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Words to the text Preventive resin restorations: indications, technique and success. (Part III).↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 11 из 11 Содержание книги
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1. a clinical trial- клиническое исследование 2. a clinical technique-клинический метод 3. occlusial amalgam restorations-окклюзионные, амальгамовые пломбы 4. a slightly higher retention rate- немного выше степень сохранения 5. the cited studies-исследования, на которые ссылаются 6. lesions-повреждения 7. the caries status of the tooth 8. the subjective ness-субъективность 9. a pit- углубление, ямка 10. a clinical evidence- клинические данные 11. glass-ionomer cements-стеклянно-ионные цементирующие вещества 12. carvosurface margin- кавоповерхностные края 13.sound pits- глубокие углубления 14) discrete lesions- дискретные повреждения Exersises to the text “Preventive resin restoration” (part 3).
Ex 1. Say in Russian. Скажите по-русски. In the selection; 25% less time consuming; sealant; occlusial surface involved; in restoration; to judge; case of filature; completely successful; the principal advantage; are less invasive; treatment planning decisions; the indications; is paramount; should not constitute; beneath the sealant; the laminate technique; to adjacent;fussures; the cavity preparations.
Ex 2 Say in English. Скажите по-английски.
Появились; контрольная группа зубов; вылечиваемые с помощью амальгамовых пломб; различные критерии; износ пластмассы; посчитали полностью успешными; обсуждение; план лечения; диагноз стоматолога основывается недостаток специфического критерия; использован; времени испытания; не вылеченное повреждение; станут неактивными; желательные свойства; дополнительная польза; сцепляющие стенки полости; дальнейшее микромеханическое связывание.
Ex 3 Find Passive Voice, to-be link. Найдите пассивный залог. Ex 4. Find V, V-s. Найдите V, V-s. Ex 5. Find comparative degree. Найдите сравнительную степень.
Ex 6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. Who was the first to describe preventive resin restorations? What have studies differed in? What did Azhadary do? What did Walls calculate? What is the most common cause of failure? How many teeth treated with preventive resin restorations? Does a dentist’s diagnosis and treatment planning vary? What is the caries status of the tooth and the treatment plan like? What is the problem rooted in? Where could a dentist diagnose and remove caries? What does the laminate technique take? What reduces gaps between the cavity walls and carvosurface margin? Is the preventive resin restorations the treatment of choice for small, discrete lesions of pits and fissures? At the dentist’s. I. Dialogue P. – I have a toothache. It’s quite unbearable. Pull it out at once, doctor please. D. – Let me examine it first. Yes, there is a carious tooth. The cavity is large. But it won’t make you lose the tooth. I’ll block the hollow up. I’ll cleanse it up and then fill it with plastic. P. - Will you do it today, doctor, please? D. – No, it can’t be done at once. The tooth is in a bad state. I’ll have to treat it first. Besides, you want two crowns and a bridge fitted on the front teeth to keep them more safe. P. - Could I have gold crowns please? I have strong dislike for metallic ones (teeth) D. – Certainly I’ll do my best P. - Thank you, doctor D. – You’ll have to come three or four times more P. – If there is nothing else to be done D. – Certainly, well, let’s begin at once.
Explanatory notes It won’t make you lose the tooth – это не повлечет потерю вашего зуба Crown - коронка Bridge fitted on … to keep them more safe – поставить мост на … чтобы лучше предохранить There is nothing else to be done – если нет другого выхода
Exercises Ex.1 Say in English. Скажите по-английски. У меня болит зуб, удалите его, пожалуйста, есть кариозный зуб, я ее почищу и заполню пластической массой, зуб в плохом состоянии, мне приедятся его полечить, я сделаю все, что от меня зависит, стойкое неприятие металлических зубов, Вам придется приходить еще два или три раза.
Ex.2 Say in Russian. Скажите по-русски. It’s quite unbearable, let me examine it first, it won’t make you lose the tooth, the cavity is large, you want two crowns and a bridge fitted on the front teeth to keep them more safe, could I have gold crowns please, if there is nothing else to be done.
Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. What is quite unbearable? 2. Is there a carious tooth? 3. What is large? 4. What will the doctor do? 5. What is in bad state? 6. What does a patient have? 7. How many times will the patient have to come to the doctor?
At the dentist’s II. Dialogue D. – What’s troubling you? P. – I have a splitting headache and a bad toothache, doctor. D. – Well, your toothache is the cause of the headache. I’ll probe your tooth for cavity. Ah… Here is a hollow tooth (cavity) that needs filling. There is a filling to be changed or else the tooth will be extracted. P. – Oh, no…no extraction of the tooth, please. Fill it up again though the sensation of drilling is almost as bad as having the tooth pulled out. D. – Never fear. I’ll use anaesthetics to deaden the pain… That’s all right. Drilling is over. Rinse your mouth. Here is a special wash containing an antiseptic. You will feel better rinsing your mouth with it. P. – Thanks, doctor, I don’t feel any pain now. D. – I’ll fill the tooth with some tooth drops on cotton balls. Come in two days this time. I’ll fill up the cavity and no toothache will bother you any more.
Explanatory notes
1. I’ll probe your tooth for caviticies – я проверю, нет ли испорченного зуба 2. There is a hollow tooth that needs fitting – вот полый зуб, который необходимо запломбировать. 3. Sensation of drilling – ощущение сверления 4. Never feat – не бойтесь 5. To rinse - полоскать 6. Mouth wash – полоскание рта, зубов 7. Cotton ball – ватный тампон Exercises Ex.1 Say in English Скажите по –английски. Раскалывающаяся головная боль, сильная зубная боль, голова раскалывается, причина, причинять боль, причина зубной боли, полый зуб, полость, нужна пломба, ощущение сверления, анестезирующее средство, полоскание для рта, ватный тампон.
Ex.2 Say in Russian. Скажите по- русски. What’s troubling you, a bad toothache, a splitting headache, a hollow, a cavity, no extraction of tooth, a filling, the sensation of drilling, anesthetics, to rinse a mouth, drilling’s over, antiseptic, cotton balls, to bother.
Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1). What’s the cause of the patient’s headache? 2). What has the doctor found out? 3). What can you say about doctor’s recommendations? 4). Why can a mouth wash help to feel better?
Ex.4. Tell your classmates about the patient’s state and the doctor’s recommendations. Расскажите своим однокурсникам о состоянии пациента и о рекомендациях врача. At the dentist’s III. Dialogue P. – May I, doctor? D. – Come in please, what ails you? P. – I have a violent toothache. The pain was so severe last night that it kept me awake; I felt pain all over the jaw, the ear and the head too. D. – Open you mouth. Your oral hygiene is poor. There are plenty of defective teeth. You should see a dentist twice a year, even if you have nothing to complain about. P. – Will I have any teeth removed? D. – Well, the carious teeth with large cavities must be extracted. Caries may run an acute course and quickly involve other teeth. P. –But I’ll be toothless then D. – Don’t worry I’ll insert artificial ones. P. – Could I have plastic teeth, doctor? I have a strong dislike for metallic teeth D. – Certainly. I’ll do my best…you see, there are two more teeth that need filling. P. –Is the treatment for long? D. – No, it won’t take much time. First I’ll cleanse hollow teeth and treat pulpitis. P. – I can’t bear pain, doctor. D. – Don’t be afraid neither extraction nor treatment will hurt you. You won’t feel any pain P. – Will you begin at once, doctor, please?
Explanatory notes. 1. What ails you? – Что вас беспокоит? 2. Violent = bad pain - сильная боль 3. When you have nothing to complain about – когда у вас ничего не болит 4. Will I have any tooth removed – мне придется удалять зуб 5. May run an acute course – может протекать остро 6. Insert - вставлять 7. Toothless - беззубый 8. Need filling – требуется пломбирование 9. To cleanse the hollow tooth – очистить, продезинфицировать полость зуба 10. To bear pain – переносить боль
Exercises to the text
Ex.1. Find sentences, in which there are verbs with future meaning. Найдите предложения, в которых даны глаголы, передающие действия в будущем.
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