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National Health Service in Great Britain


Britain has got a National Health Service (the NHS). This service provides free treatment for all illnesses.

If you are ill, you go to your local doctor. He or she is a general practitioner (GP). You make an appointment to see the doctor. If you are too ill to go out, you telephone the doctor and he or she will come to your house. Your GP will either give you some treatment or send you to a specialist. Most specialists work in hospitals.

If the doctor gives you a prescription for some medicine, you take it to the chemist in a pharmacy. You have to pay for the medicine, unless it is for a child, an old person or someone who is unemployed. The cost is the same for any medicine.

If you have an accident you go straight to a hospital. You go to the Casualty Department.

You don't have to use the National Health Service. If you prefer, you can have private treatment. But you have to pay for this, and it usually means that you can have an operation sooner.


Ex. 7. Answer the questions:

1. Do British people go to their local doctor if they are ill?

2. Does the doctor come to your house if you are too ill?

3. Where do most specialists work?

4. Who gives prescriptions to patients?

5. Where do you get medicines?

6. Is medicine free for a child?

7. Where are people taken after accidents?

8. Can you have private treatment in Great Britain?

9. What are the advantages of private treatment?



    Active Passive
to be + Participle I to be + being + Participle II
Present They are discussing a new plan now. A new plan is being discussed now.
Past They were discussing a new plan when we came. A new plan was being discussed when we came.
Future They will be discussing a new plan at 6 o’clock.


Ex. 8. Перекладіть речення українською мовою, звертаючи увагу на стан і час дієслів:

1. The teacher is examining a student at present. 2. Some students are being examined by this teacher now. 3. At the last lecture the students were being shown a medical film. 4. They were demonstrating a new film from 10 till 12. 5. Our students will be carrying out the experimental work at five o’clock. 6. These tests are being carried out with the help of our students. 7. The doctors are doing everything in order to help these patients. 8. Much was being done to help this patient when the professor came to the clinic. 9. The surgeon was performing this operation from 10 till 11 o’clock. 10. This operation was being performed when we came in. 11. These new instruments are being introduced into practice at present. 12. This doctor is introducing a new instrument now.



Active   What Are you workingnow? are you doing now?
  Is he (she)..? Was he (she)..? Were you..? Will you be..?
Passive Whom Isthis operation being performed now? isthis operation being performed by?
Are they being..? Was it being..? Were they being..?


Ex. 9. Поставте запитання до речень, починаючи їх словами, які стоять у дужках:

а) 1. Не was working in the library from three till five. (When?) 2. It was raining the whole evening. (How long?) 3. This author is writing a historical novel now. (What?) 4. They will be working at six o’clock. (When?) 5. They were helping the doctor when we returned.
(What... doing?)

б) 1. This new hospital is being built in this village. (Where?) 2. New instruments were being demonstrated at the lecture when we came in. (When?) 3. This medical problem was being discussed at the meeting at 5 o'clock yesterday. (What problem?) 4. This patient is being operated now. (Whom?) 5. This work was being fulfilled by a group of students




Ex. 1. Read and memorize the words:


member-states — держави-члени

strengthening — зміцнення

eradicating — знищення

protecting — захист

improving — покращення

making efforts — докладання зусиль

to raise health levels — піднімати рівні здоров’я

epidemic warnings — попередження про епідемії

plague — чума

yellow fever — жовта лихоманка

outbreaks of viral diseases — спалахи вірусних хвороб

quarantine measures — карантинні заходи

headquarters — штаб(квартира)

anniversary — річниця

Ex. 2. Match the word-combinations

member-states штаб(квартира)

eradicating попередження про епідемії

making efforts карантинні заходи

to raise health levels спалахи вірусних хвороб

epidemic warnings знищення

outbreaks of viral diseases піднімати рівні здоров’я

quarantine measures докладання зусиль

headquarters держави-члени


Ex. 3. Read the text and answer the questions




WHO was founded in 1948. In 1946 the United Nations held an International Health Conference in New York. There the Constitution of WHO was signed by 61 countries. Now there are 160 member-states. Membership is open to all countries.

WHO activities take many forms:

—strengthening national health services,

—preparing more and better health workers,

—controlling or eradicating epidemic diseases,

—protecting mother and child health,

—improving sanitation and water supply

—and making all other efforts to raise health levels

One of the main services carried out by WHO is the ser­vice of epidemic warnings. The 5 main world epidemics of history — plague, cholera, grippe, typhus and yellow fever — are still a great danger in our time of fast sea and air travel.

WHO gathers information and broadcasts it daily by ra­dio to health authorities, ports, airports and ships at sea. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases such as influenza and poliomyelitis.

Besides an epidemic information WHO also provides services which are needed by all the countries, such as an international quarantine measures, world health statistics, international standardization of medicines and vaccines, development of medical research and technical publication programme.

The daily work of the World Health Organization is car­ried out by a medical and administrative staff of about 3,500 international officers from 90 different countries. These officers are stationed at headquarters in Geneva, in Regional Offices, or with special centers working on every continent.

There is good enough reason to celebrate the World Health Organization's anniversary on April 7-th as World Health Day.

Ex. 4. Say if it is true or false:

1. WHO was founded in 1948.

2. In 1946 the United Nations held an International Health Conference in London. The 5 main world epidemics of history — plague, cholera, grippe, typhus and yellow fever — are not a great danger in our time of fast sea and air travel.

3. WHO also informs national health services about outbreaks of viral diseases such as influenza and poliomyelitis.

4. Administrative staff are of about 3,500 international officers from 90 different countries.

5. These officers are stationed at headquarters in New York.

6. There is good enough reason to celebrate the World Health Organization's anniversary on May 9-th as World Health Day.

Ex. 5. Read and translate the text:

committees of assisting — комітети допомоги

voluntariness — добровільність

assisting — допомога

the imprisoned — ув’язнені, в’язні

earthquakes — землетруси

reunion of families — возз’єднання сімей

to be aimed — бути націленим



The International movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescentappeared due tothe initiative of Henry Dunant.

In 1863 in Geneve the representatives from 16 countries adopted 10 resolutions defining the tasks and methods of the work of Committees of assisting the wounded. It was the beginning of the world-wide movement of the Red Cross. The emblem of the movement is the Red Cross or the Red Crescent in the Islamic world on the white background. Its basic principles are: humanity, neutrality, independence, voluntariness, unity and universality.

Nowadays this organization exists in 150 countries all over the world. It has many various tasks:

-caring for the wounded in wars;

-assisting people with physical or mental inability;

-visiting the imprisoned in jails;

-supporting the victims of earthquakes;

-reunion of families;

-defense of people on occupied territories;

-training personnel in hygiene and first aid;

-organizing donors' help.

The Red Cross is aimed at helping all those suffering without any discrimination.

Ex. 6. Answer the questions:

1. How did the International movement of the Red Cross start?

2. What are its basic principles?

3. What are its main tasks?

4. Are you a member of the Red Cross organization?

5. Did you ever take part in its activities?


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