The Origins of the Internet. 

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The Origins of the Internet.


Part I

The Internet is a global computer network.

Millions of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics, such as arts, business, humanities, news, politics, recreation and others. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transaction.

 How did Internet get started?

The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S. Department of Defense to see if a non-centralized network could be built to withstand the destruction of one or more of its parts. Unlike previous networks, this new network did not have a single central point. Instead, all sites on the network were interconnected.

Out of this network came a protocol for linking computers to­gether. A protocol is a set of standards for how network communication takes place. The protocol is called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). This protocol is the standard that makes it possible for different computers all over the globe to talk to each other. The TCP/IP protocol is the foundation of the Internet.



Part II

At first, the Internet was used solely by the US government, but soon universities and other institutions connected themselves to the Internet to communicate with one another and collaborate on projects. The Internet grew to connect hundreds of different sites all across the world. Each organization on the Internet was responsible for maintain­ing its part of the network, so the Internet was not owned or controlled by any one organization.

Today, the Internet connects up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.

The Internet is like a system of roads, freeways, and bridges. The term "Information Superhighway" describes how the Internet works. From any road in any city, you can get to almost any other road in any other city. From your computer you can send an electronic mail mes­sage to someone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.

Internet access companies or Internet Service Providers (ISP) provide physical connections that allow you to access the Internet.

These connections are called "POPs," which stands for "points of pres­ence."

Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet. Once connected to a POP, you have access to all the resources of the Internet. Most ISP's will also supply you with software available for work in the Internet: a Web browser.





to retrieve – извлекать;

 recreation - развлечение;

 humanities - гуманитарные науки;

to share - делить;

sole - единственный        

website -узел глобальной сети (всемирной паутины), узел WWW (любой компьютер в сети Internet, обслуживаемый сервером глобальной сети)

web -сокр. от WWW всемирная паутина (собрание гипертекстовых и иных документов, доступных по всему миру через сеть Internet)

department of defense -- Министерство обороны

to withstand  -- выдержать, противостоять

site -  сайт (любой адрес в Интернете, где храниться информация)

network communication - передача информации в глобальной сети

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)–

Протокол управления передачей/ межсетевой протокол

ARPANET -–сеть Агенства перспективных исследовательских разработок; сеть АRPA

Freeway - автострада, многопутная дорога (амер.)

Superhighway - автострада высшего качества (амер.)

Internet Service Providers - провайдер (компания, предоставляющая доступ удаленным пользователям к Интернету по коммутируемым или выделенным линиям)

software program -- компьютерные программы

web browser --Web- браузер; средство просмотра Web (программа навигации и просмотра информации в Интернете)

POP – почтовый протокол;

host -- хост (сетевой узел, использующий протоколы TCP/IP)

host address -- ведущий адрес (адрес, присвоенный главному сетевому узлу)

scale- масштаб, размер

subnet   - подсеть

query    - запрос

server    - сервер

mailer   - почтальон (программа доставки электронной почты адресату)

email software- программа для электронной почты

remote  - удаленный

virtual circuit - виртуальная цепь, виртуальный канал (последовательность логических соединений между передающим и принимающим компьютером)

down    - не работающий, не функционирующий (о компьютере)

undeliverable message    - не доставленное сообщение


 I. Answer the following  questions:

1. What is Internet?

2. Who uses Internet?

3. When and how did Internet get started?

4. What is the TCP/IP protocol?                               

5. Who provides physical connections that allow the access to the Internet?                                                                   

6. What are called “POPs”?


II. Translate into Russian:

    1. The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in US in 1969 as a military experiment.

    2. Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50 %) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries.

    3. When they send e-mail messages, they only have pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world.

    4. The WWW is a part of the Internet, but it’s not a collection of networks.

    5. However, there are still both commercial and technical problems, which will take time to be resolved.


III. Make the following sentences- active:

    1. The Internet was designed to survive a nuclear war.

    2. This technology is called packet switching.

    3. The rest of the Internet host computers are located in more than 100 other computers.

4. The data is constantly being directed to wards its destination by special computers.


IV. Agree or disagree:

    1. The Internet isn’t a global computer network

    2. Most of the people who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending e - mail messages.

         3. The Internet began in the late 1960s as an experiment by the U.S. Department of Defense

4. Today, the Internet doesn’t connect up to 40 million people around the globe and is growing by as much as 10% per month.

    5. From your computer you cannot send an electronic mail mes­sage to someone sitting at a computer in Helsinki, Warsaw, or Moscow.

    6. Your computer uses a modem to dial into a POP, which connects you to the Internet



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