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Microbes and Tropical DeteriorationСодержание книги
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Deterioration of material like optical instrument, photographic materials, paper, goods, electrical equipment in tropical countries is caused by microorganisms. Textiles, paper, rubber, optical instruments. Microorganisms, especially bacteria destroy cotton fibres and other articles made of cotton. Paper, goods of paper, leather and rubber are spoiled by species of fungi. Binoculars, cameras, photographic materials are also attacked by bacteria and fungi. They especially spoil lenses. Microbes and Diseases of Human beings. Some pathogenic microorganisms cause serious diseases in human beings. Pathogenic microorganisms cause the diseases as follows fever, diphtheria. ТВ (tuberculosis'), Asiatic cholera, syphilis, malaria, hay fever, elephantiasis. Bacteria and fungi. A number of bacteria are plant pathogens. They cause various kinds of diseases, which lead to great losses to the plants. Fungi destroy agricultural crops, fruit, nuts, drug plants, forest and shade trees. Fungi destroy trees, furniture, and timber goods. Exercises to the text Ex. 1 Find the following words combinations in the text. Найдите следующие словосочетания в тексте. Formidable enemies, harmful aspects, spoilage of food, a possibility, microbial lipases, lipase, forming bacteria, are responsible, the spoilage of bread, a number of species. Ex.2 Say in English. Скажите по-английски. Certain fungi, frozen cod, virtual spoilage, a huge growth of microorganisms, a number of species, phytoplankton, toxic odor, water blooms, death of animals, chemical substances, enlargement of the liver, failure of blood to clot, damage to buildings and ships, tropical deterioration, optical instruments, are caused by microorganisms, destroy cotton fibres, photographic materials, serious diseases in human beings, hay fever, elephantiasis. Ex. 3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What are formidable enemies to mankind? 2. What destruction do microorganisms cause? 3. What are some specific fungi responsible for? 4. What cause disagreeable order and testes in water? 5. Where does a number of species grow7 6. What animals do microorganisms cause death of? 7. What causes damage to buildings and ships? 8. What else do microorganisms damage? 9. What microorganisms cause serious diseases in human beings?
Biotechnology. Biotechnology can be defined as the use of living organisms in systems or processes for the manufacture of useful products: it may include 'algae, bасteria, fungi, yeasts, cells of the higher plants or animals or subsystems of any of these or isolated components from such living matter. Biotechnology means the application of microbes and biotechnical technology to applied biology to the exploitation of biological systems and processes for our own use. Biotechnology has a broad 'impact on medicine and production of vaccines and antibacterial agents in particular. The range of re'search in medicine includes enzymes, electrodes used as biological transformation of ste'roids, development of new products to combat diseases. For many years enzymes have had a firm place in medicine for diagnostic purposes in measurement of blood, urine and tissue samples. Therapeutic use of enzymes is another area of application. The main group here is the digestive enzymes, e.g. lipase and amylase, which can be administered orally for correcting digestive insufficiency. Introduction of penicillin and a host of antibiotics has lifted the scourge (бедствие) of many infections. Biotechnologists use techniques to treat many diseases like cancer, diabetes hepatitis malaria, sleeping sickness, dangerous inherited disease as hemophilia. The naturally oc'curing and genetically engineered microbes are used to 'manufacture drugs, 'vaccines, hormones and enzymes. There are many other uses of biotechnology in medical field like use of interferon (as antiviral drug), preparation of antiviral vaccines, solution for AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), etc.
Words To define - определять insufficiency - недостаточность Living o - organism-живой организм technique [teknı:k]- методика Higher plants - высшие растения sleeping sickness - сонная болезнь Subsystems – подсистемы amylase – [æmıleız] - амилаза algae – водоросли fungi –[f٨ndzaı]- грибы Yeasts[jı:sts] - дрожжи steroids - стероиды to combat diseases - покончить с заболеваниями a firm place - прочное место lipase-[lıpæız] - липаза Exercises to text “Biotechnology” Say in English. Скажите по-английски. Определять, живой организм, процесс, полезные продукты, включать, морские водоросли грибы, дрожжи, клетки высших растений, подсистемы, изолированные компоненты, применение микробов, прикладная биология, можно определить, в системах, широкое воздействие, производство вакцин, ферменты, в целях диагностики, терапевтическое применение, липаза, амилаза, противовирусное лекарство, сонная болезнь, СПИД, методика, введение пенициллина, лечить, гормоны.
Say in Russian. Скажите по-русски. Antibacterial agents, biological transformation of steroids, diagnostic purposes, measurement of blood, urine, tissue samples, technique, genetically engineered microbes, medical field, therapeutic use, enzymes, preparation of antiviral vaccines, can be administered orally, hemophilia, for correcting digestive insufficiency.
3) Match the words in the left with those in the right. Соотнесите слова из левой колонки со словами в правой. Application of microbes применение биосистем
4) Find. Найдите: 1. Passive Voice, 2. группу Simple, 3. функции to have + глагольная форма, 4. Infinitive в качестве обстоятельства цели. 5. There be + перевод. 6. V-ing –функции
Answer the questions. 1. What’s way biotechnology can be defined? 2. What may useful products include? 3. What does Biotechnology mean? 4. What does Biotechnology have? 5. What does the range of research in medicine mean? 6. How long have enzymes had a firm place in medicine? 7. What have enzymes had a firm place in medicine for? 8. What is another area of therapeutic use of enzymes? 9. What are here the digestive enzymes? 10. Who uses techniques to treat many diseases? Name the disease. 11. What are microbes used? 12. What are there other uses of biotechnology in medical field? Water pollution. Water in its natural state is never 100 per cent pure. But much of impurity is not sufficient to spoil the ruefulness of water. By definition “water pollution” we mean the presence in water any substance that interferes with any of its legitimate users- for public users’ water suppliers, agriculture, industry, the preservation of fish. Water pollution means contamination of surface or ground water supplies by sewage industrial wasters or garbage and other refuse. Water pollution arises from activities of man in his city, industries and agricultural pursuits. The principle forms of water pollution are domestic, industrial and agricultural wastes. Pollution control and pollution preventation. An over-all reduction of quantities of contaminants is necessary. The users of public waters have a responsibility for returning them as clean as possible/ Treating than eliminating pollution from ground waters. Intensive research is needed to discover better and more efficient techniques. Universities and research laboratories are studying a very wide range of renovation techniques filters, distillation, foaming, freeing, ion exchange, solvent extraction, electro-dialyses and electrolyses.
Words. 1. impurity- загрязнение 2. usefulness- полезность, пригодность 3. sufficient- достаточный 4. substance- вещество 5. legitimated users 6. water supplies- водоснабжение 7. water pollution-загрязнение воды 8. to arise-возникать 9. pursuits- занятие 10. sewage industrial wastes- сточные промышленные воды 11. garbage- мусор 12. refuse- отбросы, мусор 13. contamination- загрязнение 14. shigellosis- бактериальная дизентерия 15. amoebic dysentery- амебная дизентерия 16.typhoid- тиф 17. overall- полный(всеобщий, всеобъемлющий, общий) 18. to treat polluted surface waters обрабатывать загрязненные поверхностные воды 19.a wide range of renovation- большой набор методик по восстановлению
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