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Ex.12 Now that you have read the above Essay Test Answers, answer the following questions.Содержание книги
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1. Which Essay Test Answer sounds the most academic in tone? Why? 2. Which one has the most formal and sophisticated vocabulary? Why? 3. Which one has the best control of style and language? Why? 4. Which one has the most effective content and organization? Why? Introduction (continuation) The following chart provides examples of the types of expressions you should and should not use in academic writing. Colloquial vs. Formal English In academic writing use formal, not colloquial (spoken) language.
Ex.13 Translate informal language. • Review Essay Test Answers 2 and 3 (on format rules for academic writing assignments). • Match the informal phrases based on Essay Test Answer 3 on the left with the formal translations based on Essay Test Answer 2 on the right. The first one is done for you.
*Note: This is grammatically incorrect.
Ex. 14 Watch video aided instruction «Crafting sentences», fulfill the given tasks. Out-of class writing activity Writing a paper for a university professor obviously requires a greater level of stylistic polish than writing a letter to your friend. Write a short organized response to this statement by explaining three or four major reasons. Give arguments to support your discussion. (150-200 words, every other line). Vocabulary
Coherence: point of view
Starting up Listening Script 5 Ex. 1 Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1. What is a good writing? 2. What is one of the most important aspects in a good writing? 3. Why is it so important to use particular types of words and phrases known as ‘cohesive devices’? Ex. 2 Listen to the tape again and complete these extracts.
Ex.3 Read two passages aloud. Place a checkmark (√) on the line if the phrase describes the passage. The first one is done for you. Passage APassage B Choppy/Basic √................................ Fluent/Complex.......................................... Weak control of pronouns.......................................... Effective control of pronouns.......................................... Unclear audience.......................................... Clear audience ………….. Excessive repetition.......................................... Effective repetition..................
One Benefit of Travel Passage A
Passage B
Introduction Coherence Upon comparing the above two passages, you probably discovered that you preferred the second passage because it sounded smoother; that is, the ideas seemed to flow together well. The first passage has a very good progression from general to specific, yet there is only one idea in many of the sentences, causing the passage to sound choppy. Moreover, the control of point of view and pronouns is weak, causing confusion about who the audience is. The revision, however, shows more complexity in that the ideas are organized into complex and compound-complex sentences, creating a smoother flow of ideas from one sentence to another. As a result, the second passage is easier to understand at both the general and specific levels. Moreover, the relevance of the example is enhanced with improvement in vocabulary use. The control of pronouns and point of view and the repetition of key content words reinforce the writer's opinion about travel, making the example more relevant. This book will provide practice with coherence devices to teach you how to make your writing sound fluent and cohesive. Learning effective coherence devices will enable you to improve your writing at both the sentence and paragraph levels. "To cohere" means "to stick together"; "to be connected naturally or logically, by a common principle; to be consistent"; and "to become or stay united in action; to be in accord." Effective English writing is coherent; that is, the sentences follow each other smoothly and logically. In addition, the relationships between the ideas in the composition are clear to the reader. For example, the reader is able to locate the main ideas and sort out the examples. The time relationships and other forms of chronological order (steps, stages) are also clear. Old ideas link with new ideas, and pronouns are used correctly. Vocabulary, moreover, is well chosen to aid in the development of the content at every level. (Adapted from http://www.uefap.com/writing/exercise/parag/paragex12.htm)
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