Перфектні часи (perfect Tenses) 

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Перфектні часи (perfect Tenses)

Ex. 3. Складіть питальні речення.

Зразок: him, seen, you, have?

1. book, have, this, read, you?

2. problem, this, discussed, they, have?

3. to, Kate, Kyiv, been, has?

4. you, him, to, spoken, have?

5. it, about, they, you, told, have?

6. test, have, the, written, you?

7. exercise, done, has, the, Peter?

8. o’clock, you, nine, since, been, have, here?

9. years, two, you, for, have, him, known?

10. you, the, the, explained, has, teacher, rule, to?


Ex. 4. Складіть спеціальні запитання за зразком

Зразок: read, you, book, have, what?

What book have you read?

1. Kyiv, you, seen, in, what, have?

2. have, many, how, read, you, books?

3. articles, she, what kind of, translated, has?

4. bought, you, have, what?

5. dress, bought, she, what kind of, has?

6. done, you, just, have, what?

7. brought, you, how many, have, newspapers?

8. you, found, book, have, whose?

9. mistakes, she, has, how many, made?

10. writer, written, this, has, what?


Ex. 5. Поставте речення у питальну форму та дайте короткі відповіді:

1. They have translated the article.

2. You have read this book.

3. He has seen this film.

4. She has written the letter.

5. Nick has returned from Kyiv.

6. Mary has been to Odessa.

7. You have been here since nine o’ clock.

8. Peter has done this grammar exercise.

9. Ann has made three mistakes in her test.

10.The students have discussed this problem.




It is (was) … that (who) — саме... що (хто)

It is (was) … since — вже... з тих пір


It was in the club that I met him yesterday. Саме у клубі я зустрів його вчора

It is five months since he left Kyiv. Уже п’ять місяців, як він поїхав з Києва.


Ex. 6. Перекладіть речення:

1. It is Paris that is famous for its art treasures. 2. It was A. Flemming who discovered the penicillin. 3. It is two years since I saw him. 4. It was yesterday that I met them. 5. It was Jenner who introduced the vaccination. 6. It is two years since she entered our College.

СПР №8

Read and memorize the words:

to carry out — провадити

mouse (pi. mice) — миша

bacilli — бацили

to reveal — виявляти

origin — походження

to catch — захворіти, заразитися

intestines — кишки

comma-shaped — подібний за формою до коми

cholera — холера

Robert Koch

Robert Koch was a prominent German bacteriologist the founder of modern microbiology. He was born in 1843 and died in 1910.When Koch became a doctor he carried on many experiments on mice in a small laboratory. In 1882 Koch discovered tuberculosis bacilli. In his report made in the Berlin Physiological Society Koch described in detail the morphology of tuberculosis bacilli and the ways to reveal them. Due to his discovery Koch became known all over the world. Nobody knew the origin of this disease, there were not any protective measures against it.

The disease spread very rapidly from one place to another and thousands In 1883 Koch went to Egypt to study cholera. At that time there was a wide­spread epidemic of cholera in Egypt. of healthy people died. But sometimes some people who were in a constant contact with the diseased person did not catch cholera. Koch carried out his investigations during the cholera epidemic in Egypt and then in India.

In 1884 Koch published his book on cholera which included the investigations of his research work. From the intestines of the men with cholera Koch isolated a small comma-shaped bacterium.' He determined that these bacteria spread through drinking water. In 1905 Koch got the Nobel prize for his important scientific discove­ries.

Answer the questions:

1 Who was the founder of modern microbiology?2.Who was born in 1843, died in 1910?3. When did Koch carry many experiments on mice?4.What investigations did he carry out in India and Egypt?5.When did he published the book on cholera? 6. What did Koch get in 1905?

Read the text and answer the questions:




Ex. 1. Read the words and word-combinations to the text:


Genius — геній To create — створювати
Researcher — дослідник Suggest — пропонувати
New trend — новий напрям Reference-book — довідник
Major — головний Treating — лікування
To сontribute — робити внесок Gunshot — вогнепальні
Enormous — величезний Plaster of Paris — гіпс
To dedicate — присвячувати To save — рятувати
Field surgeon — польовий хірург Compassionate — співчутливий
The wounded — поранені Relieve pain — полегшувати біль
Genuinely — щиро To сreate — створювати



Ex. 2. Read the text and answer the questions:

Mykola Pirogov was called a scientist of genius even in his life­time. His career as a researcher, excellent surgeon and clinician was impressive. At 18, he graduated from Moscow University; at 22, he became a Doctor of Science; at 26, he was a Professor at Derpt (now Tartu) University, one of the largest in Europe, and at 30, he headed Russia’s first field surgery clinic. During his years in surgery, he started a new trend in the study of human anatomy and physiology, based on fundamentally new methods. His major research works in this field contributed enormously to world science. To this day, Pirogov’s methods are among the basic methods in the study and teaching anatomy.

Pirogov’s life was dedicated to people. He was a field surgeon during four wars (in the Caucasus in 1847, in the Crimea in 1854, in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870, and in the Russian-Turkish war in 1877), selflessly saving the lives of the wounded in the most difficult of conditions.

He in fact created a new medical science, field surgery, His work, “Fundamentals of Field Surgery” (1864), had soon become a reference book for field surgeons in all countries.

He formulated some of the most important principles of treating gunshot wounds, fractures, shock and wound infections, and developed the most ingenious methods of performing operations.

He was also the first to apply, on a large scale, plaster of Paris bandages in field conditions (in Sevastopol, during the Crimean war), which was a revolution in field surgery. Pirogov had a phenomenal capacity for work, which enabled him to do a great deal in all spheres of surgery. He also developed clas­sical, world-acknowledged methods of operations and treatment in ophthalmology, urology, and other fields. Many of those methods are applied even now. One of them, the so-called Pirogov amputation (a conservative-restorative operation on the extremities), marked the beginning of osteoplasty.

Genuinely compassionate with the sick and the wounded, Pirogov tried to find ways of relieving their suffering. He was among the first to realize the importance of general anesthesia and to apply narcosis, He firmly believed that narcosis not only relieved pain, but created the optimum conditions for keeping up the patient’s vital functions during an operation.


Ex. 3. Answer the questions:

1. Where did Pirogov study? 2. What new trend did he start? 3. Where are his methods used? 4. Whose life was dedicated to people? 5. What medical science did he create? 6. What work had had soon become a reference-book for field-surgeons? 7. What did Pirogov do to relieve sufferings of soldiers? 8. What was his opinion about narcosis? 9. Was he a field surgeon at four wars? 10. What is the title of his famous book? 11. What marked the beginning of osteoplasty? 12. Are Pirogov’s methods used now?


Ex. 4. Make up a plan of the text

Ex. 5. Be ready to speak about Mykola Pirogov


Підмет (the Subject) та присудок (the Predicate), складають граматичну основу речення. Підмет може бути виражений:

1. іменником без прийменника (a student, a book) The book is interesting;

2. особовим займенником (I, he, we…) We study at the College;

3. займенниками one, it. It is cold;

4. числівником (three, the third) The third was the best;

5. інфінітивом (to read, to write…) To read is useful.

Підмет може мати означальні слова, які входять до групи підмета.

This young girl studies at our College.



Ex. 6. Перекладіть речення українською мовою

Water is cold. We water flowers.

The doctor is young. They doctor children.

The air is warm. Nurses air the rooms.

The play was good. They play tennis well.


Ex. 7. Перекладіть слова і словосполучення українською мовою

a) A name — to name; A number — to number; A stop — to stop; Thanks — to thank; Watch — to watch; Help — to help;

b) to walk slowly — a slow walk; to make somebody free — to free somebody; to become pale — to pale.



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