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Say in English. Скажи по-английски.


Отсутствие зубов, зубной фолликул, недостаточность, (расстройство, повреждение) наследственный дефект, 3-й моляр (клык), ненормальность, большая частота, правый боковой резец, несколько членов одной семьи, задержка в прорезывании зубов, первый постоянный резец, вызывать дискомфорт, довольно частый.

Say in Russian. Скажи по-русски.

The absence of teeth, some reasons, calcified teeth, nonevolution, failure of calcification, developing teeth, accidental removal of permanent tooth, germ, to affect, bicuspids, with greater frequency, the upper laterals, hereditary defect, through several generations, several members, incisor, noneruption, to cause discomfort, to produce reflex manifestations.


Finish the following sentences. Translate the sentences.

1) Whenever a calcified tooth doesn’t erupt…

2) Abnormality may be a result…

3) The absence of a permanent…

4) In some cases…


4. Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What may the absence of tooth be due?

2) What affects the third molar?

3) What may be a result of hereditary defect in case of upper laterals?

4) What does the absence of permanent upper light lateral incisor mean?


Pathology of the form and structure of the teeth.

Both systemic and local conditions may affect the form and structure of the developing teeth. In some instances only gross appearance of the tooth is affected, the structure remains normal. Sometimes the structure itself is changed.

Abnormalities of anatomical form and histological structure include multiple teeth, hyperplasia (overdevelopment) and hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the entire tooth, hyperplasia of the part of the tooth, the crown or the root.

Hereditary defects, congenitally transmitted diseases, diseases affecting the mother during pregnancy (gestation) may have affects on the teeth.

Multiple teeth. Multiple teeth have a variety of forms. We may distinguish germination, fusion, concrescence, dens in dente.

Emanation produces two teeth from one enamel organ; fusion means that two teeth forming from separate enamel organs have been made into one. In concrescence separately formed teeth are united later by abnormal development of cementum. Dens in dente are teeth that form within teeth.

Hyperplasia of the teeth. Overdevelopment of the teeth is called “megadontism”. It affects all the teeth equally, is usually proportional to the development of the skeleton. Sometimes hyperplasia affects only individual teeth.

Hypoplasia of the teeth. It is the reverse of the hyperplasia and results in small dwarfed teeth. Under formation of the dentine may occur in spite of perfectly formed enamel.

Dysplasia of the teeth. It is the result of development disturbances that may affect dentins. Sometimes the disturbances are not visible until years later when the tooth erupts. This makes it difficult to determine the cause. The teeth may be affected during pregnancy, postnatal. The study of the mother’s history as well as that of a child is necessary to detect a relation between a dental dystrophy and somatic disease.



Multiple – сверхкомплектный (зуб)

Hyperplasia – гиперплазия – чрезмерное развитие

Hypoplasia – недоразвитие - гипоплазия

Congenital - врожденный

Gemination - раздвоение

Gestation = pregnancy - беременность

Fusion - слияние

Enamel - эмаль

Concrescence - сращение

Dysplasia – дисплазия


Age changes of the teeth

Teeth change throughout life. All dental and periodontal tissues are affected. These changes take place due to the process of ageing and by physiologic use. The latter may be less than normal, when atrophic changes occur. Physiologic use may be increased producing abnormal wear and traumatic injuries. So certain changes are considered as a transition from the normal to the pathologic state. These alterations do not generally interfere with function; they often are exaggerated or complicated.

Cells producing the tissues of dentine and cementum may become activated by certain stimulating influences. Even if they are atrophied some of the precursors may still be able to produce dental structures due to metaplasia. But the structures are modified histologically.

Dental and periodontal tissues differ in young and old teeth. The enamel of the tooth becomes more calcified, especially on the surface. The dentine becomes more sclerosed because of hyper calcification of the matrix and deposits in the lumen of the dentinal canals. With ageing the pulp shows the tendency to atrophy and undergoes a process of fibroses. This is due to a blood supply decrease.

Periodontal membrane changes in size with age.



Wear - стираемость

Dentine - дентин

Cementum – цементное вещество зубов

Tissue - ткань

Atrophy – атрофироваться, отмирать

Metaplasia - метаплазия

To ‘calcify - известковаться

‘Matrix – ростовая часть зуба

‘Lumen – проток, просвет

Pulp - пульпа

Fibroses - фиброз

Periodontal – периодонтальный


Exercises to the text “Age changes of the teeth.”

Find Russian equivalent. Найдите русский эквивалент.

1) Throughout 1) эмаль зуба

2) Are affected 2) преувеличенный

3) Ageing 3) отдавать на хранение

4) May be increased 4) предвестники (заболевание)

5) Traumatic injuries 5)уменьшение снабжения кровью

6) Pathologic state 6) воздействующее влияние

7) Alterations 7) более затвердевший

8) Interfere 8) в течение всего времени

9) Exaggerated 9) более уплотненный

10) Stimulating influences 10) может быть увеличено

11) Precursors 11) мешать (служить препятствием)

12) The enamel of the tooth 12) патологическое состояние

13) More calcified 13) травматологическое повреждение

14) More sclerosed 14) подвержены

15) To deposed 15) изменение (перемена)

16) A blood supply decrease 16) старение


Complete the sentences. Закончите предложение.

1) The changes…

2) These alterations…

3) Even if…

4) Dental and periodontal…

5) With ageing…


Begin the sentence. Начните предложение.

1) …when atrophic changes occur

2) …to the pathologic state

3) …especially on the surface

4) …a blood supply decrease


Find passive voice, Participle I. Найдите пассивный залог, причастие прошедшего времени.

Find V,Vs. Найдите V, Vs.

6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What changes throughout life?

2) Due to what process do these changes take place?

3) What may be increased?

4) How do these alterations interfere with the function?

5) What may some of precursors still be able to produce?

6) When do tissues differ?

7) Why does the dentine become sclerosed?

8) What does the pulp show with ageing?

9) When does periodontal membrane change?


The landmarks of the Development of Oral Medicine and Dentistry


In the 17th century treatment of dental diseases was provided on the one hand by surgeons-and on the other hand by traditional healers. In the 17th and 18th centuries surgery developed considerably, becoming a recognized health profession. The teaching of surgery was transferred to the universities and the surgeonal professional skill was tested by an official qualifying examination.

In a similar way, the first dentists developed within the surgical profession. In the second half of 19th century the number of master surgeons with experience in den is try increased. In second half of 19th century courses were organized in many countries to prepare new dentists for the qualifying examination. Later vocational schools for dentists were set up and out of these grew the modern university dental schools and faculties.

Dentists attempted to arouse the interest of community administrators in the problem of dental treatment and oral care. They succeeded in obtaining support from die public budget or from charity funds. For establishing public dental ambulatories.

The first ambulatory came into being at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century in Strasbourg, Zurich and other places.

In most European countries national systems of oral care comprise three components: private, public and transitional, usually represented by health insurance.

The beginning of the 20th century may be considered the period of the development of Russian scientific dentistry.


Words to the text.

Dental diseases – стоматологические заболевания


A recognized health profession- признанная профессия о здоровье

An official qualifying examination- официальный квалификационный экзамен

Private practice- частная практика

Charity founds- благотворительные фонды

Oral care- уход за полостью рта

To comprise- охватывать, заключать в себе

A scientific dentistry – научная стоматология



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