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Irregular verbs. Past Tense negative and interrogative


Scene: Mr. Priestley's Study Before the Lesson.

Characters: Frieda, Lucille, Hob.

F r i e d a: How did you come here this morning, Lucille?

Did you come by car?

L u c i 11e: No, something went wrong with my car last night, so I walked here.

F r i e d a: So did I. I came down Bond Street and Oxford Street. Did you?

L u c i ll e: Yes.

F ri e d a: Did you see the dresses in Harridge's? They had a lot of them inbrown and grey. I thought they were very nice. L u c i 11e: I looked at the windows for a few minutes and

I saw the dresses, but I didn't like any of them.

F r i e d a: Didn't you? Why not?

L u c i ll e: I didn't like the cut or the style of any of them, and I like bright colours.

F r i e d a: Of course, your taste isn't my taste. We are quite different, and what suits you doesn't suit me.

L u c i 11e: I think your clothes always look very nice; they are quiet and in very good taste. Did you buy these clothes in London?

F ri e d a: No, I bought them in Berne last summer. Do you buy your clothes in London?

L u c i ll e: No, I generally buy them in Paris.

F r i e d a: Isn't it very expensive to buy them in Paris?

L u c i ll e: No, it's about the same as in London. So when I want new clothes I go to Paris.

H o b: And how often is that?

L u c i 11e: Hello, Hob! I didn't know you were listening. You want to know how often I buy a new dress? Oh, about once every month or six weeks.

H o b: Do your clothes only last a month? Why don't you buy good clothes? My suits last six years, not six weeks.

L u c i ll e: Oh, you don't understand. A woman must have new clothes. She can't wear the same old things time after time. H o b: Why must she have new clothes? I always think that a woman believes what she wants to believe, not what is really true.

L u c i 11e: Isn't Hob clever today? Have you any other great thoughts, Hob, to give us? I really think that you ought to write a book: What I Know About Women.

H o b: You can laugh if you like, but I know what I am talking about. You are like the woman in the story.

L u c i 11e: Don't tell us that you know a story about a woman who only believed what she wanted to believe.

H o b: Yes, I do. She went to a doctor because she wanted to believe that she was not very well. The doctor said, "You must take cold baths, go out in the fresh air and wear light clothes".

L u c i 11e: And didn't she believe what he told her?

H o b: Well, she went home and said to her husband, "The doctor says that I must go for a holiday to the seaside for sea­ bathing, then to the mountains for mountain air, and I must get a lot of new, light dresses".

Pedro and Jan enter

H o b: Hello! We were just talking about clothes.

J a n: I saw in the newspaper today that now is a good time to buy your suit for next summer.

H o b: I already have my suit for next summer. J a n: You are very quick. When did you buy it?

H o b: Two years ago last summer. This is it! A woman came to our house last week wanting to buy old clothes. She said me, "What do you do with your old clothes?"

J a n: And what did you say?

H o b: I said, "I take them off and leave them on a chair at

night, and put them on again next morn­ ing".

J a n: I want a new suit, Pedro; can you tell me the name of a good tailor? You are always very welldressed.

P e d r o: I got this suit at Bernard Hall's in Savile Row. He's a very good man. I can give you the address if you want it.

J a n: Thanks! Is he expensive?

P e d r o: I don't think that he is ex­ pensive1for such a good tailor. I paid thirty



guineas for this suit.

J a n: That is rather too much for me.

I generally pay about ten or eleven, pounds.


I I'JrneH paBHa O):(HOM)' <lJYJITY Ji! O):(HOM)' IIIJi!JIJIJi!HfY (ycmape6Ut.).

H o b: And these are the clever fellows. They think that I am not clever; but I didn't pay twenty guineas for this suit; I didn't pay nine or ten pounds. I paid three pounds ten shillings - and it lasts me just as long.


3,n;ecn,n;aHhIBcero,n;Ba 3B)'Ka: [:n] M [IG].

[:n] [1G]

boy boil ear dear really

joy noise hear near dearest

voice enjoy here fear nearly clear beer clearly

dearer interfere idea museum



I. BcTaBhTe nponym,euuh1e CJIOBa:

1. Something w- - with my car.

2. Did you see the d- in Harridge's windows?

3. I didn't like the - and - of any of them.

4. I like - colours.

5. We are - different and what - you doesn't - me.

6. I think your - always look very nice.

7. Did you - these clothes in London?

8. I bought them in Berne last -.

9. Isn't it very - to buy them in Paris?

10. No, it's about the - as in London.

11. I buy clothes - every month or six weeks.

12. My suits - six years not six weeks.

13. Oh, you don't u-.

14. A woman can't - the same old things time after lime.

15. A woman b- what she wants to b- not what is - -.

16. Have you any other - thoughts to give us?

17. She went to a - because she wanted to believe that she was not very well.

18. You must go out in the fresh - and - light clothes.

19. Here is the a- of my tailor.

20. I don't think thai he is e- for -, a good tailor.

II. lcnoJih3yii:Te Ka1K,ll,Oe H3 cJie,ll,yIOmux CJIOB B co6cTBeHHhIX npe)J,Jlo1Keuusx:

1. dress

2. cut

3. style

4. bright

5. to suit

6. clothes

7. buy

8. summer

9. expensive

10. once

11. to last

12. to understand

13. wear

14. believe

15. really

16. true

17. great

18. doctor

19. tailor

20. address

21. guinea

III. OTBeTbTe ua cJie;zyromue oonpocb1:

1. How did Lucille come to the class this morning?

2. Where did she see some dresses?

3. Did she like them?

4. What colours were they?

5. What kind of colours does Lucille like?

6. What was it about the dresses that Lucille didn't like?

7. Does the same thing suit all people?

8. Where did Lucille buy her clothes?

9. Where did Frieda buy her clothes?

10. Did Lucille say it was very expensive to buy clothes

in Paris?

11. How often does Lucille buy a new dress?

12. What was Hob's "great thought" about women.

13. What did the doctor tell the woman?

14. What did the woman tell her husband?

15. When did Hob buy his suit for next summer?

16. Where did Pedro buy his suit?

17. How much did he pay for it?

18. Did he think that his tailor was expensive?

19. What did Jan pay for his suit?

20. What did Hob pay for his suit?

IV. Pacnpe,l1;emm Me)J{,!Q' co6oii poJiu opa11a,:iKeHIIJHHbIu ee M)':lKa, pa3L rpaiiTe CIJenKy, paccKaJauuyro Xo6oM.


If you want a good suit you must go to a good tailor. Of course a good tailor is rather expensive. You must pay, in Eng­ land, from ten to thirty pounds, but I like to get a really good suit. You pay, of course, for the cut and style, but a good suit lasts for a long time. It wears well and you always look well­ dressed in it.




B ypoKe 25 BCTIJeqaeTCH eru,e HeCKOJihKO <jJopM Herrpamurh- HhIX rnaroJIOB rrporne,IJ,rnero BpeMem1, HarrpHMep:

Icame down Bond Street.

Ithought the dresses were very nice.

Ibought these clothes in Berne.

Igot this suit in Savile Row.

Ipaid thirty guineas for it.

BoT eru,e HeCKOJihKO HerrpaBHJihHhIX rJiaroJioB:

cut, wear, write, know, take, leave.

Haem. 6peM.R Ilpom. 6peM.R Haem. 6peM.R Ilpom. 6peM.R

come came wear wore

think thought write wrote buy bought know knew

pay paid take took

cut cut leave left

bring brought tell told



(D1.azoAbt u eyw,eemBumeAbHbte)

B ypoKe 25 CJIOBO cut 6nmo cyru,ecTBHTeJihHhIM:

Ididn't like the cut the dresses. 3,IJ,eCb OHO 51BJI51eTC51 rJiafOJIOM:

A bad tailor can never cut a suit well.

ToqHo TaK)K:e CJIOBa dress, address, thought MOfYT 6nITh KaK cyru,eCTBHTeJihHbIMH, TaK H rnaroJiaMH. IlpHMepnI:

(a) She always dresses well (VERB).

(b) Her dresses are very expensive (NOUN).

(a) Please address this letter for me (VERB).

(b) I don't know the right address (NOUN).

(a) I thought that the dresses were very nice (VERB).

(b) Hob gave us another "great thought" today (NOUN).

Ho o6panne BHHMamrn, qTo cyw;ecTBHTeJihHhie suit H rJia- roJI to suit coBeprneHHO OTJIHqHhI no 3HaqemrnM.

(a) I bougth this suit at a good taior's (NOUN).

(b) She looks very nice in that dress; it suits her very well.




Cloth (rrpoH3HOCHTC5I KaK [klne]) - MaTepHH, TKaHh, HarrpHMep:

That is a good piece of cloth. Make a suit from it for me. The tailor cuts the cloth.

IIopTHoil: IIIheT o,r:i:e)l(,JJ,y (clothes [kfauoz]) H3 KYCKa TKaHH (cloth). 06paTllTe BHHMaHHe, qTQ CJIOBO clothes Bcer,r:i:a yrroTpe6- AAeTC5I BO MH. q, H Tpe6yeT rrpH ce6e <i>OPMY rnaroJia BO MH. q,:

His clothes are always very good.


B ypoKe 15 HaM BCTpeTHJIOCh cJioBo light, 3HaqeHHe KOTopo­ ro 6nmo rrpoTHBOIIOJIO)KHO 3HaqeHHIO cJioBa dark. HarrpHMep:

Frieda's hair is light brown, Jan's is dark brown.


JierKHil: CBeTJihIM




(Ilpum11»eameAbHbtu naiJe»e)

B rrpe;::vro)Kemrnx:

Did you see those dresses in Harridge's?

Igot this suit at Bernard Hall's.

Imust go to the tailor's for my suit.

Mhl yrroTpe6JUieM -S, IIOTOMY qTo 3,ll;eCb IIO,ll;Pa3YMeBaeTC51 CJIO­ BO shop. Harrp1rnep:

in Harridge's (shop).

at Bernard Hall's (shop).


B ypoKe 17 HaM BCTpenrnacb KOHCTPYKIIIUI:

"I get up at half past seven - and so does my husband". B ypoKe 25 Ta)Ke caMaH KOHC'fPYKIIIUI 6hma B rrpoIIIe;::i;-


"I walked here". "So did I".


' (n O BT O P EHHE)

face, family, figure, fight, right, night, bright, fire, first, Friday, friend, fruit, gaiety, go, gone, grey, guinea.



I. 3anoJIHHTe Ta6JIHQY. IIepulUI CTPO'IKa,!l;aua B Ka'leCTBe npnMepa:


Hn<]JunumuB Ilpo111. 6peMR Ilpo111. 6peMR Bonpocum. Ilpo111. 6peMR ompuu,.
to see I saw Did I see? I didn't see
to dance      
to come      
to know      
to understand      
to go      
to speak      
to do      
to think      
to buy      
to drink      
to pay      
to get      
to wear      
to stray      
to eat      

II. 06paJyiiTe oTpnn:aTeJihlfYIO <l>opMY:

1. Hob answered all the questions.

2. The boys and girls bathed in the sea every day.

3. Lucille bought a new dress.

4. I drank my cup of tea.

5. The boy took the letter in his hand.

6. The cook made breakfast early in the morning.

7. The students went to Mr. Priestley's house every day.

8. The waiters put the cups on the table.

III. IlocTaBbTe B npome,11;mee upeMH:

1. He comes to the class every day.

2. She goes to Paris for her new dresses.

3. You do that work very well.

4. Frieda sometimes sees nice dresses in Harridge's window.

5. A good suit lasts a long time. (For the answer begin, "My good suit...")

6. Jan thinks a lot about his work.

7. Pedro buys his suits in Savile Row.

8. I know the answer to your question,

9. They understand everything that we say to them.

10. I believe what you tell me.

11. The tailor cuts the suit well, and so 1 wear it for a long time.

12. He can't understand what you say.

13. Jan pays ten pounds and he gets a good suit.

14. Frieda writes the letter and addresses it to her sister.

15. I see the trees of Hyde Park when I go to the window and look throught it.

IV. HcnoJih3yiiTe KIDK,ZJ,oe H3 3THX cJioB B co6cTBeHHhIX npe,!l;JlmKeuusx

(a) B KaqecTBe cymecTBHTeJibHOro, (6) B KaqecTBe rJiaroJia:

1. dress. 2. address. 3. cut. 4. thought. 5. suit.

v. 06pa3yiiTe BODpOCHTeJihuyIO <l>OPMY=

1. She danced from seven o'clock to midnight.

2. Frieda played tennis very well.

3. Those letters came to England by aeroplane.

4. They saw the boy swim to the big rock.

5. Pedro went to a good tailor for his suit.

6. Hob knew a song about London.

7. Lucille bought a dress in Paris.

8. The students went to the museum yesterday.

9. They saw many interesting things there.

10. He understood the lesson very well.

11. Hob thought that the lesson was too long.

12. The students sang their song very well.

VI. CocTaBLTe BonpocL1, ua KOTOpb1e npe;:vio1KenuH B)J,auuoM ynpa1K­ ueuuu MOrJIH Obi Oh Tb OTBeTaMu. Hanp.: N!!l HBJIHeTCH omeTOM ua Bonpoc: "Whatdid hepay the tailorfor? " K ueKoTopbIM npe;:vio1KennHM M01KHO UOCTaBHTb 3-4 BOnpoca.

1. He paid the tailor for the suit.

2. Pedro wore his new suit.

3. Hob told a funny story.

4. Lucille came to London in a car.

5. They all understood the lesson.

6. Lucille came here in her car.

7. He said that he liked learning English.

8. They saw Lucille in Paris.

9. Jan did his work very well.

10. The boys looked at the aeroplanes in the sky.

11. Hob went to Helen's wedding.

12. Tom saw Helen in the garden.

13. The artist drew the picture.

14. They all understood the picture.

15. The waiter put some plates on the table.

16. Hob ate a good dinner.

17. He drank a cup of coffee.

18. The cat went up the tree.

19. Frieda bought some clothes in Berne.

20. Hob took a long time to answer the question.

VII. BcTaBLTe nponynieuuL1e CJIOBa:

Frieda's hair is light, but Pedro's is -. When the sun goes down it is quite -.

One book is quite fight, but twenty of them are -.

VIII. Hanumme paccKa3 «MY1K'JHHbl u CTYJI» (cTp. 119) B npome)J.meM BpeMeuu. ffaquuTe "Yesterday Mr. Green and Mr. Brown were walking

in the park. They saw•••"



Scene: Mr. Priestley's Study.

Characters: Hob, Mr. Priestley, Olaf, Lucille, Frieda, Jan, Pedro.

H o b: Can we have a talk this morning, sir, about food, about breakfasts and lunches and dinners, and so on? It is a subject that interests me very much.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Certainly, Hob. But Lizzie could tell you more about this. She is the person who cooks our meals.

H o b: What did she cook for breakfast today, sir?

M r. P ri e s t l e y: We had fruit, boiled eggs, toast, bread and butter, marmalade and tea.

01a f: I had a breakfast this mom­ in that I enjoyed very much; a cere­ al, bacon and eggs, marmalade, toast, coffee. I think there is nothing like an English breakfast.

L u c i l l e: No bacon and eggs in the morning for me, thank you. My breakfast is always rolls and coffee.

LIZZI THE COOK F r i e d a: You can't drink English coffee, can you?

L u c i 11e: Luckily, at my hotel, there is a cook who is French; so I can drink French coffee.

M r. P r i e st 1e y: So you don't like English coffee?

L u c i 11e: Oh, no! English people can't make good coffee. 01a f: That's true. Their bacon, their bread, their butter,

their tea are always good; their coffee is always bad.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Where must I go to get good coffee?

L u c i 11e: Come to France; we always make good coffee there.

J a n: I like Polish coffee; our coffee is always good.

01a f: Come and taste the coffee that we make in Sweden.

There is none like it.

F r i e d a: We make lovely coffee in Switzerland - coffee with thick cream in it.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Pedro, you know many countries. You must give us your ideas.


1 cereal - e,11a, rrpill'OTOBJieHHlli! H:3 3epHa, Harrp., KYKYPY3Hbie XJIOIIhJI.

P e d r o: Well, the coffee of South America is really first­ class. Then I got some Egyptian coffee in Cairo that I enjoyed very much. I drank some good coffee in Turkey. The Dutch know how to make coffee. It is always good in Portugal.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: And what about England? P e d r o: In England I always drink tea.

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: Thank you. I know where I can get good coffee.

A 11 t h e St u d e n t s: Where is it, sir? It is in my country, isn't it?

M r. P r i e s t 1e y: It seems to be in all countries except England.

H o b: Do you know the story about the man who was hav­ ing breakfast in an English hotel? He took a drink from his cup and then said to the waiter, "Waiter, is this tea or coffee?"

The waiter said, "Can't you tell the difference, sir, by the taste?"

"No", the man said, "I can't".

"Well", answered the waiter, "if you can't tell the differ­ ence, what does it matter which it is?"

P e d r o: I think there is a sameness about English dinners that makes them uninteresting - boiled potatoes, roast beef that is often burned or not cooked enough, cabbage that is watery 1 and tasteless.

01a f: Well, you can say what you like, but give me my English breakfast and English food generally.

S a n: I think Olaf is right. Good roast beef, nicely-browned roast potatoes, and...

H o b (interrupting): I know a song about roast beef. (Sings.)

I tj D r;c F ".r 1 r· J J I J. Ju· J c c It-= t,

Oh! the roast beefof old Eng-land!And Oh! for old Eog-land"s roast beef!

I am sorry that is the on line that I know.

L u c i 11e: We are not sorry. The line that you sang was quite enough.

J a n: As I was saying when Hob interrupted me, where can you get roast beef like English beef?

01a f: Or mutton like English mutton?2

P e d r o: Or soup like English hotel soup. Nowhere, thank heaven!


1 Watery - Bo;1,mu1cTaJ1.

2 Ott Mor 6br)I06aBHTh: "or Scotch beef, or Welsh mutton ".

H o b: Do you know the story of the man who was having soup in an English hotel? The waiter gave it to him and then, looking out of the window, said to the man, "It looks like rain, sir1".


"Yes", said the man, as he took a spoonful of soup, "and it tastes like rain, too".

J a n: Soup doesn't matter to me if I get some good beef and potatoes and then some bread and cheese and butter. After a lunch like that, I can work all day.

H o b: After a lunch like that, I can sleep all afternoon.

P e d r o: The hotel that I am staying at is really quite good.

We have...

H ob (again interrupting): Talking about hotels, do you know this story about King George III of England? He was in the country one day and stopped at a small hotel for lunch. He wasn't very hungry, so he had only two boiled eggs. He ate them and asked for the bill. The landlord gave him the bill - two pounds. The King said "What! Two pounds for two eggs? Eggs must be very scarce here".


THE WHITE HORSE HOTEL JOKESTOWN Eggs. Butter. Landlord: John Bull.Cheese.
April 1st For two egiy; (boiled) l>--£-----+---+-- 1



1 It looks like rain 03HaqaeT «Iloxo.lKe coforpaeTCJI,l.l;O)K)J;b». locenuenh BKJia,l.l;bIBaeT B CJIOBa,l.l;p)'TOll CMblCJI: «Cyrr IIOXO.lK Ha,l.l;O)K,!J;eByro BO,lzy, H Bl<yC y Hero KaK y,l.l;O)K)J;eBOll BO,l.l;b».

"No, sir", said the landlord', "eggs are not scarce - but kings are".

L u c i 11e: Oh, Hob, that's an old story. You will see it in

every English book for foreign students. We can't laugh at that.

H o b: Oh, you ought to be like my Uncle Ben. L u c i 11e: Why, what is so good about him?

H o b: I'll tell you. Here is a little poem that I wrote about

him and his wife Berta:



"A dear old man is my Uncle Ben,

He knows the joke but he laughs again, He's quite unlike his wife, Aunt Berta, Who looks us if the joke has hurt her".



IloT)Jem1pyi1TeCh B rrpOH3HOIIIemni: T)Jex 3B)'KOB: [u]' [u:]'


[u] [u:] [A]

put look who choose cup come
pull cook too soon sun done
full stood two cool son wonder
good push do school love money
foot could whose blue none Monday
wood woman food true rough something
book footbal move fruit young comfortable
took sugar moon through much enough


Y n P A >K H E H H H

I. BcTaBhTe nponyru,euuh 1e cJioua:

1. Food is a subject that - me very much.

2. I had a breakfast this morning that I - very much.

3. Lucille's breakfast is always - and coffee.

4. Ifyou can't tell the difference what does it m- w- it is?

5. The man took a s- of his soup.

6. You m- come with me for dinner some evening.

7. The 1- gave him the bill.

8. Eggs must be very - here.

9. This is an English book for - students..

10. You - to be like my - Ben.

II. OTBeTbTe Ha C.Jie)JJIOm:ne Bonpocb1:

1. What subject interests Hob very much?

2. Who cooks the Priestley's breakfast?

3. What food in England is always good?

4. Where did Mr. Priestley say he could get good coffee?

5. What country does the cook at Lucille's hotel come from?

6. What was the waiter's answer when the man asked if he was drinking tea or coffeee?

7. When the man said he could not tell the difference, what was the waiter's answer?

8. What did the waiter, as he looked through the window, say to the man having soup?

9. What was the man's answer?

10. What did Jan say that he liked for lunch?

11. About which king of England does Hob tell the story?

12. Where was the king?

13. Where did he stop?

14. What did he ask for?

15. Who gave him the bill?

16. How much was the bill?

17. What did the king say?

18. What was the landlord's answer?

19. What did Lucille say about Hob's story?

20. What was Hob's answer?

III. YnoTpe6uTe cJie)JJIOm:ue C.JIOBa B co6cTBeHHblX npe;:uio:HCeHnHX:


1. food 6. taste 11. scarce
2. marmalade 7. watery 12. joke
3. luckily 8. burned 13. laugh
4 cream 9. interrupt 14. hurt
5 first-class 10. landlord 15. hungry.

IV. Hll30BHTe HJIH HanHIIIme, qro Bb1OObl'IHO eAUTe Ha 3aBTPaK (qeTbipe HaHMeHOBaHml) H qTo Ha o6e (qeTb pe HaHMeHOBaHm).

V. OnumuTe, KaK Bbl roTOBHTe Ko<l>e HJIH qaif.

VI. Pa3blrpaiiTe c11eHKY, paccKa3aHffYIO Xo6oM, B KOTopoii oHH H3 CTYeHTOB urpaeT pOJib o<l>HIIHaHTa, a BTOpoii pOJib noceTHTeJIH c qamKoii qag (Ko<l>e).

VII. 3a;:i;auue TO:>Ke.,11,eH:cTByiorn,ue Jrnu:a: a) mlmu:uauT u noceTHTeJih, 3aKa3aemuH: cyn; 6) feopr III u X03HHH rocTHHHD:LI.

VIII. IIpo'ITHTe uau3yCTh cTumoK Xo6a.

,ll;HKTaHT (pacc1ca3 M -pa IlpUCtnflU}

Food is a subject that interests me. I like food that is good and well-cooked. I dislike as much as Pedro does watery cab­ bage, soup that looks - and tastes - like rain, and beef or mutton that is burned or not cooked enough. But when you get real English beef and mutton, bread and cheese, eggs and ba­ con, there is no food so good anywhere. I don't know any apple that has a better taste than a good English one, and no other cup of tea ever tastes as good to me as tea that is made in England.

I can quite believe that the soup that Pedro had at the hotel hadn't much taste; but I am sure that if Jan and Olaf had dinner in the home of any ordinary Scottish family when they were walking in Scotland, they had good soup. They will never taste better vegetable soup 1 than they had then.

I know that coffee is not good in most English hotels. But it is good in many English homes when it is made with fresh coffee by people who know how to make it, and, so that you can see that this is true, my wife is going to bring us all coffee in my study tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock.



1 Scotch Broth.



B ypoKe 27 HaM BCTPenurn:ch cne,ri;yro.I.QMe HerrpaBMJihHhie rnaroJihI: make, tell, sing, sleep, hurt. <I>opMa rrporn. BpeMeHM 3TMX rnarOJIOB, a TaIOICe HeKOTOpbIX,z:i;pyrMX rnarOJIOB M3 ypo­ KOB 1-27, rrpe,z:i;cmBJieHa B cne,z:i;yro.I.Qeli m6nmi:e.

Haem. «peM.R IlpomeiJ. «peM.R Haem. «peM.R IlpomeiJ. «peM.R

make made read read [red]

sing sang rise rose

sleep slept run ran

hurt hurt send sent

begin began sit sat

feed fed speak spoke

fly flew teach taught

hear heard



Ha CTP. 153 HaM BCTpeTMJIOCh rrpe,ll;JIO)J(eHMe: You ought to be like Uncle Ben.

Ought -,z:i;ecl>eKTMBHhIH rnaran. 3TO era e,ri;MHCTBeHHllil cl>opMa. Y Hero HeT HM cl>opMhI rrporne,z:i;rnero BpeMeHM, HM rrpwrncnrn HaCTOH.I.Qera BpeMeHM. Ilepe,z:i; HMM He MOryT yrroT­ pe6JI5IThC5I rnaraJihI TMrra shall, have, be.

Ilo3TOMY coqeTaHM5I Bpo,z:i;e I shall ought; he has ought; I was ought HEIIPABHJibHbl.

3TOT rnaraJI MMeeT OTPMIIaTeJihHyIO cPOPMY ought not1.

You ought not to make that mistake.

M BOIIpOCMTeJibHyIO cPOPMY: ought I? ought you? ought he?

BoT HeCKOJihKO rrpMMepoB era yrroTPe6neHM5I:

If Mr. Priestley told you to study that lesson, you ought

to dit.

He paid a high price for his suit; it ought to be a good one.

After living in England for two years, you ought to know the language well.

Ought you to be here today? Ithought you had a holiday.

I oughtn 't to tell you the answer to the question, but as it is rather a hard one, Iwill.


1 B p!13roBope 'lacTo coKpam;aeTcH)J;O oughtn 't.




Eggs must be very scarce here. Must -TaJOKe)l,e<l>eKTMBHhiii rnaron. 3To ero e)l,MHCTBeHHM


Ero 0Tpm1aTeJihHaJI <l>op­ Ma - mustn 't; BOIIPOCMTeJihHaJI

<PopMa - must I? must he?

OH MMeeT)],Ba 3HaqeHMJI. 0)1,HO M3 HMX IIOKa3aHO B rrpe­

)l,hI,DyIIIeM rrpe,IOIO)KeHMM. A BOT

eII1e O/l,MH PM rrpMMepoB BTO- poro 3Haqemrn 3Toro rnarona:

You must give us your ideas, Pedro. You must not smoke here.

You must keep your book clean.

You must take cold baths, go in the fresh air and wear light clothes.

Where must Igo to get good coffee?

He must be a clever man; he knows so much about everything.

A woman must have new clothes.

You must come and see us some evening.

Must you go so early? It is only nine o'clock.



06paTMTe BHMMaHMe Ha yrroT)Je6JieHMe M)l,MOMhl it doesn 't matter.

If you can't tell the difference, what does it matter which

it is?

Soup doesn 't matter to me if Iget some good beef and potatoes.

,IJ,pyrne rrpMMeph1:

Oh, no, it doesn't matter at all.

Don't worry about little things like that. They don 't matter.

Co cnoBoM matter ecTh eII1e O)l,Ha nmpoKo yrroT)Je6MTeJihHM M)l,MOMa:

What is the matter?


1 3a Ji!CKJIJO'lemrnM marona be, y KOToporo 8 q>0pM: be, am, is, are, was, were, been, being.


Tom said, "What is the matter?"

,[(pyr11e rrp11Mepb1:

What's the matter with this coffee? It tastes like tea.

What's the matter with you? You look ill.


CJIOBO taste MO)KeT 6bITb (1) cyrnecTBHTeJibHbIM, (2) rna- roJioM:

1.This tea has a nice taste.

Ilike the taste of these cigarettes.

Ican tell the difference by the taste.

2. B KaqecTBe rJiaroJia 3TO cJioBo HMeeT,r:i:Ba 3HaqeHIDI:

(a) rrpo6oBaTb, CHHMaTb rrpo6y: The man tasted his soup.

Taste your coffee and tell me if it is good.

(6) HMeeT BKYC (rrpHBKYC), OT,IJ;aBaTb qeM-JIH6o: The soup tasted like water.

This coffee tastes like cabbage-water. This cheese tastes like chalk.

This soup tastes good.


06paTHTe BHHMaHHe Ha yrrOTpe6JieHHe CJIOBa like:

This tea tastes like coffee.

After a lunch like that Ican sleep all afternoon.

John is very like his father.

What does Mr. Priestly look like? Oh, he is tall and handsome and rather thin.

Hob thinks that swimming and football are too much like

hard work.

A TaK)Ke CJIOBO like B KaqecTBe rnaroJia:

I like bacon and eggs for breakfast;

Idon't like this coffee.

You can say what you like.

• E cp OHETlll'HCK A SI T PE Hlll P O B K A

ll,eJibili PM cJioB, c KOTOpbIMH Bbl II03HaKOMHJIHCb B 3Toli KHHre, co,r:i:ep)KllT 3BYK [u:], [u] HJIH [U;:)] co 3BYKOM Lil rrepe,r:i: HHMH.

II0TpeH11pyliTecb B rrpoH3HeceHHH cJie,r:i:yio111HX cJioB: you, new, few, newspaper, suit, use, knew, beauty, music, Tuesday,

future, student, useful, Europe, beautiful, regular, continue, superlative, particular, January, university, singular.


I. 3anoJIHHTe Ta6Jimzy:


HntpunumuB Ilpom. 6peM.R Bonpoc. t}JopMa npom. BpeM enu Ompuu,am. t}JopMa npom. BpeM enu


II.IlocTaBLTe CJie,zzyromue npe;:vioxeuIDI: (1) B BonpocuTeJibuoii ct>opMe,

(2) B OTpuu,aTeJibHOH ct>opMe:

1. Hob sang a song.

2. Lucille made the dinner.

3. They slept after that big dinner.

4. He went to Tom's wedding.

5. The students began work at nine o'clock.

6. Hob told some' stories to the students.

7. She fed the animals on the farm early in the morning.

8. They flew across the Atlantic in an aeroplane.

9. The sun rose at five o'clock in the morning.

10. Pedro sent some1 cigarettes to his friend.

11. The dog ran all round the field.

12. Mr. Priestley sat reading until one o'clock.

13. The students heard some' stories today.

14. They spoke to Mr. Priestley about food.

15. Mr. Priestley taught the students today.


I Ey):(hTe BHHMaTeJihHhI, HCIIOJih3YH 3TO CJIOBO. CM. CTp. 106.



IV. CocTaBLTe npeAJIO:>KeunB, ucnoJIL3YB CJIOBO taste (1) KaK cecT­ BHTeJILHoe, (2) KaK rnaroJI; H C.JIOBO like (1) KaK fJiafOJI H (2) npeAJIOr.

V. CocTaBLTe npeAJIO:>KeunB, ynoTpe6JIBB CJIOBO matter B,n:nyx ero 3Ha'leHIDIX.

VI. HannmuTe paccKa3 «Tnxo, no:>KaJiyiicTa!» (cTJI. 127) B npome,n:meM npeMeun. Ha'IHHTe: "Yesterday morning Mr. Thompsonleft home•••"



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