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Lesson 7. Diesel engine maintenanceСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
Check the lube oil pressure daily. The pressure should be 1,5 Kg per sq.cm = 21 Ibs/sq. in (psi). Keep the oil level up to the full mark of the dipstick. Make control when the engine stands still. The lube oil should be changed the first time after 50 working hours, the next time after another 150 working hours and then at least once a year. Draining is made by unscrewing the drain plug at the bottom of the crankcase just after stopping the engine when the oil is warm and easy to drain. Before refilling with fresh oil wipe out the inside of the crankcase with a clean rag (use material free from fluff, do not use cotton waste). Dip the rag in gas oil and clean the lube oil suction strainer placed on the drain plug and clean the sump. When changing the lube oil, clean the lubricating oil filter with petrol or gas oil. Refill the sump with fresh lube oil. Pistons should be examined frequently for cracks. The upper piston rings should be examined once a month during the first six months service and than as necessary depending on their condition. At intervals of six months piston heads if cooled mast be examined for deposits of carbon in cooling spaces -and cooling pipes. Exhaust valves, manifold and cylinder ports should also be examined and excessive carbon deposits should be removed. Cylinder liners must be examined externally for deposits of scale. The liners should also be examined for wear and renewed if necessary. The clearance of the connecting rod - top and bottom ends should also be examined and adjusted if necessary. At intervals of one year the manoeuvring gear should be examined for wear at the joints of levers and rods. The alignment of the crankshaft should be checked and corrected if necessary. The main bearings, should be examined and readings taken for wear.
Exercise 1. Answer the questions. 1) How often should the lube oil pressure be checked?
2) What should be the pressure? 3) When should the lube oil be changed the first time? 4) How is draining made? 5) Where is the drain plug positioned? 6) When is the oil easiest to drain? 7) When is it necessary to wipe out the inside of the crankcase? 8) What should the pistons be examined for? 9) Where is usually carbon deposited? 10) What should be done with carbon deposits? 11) How often should the maneuvering gear be examined?
Exercise 2. Give the Russian equivalents of the following. 1) lube oil pressure 2) drain plug 3) inside of the crankcase 4) lube oil suction strainer 5) deposits of scale
Exercise 3. Use the correct words from the text. 1) Check the lube oil … daily. 2) Keep the oil level up to the full … of the … 3) Dip the rag in gas … and clean the lube oil … strainer placed on the … plug and clean the … 4) … valves, manifold and cylinder … should also be examined and excessive carbon … should be removed. 5) The … of the connecting rod-top and bottom … should also be examined and … if necessary.
Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1) Производите контроль, когда двигатель остановлен. 2) Перед заполнением свежим маслом, протрите внутреннюю сторону картера чистой ветошью. 3) При замене масла, очистите масляный фильтр. 4) Поршни следует часто осматривать на наличие трещин. 5) Следует проверять и корректировать по мере необходимости центровку коленвала.
Exercise 5. Made up a dialogue of your own based on the one given below.
Mr. Wilson - Why do you want to replace only 3 cylinder liners I wonder? Ch.Eng - You see these liners are badly damaged through erosion on the cooling water side and have some ellipsoidal wear. That's why they are to be replaced. As to the other liners they require checking. Then we'll see what should be done. Mr. Wilson - We must know the exact number of cylinder liners to be renewed because the delivery takes rather much time. So we'll speed up the dismantling of the cylinder liners and carry out the necessary survey of defects as quick as possible. Ch.Eng. - We'd like to have your opinion about the other three liners in two days. Can you manage it? Mr. Wilson - You see, it's necessary to grind the camshaft journals, other wise it's impossible to replace the bearings. The camshaft labyrinth packing should be renewed too, I think. Ch. Eng. - Yes, they should. But look it is stipulated in the list of repairs. Mr. Wilson - So, we shall make a complete repair of the camshaft drive, shan't we? Sorry we have not all necessary spare parts for the-main starting valve repair in our repair hit at present. Ch, Eng. - Don't worry. The main starting valve repair requires only minor repair. We try to do it by our engine room stuff.
Exercise 6. Speak on the following. 1) The lube oil changing. 2) Refilling with fresh lube oil. 3) Piston examination Lesson 8. IRREGULARITIES IN OPERATION, CAUSES AND REMEDIES I
Irregularities in Operation, Causes and Remedies
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions:
1) What is a diesel engine? 2) How is the diesel engine power expressed? 3) What are the characteristics of slow-speed diesel engine? (name the cylinder bore, rpm, power output). 4) What kind of engine is called a directly-coupled engine, slow or medium-speed? 5) In what kind of ships are medium-speed engines applied? What are their particulars? 6) What are the advantages of slow-speed engines and benefits of medium-speed ones? 7) Where is high-speed diesel engine installed and what are its characteristics? 8) What fuel does each of these types of diesel engines burn? 9) How else can diesel engines be classified? 10)Where is combustion chamber in the double-acting engine situated? 11) Why are double-acting engines obsolete now? 12) What cycles do diesel engines have? Describe them. 13) During what period does the complete cycle of operation take place in the two-stroke engine? 14) What are the advantages of the four-stroke engines over the two-stroke ones?
Exercise 2. Give synonyms to the following words. To spray, to drive, to pass, to open, to leave, to fall, to occur, to develop, to obtain, to increase, to start, to reach, to include, to finish, to work. Exercise 3. Give antonyms to the following words. Low, upward stroke, inlet valve, scavenging port, to reduce, to expand, to drop, to absorb, to stop, above, popular, before, light. Exercise 4. Explain in English what is meant by: Combustion chamber, suction stroke, compression stroke, combustion and expansion stroke, exhaust stroke, upward stroke, downward stroke, scavenging port, exhaust valve, fuel injection valve, uniflow scavenging, air charge, burned gases. Exercise 5. Explain the difference between 1) Single-acting and double-acting principles; 2) Trunk-piston, cross head and opposed-piston types; 3) Two-stroke and four-stroke engines; 4) Upward and downward strokes; 5) Exhaust valve and exhaust port; 6) Air inlet valve and scavenging port; 7) Heavy fuel oil and light fuel oil; 8) Slow, medium and high-speed diesel engines. Exercise 6. Describe the engine installed abroad your vessel using the following words. Mention its raying (output power and RPM). Slow, medium, high-speed, two or four-stroke, single or double acting, in-line or V-shape, with cross head or trunk piston, direct, coupled or connected, to the propeller bу gear.
Exercise 7. Made up a dialogue of your own based on the dialogues given below. THE CYLINDER AND PISTON ASSEMBLY I
The Cylinder Heads Mr. Wilson - What about the cylinder heads? Do the contract surfaces of the cylinder heads require machining or just scraping? Ch. Eng. - They need both. Mr. Wilson - Must all.the cylinder head be renewed or can some of them be repaired? Ch.Eng. - Well, the. starting valves are to be overhauled with later pressure testing. But all the other' fittings (the safety valves, the indicating cocks, etc) should be renewed. Mr. Wilson - Very well. According to the list of repairs you'd like to replace only four exhaust valves. Why not all of them? Ch.Eng. - The other exhaust valves are O.K. But their disks and stems should be turned. Mr. Wilson - Do you think that all exhaust valve rockers and rods should be replaced too? Ch.Eng. - No,-I don't think so. But the rocker bronze bushes and pins should be renewed. Mr. Wilson-Well, I see.
- Mr. Wilson - Well, let's pass on to the piston. Can you tell me. What should be done about them? Ch. Eng. - according, to the list of repairs two piston assemblies are to be replaced. The rest require the following repairs, namely: - plasma jet hard facing and cutting the grooves for the piston rings; - renewal of the piston rings on all the piston; - measuring the clearances in the top-end bearings. If required they should be rebabbited and then fitted into position with necessary clearances. Mr. Wilson - I see. By.the way do you want the top end bearings to be rebabbited and adjusted to the new repair sizes of the piston pins or to the old ones? Ch. Eng. - To the old ones. The pistons will require the pressure testing. Mr. Wilson - What arc you plans about the piston telescopic system? Ch. Eng. - Unfortunately it should be completely replaced. Mr. Wilson - And what about the main bearings? Ch. Engineer - The main bearings which have big cracks in babbit should be remetalled and then fitted into position. The other bearings should be used depending on their conditions and clearances. Mr. Wilson - Shall we repair the bottom - end bearings according to the list of repairs? Ch.Eng. - Oh, yes. Rebabbiting, boring, scraping, fitting and all that I'm sure you know what should be done. Mr. Wilson - Well, we'll try to do our best.
Exercise 8. Придумайте ответные реплики: A: Do the contact surfaces of the cylinder heads require machining or just scraping? B:...................... A: What are you planning to do with the starting valves? B:...................... A: What valves should be replaced? B:...................... A: What are your plans about the piston telescopic system? B:...................... A: And what about the main bearings? B:...................... A: Shall we repair the bottom end bearing according to the list of repairs? B:...................... A: How many cylinder liners should be replaced? B:...................... Exercise 9. Translate the sentences. 1. Объясните, что главному двигателю необходим кап. Ремонт. Вся дополнительная работа по демонтажу и сборке главного двигателя включена в ремонтную ведомость. Телефоны, датчики и индикаторы будут сняты силами машинной команды.
2. Объясните, что крышки цилиндров требуют машинной чистки и шабровки. Вся их арматура, кроме выхлопных клапанов должна быть заменена. Трещины надо вырубить и перезаварить. Диски и штоки выхлопных клапанов должны быть проточены. 3. Объясните, что вы хотите заменить 2 поршня в сборе и отремонтировать остальные. Объясните, какой ремонт им необходим. Мотылевые подшипники должны быть перезалиты, проточены, отшаброваны и установлены по месту. 4. Объясните что головка одного из поршней прогорела. 5. Скажите, какой ремонт необходимо сделать. На поршне цилиндра №2 кольца защемлены в канавках. Замерьте, зазоры и прорубите канавки точно по размеру. На поршне цилиндра №3большие отложения накипи, которые необходимо удалить.
Lesson 11. PUMPS Notes:
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