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Ex. 11. Перекладіть речення українською мовою: І. One can see many tables in our classroom. 2. One can find some chairs near the tables. 3. To the right of the book-case you can see a door. 4. In front of the door one can find a large window. 5. One can see some pictures on the walls.
Загальні і спеціальні запитання
Ex. 12. Трансформуйте стверджувальні речення в питальні і заперечні: 1. One can see a writing-table in this room. 2. One can find a vase of flowers on the table. 3. One can see some pictures on the walls. 4. One can find many books in this bookcase. 5. One can see a telephone in this room. 6. There is a large window in this room. СПР №2 Travelling. Read the text.
TRAVEL There are different kinds of traveling. Some people travel about their country and some travel abroad. You can travel by plane, by train, by car, by bus, by bicycle, and on foot. And each way has its advantages and disadvantages. Travel is fun. Travel is exciting. But it isn’t fun or exciting if you get ill. So what can you do to stay in good health? There are three things you should remember when you travel; relax, sleep and eat well. When you are a tourist there are so many places to visit: museums, churches, parks and shops. This can be very tiring for you. A tired body means a weak body, and a weak body gets ill easily. Do not ask your body to do too much, you should take a rest. Answer the questions: 1. Do you like to travel? 2. Have you ever traveled abroad? 3. Is traveling tiring? 4. Who gets ill easily? 5. Why must you take a rest?
Read and memorize the words: CUSTOMS. THE BORDER — МИТНИЦЯ. КОРДОН 1. Here is my passport Ось мій паспорт 2. Here’s my luggage Ось мій багаж 3. Here is the receipt Ось квитанція 4. Here’s my visa Ось моя віза 5. Entry (exit, transit) visa В’їзна (виїзна, транзитна) віза 6. The purpose of my trip is Мета мого виїзду 7. Business Ділова 8. Tourism Туризм, 9. Personal Особова 10. I need Мені потрібен 11. Customs declaration form Бланк митної декларації 12. Vaccination certificate Довідка про вакцинацію 13. Drivers license Права водія 14. Customs permission Дозвіл митниці 15. Border Кордон 16. Citizenship Громадянство 17. Custom duty Мито 18. Custom inspection Митницька інспекція 19. To go through Проходити (через) 20. Passport control Паспортний контроль 21. Prohibited Заборонено 22. Duty free Не підлягають миту 23. Subject to duty Підлягають миту 24. Currency Валюта
Ex. 1. Прочитайте і перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на форми дієслів у неозначених часах: 1. They study at the Medical College. 2. He goes to the College on week days. 3. We answered our teacher’s questions at the last English lesson. 4. My friend will take part in sports events. 5. She wrote some letters to her friends last month. 6. The train goes from a platform at 5 o’clock. 7. We shall go to Kyiv next month. 8. My brother went to school last year. 9. Nick often reads newspapers. 10. At the lessons we used the English-Ukrainian dictionary.
Ex. 2. Назвіть форми Past Indefinite і Past Participle дієслів: а) to study, to work, to ask, to fulfill, to play, to finish, to wash; б) to be, to begin, to come, to do, to get, to give, to go, to have, to know, to leave, to make, to meet, to read, to say, to see, to sit, to speak, to take, to tell, to think, to write.
Ex. 3. Поставте дієслова, які стоять у дужках, у відповідній формі неозначених часів: 1. Every day she (to go) to the Institute. 2. Yesterday we (to go) to the cinema. 3. They (to fulfill) their plan last month. 4. Next week we (to fulfill) our plan. 5. He usually (to come) to the hospital (приходити в лікарню) at 8.30. 6. Tomorrow I (to come) there at 9 o'clock. 7. He (to speak) English very well. 8. Last week he (to speak) about this problem. 9. Every day this doctor (to make) the morning round and (to examine) the patients (оглядати пацієнтів). 10. Yesterday this doctor (to make) the morning round (робити ранковий обхід) and (to give) some orders to the nurses. 11. This nurse (to fulfill) the doctor's orders every morning. 12. Tomorrow our students (to fill in(заповнювати)) the case histories (історії хвороби).
Перекладіть другу частину речення англійською мовою:
Порядок слів у розповідному реченні
Ex. 4. Складіть речення із слів, дотримуючись прямого їх порядку: 1. Practical classes, present, we, every day, are, at, our. 2. At the English lesson, gave, our teacher, some tests, to us, on Monday. 3. To the concert, my friends, go, will, tomorrow. 4. This, every day, to the hospital, doctor, comes, 8 o’clock, at. 5. Every evening, reads, some newspapers, my father, at home. СПР №3. Read and translate the text.
- Letters are divided into two categories, formal and informal. There are various types of formal and informal letters, for example: letters asking for or giving information, letters asking for or offering advice, letters of invitation, letters accepting or refusing an invitation, letters of complaint, letters of apology, letters expressing thanks/regrets/ congratulations, letters giving or asking for directions, letters of application, narrative/ descriptive letters, transactional letters, letters telling the news etc. - It is important to think about the person who you are writing to before you begin writing a letter. If the wrong style is used, the letter will look impolite, silly or odd. For example, if you used formal language to write to a close friend, the letter would look odd, or if you used informal language to write a letter to a company, the letter would look impolite. - There are certain characteristics which allow us to distinguish between formal and informal letters. These are: o The salutation (e.g. Dear Sir/ Madam, Dear Bill) o The style of language (e.g. use of formal language for formal letters, or the use of slang and idioms for informal letters) o The closing remarks (e.g. Yours faithfully, Lucy Cohen / Yours sincerely, Lucy Cohen / Love, Lucy)
PARAGRAPH PLAN FOR LETTERS Salutation Paragraph 1 reason(s) for writing Paragraphs 2, 3 development Final paragraph closing remarks Name STYLE IN FORMAL AND INFORMAL LETTERS
Formal letters Greeting: Dear Sir/Madam / Mr Dobbins, - impersonal style - complex sentence structure — frequent use of Passive Voice — single word verbs — non-colloquial English — formal language - each paragraph develops one specific topic - only facts, infrequent use of descriptive adjectives - no use of short forms Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely, Name: Steven Hill
Model 1
Dear Madam, I am writing on behalf of “World Travel” in response to your request for information on holidaying in the Caribbean. A two-week package to the peaceful island of St. Kitts is being offered by our agency for only 3,000. This island satisfies all your requirements, as it is quiet and has little tourism. In addition, transport is available should you wish to explore other islands in the Caribbean. All travel plans can be arranged through our office. Please contact our agency immediately should you require more information. Yours faithfully, Jane Douglas Model 2 Dear Jane, A quick note to help you decide where to hang out over the holidays. Bill and I went to St. Kitts last summer and it was great. It’s a small, quiet island that hasn’t been overrun by tourism yet, so you can really get a feel for the local culture. Yu can hop over to other islands too, because there are boats leaving St. Kitts every few hours. If St. Kitts is too quiet, you can go and party in St. Martin. Happy to give you the number of my travel agent if you are interested. Give me a ring so we can have a chat about it. Love, Patricia LESSON 5. МАЙБУТНЯ ПРОФЕСІЯ
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