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Lesson 1. Watchkeeping. Periodic safety routines




Ведение……………………………………………………………………….. 4

1. Lesson 1. Derangements likely to occur in operation of engines……………5

2. Lesson 2. Wrong fits and clearances……………………………………..… 8

3. Lesson 3. Fuel system defects………………………………………………11

4. Lesson 4. Starting difficulties………………………………………….……15

5. Lesson 5. Engine shipyard repairs…………………………………………..19

6. Lesson 6.Cylinder heads……………………………………………….…...23

7. Lesson 7.Diesel engine maintenance……………………………………….27

8. Lesson 8. Irregularities in operation, causes and remedies I…………..……31

9. Lesson 9.Boilers operation and maintenance………………………………41

10. Lesson 10. Irregularities in operation, causes and remedies II……………46

11. Lesson 11.Pumps…………….……………………………………………48

12. Lesson 12. Air compressor………………………………………….……. 50

Библиографический список………………………………………………… 56 Приложение А. Word and expressions ……………...………...………….… 57

Приложение Б. Useful verbs……………………………………………..….. 59


Методические указания предназначены для студентов III и IV курсов морских специальностей и состоит из 12-и уроков.

Целью данных методических указания является привитие навыков чтения и понимания литературы по специальности, обучения активному владению языковым материалом, ведению беседы на английском языке в пределах рассматриваемых тем и специальности студентов, которые являются основой для дальнейшего совершенствования навыков беседы на профессиональные темы.

В каждом разделе даны: тексты для просмотрового чтения, список слов и выражений для запоминания, которые рекомендуется использовать в своей речи; примечания к тексту, объясняющие, как правило, трудно переводимые словосочетания; лексико-грамматические упражнения, цель которых отработать специальную лексику.

Система упражнений к урокам включает в себя упражнения, направленные на:

- развитие навыков различных видов чтения;

- усвоение специальной лексики;

- формирование навыков профессиональной устной речи (диалогической и монологической);

- развитие навыков письма.

При составлении упражнений использован коммуникативный принцип, и, следовательно, ситуативность, которые могут возникнуть на судах смешанного плавания.

Standing Orders

When watch engineers are to call the chief engineer

1. IF any fire, no matter how small, is discovered in any machinery space or in any other part of the ship.

2. IF the generator trips off (выключаться, отключаться) the line or any difficulty is experienced in maintaining constant frequency, voltage or load requirements.

3. IF the temperature of the generator stator or rotor increases suddenly or exceeds the prescribed limits.

4. IF any difficulty is experienced in maintaining a steady water level in boilers or any difficulty in maintaining satisfactory operation of the boiler feed pump or water level regulations.

5. IF there is any increase in consumption of make-up feedwater (питательная вода).

6. IF there is any seawater leak in main condenser, auxiliary condenser or other system that is contaminating the boiler feed system.

7. IF any difficulty is experienced with water in fuel or loss of fires.

8. IF pressure drop across generator, superheater or economizer tube banks (пучок трубок) exceeds limit marked on boiler front.

9. IF any local or general overheating of boiler casing is discovered.

10. IF superheat temperature should show abnormal increase that is not corrected by adjustment of excess air.

11. IF any difficulty is experienced in keeping bilges pumped dry.

12. IF any air, oil, fuel, water or steam leaks occur that are other than minor.

13. IF any difficulty is experienced with plugged or choked sea chest (кингстонная коробка).

14. IF any leak is discovered in any sea connection valve or fitting, especially in the body (корпус клапана), bonnet (крышка или колпак) or joint (соединение или разъем).

15. IF bridge requests speed increase requiring a greater steam flow to H.P. turbine than the limit set by chief engineer’s standing orders.

16. IF any unusual, concentration of dirt or foreign matter, especially particles, is discovered in the main lubricating oil strainers.

17. IF any abnormal temperature rise is noticed in the main turbine, reduction gear, line shaft or turbo generator bearing.

18. IF any unusual vibration is noticed, especially in the main propulsion system or turbo generators.

Exercise 6. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.When taking over the underway watch the engineer is considered the oncoming watchkeeper and at such time he shall obtain all relevant information from the engineer that he is relieving and that is called the offgoing watchkeeper. 2. Both engineers shall make a joint inspection round of the machinery spaces, note the condition of machinery, equipment, piping and bilges, take fuel oil meter readings and standard entries in the engineer’s log. 3.The watchkeepers shall maintain cleanliness in machinery spaces, take precautions to avoid fire hazards, clean strainers and filters, discharge separators, change-over from running to stand-by machinery components. 4. During the watch watchkeeper will check operating pressures and temperatures, liquid levels and flows, running machinery bearing for overheating, piping for leakage, plant components for unusual (excessive) noise or vibration, alarms and automatic control devices for proper functioning, availability and operable condition of fire-fighting and safety equipment. 5. Are there any problems with fuel and lube oil pipes, tubes or hoses? – There are no leaks on piping, all joints are tight. 6. Have you taken the pressure gauge reading? – Yes, I have. Circulating oil pressure is 3.5 kg/cm2, which is above normal, valve gear lube oil pressure is 1 kg/cm2, it’s normal and cooling water pressure is 0.5 kg/cm2, I think it’s below normal. 7. What is the sounding in the port fresh water tank? – Fresh water sounding is 6.5 meters. 8. What does the order “Stand by engine” mean? – It means that engine-room personnel are fully ready to manoeuvre. 9. Do you know the standard engine orders? – They are Full/Half/Slow/Dead slow ahead or astern; Emergency full ahead or astern. 10. Is there any break down of machinery? – Blackout in boiler room

Exercise 7. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Вахтенный моторист подчиняется непосредственно вахтенному механику и выполняет распоряжения под его присмотром. 2. Мотористведет контроль за работой порученных ему действующих технических средств, немедленно докладывает вахтенному механику о замеченных неполадках в работе технических средств и принимает меры к их устранению. 3. Вахтенный моторист поддерживает в машинном отделении чистоту и порядок. 4. Перед запуском любого механизма необходим его наружный визуальный осмотр. 5.Вахтенному мотористу без разрешения вахтенного механика категорически запрещается производить работы, связанные с вводом и выводом действующего технического средства, за исключением случаев, связанных с угрозой жизни. 6. Я еще не проверил те механизмы на правильность работы. 7. Он проверил рабочие давления и температуры, а также подшипники на перегрев. 8. Моторист действует в соответствии с распоряжениями вахтенного механика. 9. Вы можете заменить неисправное оборудование? – Да, но только в присутствии вахтенного механика. 10. Все произведенные замеры в топливных цистернах и снятые показания приборов должны быть занесены в журнал машинного отделения



A.: What is the power available at the shaft called and how is it measured?

В.: Shaft horsepower, or brake horsepower. It is usually meas­ured by attaching some form of brake to the shaft and measuring the amount of power absorbed by the brake when the engine is running. A second method is to attach an electric generator to the shaft and measure the electrical output of the generator.

A.: Is the mechanical efficiency, or the ratio between brake horsepower and indicated horsepower, the same at all loads?

В.: No. The power absorbed in friction in the engine is the same at all loads and as the engine load decreases the ratio of B.H.P. to I.H.P. decreases.

A.: What auxiliary machinery is usually found in the engine-room of a motorship?

В.: Jacket cooling water pumps, raw water pump, piston cool­ing pumps, lubricating oil pumps, fuel oil service pumps, bilge and ballast pumps, engine-room bilge pumps, fresh water pump, auxiliary air compressor. Diesel electric generating sets, donkey boiler, evaporator and distiller, boiler and evaporator feed pumps, emergency compressor, ice machine and oil separator.

A.: What auxiliary machinery is used on deck?

В.: Deck winches, anchor windlass, capstans, steering engine, air whistle and lighting system.

A.: How are Diesel engines started?

В.: By running as air motors, on compressed air at medium pressure, until ignition of fuel occurs and operation as a combus­tion motor starts,

A.: How is the starting air obtained and where is it stored?

В.: By means of a compressor attached to the engine or an auxiliary air compressor driven by a Diesel engine, electric motor or steam engine. It is stored in large tanks, usually suspended under the deck in the engine-room.

A.: From what other source can air for filling the starting tanks be obtained?

В.: On engines of the air injection type the injection air com­pressor attached to the engine usually has a capacity greater than that required for supplying injection air. The excess air may be by-passed to the starting tanks through a connection provided for that purpose.

Mechanical defects

Mechanical defects resulting in failure of parts in service may be due to errors in design, errors in machining or defects in the material itself. Errors in design have been too numerous to catalog but in the case of most well established builders such errors have been eliminated by experience in operation. Errors in machining are not the rule in any engine, if the manufacturer has an efficient inspection department, but they do occur and sometimes cause a great deal of trouble. Such errors are usually difficult to discover because they are not expected and the troubles resulting are assigned to other causes.

Sometimes careful investigation and analysis will reveal that a breakage that was apparently caused by a mechanical defect was due to bad work or neglect on the part of the engineers.


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What is the principal source of trouble from wrong fits and clearances?

2) Why may looseness develop in any of the bearings in service?

3) What are the sources of mechanical defects?

4) What errors are usually difficult to discover?

5) What will sometimes careful investigation and analysis reveal?


Exercise 2. Give the equivalents of the following.

In Russian: To perform severe duty, accurate fitting, require adjustment, efficient inspection department, careful investigation, to prevent gripping, errors in machining, main shaft, cranks and crossheads, to assist the spread of the lubricating oil, expand with the heat, parts in service, cause a great deal of trouble.

In English: главный вал, кривошипы, крейцкопф, подвержены износу, требуют пригонки, иметь в виду, вследствие небрежной эксплуатации, конструктивный дефект, аккуратная подгонка, предотвратить заедание, дефекты устранены, погрешности при механической обработке деталей, тщательное расследование, сократить поверхность подшипника.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1) Большие подшипники главного вала, кривошипов, крейцкопфов являются основными источниками аварий.

2) Все подшипники подвержены износу в процессе эксплуатации двигателя и поэтому требуют периодической пригонки

3) Механические дефекты возникают вследствие конструктив­ных ошибок, погрешности при механической обработке деталей, дефектов в самом материале.

4) Это следует иметь в виду во время работы двигателя.

5) Такие погрешности трудно обнаружить, потому что на них не рассчитывают, и возникшие неисправности приписывают другим причинам.

6) Иногда тщательное расследование и анализ аварии показывает, что она произошла вследствие небрежной эксплуата­ции, хотя на первый взгляд кажется, что авария была вызва­на конструктивным дефектом.


Exercise 5. Make up a dialogue of your own based on the one given below.



A.: If all the stored air is lost how can the engines be started?

В.: In most cases a small emergency compressor is provided, driven by a very small oil engine that can be started by hand After a small amount of air is pumped up an auxiliary engine can be started and air pumped up to start the main engine.

A.: How much starting air capacity should the tanks have?

В.: The usual requirement is enough to start the engine 12 times. A better rule is to provide at least 35 times the volume swept through by one piston for each main engine.

A.: Describe the preparations for starting the engine.

В.: Jack the engine to see that it is clear for running, start lubricating oil pump and see that oil reaches all bearings, open by-pass valves in fuel oil lines to injection valves and pump oil through by hand to clear out all air and fill the pipes with oil, open stop valves in starting air and injection air lines, give cyl­inder lubricators a number of turns by hand to get some oil into the cylinders, start jacket cooling water pump and see that the propellers are clear. If means for heating the cylinders are avail­able and the weather is cold, warming up should be started in time to have all the cylinders hot before starting.

A.: Why should the bearings of a new engine be gone over after 800 to 900 hours of running?

В.: То take up looseness due to the initial wearing in.

A.: Why will a piston sometimes run without trouble at nor­mal load and drag or stick if the load is increased?

В.: Because the clearance in the cylinder may be sufficient at normal load but when overload causes all parts to become hotter the increased temperature of the piston causes it to expand more and reduce the clearance.

A.: What is the effect of too much or too little clearance be­tween a cam and its roller?

В.: Too much clearance causes late valve opening, early clo­sure, decreased lift and noisy operation. Too little clearance causes early opening, late closure, increased valve lift and may pre­vent complete closure.

A.: What are some of the common troubles experienced with fuel measuring pumps?

В.: Leaky suction and discharge valves, due to grit in the oil or to particles of dirt or lint becoming caught under the valves; pump becoming air bound; incorrect clearance between suction valve stems and tappets; leaky plungers, and change in timing, due to looseness in the operating gear.

A.: Why is it desirable to have thermometers so located that separate temperature readings of the cooling water discharge from the cylinders can be taken?

В.: If merely the temperature of the common discharge from all cylinders is taken, a single cylinder jacket may become air bound and the flow of cooling water through it stopped altogether without giving any indication at the common outlet.

A.: What are the effects of too many or incorrectly placed oil grooves in a bearing?

В.: The bearing surface is reduced and the oil escapes from the bearing without spreading over its surface.

A.: What is a common trouble with the cylinder lubricating system?

В.: Excessive feed of lubricating oil into the system, causing collection of gum and carbon in the ring slots and leakage of black oil into the crank pits.


Exercise 6. Speak on the following.

1) Derangements likely to occur in connection with wrong fits and clearances.

2) Derangements likely to occur in connection with mechanical defects.


Combustion defects

Normally the combustion in each power cylinder should be smokeless and complete and occur early in the stroke. Insufficient breaking up of the oil during injection will cause slow and incomplete burning and may be the result of clogged fuel nozzles, oil too cold or incorrect timing. Other causes of incomplete burning are compression too low, injection valves not correctly timed and air inlet pipes clogged.

Lubricating system defects

All Diesel engines today are lubricated by the forced feed method and no hand oiling of any part is required. This requires that the engine housings be closed in, to prevent loss of oil through splashing, and the oil piping, with the oil circulating pump, forms a closed circuit through which the same oil circulates repeatedly. Of course the most serious derangement in such a system is loss of pressure.

Air system defects

The most serious derangement that can occur in the air system of an air injection engine, aside from the remote possibility of an explosion, is loss of injection air. Assuming that the compressor suction is open and the bleeder valve in the first stage properly adjusted, a falling off in the air pressure may be due to leaky, broken or stuck compressor valves, an injection valve sticking open, leaky air valve stem packing, leaky joints in the air piping or failure of the cooling water supply. If the air pressure falls to somewhere near the compression pressure in the power cylinders, unless the trouble can be located immediately, the engine should be stopped. If the engine is kept running, there will be a possibility of an explosion inside the injection valve body.

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) What derangements in the fuel system are most likely to occur?

2) What will cause the valve of the fuel measuring pump to leak?

3) What must be done to avoid it?

4) When should combustion occur in each power cylinder?

5) What are the causes of incomplete burning?

6) When can complete stoppage of the cooling water supply occur?

7) What sea suctions do most well-designed ships have?

8) When is the high suction used?

9) When should the low suction be used?

10) Which sea suction is used in shallow water?

11) How are all Diesel engines lubricated today?

12) What is the most serious derangement that can occur in the air system of an air injection engine?

13) What should be done if the air pressure falls and the trouble cannot be located immediately?


Exercise 2. Give the equivalents of the following.

In Russian: Pump timing, incomplete burning, sea injection valve, well designed ships, sea suction, discharge valves, good strainers, pump plunger, insufficient breaking up of the oil, clogged fuel nozzles, incorrect timing, jacket supply of a sea water cooling system, auxiliary pump, air pocket in the supply line, loss of injection air, bleeder valve, properly adjusted.

In English: скопление воздуха, сгорание топлива, всасывающий клапан, низкая компрессия, приемные патрубки забортной воды, выпускной клапан, скалка насоса, длительность накачки, забитые форсунки, входной воздухопровод, предназначенные для плавания на мелководье, корпус двигателя, возможность взрыва, всасывание компрессора.


Exercise 3. Use the correct words from the text.

1) The pump plungers should be very carefully packed to prevent …

2) Repeated regrinding of the pump suction valves will require …

3) Normally the combustion in each power cylinder should be …

4) The high suction is used in …

5) All Diesel engines today are lubricated by …

6) The most serious derangement that can occur in the air system of an air injection engine is …


Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1) Неисправности топливной системы чаще всего встречаются в клапанах топливных насосов.

2) Скопление воздуха в насосах либо нарушит регулярную подачу топлива к двигателю, либо совсем прекратит ее.

3) Повторные притирки всасывающих клапанов требуют внимательной проверки.

4) Как правило, сгорание топлива в цилиндре должно быть полным, бездымным.

5) Неполное сгорание может происходить вследствие очень низкой компрессии.

6) Большинство судов, предназначенных для плавания на мел­ководье, имеют нижние и верхние приемные патрубки забортной воды.

Exercise 5. Make up a dialogue of your own based on the one given below.



A.: What are some of the causes of loss of injection air pres­sure?

В.: Leaky, broken or stuck compressor valves, injection air valve sticking open, leaky spray air valve stem packing, leaky joints in air piping, loss of cooling water.

A.: How can a start be had if there is no compressor avail­able?

В.: Procure a bottle of CO2 gas and connect it to the starting air line. This gas is non-explosive and safe to use for this purpose.

A.: What are some of the causes of failure of an engine to start firing after it begins to turn on air?

В.: Fuel pumps not discharging oil, incorrect timing of fuel valves, low compression, injection air pressure too low and cylin­ders too cold.

A.: What are some of the causes of cracked cylinder heads?

В.: Unequal heating, due to poor design, air pockets in jacket, insufficient cooling water and overloading.

A.: How does wear on main bearings cause crank shaft to break?

В.: By throwing the shaft out of line and causing it to be bent in alternate directions twice in every revolution.

A.: Give the valve timing for the average large, 4-cycle engine.

В.: Injection valve opens 5 degrees before top center, injection valve closes 49 degrees past top center, exhaust valve opens 140 degrees past top center, air inlet valve opens 15 degrees before top center, exhaust valve closes 10 degrees past top center, and air inlet closes 214 degrees past top center. When in use, the air starting valve opens at top center and closes at 128 degrees past top center.

A.: What is the most important valve timing?

В.: The time of opening of the injection valve. A small change in this time may seriously affect the operation of the engine.

A.: When setting valves how to determine when the injection valve opens?

В.: Keep moving the cam roller with the fingers until it makes contact hard enough to bind, turn injection air into the valve and listen for the hiss of air through the indicator cock when the valve starts to open, or use a micrometer dial indicator to note when the valve stem starts to lift.


Exercise 6. Speak on the following.


1) Derangements likely to occur in connection with the fuel system.

2) Derangements likely to occur in connection with combustion.

3) Derangements likely to occur in connection with the cooling water system.

4) Derangements likely to occur in connection with the lubricat­ing system.

5) Derangements likely to occur in connection with the air sys­tem.


Cracked crank shafts

During the early development period cracked crank shafts were so common that it was considered one of the inevitable hazards associated with Diesel engine operation. This trouble has become very rare, however, in modern practice.


The amount of vibration of an engine and of the ship's hull in which it is installed will depend on how well the reciprocating and rotating masses in the engine are balanced and the position of the engine relative to a nodal point in the hull. These are both matters over which the operating engineer has no control. Normally Diesel engines, especially in the large sizes, run with very little vibration but it sometimes happens that an engine will have a critical speed, a speed at which the twisting impulses imparted to the crank shaft by the pressure acting on the pistons coincide with the natural period of vibration of the crank shaft. When the engine operates at this speed violent vibration will occur that may result in loosening nuts, shaking off small fittings, breaking pipes and even breaking of the crank shaft, if continued long enough.


Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1) Due to what causes may the engine fail to start on air?

2) How can water get into fuel oil?

3) What is the only remedy against improperly refined oil?

4) What may a distinct loss in efficiency sometimes result from?

5) Why are cracked heads and cylinders not so common as they used to be in the early days of Diesel engineering?

6) What does the amount of vibration of an engine and of the ship's hull depend on?

7) Why was a cracked crank shaft considered one of the inevita­ble hazards associated with Diesel engine operation?

8) When may violent vibration occur?

Exercise 2. Give the Russian equivalents of the following.

1) Air pocket.

2) To start on air.

3) Starting air valves.

4) Exhaust valves.

5) Unequal heating.


Exercise 3. Use the correct words from the text.

1) Mechanical defects may be due to errors in...

2) There are errors which are difficult to... because they are not expected.

3) A careful... revealed that the engine trouble was due to neglect on the part of the engineers.

4) A thread of waste under the valve caused it to...

5) Stoppage of fuel supply to one cylinder throws extra... on the other cylinders.

6)... of cylinder heads often results from unequal heating.

7) When... of power occurs the first possibility that should be investigated is hot bearings.


Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1) Неисправности в двигателе, связанные с пневмозапуском, могут быть вызваны неправильной регулировкой воздушно­го пускового клапана и другими причинами.

2) Вода может попасть в топливо вследствие переменного ис­пользования цистерн для топлива и водяного балласта.

3) Резкое снижение температуры забортной воды влияет на мощность двигателя.

4) Трещины цилиндров происходят вследствие неравномерного нагрева, из-за конструктивных недостатков, плохой отливки, воздушных пробок.

5) Самой серьезной неисправностью, которая встречается в воз­душной системе пневмозапуска, является падение давления воздуха, поступающего в цилиндр.

6) Бдительность со стороны механиков может исключить при­чины, вызывающие аварии двигателя.


Exercise 5. Make up a dialogue of your own based on the one given below.



A.: What type of injection valve is used on modern engines?

В.: Modern engines use mechanical fuel injection and the valve is simply a spring loaded check valve with a nozzle on inner end containing one or more fine holes. When the pressure from the pump overcomes the tension of the spring the valve lifts and oil at high pressure is forced through the nozzle as a mist.

A.: What are some of the troubles experienced with injection valves?

В.: Leaks, due to grit or scale, burning of valve or seat, stick­ing of stem in its guide, bending of stem, leaky packing, clog­ging of atomizer plates and plugging of holes in flame plates or nozzles.

A.: How is a leaky injection valve repaired?

В.: Small leaks can be stopped by grinding the valve on its seat with very fine ground glass, carborundum, or prepared grind­ing compound, finishing up with polishing paste. If seat and valve are badly scored, the valve should be refinished by grinding in the lathe with a tool post grinder and the seat should be reamed, fin­ished up by grinding.

A.: What precaution should be observed in cleaning injection valve stems?

В.: Cleaning should be done with kerosene, emery cloth should be used sparingly, or not at all, as it wears away the metal and increases the clearance between stem and guide. If this clearance becomes too great it offers an easy place for gummy oil and car­bon to accumulate and the tendency of the stem to stick in the guide is increased.

A.: Why does the exhaust valve require more attention than the inlet valve?

В.: Because it is exposed to the action of the very hot gases that flow through it during the exhaust period. These gases may carry hard carbon, grit or scale which tend to cut the valve and seat and the heat tends to warp and burn the valve. The inlet valve passes no hot gas and is cooled by the inflowing clean air during each suction stroke.

A.: What is the best procedure for keeping valves in good con­dition?

В.: Do not wait for trouble to develop before examining valves. Establish a regular routine for removing valves for examina­tion and overhaul. This routine procedure is facilitated, if a com­plete set of spare valves is available so that the spares can be in­stalled while in port and the used valves overhauled at leisure. The length of time between examinations of valves can be es­tablished to suit the nature of the service the ship is engaged in.


Exercise 6. Speak on the following.

1) Derangements likely to occur in connection with starting dif­ficulties.

2) Derangements likely to occur in connection with water in fuel oil.

3) Derangements likely to occur in connection with improperly refined oil.

4) Derangements likely to occur in connection with loss of power or slowing down the engine.

5) Derangements likely to occur in connection with cracked cylinders and cylinder heads.

6) Derangements likely to occur in connection with cracked crank shafts.

7) Derangements likely to occur in connection with vibration.


regardless of Невзирая на
both... and...   н то, и другое, как... так... e.g. Both above and below the piston
because of из-за чего-либо
instead of Вместо чего-либо
to consist of Состоять из
to include smth (into) Включать что-либо
to draw into (drew, drawn) Втягивать (направлять) в
to push out of Выталкивать из
to reach smth Достигать, доходить до чего-либо
as long as так долго, как (пока)
as soon as как можно скорее
twice as many (much) вдвое больше
twice less вдвое меньше
shortly after Вскоре (сразу) после
just before Непосредственно перед
to start Начинать
to continue Продолжать
to stop, complete Завершать
to communicate with Связываться с
although Хотя
moreover более того
nevertheless тем не менее
however Однако
thus таким образом
under the favorable conditions при благоприятных условиях
to be available иметь в наличии



BDC (bottom dead center) Нижняя мертвая точка
TDC (top dead center) Верхняя мертвая точка
cpp (controllable pitch propeller) винт регулируемого шага (ВРШ)
cst (centistoke) Сантистокс
С (Centigrade) по шкале Цельсия
F (Fahrenheit) по шкале Фаренгейта
HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil) Тяжелое топливо
ECR (economic continuous rating) Длительная экономическая мощность
MCR (maximum continuous rating) Максимальная длительная мощность


Irregularities in Operation, Causes and Remedies

Symptom: Cause: Remedy:
1. Starting difficulties.    
Insufficient or no compression. a) Inlet and exhaust valves leaking.     Grind or replace valves, mill the seats.  
'' b) Inlet and exhaust valves sticking. Oil the valve spindles with gas oil, or remove valves for cleaning.
'' c) Insufficient rocker arm clearance. Adjust valves.
'' d) Piston rings sticking in grooves, or worn. Loosen rings and replace them if necessary.
'' e) Valve springs broken or slack. Replace springs.  
'' f) Cylinder liner worn. Replace.
'' g) Cylinder liner scratched. Replace.
Fuel valve out of order. Nozzle needle valve sticking or leaking. Release it, grind or replace if required.
Fuel pumps give no or insufficient pressure. a) Pressure valve sticking or leaking Clean it, replace if required.
'' b) Pressure valve holder loose.   Tighten.
'' c) Piston and lining worn. Replace.
Insufficient or no fuel supply. a) Air in fuel system. Ventilate
'' b) Fuel lift pump defective. Repair pump and ventilate fuel system.
2. Engine starts, but stops shortly afterwards.    
Engine starts, but stops after a while a) Fuel tank empty Fill tank and remove air from fuel system.
'' b) Air in fuel system Airate.
'' c) Fuel filter choked Clean the filter.
3. Engine does not reach maximum capacity    
Insufficient or no compression.   See under "Starting difficulties".
Fuel valves out of order.   ''
Excessive waste of oil from fuel pumps. Fuel pump plungers worn. Replace plungers and sleeves.
Engine takes load only momentarily. Fuel supply blocked, fuel pump out of order. Check the whole fuel system thoroughly.
Engine does not reach full speed. Governor drive broken. Adjust or replace governor spring.
Engine loses too much speed under load. Incorrect adjustment of governor, or something in the system works sluggishly. Adjust governor. Check governor system, and correct the defect.
Smell of heat. Insufficient cooling water. Stop engine, fill in cooling water when the engine has cooled off.
4. Engine speed too high.    
Languid movements of governor arm. Governor arm has become oblique by blows or the like. Stop engine quickly by interrupting the fuel supply and check the governor system.
Incorrect adjust­ment of governor.   Adjust governor.
5. Engine knocks.    
Ignition too advanced. Incorrect adjustment of fuel oil pumps. Adjust correctly.
Mechanical faults. Connecting rod bolls loose. Check connecting rod bolts thoroughly. If cracked or defect, replace them. Tighten nuts.
Mechanical faults. a) Hot or worn bearings. Replace bearing lining, check lube oil system, correct fault if any before restarting.
'' b) Flywheel loose. Tighten nut and lock it.
'' c) Worn pistons and linings. Replace them.
6. Engine smokes.    
Black smoke from engine. a) Air filter choked. Clean filter.
'' b) Fuel valve out of order. See under "Starting difficulties".
'' c) Insufficient compression.  
'' d) Engine overloaded. Reduce load. Never overload.
'' e) Thermostat valve leaking. Replace valve.
Black smoke from engine. Lube oil forces its way past leaky piston and oil rings into combustion chamber. Replace oil and piston rings.
7. Excessive fuel oil consumption.    
Engine runs hot. Engine overloaded. Reduce load(never overload).
Insufficient compression.   See under "Starting difficulties".
Leaky fuel system. a) Fuel pipes leaking. Repair or replace.
'' b) Fuel pump plungers and linings worn. Replace defective parts.
Increasing oil level. Fuel lift pump diaphragm defective. Replace diaphragm.
Engine smokes. a) Fuel valves out of order. Clean and adjust valves.  
'' b) Thermostat valve leaks. Replace valve.  
8. Excessive lubricating oil consumption.    
Lube oil enters combustion chamber. Oil piston rings worm. Replace rings.
'' Pistons and cylinder linings worm. Replace defective parts.
Lube oil leaks out of crank shaft end bearings. Oil seal rings and bearings worn. Replace seal rings and repair bearings.
9. Engine runs hot.    
Smell of heat. a) No cooling water. Stop engine, fill up with cooling water when engine cooled off.
'' b) Engine overloaded. Unload engine.
Cooling water temperature too high. Lack of cooling water owing to defective cooling water pump or escape of water from leakage. Remedy the fault.
Cooling water too high. a) Defective thermostat. Replace thermostat.  
'' b) Fan belt too loose. Tighten belt.
'' c) Radiator choked. Clean radiator.
'' d) Pressure vacuum valve out of order. Repair valve.
Lube oil pressure insufficient. a) Lube oil filter choked.   Clean filter.  
'' b) Lube oil pump defective. Repair pump.
'' c) Lube oil pressure line leaks. Repair or replace line.
'' d) Defective lube oil overflow valve. Repair valve.
10. Engine jars.    
Engine misfires. a) Air in fuel system.   Ventilate. See under "Starting difficulties" and "Engine does not reach maximum capacity".
'' b) Fuel valves out of order.  

Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:

1) What is a diesel engine?

2) How is the diesel engine power expressed?

3) What are the characteristics of slow-speed diesel engine? (name the cylinder bore, rpm, power output).

4) What kind of engine is called a directly-coupled engine, slow or medium-speed?

5) In what kind of ships are medium-speed engines applied? What are their particulars?

6) What are the advantages of slow-speed engines and benefits of medium-speed ones?

7) Where is high-speed diesel engine installed and what are its characteristics?

8) What fuel does each of these types of diesel engines burn?

9) How else can diesel engines be classified?

10)Where is combustion chamber in the double-acting engine situated?

11) Why are double-acting engines obsolete now?

12) What cycles do diesel engines have? Describe them.

13) During what period does the complete cycle of operation take place in the two-stroke engine?

14) What are the advantages of the four-stroke engines over the two-stroke ones?


Exercise 2. Give synonyms to the following words.

To spray, to drive, to pass, to open, to leave, to fall, to occur, to develop, to obtain, to increase, to start, to reach, to include, to finish, to work.

Exercise 3. Give antonyms to the following words.

Low, upward stroke, inlet valve, scavenging port, to reduce, to expand, to drop, to absorb, to stop, above, popular, before, light.

Exercise 4. Explain in English what is meant by:

Combustion chamber, suction stroke, compression stroke, combustion and expansion stroke, exhaust stroke, upward stroke, downward stroke, scavenging port, exhaust valve, fuel injection valve, uniflow scavenging, air charge, burned gases.

Exercise 5. Explain the difference between

1) Single-acting and double-acting principles;

2) Trunk-piston, cross head and opposed-piston types;

3) Two-stroke and four-stroke engines;

4) Upward and downward strokes;

5) Exhaust valve and exhaust port;

6) Air inlet valve and scavenging port;

7) Heavy fuel oil and light fuel oil;

8) Slow, medium and high-speed diesel engines.

Exercise 6. Describe the engine installed abroad your vessel using the following words. Mention its raying (output power and RPM).

Slow, medium, high-speed, two or four-stroke, single or double acting, in-line or V-shape, with cross head or trunk piston, direct, coupled or connected, to the propeller bу gear.


Exercise 7. Made up a dialogue of your own based on the dialogues given below.




cylinder head (cover) крышка цилиндра
surface поверхность
scraping шабровка
to scrape шаброватъ
machining машин. обработка
to renew заменять
safety valve предохранительный клапан
rocker коромысло
indicating cock индикаторный кран
rod штанга
valve disk тарелка клапана
bush втулка
valve stem шток клапана
pin палец
turn обтачивать
to cut off вырубать
rod штанга
valve disk тарелка клапана
bush втулка
valve stem шток клапана
pin палец
turn обтачивать
to cut off вырубать
fitting арматура, пригонка, установка
to weld заваривать
to fit into position устанавливать по месту
exhaust valve выхлопной клапан
cylinder assembly цилиндр в сборе
we have to... we Should... Нам следует (надо)

The Cylinder Heads

Mr. Wilson - What about the cylinder heads? Do the contract surfaces of the cylinder heads require machining or just scraping?

Ch. Eng. - They need both.

Mr. Wilson - Must all.the cylinder head be renewed or can some of them be repaired?

Ch.Eng. - Well, the. starting valves are to be overhauled with later pressure testing. But all the other' fittings (the safety valves, the indicating cocks, etc) should be renewed.

Mr. Wilson - Very well. According to the list of repairs you'd like to replace only four exhaust valves. Why not all of them?

Ch.Eng. - The other exhaust valves are O.K. But their disks and stems should be turned.

Mr. Wilson - Do you think that all exhaust valve rockers and rods should be replaced too?

Ch.Eng. - No,-I don't think so. But the rocker bronze bushes and pins should be renewed.

Mr. Wilson-Well, I see.





piston поршень
repair size ремонт, размер
plasma - jet hard facing плазменная наплавка
piston pin поршневой палец
pressure test опрессовка
groove канавка
main bearing рамовый подшипник
ring кольцо
top-end bearing головной подшипник
renewal замена
measure измерять
bottom-end bearing мотылевый подшипник
adjust регулировать
measurement измерение
clearance зазор
adjustment регулировка
to rebabbit перезалить
babbit = white metal = antifrictional metal заливка подшипника
to bore растачивать
boring расточка


- Mr. Wilson - Well, let's pass on to the piston. Can you tell me. What should be done about them?

Ch. Eng. - according, to the list of repairs two piston assemblies are to be replaced. The rest require the following repairs, namely:

- plasma jet hard facing and cutting the grooves for the piston rings;

- renewal of the piston rings on all the piston;

- measuring the clearances in the top-end bearings. If required they should be rebabbited and then fitted into position with necessary clearances.

Mr. Wilson - I see. By.the way do you want the top end bearings to be rebabbited and adjusted to the new repair sizes of the piston pins or to the old ones?

Ch. Eng. - To the old ones. The pistons will require the pressure testing.

Mr. Wilson - What arc you plans about the piston telescopic system?

Ch. Eng. - Unfortunately it should be completely replaced.

Mr. Wilson - And what about the main bearings?

Ch. Engineer - The main bearings which have big cracks in babbit should be remetalled and then fitted into position. The other bearings should be used depending on their conditions and clearances.

Mr. Wilson - Shall we repair the bottom - end bearings according to the list of repairs?

Ch.Eng. - Oh, yes. Rebabbiting, boring, scraping, fitting and all that I'm sure you know what should be done.

Mr. Wilson - Well, we'll try to do our best.


Exercise 8. Придумайте ответные реплики:

A: Do the contact surfaces of the cylinder heads require machining or just scraping?


A: What are you planning to do with the starting valves?


A: What valves should be replaced?


A: What are your plans about the piston telescopic system?


A: And what about the main bearings?


A: Shall we repair the bottom end bearing according to the list of repairs?


A: How many cylinder liners should be replaced?


Exercise 9. Translate the sentences.

1. Объясните, что главному двигателю необходим кап. Ремонт. Вся дополнительная работа по демонтажу и сборке главного двигателя включена в ремонтную ведомость. Телефоны, датчики и индикаторы будут сняты силами машинной команды.

2. Объясните, что крышки цилиндров требуют машинной чистки и шабровки. Вся их арматура, кроме выхлопных клапанов должна быть заменена. Трещины надо вырубить и перезаварить. Диски и штоки выхлопных клапанов должны быть проточены.

3. Объясните, что вы хотите заменить 2 поршня в сборе и отремонтировать остальные. Объясните, какой ремонт им необходим. Мотылевые подшипники должны быть перезалиты, проточены, отшаброваны и установлены по месту.

4. Объясните что головка одного из поршней прогорела.

5. Скажите, какой ремонт необходимо сделать. На поршне цилиндра №2 кольца защемлены в канавках. Замерьте, зазоры и прорубите канавки точно по размеру. На поршне цилиндра №3большие отложения накипи, которые необходимо удалить.


Lesson 11. PUMPS



to flow out вытекать
direction направление
rotation вращение
to indicate указывать
arrow стрелка
acquirement требование
ammeter амперметр
to exceed превышать
possible возможный
rating расчетная величина
tightness герметичность, зд: затяжка
packing gland сальник, уплотнение вала
drop капля
to prevent предотвращать
harmful вредный
output производительность

During operation

The pump output is to be controlled by operating on the discharge valve and never on the suction valve which must always remain wide open.


After switching off the motor close the suction and the discharge valves of the pump.




troubleshooting выявление повреждений
to reduce уменьшать, снижать
considerably значительно
filling заполнение
occasionally изредка, время от времени
afterwards впоследствии
circumstance обстоятельство
o.-ring уплотнительное кольцо
connection связь, соединение
gasket прокладка
sealing surface уплотняющая поверхность
deposits отложения
flow rate расход
visible видимый
further далее, затем, зд: сильнее
deformed деформированный
double двойной
adjoining plate прилегающая (примыкающая) пластина
volume объем, размер
to decrease уменьшать
respective соответствующий
hole отверстие
to apply применять
opposite side противоположная сторона



1. Китаевич Б.Е. Морские грузовые операции: Учебное пособие по английскому языку / Б.Е. Китаевич, А.И. Кроленко, М.Л. Калиновская. – М.: Росконсульт, 1999. – 160 с.

2. Снежко Н.А. Английский язык для судовых механиков: Учебное пособие / Н.А. Снежко, А.Д. Шерешевская, В.М. Ласточкин. – М.: Мортехинформ – реклама, 1989. – 200 с.

3. Washington Irwing. The Life and Voyagers of Christopher Columbus. – London: George Bell and Sons, S.A., 2004. – 607 c.



Words and expressions


symptom симптом, признак
cause причина
remedy средство, мера (против чего-то)
insufficient недостаточный
to leak протекать, пропускать воду, просачиваться
to stick заклинивать, прилипать, заедать, застревать
to grind притирать (клапан), шлифовать, полировать
to replace заменять, ставить на место
to mill обрабатывать на станке, фрезеровать
valve seat гнездо, седло клапана
spindle вал, ось, стержень


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