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Ex.2 Read the sentences and paraphrase them in your own words.Содержание книги
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1. There are a number of methods of joining metal articles together, depending on the type of metal and the strength of the joint which is required. 2. In general, the population was spread irregularly with large numbers in the east and fewer people in the north. There were still, however, even in densely populated areas like Warwickshire, areas of forest with few people. 3. Mankind is always searching for a better life. One way of improving it is to plan work so that it corresponds to the capacities and needs of the worker. Ergonomics is concerned with fitting work to man. It doesn't limit its goal to the elimination of physical hazards to health, but aims at making the work more satisfying to the worker. 4. In most developing countries, two-thirds or more of the people live in rural areas, with few, if any, of the services the city-dweller takes for granted. Water taps in houses, for example, are almost unknown. At best, there may be a village well. Often the only source of water is a lake or a stream, perhaps several kilometers away. The drudgery of water-carrying can take up the better part of every day. 5. The way I see it, people need to be made far more aware of safety in ordinary everyday situations - a classic example, of course, is the child reaching for the bottle of tablets Mum forgot to lock away - and it seems to me that the cinema would be the ideal place in which to get the message across. A film about safety tucked at the end of the forthcoming attractions and advertisements would then be seen by a large section of the population. (http://www.uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm)
Listening Script 18 Ex.3 Listen to two students, Peter and Alice, discussing the article «Rules for Effective Paraphrasing» and make a note of anything which you find particularly interesting or surprising, or that you didn't know before. Ex.2 Listen to the dialogue for the second time and complete the table below with the number of the four tips they consider the most helpful.
(Based on an exercise from Cotton D., Falvey D., Kent S. Market Leader. Pre-intermediate English course Book. Longman, 2008) Ex. 4 Sum up useful tips on writing a summary and make a short report on the topic. Out-of-class Writing Assignment Good writing is informative and interesting. Writers are able to make their writing interesting by digging deeply into the topics. In other words, good writing has depth of thought. "Depth" is the noun for "deep," which is the opposite of "shallow." If a professor comments that a paper is shallow, it means that the writer did not dig deeply into the topic. The ideas are very general, and the support is lacking. In effect, shallow writing might be thought of as uninteresting because of weak critical-thinking skills. The following analogy presents a more vivid analogy of "depth of thought" (500-600 words, every other line). Vocabulary
Starting up Ex.1 Do you think there are any differences between the processes of paraphrasing and summarizing? Which ones? State your point of view. Give arguments. Introduction A summary is a shortened version of a text. It contains the main points in the text and is written in your own words. It is a mixture of reducing a long text to a short text and selecting relevant information. A good summary shows that you have understood the text. Please remember, though, that even when you summarize someone's work, you must acknowledge it.
The phrase "which is the animal class to which our frogs and toads belong" is an example, not a main point, and can be deleted. The rest of the text is rewritten in your own words. The following stages may be useful:
4b/c. Distinguish between main and subsidiary information. Delete most details and examples, unimportant information, anecdotes, examples, illustrations, data etc. Simplify the text. Reduce complex sentences to simple sentences, simple sentences to phrases. Examples:
(http://www.uefap.com/writing/writfram.htm) Listening Script 19
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