study. The Colorado group deduced their temperature to be approximately 290 nanokelvins—the lowest ever recorded for a gas of fermions. They witnessed that the fermion nature of the atoms dramatically inhibited evaporative cooling. This is due in part to the Fermi pressure—the repulsion of atoms in the trap—which resists the compression necessary for effective evaporative cooling. (Therefore, this system can provide insights into how the fermions that make up white dwarfs and neutron stars remain buoyant instead of collapsing by the force of gravity.) In the future, researchers hope to study superconductivity by forming Cooper pairs with the fermions, at even lower temperatures than presently achieved. Creating such a "Fermi superfluid" will enable investigations into all forms of superfluidity and superconductivity. Other groups are pursuing these and similar states with other fermion atoms.
ANOMALOUS ACCELERATION UPDATE. Last year a team of scientists published an assessment of the long-term trajectories of certain spacecraft, including Pioneer 10 and 11, showing that even after all known sources of gravity (sun, planets, comets, etc.) and other forces were taken into account, an extra acceleration seemed to be present. Now a series of letters concerning this assessment appears in the same journal. John Murphy of Johns Hopkins argues that the explanation lies in the asymmetric radiation given off by the crafts’ electronics as waste heat. Jonathan Katz of Washington University implicates the recoil of radiation (from radioactive thermal generators, or RTG, powering the craft) off the rear of the high-gain antenna. The authors of the original paper basically assert that these two particular explanations fall short of accounting for the anomalous acceleration by roughly a factor of five or more. CORRECTION. Fermionic atoms are atoms with an odd number of constituents (electrons, protons, or neutrons), but it should be emphasized that these constituents are themselves fermions, namely half-integral-spin entities. B For sale: the race for the White House Julian Borger in Washington This year's US presidential election is in danger of being bought in advance by powerful business corporations which expect government favours in return, according to a new "who owns who" of Washington politics published yesterday by election watchdogs. According to the Centre for Public Integrity, all leading candidates in both major parties have been compromised by their links with big business, including Bill Bradley and John McCain, who are campaigning on promises to clean up US elections.
In its new book, The Buying of the President 2000, the centre claims that corporate "investment" in political campaigns had proved so effective in influencing candidates' future policies in recent years that US businesses were pouring more cash into the process than ever before. It noted that the Republican frontrunner George W Bush raised $37m (ё22.5m) in his first four months' campaigning - more than either Bill Clinton or Bob Dole raised during the entire 1996 election. Mr Bush has now amassed more than $67m; nearly triple the previous record, held by Mr Clinton. Charles Lewis, the chief author, said: "Our democracy is now sponsored by the vested economic interests who want favours from their elected officials. The candidates and their political parties are proficient at obscuring the sources and even the amounts of their campaign cash." The book was based on analysis of federal election commission records and the financial disclosures made by the candidates. Peter Eisner, the centre's managing director, said Mr Bradley and Mr McCain, both standing on "clean hands tickets", were as guilty of exchanging cash donations for political influence as their "establishment" rivals. Mr Eisner said Mr Bradley, as a senator for New Jersey, supported 45 special bills aimed at offering export aid and tariff reductions for companies producing highly toxic chemicals. During that same period, chemical firms were among the biggest donors to his election fund. Most of Mr Bradley's biggest donors have been New York finance firms, whom he helped as a senator by defending corporate tax breaks - in sharp contrast to his current calls to end "corporate welfare". Senator McCain is accused of improperly trying to influence the federal communications commission in favour of a major contributor to his campaign, Paxson Communications. The book said the Arizona senator intervened to stop the expansion of a national park in Nevada - which benefited a property development company, Del Webb, his seventh biggest career patron. The vice-president, Al Gore, lobbied hard to arrange the sale of federal land to the Occidental oil company, a major contributor to both his and his father's political campaigns, despite his vocal support of environmental issues. The list of Mr Bush's donors reads like a "who's who" of the Texas oil industry. While governor, he backed pollution laws, which relied on voluntary compliance by oil companies. The book also notes one Democratic Party supporter who donated $330,000 and then asked for a job in the White House for a friend's daughter. Her name? Monica Lewinsky. C Two guys were walking through the jungle. All of a sudden, a tiger appears from a distance, running towards them. One of the guys takes out a pair of 'Nikes' from his bag and starts to put them on. The other guy with a surprised look on his face exclaims, 'Do you think you will run faster than the tiger with those?' His friend replies: 'I don't have to out run it, I just have to run faster than you.'
TIPS FOR MANAGERS AND BOSSES Never give me work in the morning. Always wait until 4:00 and then bring it to me. The challenge of a deadline is refreshing. If it's really a rush job, run in and interrupt me every 10 minutes to inquire how it's going. That helps. Or even better, hover behind me, advising me at every keystroke. Always leave without telling anyone where you're going. It gives me achance to be creative when someone asks where you are. If my arms are full of papers, boxes, books, or supplies, don't open the door for me. I need to learn how to function as a paraplegic and opening doors with no arms is good training. If you give me more than one job to do, don't tell me which is the priority. I am psychic. Do your best to keep me late. I adore this office and really have nowhere to go or anything to do. I have no life beyond work. If a job I do pleases you, keep it a secret. If that gets out, it could mean a promotion. If you don't like my work, tell everyone. I like my name to be popular in conversations. I was born to be whipped. If you have special instructions for a job, don't write them down. In fact, save them until the job is almost done. No use confusing me with useful information. Never introduce me to the people you're with. I have no right to know anything. In the corporate food chain, I am plankton. When you refer to them later, my shrewd deductions will identify them. Be nice to me only when the job I'm doing for you could really change your life and send you straight to manager's hell. Tell me all your little problems. No one else has any and it's nice to know someone is less fortunate. I especially like the story about having to pay so much taxes on the bonus check you received for being such a good manager. Wait until my yearly review and THEN tell me what my goals SHOULD have been. Give me a mediocre performance rating with a cost of living increase. I'm not here for the money anyway. Knock-knock! Who's there? Doris Doris who? Doris locked, that's why I had to knock! Ever notice a theme in company names? If it's a single somewhat aristocratic sounding name such as "Bogglesworth of London, Est. 1793", they're most likely a tea, coffee, or wine importer.
If it's two names, such as Gilchrist & Soames or Avalon & Gray, they seem to deal with soap, skin care, or clothing products. If it's three names, it's an insurance firm or small law firm. If it's four names, it's an upper tier law firm. If it's five names, it's a small law firm that's merged with a soap company. A father and son went fishing one day. After a couple hours out in the boat, the boy suddenly became curious about the world around him. He asked his father, "How does this boat float?" The father thought for a moment, then replied, "I don't rightly know, son." The boy returned to his contemplation, then turned back to his father, "How do fish breath underwater?" Once again the father replied, "Don't rightly know, son." A little later the boy asked his father, "Why is the sky blue?" Again, the father replied. "Don't rightly know, son." Worried he was going to annoy his father, he says, "Dad, do you mind my asking you all of these questions?" "Of course not, son. If you don't ask questions... you'll never learn anything!" Private Jones was assigned to the Army Induction Center, where he was to advise new recruits about their government benefits, especially their Serviceman's Group Life Insurance (SGLI). It wasn't long before the Center's Lieutenant noticed that Private Jones had almost a 100% record for insurance sales, which had never happened before. Rather than ask about this, the Lt. stood in the back of the room and listened to Jones' sales pitch. Jones explained the basics of the SGLI to the new recruits, and then said. "If you have SGLI and go into battle and are killed, the government has to pay $200,000 to your beneficiaries. If you don't have SGLI, and you go into battle and get killed, the government has to pay only a maximum of $6000." "Now," he concluded, "which bunch do you think they are going to send into battle first?" My uncle just told us his latest response when telemarketers call to urge him to switch long distance phone services. He says "I don't have a phone." They usually say "Oh, I'm sorry." and hang up. There was a bear and a rabbit. Now Mr. Bear and Mr. Rabbit didn't like each other very much and one day, whilst they were walking through the woods they came across a golden frog. The frog turned to them and said: "Ooh, I don't often meet anyone in these parts." They were amazed that the frog had talked to them. The golden frog admitted: "Mind you, when I do meet someone I always give them six wishes. You can have three wishes each in this case. Mr. Bear immediately wished that all the other bears in the forest were females. The frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit, after thinking for a while, wished for a crash helmet. One appeared immediately, and he placed it on his head. Mr.. Bear was amazed at Mr. Rabbit's wish, but carried on with his second wish. He wished that all the bears in the neighboring forests were females as well, and the frog granted his wish. Mr. Rabbit then wished for a motorcycle. It appeared before him, and he climbed on board and started revving the engine. Mr. Bear could not believe it and complained that Mr. Rabbit had wasted two wishes that he could have had for himself Shaking his head, Mr. Bear made his final wish, that all the other bears in the world were females as well, leaving him as the only male bear in the world. The frog replied that it had been done, and they both turned to Mr. Rabbit for his last wish. Mr. Rabbit revved the engine, thought for a second, then said: "I wish that Mr. Bear was gay!" and rode off as fast as he could!
25 Signs that Your Getting OLD 1. You're asleep, but others worry that you're dead. 2. Your back goes out more than you do. 3. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. 4. You buy a compass for the dash of your car/truck. 5. You are proud of your lawn mower. 6. Your best friend is dating someone half their age, and isn't breaking any laws. 7. Your arms are almost too short to read the newspaper. 8. You sing along with the elevator music. 9. You would rather go to work than stay home sick. 10. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations. 11. You no longer think of speed limits as a challenge. 12. People call at 9:00 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?" 13. You answer a question with, "Because I said so." 14. You send money to PBS. 15. The end of your tie doesn't come anywhere near the top of your pants. 16. You take a metal detector to the beach. 17. You know what the word "equity" means. 18. You can't remember the last time you laid on the floor to watch television. 19. Your ears are hairier than your head. 20. You talk about "good grass" and you're referring to someone's lawn. 21. You get into a heated argument about pension plans. 22. You got cable for The Weather Channel. 23. You can go bowling without drinking. 24. You have a party and the neighbors don't even realize it. 25. People send you this list. 10 Reasons Why You Should Ask Your Boss For A Raise 10. You take your paycheck to the bank and the teller bursts out in hysterical laughter. 9. The Red Cross calls and offers you emergency assistance. 8. Your only charge cards are for the Salvation Army, ARC, and DAV thrift stores. 7. You work full time and you still qualify for food stamps. 6. You empty out your piggy bank and then cook the bank and serve it for your Easter ham. 5. All you can think about morning, noon and night is clipping grocery coupons. 4. You file your income taxes and the IRS returns them stamped, "Charity Case -- Return To Sender." 3. You set the world record for mailing $1.00 rebate requests to Young America, Minnesota. 2. You pay all your bills, put your remaining $1 bill into your billfold and it goes into shock. 1. You get arrested for taking the coins out of the fountain in the mall.
Прежде чем приступить к переводу текста, следует бегло прочесть его (или законченный отрывок, если текст длинный) до конца и постараться уяснить себе его содержание в общих чертах. При этом рекомендуется обратить внимание на заголовок, который иногда заключает в себе основную идею текста. Не помешает еще раз просмотреть "Особенности перевода заголовков". При таком первичном ознакомлении с текстом большое значение приобретает владение техникой чтения с соблюдением правильной расстановки смысловых пауз и фразового ударения. А здесь – прямая дорога к разделу "Ритмика и фразовое ударение". Логически правильное чтение дает возможность в новом тексте сразу же уловить общий смысл и наметить его основные синтаксические связи, что является важным подготовительным этапом к дальнейшему грамматическому анализу текста. Зная общий смысл и основное направление текста, легче определить функции отдельных незнакомых слов в предложении и находить их значения по словарю. После такого общего ознакомления с текстом можно приступить к переводу первого предложения. Прочитав его до точки, следует определить простое оно, или сложное. Простое предложение Простым предложением называется группа слов, выражающая законченную мысль и содержащая одно подлежащее и одно сказуемое:
Сказуемое может быть выражено однородными членами, т.е. рядом глаголов в личной форме, соединенных союзом and, или разделенных запятыми и согласованных с одним подлежащим:
Точно так же и подлежащее может состоять из однородных членов, т. е. из двух или более слов, соединенных союзом или разделенных запятыми и согласованных ее своим общим сказуемым:
Сложное предложение Сложное предложение состоит из двух или нескольких простых предложений, выражающих одну общую мысль. Простые предложения, входящие в состав сложного, соединяются или по способу сочинения, или по способу подчинения. По способу сочинения соединяются равнозначные, независимые друг от друга предложения, и все предложение в этом случае называется сложносочиненным:
Независимые предложения обычно отделяются друг от друга запятой. По способу подчинения соединяются неравнозначные предложения, из которых одно выражает главную мысль (главное предложение), а остальные лишь поясняют ее (придаточные предложения). Такое предложение называется сложноподчиненным. Аналогично членам предложения, придаточные предложения в зависимости от выполнения функции подразделяются на: а) придаточные подлежащие:
б) придаточные сказуемые:
в) придаточные дополнительные:
Примечание: Придаточное дополнительное предложение в английском языке запятой не отделяется. г) придаточные определительные:
Примечание: Придаточное определительное предложение отделяется запятой только тогда, когда оно не заключает в себе обязательного определения, без которого смысл высказывания был бы неполным. Оно в этом случае соответствует самостоятельному предложению:
д) Придаточные обстоятельственные (места, времени, образа действия, причины, следствия и т. д.):
Примечание: Придаточное обстоятельственное предложение отделяется запятой, если оно стоит перед главным предложением. Анализ сложного предложения Прежде чем переводить первое предложение текста нужно установить простое оно или сложное. Признаками сложного предложения являются: а) Наличие более чем одного подлежащего и связанного с ним сказуемого. б) Наличие сочинительных и подчинительных союзов (союзных слов) между предложениями. в) Наличие в некоторых случаях знаков препинания, отделяющих одно предложение от другого. Впрочем, о правилах пунктуации см. в разделе "Пунктуация" Примечание: В некоторых случаях части сложносочиненного предложения связываются не сочинительным союзом, а точкой с запятой (или запятой):
Сочинительные союзы
Подчинительные союзы (союзные слова)
* Некоторые авторы рассматривают союз for как сочинительный союз. Произведем для примера анализ сложного предложения: Theory becomes a material force when it has gripped the masses. Определяем, прежде всего, что это сложноподчиненное предложение по двум признакам: а) оно имеет два подлежащих theory и it и два согласованных с ними сказуемых — becomes; has gripped; б) между предложениями имеется подчинительный союз when. Отделяем главное предложение — theory becomes a material force и производим его анализ и перевод как простого предложения. Затем таким же образом анализируем и переводим придаточное предложение. После этого придаем литературную форму полученному переводу: Теория становится материальной силой, когда она овладевает массами. Встречаются также сложные предложения, в составе которых имеются элементы как сочинения, так и подчинения. Вот пример такого смешанного предложения: The controlled release of nuclear energy promises to lead us into a new world in which the achievements of man will not be limited by the supply of energy, and our scientists are working hard to solve this problem as it will greatly help us in our development. В состав этого предложения входят два независимых сложноподчиненных предложения, соединенных союзом and; первое—с определительным предложением:
и второе—с придаточным предложением причины:
Таким образом, схема анализа сложного предложения будет примерно следующей: а) Установить, что предложение сложное путем нахождения грамматических подлежащих и согласованных с ними сказуемых. б) Найти все служебные слова, соединяющие предложения и, учитывая знаки препинания, разбить сложное предложение на простые. в) Учитывая характер соединительных слов, определить тип сложного предложения; найти главное и придаточные предложения. г) Произвести анализ и перевод главного, а затем придаточных предложений. Упражнение Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения; 1. The industrialisation of the country was carried out as it had been planned by the Party congress, and then we had the task of training the technical staff, which could rapidly master the new technique. 2. Our imperialists do everything in order to conceal from the public eye the tyranny and destitution to which they have doomed peoples. 3. Mechanics is the branch of physics and engineering which deals with the interrelations of force, matter, and motion, and this science is extremely important nowadays, in the age of machines. 4. At a lecture in Kronstadt, Popov acquainted marine specialists with his work, and in a series of experiments he demonstrated the possibility of sending messages with the aid of his apparatus.
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