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Lesson 1. Programming languages.↑ Стр 1 из 17Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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(Языки программирования). Lesson 2. Languages: Basic. Pascal. (Языки: Бейсик, Паскаль.) Lesson 3. Languages: Logo, C. (Языки: Лого, Си). Lesson 4. Computer crime and security. (Компьютерные преступления и безопасность). Lesson 5. Types of computer crimes. Sabotage. (Виды компьютерных преступлений. Unit V. Internet. Lesson 1. The origin of Internet. (Происхождение Интернета). Unit VI. Texts for additional reading. Тексты для дополнительного чтения. Грамматический справочник с упражнениями. Приложение. Англо-русский словарь. Сокращения и условные обозначения (с элементами толкования). Заключение. Библиографический список.
LESSON 1. COMPUTERS TODAY Text. Yesterday's computers were tools for scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. Today many businesses and organizations own computers although they may have different types of computers and use them for different purposes. Computer equipment is generally divided into two categories, hardware and software. Hardware are the tangible parts of a computer. The input, storage, processing and control devices are hardware. Hardware also includes peripheral devices that can be attached to the computer, such as a printer. Not visible units is the software. Software consists of the instructions to the computer that enable it to do things, such as finding the best spot to drill for oil or playing a competitive game of bridge. These computer instructions are also called programs. Hardly a day goes by when we do not make a controlled business transaction, Each time we visit the bank, use a credit card, pay a bill or a ticket a computer lurks behind the scene, recording each transaction. Computers can process data in a fraction of the time it would take to perform the same jobs manually. They reduce the paperwork involved in these transactions and also reduce costs. No area of enterprise seems without computers nowadays. Scientists build computer models of airplane crashes in order to determine the 'crash behavior' of airplanes, which in turn helps aircraft designers plan safer seats, windows, and fabrics to decrease fire hazards during a crash. Ecologists use computers to monitor environmental problems like acid rain and suggest solutions. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bones. Educators, use computers in the classroom to perform chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous. There seems to be no limit to computer applications. Hard copy, modem, database, peripherals: all these words refer to a relatively new and rapidly changing technology - that of the computer. Computers are changing our language, and they are also changing us. No longer are computer experts the only people who interact with computers. Today the lives of most of us are affected by computers every day.
tool - инструмент; hardware – аппаратные средства; software - программное обеспечение; peripheral devices (peripherals) –периферийные устройства; to attach –подсоединять(ся), подключать; прилагать instruction - команда, инструкция, указание; tangible parts –материальные (осязаемые части); visible units - видимый блок, устройство; enable – разрешать, позволять, делать возможным, допускать; fraction of the time - за короткое время; to lurk - скрываться, прятаться (оставаться незамеченным) transaction –транзакция, группа операций to monitor – наблюдать, контролировать, следить to process -обрабатывать solution - решение application – применение, использование to interact- взаимодействовать to control- управлять, регулировать to reduce costs - сокращать затраты; competitive game of bridge - азартная игра в бридж; otherwise- иначе, иным образом; to affect – влиять, воздействовать
I. Pronounce the words correctly: computer, scientist, mathematician, although, behind, perform, to record, service, aircraft, document, manufacture, ecologist, design, chemistry, experiment, technology, business, equipment, environment, purpose, tangible, competitive, to control, job, manually, to decrease, acid, relatively, expert.
II. Give the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives: large, good, fast, safe, dangerous, new
III. Give the principal forms of the following verbs: be, own, have, use, divide, fill, do, find, play, call, go, record, take, send, build, damage, change. IV. Put different questions to the sentences: 1. They use computers for preparing documents and sending messages. 2. Computers are changing our language. 3. Computer equipment is generally divided into two categories.
V. Translate into Russian: yesterday's computers; computer equipment; hardly a day goes by when; for different purposes; no longer are computer experts the only people who; chemistry experiments that might otherwise be dangerous; competitive game of bridge; behind the scene.
VI. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations: обычно делится на две категории; каждый раз, когда, кажется, что нет предела; оплачивать счет; невидимый блок; различные типы компьютеров.
VII. Find the term for each definition: 1. Information in an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer. 2. The instructions, which control what a computer does. 3. A computer program that is designed for a particular purpose. 4. An electronic device which allows one computer to send information to another through standard telephone wires. 5. A machine that is connected to a computer to get hard copies of some information. 6. The physical and electronic parts of a computer. 7. A large amount of information stored in a computer system in such away that it can be easily looked at or changed. 8. A piece of equipment that can be attached to a computer.
VIII. Make up your own sentences with the following words or word combinations: solution, application, to process data, computer hardware, to attach, computer game, database, modem, program.
IX. Make the following sentences active: 1. Peripheral devices can be attached to the computer. 2. Computer instructions are also called programs. 3. This work is usually performed manually. 4. Computers are used to monitor environmental problems. 5. Today the lives of most of us are affected by computers every day. 6. This program was damaged by a computer virus. 7. The 'crash behavior' of the airplane was determined by the scientists. 8. This monitor was designed by Dell Corp.
X. Make the following sentences passive: 1. Hardware also includes peripheral devices. 2. Educators use computers in the classroom. 3. Scientists can build computer models of airplane crashes. 4. Today many businesses and organizations own computers. 5. These organizations use computers for different purposes. 6. Computers can process data in a fraction of time. 7. Engineers use computers to design replacement for the damaged bones. 8. Computers are changing our language.
XI. Agree or disagree with the statements: 1. Today computers are operated only by scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. 2. Businesses and organizations own and use only personal computers. 3. All computers are produced of the same size and power. 4. In offices computers are generally used as typewriters. 5. The word processor «Word» is an example of software. 6. Any kind of job can be performed with the help of the computer. 7. Our lives are affected by computers every day. 8. All country schools have computer classes.
XII. Answer the following questions: 1. Who interacted with yesterday's computers? 2. How can we divide computer equipment? 3. What is hardware? 4. What does software consist of? 5. What services do computers in business provide? 6. How do ecologists use computers? 7. Where can we find computers in our life? 8. What computer manufacturers do you know? 9. What are the world known companies producing software? 10. What do you think is a hard copy?
XIII. Retell the text.
XIV. Speak on the following: «Computers are changing our language, and they are also changing us».
Do you have your own computer? What purposes do you use it for? How long have you had your PC? What devices is it supplied with (what devices are attached to your personal computer)?
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