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Lesson 1. Cyberspace. Modern Inventions


Inside Out Advanced SB, U.8, WB U.8 L, R, V

First Certificate Expert, Student’s Resourse Book, U.5B

Lesson 2. Personal Computing. Portable Computers

Oxford English for Computing, U.1-2 R, W, S

Cutting Edge interm., SB, WB, Module 8, part A

Lesson 3. Online Services. Computers for the Masses

Mosaic Reading 1, Ch.11 R, S

Oxford English for Computing, U.3 R, W, S

Lesson 4. Computer Security. Computer Viruses. A love-hate relationship

Oxford English for Computing, U.7 R, W, S

Ready for First Certificate WB, U.3 R, W, V

Lesson 5. Computers in Education. Robotics

Oxford English for Computing, U.9, 11 R, W, S

Reward U-I, SB, WB, U 12

Lesson 6. Virtual Reality. The Internet and the Information Revolution

Prospects interm., SB U.10

Oxford English for Computing, U.12

Lesson 7.

Lesson 8. Current Test



abreast adaptor cards aphasia aphasic patient clipboard commodity items comprehensive computer images costly cumbersome curriculum despondent detonator disk drive fixing fragile grid handicapped hardware hely-bike hyperlink icon infector joystick keyboard mainframe microchip modem mouse non-propriety operating system palmtop computer pirated pixel printer ram rom run-up search engine server shield simulated software stroke victim stylus template TV games console visual display unit voice-operated car voltage watching brief wrist phone   to accelerate to benefit to boot to capitalize on to deduce to detect to download music onto computer to embrace to engage in to erase to expand to handle to imitate to log on to restore to take to to trigger


Module 2. Digitals

Lesson 1. Devices and Gadgets. The Convenience Society

A Way with words, Book 3, U.17 V, S

Ready for First Certificate, Coursebook, U.3

Lesson 2. Digital World

Inside Out, Resourse pack, 6A V

Reward U-I, Resource pack 13C – discussion

McMillan, Reading and Writing, U.11

Lesson 3. The Cell Phone Age. Dilemmas

Handoutsonline.com – R, S

Inside Out U-I, SB, U.6, p.52

New Headway pre-interm., SB, U.8, p.66-67

Lesson 4. Has technology ruined childhood?

Inside Out, U-I, SB, U.6, p.59-60

First Certificate Language Practice, U.13

Lesson 5. Computers in the offices

Oxford English for Computing, U.8

Business Spotlight, May – June 2008

Lesson 6. Multimedia. Computer Graphics. Why the poor need technology?

Oxford English for Computing U.10, 14-15

Instant Discussions

Lesson 7.

Lesson 8. Current Test



ariel beam bedroom culture behind the times blog broadcast carpal tunnel syndrome cell phone (Am English) computer games cutting-edge device disposable domestic appliance doodle download DVD player earphones electronic games controller emission encase exposure faulty focus gadget ground-breaking high-end image innovation interlaced internet connection keyboard labour-saving laptop lens message mobile phone music installation new-faugled obsolete old-hat optical mouse outdated outmoded palmtop PC pioneering posterize proprietary redundant remote control retro revolutionary ring tone rudimentary satellite phone sat nav screen addict screen media software state-of-the-art viewfinder website zap   to alleviate to be trapped in to plug in to pop on to proliferate to spot to text


Програма курсу «English for Social Studies. Introduction»


Module 1. People and Society

Lesson 1. The Individual in Society. Consuming Passions. Hobbies

Straightforward Upper U.1D p.12 Collectors

Straightforward Upper U.1A Consuming passions

Expert First Certificate 8B Hobbies, Psychology of hobbies

Instant Discussions. Teenage rebellion

Lesson 2. Socialization. Belonging to a Group

Language leader U-I 10.1 p.102-103 Psychology of groups

Academic Listening Encounters. Life in Society Chapter 2

Upstream Upper p.84-85 Reality Show Fever

Upstream Adv p.74-75 Authorities monitoring individuals

Lesson 3. Social Roles. Sex and Gender Identity

Sociology and You p.149

English File Upper U.4B Why men don’t iron

Straightforward Upper U.6B Women in Politics

Upstream Upper p.88 Role of Women in Modern Japan

Straightforward Adv U.5C Woman’s work

Sociology and You p.152

Straightforward Adv U.8D Singles

Lesson 4. Social Roles. The Elderly

English File Upper U.2B Do you want to be young forever?

Straightforward Adv U.1D Quaterlife crisis

English File Upper Do you want to be young forever

Upstream Upper p.175-190 Life Cycle

Upstream Adv p.54-55 Role of Grandparents

Lesson 5. Volunteering

Straightforward Upper U.10A Good Deeds

Straightforward Upper U.10B Giving

Straightforward Upper U.10C Aid Worker

Lesson 6. Issues in Culture. Cultural Identity

Expert First Certificate 1B Customs and traditions

Instant Discussions. To tip or not to tip?

Taboos and issues. National stereotypes

Lesson 7. Issues in Culture. Cultural Change

Academic Listening Encounters. Life in Society Ch.9

Tapestry Listening Speaking 4. Ch.5 p.95-115 Macdonalization of the world

Lesson 8. Current Test



altruism altruistic authoritative commemoration conscientious diplomatic domesticated heritage it’s every man for himself knowledgeable objective peer peripheral vision practical rebellious resentful resourceful rigid sect socialization socializing agent spacial ability staple diet superstition terrain tolerance (for) to adapt to adopt to deceive to fall out (with) to get down to to put up (with) to sacrifice (oneself for)


Module 2. Social Frustrations

Lesson 1. Conflicts

Straightforward Adv U.4A Voicing complaints

New Opportunities Upper U.10 Conflict

Lesson 2. Peer Pressure

Upstream Adv p.67 Peer pressure

Upstream Upper p.93 Anorexia

Lesson 3. Ethics and Morality

Straightforward Adv U.7B Rudeness

Instant Discussions. Revenge is sweet!

Taboos and issues. Taboo conversation topics

Taboos and issues. It should be banned!

Taboos and issues. Swearing

Lesson 4. Ethics and Morality

Taboos and issues. Bribery and corruption

Taboos and issues. Telling lies

Taboos and issues. Immigration and racism

Taboos and issues. Turning the other cheek

Lesson 5. Physically challenged people

Upstream Upper p.14-15 Theatre for the Deaf

Lesson 6. Discrimination. Sexism. Ageism

Upstream Adv p.85 Ageing population

Straightforward Adv U.5D Sexual discrimination

Taboos and Issues. Sexual harassment

Lesson 7. Coping with frustrations. Positive Thinking

Straightforward Upper U.11C Positive psychology

Upstream Upper p.24-25 Happy?

Upstream Upper p.33 Secret of Being Happy

Upstream Adv p.16-17 Happiness

Focus on IELTS Foundations U.11 Science of Happiness

New Opportunities Upper Module 10, p.116 Conflict resolution

Lesson 8. Current Test



able bodied affluent anti-Semitism assertive assumption bias bribe bribery chauvinism contented contentment correlation discrimination dyslexia empathy ethnicity fanaticism favour handicap harassment hearing aids hooligans hospitality influence insulting intellectual prowess in the pursuit of loutish behaviour mentally deranged ostracized perk prejudice racism reward rowdy party scapegoating self-esteem self-worth sense of community turning point vulnerable wheelchair xenophobia to bull (bullying) to cause offence to get at sb to get rid of doubts to get things off one’s chest to get up one’s nose to give sb a nasty look to fit in to freak sb out to have a go at to kick the cat to kick up a fuss to look down upon to moan to mutter to put with abuse to raise people’s awareness to release one’s tension to stand out from the crowd to tackle a problem to urge sb to use foul language to vent one’s anger






▪ Study Skills for Academic Writing, J. Trzeciak S. E. Mackay, Prentice Hall International, 1994, p.19-55



1. Tenses (Active and Passive)

2. Noun

3. Articles


▪ Round-up 5, V. Evans, Longman, 2004

▪ new First Certificate Language Practice, M. Vince with P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2003

▪ new Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince with P. Sunderland, Macmillan, 2003

▪ Advanced Learners’ Grammar, M. Foley and D. Hall, Longman, 2004

▪ new Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises, H. Naylor with R. Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2000

▪ Business Grammar and Practice, M. Duckworth, Oxford University Press, 2009

▪ Oxford Business English, Grammar and Practice, M. Duckworth, Oxford University Press, 2001


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