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Is a crime crackdown a challenge of the time.




Липецк – 2007

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Is a Crime Crackdown a Challenge of the Time? Пособие для студентов старших курсов английского отделения факультета иностранных языков. – Липецк, ЛГПУ, 2007 – 348с.



Пособие представляет собой комплекс текстов и упражнений, ориентированных на решение целого ряда задач: совершенствование лексических навыков и параллельное развитие речевых умений по обсуждаемой проблеме, развитие навыка успешной передачи текста на другой язык, а также учебных умений самостоятельной работы, контроля и самоконтроля, работы со справочной литературой и др. Предназначено для студентов старших курсов английского отделения факультета иностранных языков.



Составители: доц. Л.М. Кузнецова,

ст. пр. Ж.Л. Ширяева

Рецензент: к.ф.н., доц. Барышев Н.В.


© Липецкий государственный педагогический университет


Липецк – 2007


Part I. Crime and Punishment


Courts and Trials (Topical Vocabulary) 6

Crime and Punishment. Patrick Richmond. 9

Английские любители «клубнички» в париках. Джон Дарнтон. 14

Justice? 17

Thief Challenges Dose of Shame as Punishment. Richard Willing. 22

Тебя посадят – а ты не воруй. Дмитрий Стёгов. 26

Women Behind Bars. Jim Collins. 29

Justice in Los Angeles. John Brandon. 33

Черное плюс белое равняется красному? Станислав Кучер. 37

Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice. James Stains. 44

You Think You Have Been Arrested and Being Held in Jail Unfairly. From the book We the People. 50

Murder on Their Minds. Susannah Meadows. 52

Век бы свободы не видать! Ольга Дмитриева. 56

A Little Too Much Reality. Marc Peyser, Suzanne Smalley. 59

How British Burglars Pick Their Victims. Robert Chesshyre. 61

A Life Inside. Erwin James. 68


Part II. Capital Punishment.


Capital Punishment is the Only Way to Deter Criminals. 73

Так добивались правды. Олег Герчиков. 78

The Hangman’s Rope. Nick Parkers. 82

40 тезисов в осуждение убийцы. Michael Weller. 84

Capital Punishment. 91

Как, где и за что казнят. Александр Лаврин. 93

The History of Capital Punishment. Jane Davillire. 95

Казнить нельзя помиловать. Наталья Шеховцова. 101

The Clang of the Gate. Alfred Klimt. 105

«Человека от тюрьмы защищать надо». Лариса Каллиома. 108

Inside the New Alcatraz. Peter Annin. 119

Смертникам жизнь хуже расстрела. Александр Евтушенко. 125

От Шварца – негру. Карен Бреслау, Антон Черменский. 129


Part III. Modern Crime.

State Power and Crime. Vladimir Guliyev. 137

Какие законы нам не указ. Владимир Римский. 143

The Holocaust in the Dock. Michael Hirsh. 151

The Making of a Suicide Bomber. Robert Pape. 155

Terrorist Infiltrations. David Gates. 163

Hacking for Dollars. Adam Piore. 167

‘Netbangers,’ Beware. Daren Briscoe. 177

Internet как инструмент совершения

киберпреступлений. Людмила Горошко. 182

Spyware Hits Business. R.M. Schneiderman. 184

Mobile Phone Crime Blitz Launched. Steve Hope. 191

Talking Tough on Piracy. Kevin Platt. 194

The Gentleman Thief. Tracy McNicoll, Christopher Dickey. 197


Part IV. Drugs and Crime.

Drugs and Crime. Patrick Chauvels. 202

Наркотикам – бой…и герл. Анна Абрамова. 214

Problem Addictions. Daniel Griffiths. 218

Тяга к наркотикам ничуть не ослабла. Джозеф Б.Тристер. 223

Judge Proposes Drug Court to Sober Up Abusers. Shantée Woodards. 227

Вам марихуаны? Пожалуйста! Диана Ким. 228

The Hell of Addiction. Geoffrey Cowley. 232

A Shot of Sanity. Karen Wright. 239

Cocaine Cartel Smashed. Jeff Choy. 245

В России 2 000 000 наркоманов. Алина Дутлаева. 250

A Worry for Ravers. Mary Carmichael. 254

Clubbers at Risk in Craze for New DIY Drugs. Jane Crane. 257

Наркомафия впрыскивает в науку «бабки». Эвелина Азаева. 260

A Dose of Discord. Igor Ryabov. 265


Part V. Genetics and Crime.

Are Criminals Made or Born? Richard J. Herrnstein, James Q. Wilson. 270 У преступников с мозгами не в порядке. Peter Carmichael. 277

How It All Starts Inside Your Brain. Sharon Begley. 278

Преступник разрушает сам себя. Игорь Алексеев. 285

Of Criminals and CEOs. Tara Pepper. 292

The Bionic Man. William Underhill. 298


Supplement. 303


Part I. Crime and Punishment.


(topical vocabulary)

1. Courts: trial courts, common pleas courts, municipal and county courts, mayor courts, courts of claims, courts of appeals, the State Supreme Court.

2. Cases: lawsuit, civil cases, criminal cases, framed-up cases.

3. Offences: felony, misdemeanor, murder, manslaughter, homicide, rape, assault, arson, robbery, burglary, theft/larceny, kidnapping, embezzlement, bribery, forgery, fraud, swindling, perjury, slander, blackmail, abuse of power, disorderly conduct, speeding, petty offence, house-breaking, shoplifting, mugging, contempt of court, subpoena.

4. Participants of the legal procedure: 1) parties to a lawsuit: claimant/plaintiff (in a civil case); state (criminal case); defendant, offender (first/repeat); attorney for the plaintiff (in a civil case); prosecutor (criminal); attorney for defence; 2) jury, Grand jury, to serve on a jury, to swear the jury, to convene; 3) witness – a credible witness; 4) a probation officer; 5) bailiff.

5. Legal procedure: to file a complaint/a countercomplaint, to answer/challenge the complaint; to notify the defendant of the lawsuit; to issue sb a summons; to issue a warrant of arrest (a search warrant); to indict sb for felony; to bring lawsuit; to take legal actions; to bring the case to court; to bring criminal prosecution; to make an opening statement; the prosecution/state; the defence; to examine a witness – direct examination, cross-examination; to present evidence (direct, circumstantial, relevant, material, incompetent, irrelevant, admissible, inadmissible, corroborative, irrefutable, presumptive, documentary); to register (to rule out, to sustain) an objection; circumstances (aggravating, circumstantial, extenuating); to detain a person, detention; to go before the court.

6. Penalties or sentences: bail; to release sb on bail, to bring in (to return, to give) a verdict of guilty/not guilty; actual incarceration; a jail sentence; a penitentiary term – a term of imprisonment (life, from 25 years to a few months imprisonment); probation, to be on probation, shock probation; parole, shock parole, Parole Board, to release sb on parole, to be eligible for parole; to place an offender on probation, to grant probation/parole; to send sb to a penitentiary/jail; to impose a sentence on sb; to serve sentences (consecutively, concurrently); to throw a reasonable doubt on the case; hard labour; manual labour.

7. A court-room: the judge’s bench, the jury box; the dock, the witness’ stand/box; the public gallery.

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