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Future Simple - простое будущее время


Время Future Simple ссылается на действие, которое совершится в неопределенном или отдаленном будущем. Простое будущее время обычно используется с обстоятельствами: tomorrow (завтра), next year (в следующем году), in five years (через пять лет), in 2035 (в 2035 году) и т.п.


Образование Future Simple


Утвердительные предложения:


I shall play We shall play

You will play You will play

He / she / it will play They will play


Вопросительные предложения:


Shall I play? Shall we play?

Will you play? Will you play?

Will he / she / it play? Will they play?


Отрицательные предложения:


I shall not play We shall not play

You will not play You will not play

He / she / it will not play They will not play


Для того, чтобы поставить глагол во временную форму Future Simple, нужно использовать его начальную форму и вспомогательный глагол shall (для первого лица) или will (второе и третье лицо). В устной речи shall и will чаще всего сокращаются до формы ‘ll, которая может использоваться во всех лицах.


В современном английском, особенно в устной речи, will стал использоваться и в первом лице:

I will go to Shanghai next summer.

Следующим летом я поеду в Шанхай.

В вопросительном предложении вспомогательные глаголы shall или will ставятся перед подлежащим. Значимый глагол остается после подлежащего в своей начальной форме:

Shall we go to the beach?

Мы пойдем на пляж?

Will your boss agree with our conditions?

Ваш босс согласится с нашими условиями?

В отрицательных предложениях за вспомогательным глаголом следует отрицательная частица not. Вместе они могут быть сокращены до формы shan’t (чаще в брит. английском) или won’t:

I shall not (shan’t) let you down.

Fred will not (won’t) agree to help us.

Случаи употребления Future Simple:


· Указание на простое действие в будущем:

We’ll return in 4 hours.

It will not be easy to convince him.

· Регулярные, повторяющиеся действия в будущем:

I promise I’ll visit you every day.

· При перечислении последовательности действий в будущем:

I cannot wait for my vacation. I shall go to the river, swim and fish every day.


Условные предложения 1 типа

В английском языке придаточные обстоятельственные предложения делятся на предложения места, времени, образа действия, сравнения, причины, цели, следствия, уступки и условия.

Из них следует особо выделить условные предложения, т.к. они тесно связаны с использованием сослагательного наклонения глагола и часто вызывают трудности.

Первый тип условных предложений обозначает реальные, осуществимые условия, которые могут относиться к настоящему или будущему.

В таком случае в главном предложении (следствия) глагол используется в будущем времени, а в придаточном (условия) – в настоящем. Оба используются в изъявительном наклонении:

If you are late again, I will have to fire you.

We will have a hike if the weather is fine.


Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Simple.

1. I want to get a medical checkup. I (to go) to my doctor tomorrow. 2. He (to give) me a complete examination. 3. The nurse (to lead) me into one of the examination rooms. 4. I (to take) off my clothes and (to put) on a hospital gown. 5. Dr Setton (to come) in, (to shake) my hand, and (to say) hello. 6. I (to stand) on his scale so he can measure my height and my weight. 7. He (to take) my pulse. 8. Then he (to take) my blood pressure. 9. After he takes my blood pressure, he (to take) some blood for a blood analysis. 10. He (to examine) my eyes, ears, nose, and throat. 11. He (to listen) to my heart with а stethoscope. 12. Then he (to take) a ehest X-ray and (to do) a cardiogram (ECG or EKG). 13. After the checkup I (to go) home and (to wait) for Dr Setton's call. 14. Dr Setton (to call) me tomorrow afternoon and (to say) to me: "Stop worring! Your blood analy-sis is excellent." He is a very good doctor.


Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. My sister (not to like) coffee. 2. When you (to go) to bed every day? 3. What he (to read) now?

4. What he (to read) every day? 5. What he (to read) tomorrow? 6. You (to give) me this book tomorrow? 7. Where she (to be) tomorrow? 8. Where she (to go) tomorrow? 9. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 10. They (to stay) at home tomorrow. 11. What you (to do) now? I (to see) that you (not to read). 12. When you (to finish) your homework? It (to be) very late, it (to be) time to go to bed. 13. How you usually (to spend) evenings? 14. What you (to do) in the country next summer? 15. They (not to drink) tea now. I (to think) they (to watch) TV.

What your father (to drink) in the evening?

When you (to get) up every day? — I (to get) up at seven o'clock. 18. My brother usually (not to get) up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at seven o'clock. 19. Why she (to come) home so late tomorrow? 20. We (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 21. Our friends always (to go) to the country for the weekend. 22. Look! The kitten (to play) with its tail. 23. Your parents (to watch) TV now? 24. My sister (not to rest) now. She (to help) mother in the kitchen. She (to help) mother in the kitchen every day.


Не забывайте употреблять настоящее время вместо будущего в придаточных предложениях времени и усло­вия после союзов if, when, as soon as, before, after, tili (until).


Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени.

1. Before you (to cross) the park, you will come to a supermarket. 2. When you (to cross) the park, you will see the hospital. 3. If you (to translate) this article into Russian, I shall use it in my report. 4. If she (to be) in St Petersburg now, she will meet you at the railway Station. 5. If you (not to hurry), you will miss the train. 6. If it (to rain), we shan't go to the country. 7. When my friend (to come) to St Petersburg, we shall go to the Russian Museum. 8. What will you be doing when he (to come) to your place? 9. Don't forget to pay for your dinner before you (to leave) the canteen. 10. I shall be able to translate this article if you (to give) me a dictionary. 11. You will have to work hard at home if you (to miss) the lesson. 12. Where will you go when you (to come) to London? 13. The child won't be healthy if you (not to give) him much fruit. 14. I shan't have dinner before mother (to come) home. 15. What will you do if you (not to finish) your homework tonight? 16. She will wait for him tili he (to come) back. 17. What do you want to do after you (to leave) school? 18. 1*11 call you as soon as I (to get) home from the hospital.


Упражнение 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все предложения отно­сятся к будущему.)

1. If I (to stay) some more days in your town, I (to call) on you and we (to have) a good talk. 2. He (to go) to the Public Library very often when he (to be) a student. 3. As soon as I (to return) from school, I (to ring) you up. 4. You (to pass) many towns and villages on your way before you (to arrive) in Mos­cow. 5. I (to stay) at home tili she (to come). Then we (to go) to the theatre if she (to bring) tickets. 6. I (to go) to university after I (to leave) school. 7. When he (to return) to St Petersburg, he (to call) on us. 8. If I (to see) him, I (to teil) him about their letter. 9. We (to gather) at our place when my brother (to come) back from Africa. 10. I (to sing) this song with you if you (to teil) me the words. 11. I hope you (to join) us when we (to gather) in our country house the next time. 12. What you (to do) when you (to come) home? 13. When they (to cross) the road, they (to see) the hotel. 14. Before she (to get) to the thea­tre, she (to go) past the Shopping centre. 15. What we (to do) if it (to rain) tonight? 16. What she (to do) if she (to see) her best friend again? 17. If the bus (to be) very crowded, you (to be) exhausted by the time you (to get) to work. 18. If it (to be) very cold tonight, our car (not to start) in the morning.


Упражнение 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все предложения отно­сятся к будущему.)

1. If the weather (to be) nice, we probably (to go) to the beach. 2. If he still (to have) a cold and (not to feel) better, he (not to go) to a disco. 3. If you (to decide) to forget about your diet, you (to eat) a piece of wedding cake tomorrow. 4. If I (to drink) too much Champagne at my friend's wedding, I (to get) a bad headache. 5. If they (to go) to California next year, they (to visit) his friend in San Francisco. 6. If she (not to work) properly, her boss (to fire) her and (to hire) my sister. 7. I (to see) you before you (to start)? 8. What he (to do) when he (to come) home?

9. Where they (to go) if the weather (to be) fine?

He (to ring) me up when he (to return) home.

If it (to rain), we (to stay) at home. 12. She (to walk) home if it (not to be) too cold. 13. I am sure he (to come) to say goodbye to us before he (to leave) St Petersburg. 14. Please turn off the light when you (to leave) the room. 15. If we (to be) tired, we (to stop) at a small village halfway to Moscow and (to have) a short rest and a meal there. 16. If you (to miss) the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 17. She (to make) all the arrangements about it before she (to fly) there. 18. Before he (to start) for London, he (to spend) a week or two at a holiday resort not far from here. 19. He (to watch) Videos after he (to finish) his homework.


Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple. (Все предложения отно­сятся к будущему.)

1. My grandmother is superstitious. She always says to me, "If you (to spill) salt, you should throw a little salt over your left Shoulder. If you (not to do) this, you (to have) bad luck. If you (to break) a mirror, you (to have) bad luck for seven years."

I (not to speak) to him until he (to apologize).

Peter (to introduce) us to his friends as soon as we (to meet) them. 4. We (to go) to the Station to meet Sergei when he (to come) to St Petersburg. 5. Don't go away until mother (to come) back. Give her the note as soon as she (to come). 6. You (to go) to the library with us? — No, I (to stay) here and (to help) Jane with her grammar. I (to come) to the library after I (to finish). 7. Ring me up before you (to come). 8. I (to speak) to Mary if I (to see) her today. 9. If you (to ask) me a difficult question, I (to be) nervous. If I (to be) nervous, I (to make) a mis-take. If I (to make) a mistake, the other students (to laugh) at me. If the other students (to laugh) at me, I (to be) embarrassed. And if I (to be) embarrassed, I (to cry). So please don't ask me a difficult question!

Упражнение 7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Future Simple.

1. It (to be) cold in autumn. It often (to rain). Acold wind often (to blow). 2. The weather (to be) fine today. It (to be) warm, the sun (to shine) brightly. Asoft wind (to blow). Small white clouds (to sail) in the sky. 3. Don't go out: it (to rain) heavily. 4. Take your raincoat with you. I am afraid it (to rain) in the evening and you (to get) wet through if you (not to put) it on. 5. Every spring birds (to come) to our garden and (to sing) in the trees. 6. Listen! Somebody (to sing) in the next room. 7. It usually (not to snow) at this time of the year. 8. What the weather (to be) like now? It (to snow)? — No, it.... 9. We (to go) out of town to ski on Sunday? — Yes, we... if it (to snow) this week and if there (to be) a lot of snow everywhere. 10. What you (to do) tomorrow? — We (to go) out of town if the weather (not to change) for the worse. You (to come) with us? — With pleasure, if only I (not to have) too much work to do at home.

If we (to have) televisions at our supermarket, they (to inform) customers about things in the störe.

If we (to play) music, it (to produce) the right atmosphere. 13. If we (to put) in cameras, they (to stop) people stealing things. 14. If we (to employ) more assistants, they (to help) our customers.


Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­голы в Present Simple или Future Simple.

1. Он сделает упражнения по английскому языку, если у него не будет других дел. 2. Если я не помо­гу ему, он завтра не напишет контрольную работу. 3. Он не пойдет в библиотеку сегодня вечером. 4. Если он не пойдет в библиотеку, он будет дома. 5. Мы будем дома завтра. 6. Если мы будем дома завтра, мы посмотрим эту программу по телевизору. 7. Завтра ее не будет дома. 8. Если ее завтра не бу­дет дома, оставь ей записку. 9. Завтра погода будет хорошая. 10. Если завтра погода будет хорошая, мы поедем за город. 11. Когда она приходит в школу, она снимает пальто. 12. Когда она придет в школу, она снимет пальто. 13. Как только он вспоминает эту забавную сцену, он начинает смеяться. 14. Как только он вспомнит эту забавную сцену, он начнет смеяться. 15. Я приду домой в шесть часов. 16. Ког­да я приду домой, я позвоню вам. 17. Она позвонит нам вечером. 18. Если она позвонит вам, попросите ее принести мне книгу. 19. Я увижу Тома завтра. 20. Как только я увижу Тома, я расскажу ему об этом. 21. Я поеду в Париж на будущей неделе. 22. Пе­ред тем как я поеду в Париж, я позвоню вам.


Упражнение 9. Напишите эссе (15 предложений) по теме: «My future profession», используя слова из лексического минимума.

Лексический минимум

earn one's leaving — зарабатывать на жизнь

employee — служащий

employer — работодатель, наниматель

flexitime / flextime — свободный режим рабочего дня, скользящий график

full-time job — работа на полную ставку

get a raise — получить повышение

job / work — работа

occupation — род занятий, профессия

part-time job — работа на неполную ставку

pay cut / wage cut — снижение заработной платы

promotion — продвижение по службе

regular job — постоянная работа

run a firm — руководить фирмой

salary / wages — заработная плата

severance / severance pay — выходное пособие

trade — занятие, ремесло, профессия

work in shifts — работать посменно

work overtime — работать сверхурочно

worker — рабочий

working hours — рабочие часы

application — заявление

application form — бланк заявления

apply for a job — подать документы для приема на работу

apprentice / trainee — ученик, стажер, практикант

apprenticeship — ученичество

CV (curriculum vitae) — краткая биография

job interview — собеседование при приеме на работу

skilled worker — опытный рабочий

training — обучение, тренировка

vacancy — вакансия



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