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Exercises to the text Water pollution.Содержание книги
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Ex. 1 Say in English. Скажи по –английски. Естественное состояние, чистый, загрязнение, портить, определение «загрязнение воды», менять, легитимные (законные) пользователи, поверхность, сохранение рыбы, грунтовые воды, промышленные отходы, другие отбросы, основные формы, домашние отходы, с/х отходы, эстетическая проблема, бактериальное загрязнение, тиф, бактериальная дизентерия, обработка загрязненнных поверхностей, интенсивное исследование.
Ex. 1 Say in Russian. Скажи по –русски. Is a natural state, never, much of impurity, definition, legitimated users, public users, water pollution, preservation of fish, to mean, agriculture, ground, water suppliers, other refuse, garbage, agricultural pursuits, industrial wastes, hepatitis, the principal forms, arises, shigellosis, is simpler, waterborne diseases, have a responsibility, eliminating pollution, more efficient techniques, reseach laboratories, are studding, absorption filters, electro dialysis, electrolysis, solvent extraction.
Ex.3 Find sentences with the following word combinations. Найдите предложения со следующими словосочетаниями: 1)“…….definition water pollution”, 2) “………legitimated users”, 3)“…..water pollution arises”, 4)“……the principle forms of water pollution”.
Ex.4. Find sentences which begin with. Найдите предложения которые начинаются с: 1)“an overall reduction of quantities….”, 2) “intensive research…” Translate these sentences. Переведите эти предложения. Ex.5. Determine which of predicates a simple verbal or compound nominal predicate is. Определите, какое из сказуемых является простым глагольным, а какое сложным глагольным сказуемым: Is 100 per cent, mean, interferes, means, is not sufficient, becomes, is a threat, are wastes, have, is necessary, is simpler, is needed, are studying, are filters, distillation. Ex. 6 Determine the functions of “to be”. Определите функции “to be”. Ex. 7 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Is water ever in its natural state to 100 percent pure? 2. What do we mean by definition “water pollution?” 3. What does water pollution mean? 4. What arises from activities of man? 5. What are the principle forms of water pollution? 6. What is a threat for spread of waterborne diseases? 7. What is necessary? 8. What responsibility do the users of public water have? 9. What is the intensive research needed for? 10. What are universities and research labs?
Water pollution.
Water pollution arises from the activities of man in his cities, industries and agricultural pursuits. It has become not only a health hazard but also a critical economic problem a threat to industries, agriculture, and metropolitan areas. It destroys fish and wild life and spoils potential recreational areas. All waste waters contain the organic substances which will be decomposed by bacteria and other microorganism. Effects of Pollution: All kinds of pollution appear in water as a result of the presence in streams of minute quantities of many new chemical compounds used in homes, industrial processes and agriculture. Pollution control. The users of public waters have a responsibility for returning them as clean as possible. For the majority of wastes the solution lies in treatment by physical, chemical and biological processes which will remove suspended, colloidal and dissolved solids. Sedimentation, coagulation and filtration will remove up to 50% the organic matter. “Biological filters” and “activated sludge” are the agencies used in most of the biological processes. The Key to the activated-sludge process is the aeration tank, into which compressed air is blown through air diffusers in the bottom of the tank. The oxygen is necessary for microorganisms. They need to metabolize the food in the aerobic process. Other systems introduce the necessary air by agitation of water surface made by rotating vanes, brushes and paddle wheels, combined with circulation of the liquid. The organisms coagulate to form floe particles about 1 mm in diameter, which adsorb organic matter from waste. As additional organisms grow in the presence of dissolved oxygen, the surfaces of the particles become more active adsorbs or organic matter. This settles out in the final sedimentation tank. Clear liquid overflows the weirs and passes direct to the stream. The final treatment may also consist of disinfection by a dosage of from 1 to 5 p.p.m of chlorine. The heavy organic solids are pumped to the sludge digestion tank, where anaerobic matter in the absence of air and reduce it to an innocuous humus and gases, principally methane and carbon monoxide. This gas is often used as a fuel to meet the power needs of the sewage-disposal plant.
Exercises to the text “Water pollution” Exercises to the text Water pollution. Ex.1. Say in Russian. Скажите по-русски. water pollution; agricultural pursuits; a health hazard; a threat; recreational areas; the organic substances; minute quantities; a responsibility; will remove; the organic matter; “activated sludge”; the aeration tank; is blown; the aerobic process; paddle wheels; floe particles; a dissolved oxygen; settles out; the weirs; the heavy organic solids; the sludge digestion tank; an innocuous humus and gases; the sewage-disposal plant.
Ex. 2. Say in English. Скажите по-английски. возникает из-за деятельности человека; критическая экономическая проблема; загрязненные воды содержат взвешенные коллоидные и растворенные вещества; будут разложены; как результат; химические компоненты (составляющие); взвешенные, коллоидные и растворенные твердые тела (вещества); биологические фильтры; сжатый воздух; воздушные (диффузоры воздуха); циркулирующие жидкости; более активные адсорбенты органического вещества; финальная очистка; твердые тяжелые органические вещества; анаэробная ферментация; в отсутствии воздуха; используется как топливо, безвредные газы и гумус.
Ex. 3. Find Passive Voice, Present Simple. Найдите и выпишите сказуемые в пассивном залоге, в простом настоящем. Как построен пассивный залог? Назовите формы Present Simple.
Ex. 4. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What does water pollution arise from? 2. What do all waste waters contain? 3. Why do all kinds of pollution appear? 4. What does the solution lay in treatment by physical, chemical and biological processes for? 5. What is the aeration tank? 6. What do the organisms coagulate to? 7. What may also consist of disinfection by a dosage of from 1 to 5 p.p.m of chlorine? 8. What do microorganisms consume?
Ex. 5. What do you know about the aeration tank? Give a detailed answer using information of the text. Что вы знаете о реакторе аэробной очистки? Дайте полный ответ. Air and Health. Air pollution. A man can live without food for weeks and without water for days but he can live without air only a few minutes. Accordingly air is the most immediately vital recourse. There is evidence that air pollution is producing harmful effects in man, animals and plants. Many studies plus common sense reveal that air pollution may cause reduced visibility, eye irritation. Some medical studies link air pollution with lung cancer, emphysema and other diseases. The problem of air pollution is of great social importance. Russian research workers have established that there is a definite correlation between the degree of air pollution and rates of incidence and death from bronchitis [brυn'kaitis] pneumonia and lung cancer. The researchers believe that if air pollution were decreased by 50 %, the incidence of these diseases would go down by 25% (percent). There is a connection between air pollution and the death rate from all types of cancer. Air pollution is produced by different air contaminants in different areas. By general definition air pollution is the introduction of hazardous [' hæzədəs] materials into atmosphere as the result of man’s activities.
Exercises to the text.
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