Sanitary inspection of water-supply sources 

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Sanitary inspection of water-supply sources

9. The zones of sanitary maintenance of water source:

1) *High security zone;

2) *Restricted zone;

3) *Observational zone;

4) Industrial zone;

5) Administrative zone.


13. The stages (steps) of water supply source investigation:

1) Mechanical investigation

2) *Sanitary-topographical, sanitary-technological investigation

3) *Epidemiological investigation

4) Visual investigation

5) *Laboratory investigation


15. Hygienic requirements to a well technical maintenance

1. *A shaft should achieve the second waterbearing stratum, ‘clay lock’ with r = 1,5 m and depth 1,5-2 m;

2. A shaft should achieve the third waterbearing stratum, ‘clay lock’ with r = 3.0 m and depth 4.0-5.0 m;

3. *Distance to potential sources of pollution no less than 25 m on flat country and 100 m in case of a slope;

4. *A shell should be made from waterproof materials (wood, reinforced concrete) and the curb height should be no less than 80 sm; presence of a cover, canopy, bucket of common use

5. Distance to potential sources of pollution no less than 10 m from flat country and 30 m in case of a slope;

The 3rd level tests

№ з/п 71 № з/п у БД3668

A student has got the following examination task. The interlayer waters are known to be so much mineralized that they can’t be used for municipal water supply with no treatment. In case of soil pollution by waste products and sewage. There is a danger of subsoil water pollution with pathogenic microorganisms. Name the source of water supply to be the best for middle and small water pipes.

A. * interlayer waters

B. subsoil waters

C. atmosphere waters

D. surface waters

E. springs

№ з/п 110 № з/п у БД3325

For preventive purposes the student drinks mineral waters. What mineral water can be used for everyday


A. *potable

B. arsenic

C. boric

D. hydrosulfurous

E. radon


№ з/п 113 № з/п у БД3328

Student В. Lives in the canalized house in the flat with complete set of sanitary equipment (WC, bath, shower,

centralized hot water supply). What volume of water does he use daily?

A. *250-300 l

B. 10-15 l

C. 50-100 l

D. 160-200 l

E. 400-500 l

Topic: Water as a factor of health. Hygienic significance of water. Water laboratory analysis.

Author: Teklyuk Ruslan, Lecturer / Teacher of Hygiene and Ecology Department


1. What are the main functions of water in our life:
A. * Physiological, household, health-improving, industrial
B. Compensatory, regulatory, production of vitamins
C. Physiological, regulatory, health improving, compensatory, industrial
D. Compensatory, bioregulatory, thermoregulatory, production of vitamins
E. Physiological, regulatory, adaptive, household, health-improving, indutrial
Source: Datsenko II Preventive Medicine: general hygiene of the fundamentals of ecology / II Datsenko, R. D. Gabovich. - K.: Health, 2004. - S. 141-145.

2. Indicate bacterial infectious diseases that can be transmitted through water:
A. * Typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, pseudotuberkulosis
B. Typhoid fever, cholera, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, dysentery, polio, amebic dysentery, pseudotuberkulosis
C. Viral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, enterovirus infections, balantidiasis, bacillary dysentery,
D. Endemic goitre, caries, fluorosis, molybdenic artritis, Kashin-Bek disease, Minomata disease
E. Tuberculosis, pseudotuberkulosis.
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 181.

3. Indicators that water is of a full physiological value:
A. * Total hardness, amount of fluoride
B. Smell, taste, transparency, nitrates, nitrites, chlorides, water oxidizability
C. Total hardness, hardness removable, dry residue, silicon, magnesium, fluoride
D. Transparency, iron, ferric chloride
E. Water is tasty, cool, fulfils thirst, has enough total hardness, removable hardness, dry residue, silicon, magnesium, fluoride
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 205.

4. What are the main ways of preventing the biogeochemical endemic diseases:
A. * Delivery of marine products, adding of microelements in drinking water, use of pharmaceuticals, use of fertilizers enriched with microelements
B. Use of physiotherapeutic procedures, milk diet
C. Use of speleotherapy, adding of sea products, trace elements in drinking water, meals lightly salting
D. Introduction of medical physical culture
E. Using of climate, light physical training, correct day regimen, vegetable diet, adding of ascorbic acid.
Source: Datsenko II Preventive Medicine: general hygiene of the fundamentals of ecology / II Datsenko, R. D. Gabovich. - K.: Health, 2004. - S. 195, 308.

5. List indicators of water pollution:
A. * Organoleptic, chemical, bacteriological, hydrobiological
B. Industrial, agricultural, domestic
C. Organoleptic, endemic, sanitary
D. Physical, chemical, biological, sanitary number by Chlebnycov
E. Chemical, physical, bacteriological, endemic, an entomological, helminthologic, universal
Source: Datsenko II Preventive Medicine: general hygiene of the fundamentals of ecology / II Datsenko, R. D. Gabovich. - K.: Health, 2004. - S. 152, 162, 164.

6. Tap water should have the following bacteriological indicators:
A. * Coli - titre - not less than 300 ml, Coli-index - no more than 3 per 1 litre
B. Coli – titre - less than 300 ml, total microbal number no more than 10
C. Coli index - at least 100, total microbal number no more than 150
D. Coli index - no more than 10 per 1 litre, Cl. perfringens - no more than 0.01
E. Titre of Cl. perfringens - not less than 0.01, the coli – titre not less than 300 ml, Coli-index – to 3 per 1 litre.
Source: Datsenko II Preventive Medicine: general hygiene of the fundamentals of ecology / II Datsenko, R. D. Gabovich. - K.: Health, 2004. - S. 164.

7.Total microbal number in 1 ml of tap water should be not more than:
* A 100
B. 10
C. 50
D. 1000
E. 300
Source: Datsenko II Preventive Medicine: general hygiene of the fundamentals of ecology / II Datsenko, R. D. Gabovich. - K.: Health, 2004. - S. 164.

8. Index of fecal coliforms in 100 ml of water should be not more than:
A. * Absence
B. 5
C. 50
D. 100
E. 10
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 205.


9. The number of pathogens in 1 dm3 of water should be not more than:
A. * Absence
B. 100
C. 1000
D. 5
E. 10
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 205.


10. Total activity of alpha particles emission in drinking water should be no more Bq / dm3:
A. * 0.1
B. 0.01
C. 1.0
D. 10.0
E. 100.0
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 205.


11. Which of the indices shows the contamination of water with organic pollutants:
A. * Oxidability
B. Fecal coliforms
C. Ammonia
D. Chlorides
E. Hardness
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 202.

12. Oxidability of drinking water should not exceed, mg/dm3:
A. * 4
B. 2
C. 0
D. 6
E. 10
Sources: health and environment / [Bardov VG, Moskalenko VF, Omelchuk ST and others.] For Ed. VG Bardova. - Kiev: A new book, 2006. - S. 202.

10. Water hygienic requirements are:

1) *perfect organoleptic and physical qualities;

2) *optimal chemical composition;

3) *should not include radiological and toxic substances and pathogenic microorganisms;

4) should quench thirst;

5) should have the chemical composition that corresponds to the blood plasma.


1. Water transmitted diseases:

1. *Bacterial infectious diseases (cholera, typhoid, salmonellosis, dysentery, paratyphoid, brucellosis, plague, leptospirosis, etc.);

2. *Viral diseases (viral hepatitis, poliomyelitis, enterovirus diseases), protozoan diseases;

3. *Helminthiasises (ascaridiasis, diphyllobothriasis, schistosomiasis, etc.);

4. malaria, tuberculosis

5. rabies (mad cow disease), echinococcosis.


14. The hygienic conclusion should include the answers on following questions:

1) *Is water appropriate to drinking needs? If it is not, define, what kind of pollution takes place: mineral or organic?

2) How many liters of such water a person may drink per day?

3) Define the amount of pollution (small, much, very much)

4) *Define the pollution duration (latest, recent, long-standing, constant)

5) *What methods of water quality improvement should be used?

The 3rd level tests

№ з/п 23 № з/п у БД3288

The populated area has the water supply from artesian chink. Lab analyses data: transparence 30

cm hardness 5,5 mg eq/l colority 20о nitrates 20 mg/l smell 1 score fluorine 4,0 mg/l taste 1

score coli-tytre 400 ml What disease would result water consumption?

A. *fluorosis

B. urine stones

C. water-nitrate methemoglobinemia

D. chronic gastritis

E. syderoachrestic anemia


№ з/п 119 № з/п у БД3339

The artesian chink is situated out off the residential area, the nearest territory is free of pollution and covered.

Water analysis: taste 1 score oxidation ability 0,5 mg О2/lcoli-tytre 500 ml smell 0

scores ammonia traces transparence 40 cm colority 10? microbic number 28

nitrites traces nitrates 92,0 mg/l What disease can be caused by drinking this water?

A. *water-nitrate methemoglobinemia

B. syderoachrestic anemia

C. talassemia

D. dysentery

E. gastritis

№ з/п 120 № з/п у БД3340

The mountain lake is situated out off the residential area. The forest is around, shores are sandy and stony.

Water analysis: Smell. taste 1 score ammonia and nitrites no color colorless nitrates 40 mg/l

transparence 40 cm chlorides 50 mg/l oxidation ability 3 mg О2/l hardness 10 mg eq/l coli-tytre 300

ml microbic number 65 Could this water be used for drinking?

A. *water is suitable for drinking

B. water is suitable only for technical purposes

C. water is suitable after boiling

D. water is not suitable for using

E. water can be used after settling

№ з/п 135 № з/п у БД3352

In the well situated at the outskirts of the village in 60 m from the cattle farm they found nitrogen compounds in

concentrations: ammonia - 0,9 mg/l, nitrites -0,1 mg/l, nitrates - 52 mg/l. For what pollution is this analysis


A. *continuous

B. fresh

C. recent

D. old

E. latent

№ з/п 152 № з/п у БД3369

In the country with decentralized water supply (shaft wells) they registered elongation of fonticuli healing, poor

bones development, teeth development retardation among infants. They are typical signs for presence in water


A. *Fluorine

B. Lead

C. Strontium

D. Iodine

E. Arsenium




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