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Inside Out Advanced SB, U.8, WB U.8 L, R, V First Certificate Expert, Student’s Resourse Book, U.5B Lesson 2. Personal Computing. Portable Computers Oxford English for Computing, U.1-2 R, W, S Cutting Edge interm., SB, WB, Module 8, part A Lesson 3. Online Services. Computers for the Masses Mosaic Reading 1, Ch.11 R, S Oxford English for Computing, U.3 R, W, S Lesson 4. Computer Security. Computer Viruses. A love-hate relationship Oxford English for Computing, U.7 R, W, S Ready for First Certificate WB, U.3 R, W, V Lesson 5. Computers in Education. Robotics Oxford English for Computing, U.9, 11 R, W, S Reward U-I, SB, WB, U 12 Lesson 6. Virtual Reality. The Internet and the Information Revolution Prospects interm., SB U.10 Oxford English for Computing, U.12 Lesson 7. Lesson 8. Current Test
Module 2. Digitals Lesson 1. Devices and Gadgets. The Convenience Society A Way with words, Book 3, U.17 V, S Ready for First Certificate, Coursebook, U.3 Lesson 2. Digital World Inside Out, Resourse pack, 6A V Reward U-I, Resource pack 13C – discussion McMillan, Reading and Writing, U.11 Lesson 3. The Cell Phone Age. Dilemmas Handoutsonline.com – R, S Inside Out U-I, SB, U.6, p.52 New Headway pre-interm., SB, U.8, p.66-67 Lesson 4. Has technology ruined childhood? Inside Out, U-I, SB, U.6, p.59-60 First Certificate Language Practice, U.13 Lesson 5. Computers in the offices Oxford English for Computing, U.8 Business Spotlight, May – June 2008 Lesson 6. Multimedia. Computer Graphics. Why the poor need technology? Oxford English for Computing U.10, 14-15 Instant Discussions Lesson 7. Lesson 8. Current Test
Програма курсу «English for Social Studies. Introduction»
Module 1. People and Society Lesson 1. The Individual in Society. Consuming Passions. Hobbies Straightforward Upper U.1D p.12 Collectors Straightforward Upper U.1A Consuming passions Expert First Certificate 8B Hobbies, Psychology of hobbies Instant Discussions. Teenage rebellion Lesson 2. Socialization. Belonging to a Group Language leader U-I 10.1 p.102-103 Psychology of groups Academic Listening Encounters. Life in Society Chapter 2 Upstream Upper p.84-85 Reality Show Fever Upstream Adv p.74-75 Authorities monitoring individuals Lesson 3. Social Roles. Sex and Gender Identity Sociology and You p.149 English File Upper U.4B Why men don’t iron Straightforward Upper U.6B Women in Politics Upstream Upper p.88 Role of Women in Modern Japan Straightforward Adv U.5C Woman’s work Sociology and You p.152 Straightforward Adv U.8D Singles Lesson 4. Social Roles. The Elderly English File Upper U.2B Do you want to be young forever? Straightforward Adv U.1D Quaterlife crisis English File Upper Do you want to be young forever Upstream Upper p.175-190 Life Cycle Upstream Adv p.54-55 Role of Grandparents Lesson 5. Volunteering Straightforward Upper U.10A Good Deeds Straightforward Upper U.10B Giving Straightforward Upper U.10C Aid Worker Lesson 6. Issues in Culture. Cultural Identity Expert First Certificate 1B Customs and traditions Instant Discussions. To tip or not to tip? Taboos and issues. National stereotypes Lesson 7. Issues in Culture. Cultural Change Academic Listening Encounters. Life in Society Ch.9 Tapestry Listening Speaking 4. Ch.5 p.95-115 Macdonalization of the world Lesson 8. Current Test
Module 2. Social Frustrations Lesson 1. Conflicts Straightforward Adv U.4A Voicing complaints New Opportunities Upper U.10 Conflict Lesson 2. Peer Pressure Upstream Adv p.67 Peer pressure Upstream Upper p.93 Anorexia Lesson 3. Ethics and Morality Straightforward Adv U.7B Rudeness Instant Discussions. Revenge is sweet! Taboos and issues. Taboo conversation topics Taboos and issues. It should be banned! Taboos and issues. Swearing Lesson 4. Ethics and Morality Taboos and issues. Bribery and corruption Taboos and issues. Telling lies Taboos and issues. Immigration and racism Taboos and issues. Turning the other cheek Lesson 5. Physically challenged people Upstream Upper p.14-15 Theatre for the Deaf Lesson 6. Discrimination. Sexism. Ageism Upstream Adv p.85 Ageing population Straightforward Adv U.5D Sexual discrimination Taboos and Issues. Sexual harassment Lesson 7. Coping with frustrations. Positive Thinking Straightforward Upper U.11C Positive psychology Upstream Upper p.24-25 Happy? Upstream Upper p.33 Secret of Being Happy Upstream Adv p.16-17 Happiness Focus on IELTS Foundations U.11 Science of Happiness New Opportunities Upper Module 10, p.116 Conflict resolution Lesson 8. Current Test
INTEGRATED WRITING NOTE-TAKING and SUMMARISING ▪ Study Skills for Academic Writing, J. Trzeciak S. E. Mackay, Prentice Hall International, 1994, p.19-55
GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 1. Tenses (Active and Passive) 2. Noun 3. Articles
▪ Round-up 5, V. Evans, Longman, 2004 ▪ new First Certificate Language Practice, M. Vince with P. Emmerson, Macmillan, 2003 ▪ new Advanced Language Practice, M. Vince with P. Sunderland, Macmillan, 2003 ▪ Advanced Learners’ Grammar, M. Foley and D. Hall, Longman, 2004 ▪ new Essential Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises, H. Naylor with R. Murphy, Cambridge University Press, 2000 ▪ Business Grammar and Practice, M. Duckworth, Oxford University Press, 2009 ▪ Oxford Business English, Grammar and Practice, M. Duckworth, Oxford University Press, 2001
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