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Глаголы с предлогами: to getСодержание книги
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УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. John never fails to get out of all difficulties. 2. She's unlikely to get over the shock quickly. 3. They must be getting on nicely. 4. After the secretary was through with the telegrams, she got down to the letters.
2 УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях предлогами глагола to get. 1) If he gets... early, hell come on time. 2) Take this bus and get... in 15 minutes. 3) It was too hard for her to get... after that illness. 4) The more we get... the happier we'll be. 5) How do they get...? Pretty well. Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Who helps you to get over difficulties at work? 2. Do you get down to business at once when you come to work, or do you do something else first? Задание 3. Закончите предложения, используя глагол to come с предлогом. 1. Did his name … during his lecture? 2. He was upset that the experiment …. 3. I'll buy this book if I … it. 4. Here's the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours. Temperatures … below freezing. 5. The task was very difficult but he … the idea of a solution. УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите на русский язык. 1. Мистер Браун Работает у нас уже два месяца, мы хорошо сработались. 2. Она долгое время не могла оправиться после болезни. 3. Не обескураживайте его, он преодолеет эту трудность. 4. Вам следует приступить к работе сейчас же. Дело очень срочное. Задание 2. Составьте собственные предложения. to fail – to get ready; to mix up – to get into trouble; to take advantage of … - to get out of the difficulty; beyond – to get to ОБУЧАЮЩИЙ МОДУЛЬ 9.2 Глаголы с предлогами: to give, to find, to come, to leave, to forget УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на глагол to give с предлогами. 1. It's no use trying to convince him. He won't give in. 2. 1 rely on you, don't give me away. 3. He loves the girl, he won't give her up for anything. 4. Why did you give away my plan? 5. It would have been a good idea to have a party. Why did you give it up? Задание 2. Сопоставьте глагол с предлогом из колонки А с его значением из колонки В.
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Заполните пропуски в предложениях с глаголом to find предлогами. 1) You can't trust him until you find everything.... 2) He found... after graduating from the University. 3) She's unpleasant. She always finds... people. Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях с глаголом to come предлогами. 1) Come... or we'll be late. 2) I came... this book in a little store. 3) Come... here. I want to talk to you. 4) Come... with us, or you'll miss the bus. 5) The button has come... my coat.
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Составьте предложении, используя следующие слова и словосочетания.
to give up — to blame; to insist — to give in; to fail somebody — to give away; to give up — to put down to; to try to convince — to give in; to give away — to apologize Задание 2. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский 1. На вашем месте я бы бросил курить. 2. Жаль, что он бросил музыку. 3. Я думаю, вам придется отказаться от этой мысли. 4. Она была очень хорошо загримирована, но ее выдал голос. 5. Я считаю, что вы были правы. На вашем месте я бы не уступил. Задание 3. Переведите предложения, правильно используя глаголы to leave и to forget: 1) Никогда не забуду Вашу доброту. 2) - Кто оставил окно открытым? - Извините, я забыл закрыть его. 3) Пиши мне чаще и не забывай старых друзей. 4) Когда Вы уезжаете в Нью-Йорк?
Тесты входного контроля Выберите правильный вариант
Контрольные задания к модульным блокам Модульный блок № 1 Контрольные задания по лексике 1 УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский 1. I would like to introduce you to my family. 2. There are three children in our family — me, my sister and my brother. 3. My father is a short, plump man with fair hair and blue eyes. 4. My sister Ann is so talkative. 5. There is a bathroom, a bedroom, a living room in our flat. 6. My windows face the garden. 7. I’m in a hurry. Come to see me tomorrow. 8. - What is the weather like today? - It’s getting hot. 9. It’s raining cats and dogs. 10. Have a nice holiday. Good luck to you! 11. Waiter, please, bring the menu. I’d like to order fried fish and vegetables, some salad and a glass of pure orange juice. 12. Sorry? What? 13. - Forgive me. - That’s all right! 14. - Excuse me, please. I’m looking for some gloves and a scarf. 15. May I try it on? 16. Thanks for coming. – Not at all. 17. What kind of sport do you like? I go in for skating and skiing. Задание 2. Разделите все слова и словосочетания на три группы, которые подходят для описания а) внешности, б) квартиры, в) другая тема easy, comfortable, slim and slender, a hall, in the corner, to go shopping, tall, thin, to do homework, to get up early, furniture, curtains, a carpet, it takes half an hour, to be in a hurry, to dress in a modern style, fair hair, an armchair, a wardrobe, shelves, busy. Задание 3. Решите, какое слово не подходит в каждой группе слов For example: blue, brown, black, 1. a father, a mother, a brother, a friend; 2. slim, slender, tall, thin; 3. a kitchen, a college, a bathroom, a bedroom; 4. a house, a college, a school, a university
Задание 4. Выпишите пары синонимичных выражений to hurt, a physician, pain, pills, to send for a doctor, to go to a doctor, to be unwell, a sick person, to keep in good health
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Подберите названия группам слов, вставьте их вместо пропусков For example: blue, red, black, brown —... (colour) 1. a chair, an armchair, a wardrobe, shelves —...; 2. an aunt, a brother, an uncle, a cousin —...; 3. big, small, tall, short —...; 4. tall, slim, slender, thin —.... Задание 2. Подберите пару для слов или выражений с противоположным значением medicine for internal use, to take off a compress, to have a slight cold, bad cough, to undress a wound, the temperature rises, to feel well, to be out of bed. Задание 3. Ответьте на вопросы о своей семье 9. How many persons are there in the family? 10. How old are your grandparents? 11.Where do your parents work? 12. How do you get along with your family? 13.Which of the parents do you want to be like? 14.What does your family usually have for dinner and supper? 15.What are your favourite drinks? 16.What is the chief meal of the day? 17.What is "Russian tea" among the English? 18.Where do you go shopping for food? 19.Does your mother often go to doctors? 20.What kind of sports do you go in for? 21.What kind of weather do you like?
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Напишите рассказ о своей семье или о семье друга. Не забудьте упомянуть - о составе семьи, - о внешности друга, членов семьи, - о квартире, - о любимой еде, - об отношении к спорту, - о здоровье и посещении врачей. Контрольные задания по грамматике УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Употребите глагол to be в правильной форме 1.... there any telegrams from Moscow? Yes, there... some. 2.... there... a flight for Moscow yesterday? Yes, there … …. 3. There... much snow last winter. 4. There... a lot of stars and planets in space. 5. In the newspapers there... a lot of information about computers. 6. There... little I can do to help you. Задание 2. Замените оборот "there is/are"на глагол to have 1. There is some coffee in your cup. 2. There are some vegetables in the basket.3. There is a red pencil on the desk. Задание 3. Выберите одно местоимение из скобок 1. She was ready to get (some, any) job. 2. I didn't get (some, any) letters yesterday. 3. There isn't (some, any) paper on the desk. Задание 4. Используйте местоимение вместо существительных 1.... (your brother and you) spend too much time playing football. 2. Is Jane at home? Can I speak to...? 3. The hole on your pullover is getting bigger. You should mend.... 4.... (you and I) are good friends, aren't...? 5. Mrs. Smith went home because... was tired. Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант местоимения 1. There isn't (much, many) milk in the bottle. 2. I haven't got (much, many) time, but I'll try to help you. 3. Have your parents been to (many, much) countries?4. There weren't (many, much) people in the street. Задание 6. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every: 1. Do you know... book on the shelf here? 2. There are... books on geography in the library. 3.... students of our evening school can speak English. 4. He has... sisters. Задание 7. Образуйте сравнительную ипревосходную степень от следующих прилагательных famous, pleasant, beautiful, high, low. Задание 8. Переведите прилагательное в скобках на английский язык 1. Cats are (быстрее) than mice. 2. The Volga is the (самая длинная) river in Europe. 3. Oceania is (меньше) than South America. 4. He is as (высокий) as his father. 5. Are you (старше) than your friend? Задание 9. Запишите а) существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе; б) фразы в притяжательном падеже
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Поставьте глаголы to be и to have в нужной форме 1. I … much milk in the cup. 2. We will … little puppies next week. 3. They … many rooms. 4. He … not many books of Dickens in his library? 5. Where … you from? 6. The dog … in the garden yesterday. 7. The news … not very bad today. 8. We shall … a party tomorrow. 9. My car … at the entrance. 10. We … at home tomorrow.
Задание 2. Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 1. This is my stocking. 2. He has a new suit. 3. The plate was on the table. 4. This town is very large. 5. The boy put his book on the desk. 6. That house is new. Задание 3. Составьте предложения, используя прилагательные в разных степенях сравнения 1. text 1 — difficult — text 5 2. coffee — tasty — cocoa 3. the film — the book — seem — boring 4. your hair — mine — look — beautiful 5. bicycle — car — expensive Задание 4. Поставьте где необходимо местоимения much, many, little, a little, few или a few. 1. Have you got... ink in your pen?2. At the conference we met... people whom we knew well.3. There are very... old houses left in our street.4. If you have... spare time, look through this book. 5. There are... things here, which I cannot understand. Задание 5. Заполните пропуски местоимениями some, any, no, every и их производными 1. There were... books on the table. I can't find them now. 2. Will there be... concerts in the club? 3. I saw this man …in Moscow last year. 4. …could answer that difficult question. 5. Can … help me with this work? 6. I don't like this book, give me… else. 7. Ask …else about it. Задание 6. Поставьте существительные в скобках в нужное число a) more than one (day); twenty one (day); one and a half (mile); one (mile) and a half; three (foot); five (foot) six; a (pair) of shoes; two (pair) of shoes; to walk in (pair); four (dozen) buttons. b) 1. The man took five (fish) out of the bag and gave each dog (fish). 2. I wondered at the variety of (fish) in the aquarium. 3. Our (family) are all good chess-players. 4. Our (family) are next door neighbours. 5. The (people) ofall the five continents were represented at the Moscow World Youth Festival. 6. The Russian (people) are very hospitable. Задание 7. Поставьте 's или s', где необходимо 1. This is a new addition of Esenin… poems. 2. That man was Vera… and Nelly… old teacher of music. 3. Those were Nick... and Kate… parents. 4. We spent a week... holiday at the Narton.... 5. The book is neither John's., nor Mary…. 6. Tchaikovsky… house in Klin is now a museum. УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глагол to be в форме Present, Past или Future Simple. 1. Где вы? Вы не дома? 2. Мой друг болен. Он не в институте. Он дома. 3. Где вы будете завтра? 4. Они не были в Крыму в прошлом году. Они были в Киеве. 5. Я не инженер, я певец. Задание 2. Переведите эти предложения с русского на английский язык, обращая внимание на местоимения 1. Расскажите мне о Лондоне. 2. Это не его ключ, а ее. 3. Какой у тебя адрес? 4. Его никогда нет дома. 5. Посмотри на этого ежа. Его колючки похожи на иглы. 6. Я прочитала ваши сочинения. Твое, Сережа, мне очень понравилось. Я поставила тебе пять. Задание 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя some, any, no, every или их производные 1. Она знает все обо всех и может дать вам любую информацию. 2. Никто ничего не сказал ему об этом. 3. Могу я сделать что-либо для вас? 4. На столе лежит что-то круглое. Что это такое? 5. В городе много парков. Везде деревья и цветы. 6. В той комнате кто-то есть. 7. Анна живет где-то в этом районе. 8. Все в порядке. Задание 4. Найдите ошибку и исправьте ее. A) right B) wrong 1. You should be more serious when you talk to your partner. 2. Einstein is one of intelligent scientists who ever lived. 3. Watermelons are much sweeter than lemons. 4. A train is the uncomfortablest place to sleep in. 5. This meal is much better than as the one I ate yesterday. 6. What we need is a more good job! 7. It's best picture I've ever seen. 8. Their house is far better than ours. 9. It's becoming more and more difficult to find a job. 10. The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel. Задание 5. Заполните пропуски глаголами speak, tell, talk, say. 1. We need someone who can … German. 2. … more slowly, please. I can't follow what you say. 3. Let's … about it at home. 4. We cannot teach out parrotto…. 5. There is nothing to … about. 6. Can I … to Mr. Brown? 7. Where can we…? МОДУЛЬНЫЙ БЛОК № 2 “EDUCATION AND PROFESSION” УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский 1. What college do you study? 2. It takes me 10 minutes to get to the college. 3. After classes I go to the sport club or to the hobby group. 4. At the end of every term we have exams. 5. I’m interested in History 6. Some students are rude, misbehave in classes, skip lessons, haven’t done homework and are late for the classes. 7. My uncle has been fired and now he is looking for a new job. 8. Today is the 24th of September. 9. What time is it by your watch? 10. The clock is ten minutes fast. 11. I’m going to be a mechanical engineer. 12. Next year I’m going to enter the University. 13. You look your best today. 14. Good for you! 15. Well done! Задание 2. Разделите все слова и словосочетания на три группы, которые подходят для описания a) informal education, b) formal education, c) special education library, museum, a teacher, schools, colleges, universities, a videotape, a television show, informal manner, to pass exams, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, gifted children, adults, handicapped children, general education, vocational education Задание 3. Решите, какое слово не подходит в каждой группе слов 1. aschool, a museum, a college, a university; 2. a pupil, a learner, a teacher, a student; 3. atest, a diploma, a degree, a certificate; 4. geography, history, arithmetic, heritage; 5. carpentry, metalwork, electronics, writing Задание 4. Подберите названия группам слов, вставьте их вместо пропусков 1. aschool, a college, a university —...; 2. geography, history, arithmetic —...; 3. adiploma, a certificate, a degree —...; 4. general education, vocational education, special education —...; Задание 5. Переведите следующие определения слов 1. A skill is a special ability to do something well, especially as gained by learning and practice; 2. A sense is good and especially practical understanding; 3. An adult is a fully grown person, especially a person over an age stated by law, usually 18 or 21; Задание 6. Образуйте антонимы с помощью префиксов in-, im-, ir-, un- от прилагательных
Задание 7. Заполните пропуски предлогами времени: 1.... eleven p.m. or... midnight I go to bed. 2. It is ten minutes... two, let's have a snack in the refreshment room. 3.... a day or two we shall have a talk on current political affairs. 4. Every year we come to school... autumn. 5. We set up (создали) our sport society at school... 1979. Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Simple Tense или Present Continuous Tense. 1. (We / have) six class hours daily. 2. (I / prefer) to know what (I / do). Tell me what it is all about. 3. How (you /get) along with your classmates and teachers? 4. How (you /get) along with your essay? 5. (I / believe) (You / know) what (I / talk) about. 6. (Mum / always/say) that Danny is untidy. 7. (The exam /start) at 9 tomorrow morning. 8. Now (I / start) to get bored. 2 УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Подберите подходящий ответ к каждому вопросу
Задание 2. Подумайте о своей учебе и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Do you enjoy your studying? 2. Do you have any teachers or subjects that you especially like (dislike)? 3. What do you think about exams? Are they necessary? Do you usually feel nervous about them? 4. What did you want to become when you were a child? 5. Which are the most prestigious professions today? 6. Did you choose one of your parents' professions? 7. What do you know about your future profession? 8. Why do you think your future profession is important today? 9. Do you think you will need English in your future career? Задание 3. Прочитайте отрывок и ответьте на вопросы, выбрав подходящий ответ из предлагаемых 'A' Level Ambitions Julia goes to a state secondary school in Oxford. She lives with her parents in a village called Witney near Oxford. Her father drives her to school every morning on his way to work. In England both primary and secondary schools start at nine o'clock in the morning and continue until half past three in the afternoon. Julia doesn't go home for lunch because the school has its own dining room and so she can buy food and drinks at school. At the moment Julia is studying for her 'A' level examinations. She is taking three 'A' levels in Physics, Biology and Chemistry at the end of the year. She is interested in horse riding and on Saturday mornings she usually finds time to ride her horse. But Julia doesn't have much time for her favourite activity during the week because she is under pressure to study for school. Julia hopes to get good grades in her 'A' levels so that when she leaves school she can go to university. Julia is very ambitious. She wants to be a doctor. She knows that it isn't easy to study Medicine but she is a good student and works hard.
Задание 4. Ответьте на вопросы об образовании в Великобритании, опираясь на словарь и рабочую тетрадь 1. Is the system of education uniform throughout Great Britain? 2. What age do children start schooling at? 3. What are the three stages of education? 4. What subjects do they study? 5. What types of secondary schools can you name? 6. What are comprehensive schools? 7. What do you know about grammar schools and secondary modern schools? 8. What kinds of exams do British pupils take at different types of secondary schools? 9. Do British schoolchildren wear a school uniform? 10. Where can the British get further education? 11. What are the oldest and world-known British universities? Задание 5. Образуйте антонимы от прилагательных creative, desirable, famous, helpful, imaginative, personal,, precise, predictable, productive, religious, relevant, valuable. Задание 6. Постройте предложение, используя слова из скобок, глагол поставьте в нужную видовременную форму. 1. We enjoy the theatre but we _____ very often. (not go) 2. What time _____? (the train/Italy/arrive in/at) 3. My brother _____ at home any more. (not live) 4. I think _____ the game. (Jack/win) 5. I _____ to the radio now. (listen) 6. I _____ me very much. (not think/he/like) 7. I don’t think _____ her present. (Sue/like) 8. At the moment my father _____ a newspaper. (read) 9. Penny _____ Calgary in Canada. (come from) 10. How many languages _____? (you/speak) Задание 7. Закончите предложения, используя to be going to и глагол из скобок Example: Jill is going to be very pleased with her present, (be) The trip is too dangerous. I am not going to make it. (not/ make) 1. My friends _____ their tent with them, (bring) 2. He for a new job soon, (not/look) 3. Your driving is terrible. You _____ your test, (not/pass) 4._____ Kate_____ that film on television tonight? (watch) 5. We _____ with our relatives, (not/stay) We _____ a hotel. (find) 6._____ They _____ another car? (get) 7. The sky looks very grey. It _____ in a minute, (rain) 8.David's parents _____ me tomorrow night, (meet)
УРОВЕНЬ Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите диалог и статью из английской газеты Bill: School is work just like any other work. Denise: I think it's not work at all. If you are a brilliant doctor or designer you earn a lot of money. You become popular. Everybody knows and respects you. Newspapers and magazines write about you. Who knows about your great achievements and your excellent school work? Nobody except our teachers and parents. You work more than your parents and don't get money for your work. Sometimes your classmates tease you. Bill: I've brought a newspaper with an interesting article. Read it and decide who is right, you or me?
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