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Ex. 1. Say in Russian. Find corresponding equivalents. Скажи по-русски, найдите соответственный английский эквивалент.

1.is usually defined. 1.восстановительная стоматология.
2. conceptual view. 2.опухание.
3. masticatory system. 3.основная (важная) цель.
4. occlusial surfaces. 4.шарнир (крюк, стержень).
5. neromuscular component. 5.расположение верхней челюсти.
6. centric occlusion. 6.обычно определён.
7.terminal hinge axis. 7.Жевательная система.
8.vertical dimension/ 8.регулируемые инструменты
9. restorative dentistry. (подвижные приборы).
10.functional disturbances. 9.во многих отдельных случаях.
11.swallowing. 10.нижняя челюсть вращается и преобразовывается
12.occlusal adjustment. 11. нервно – мышечные составляющие.
13. inlays. 12. вертикальная величина
14. a primary goal. (вертикальный объём).
15.in many instances. 13.функциональные нарушения.
16. an articulator is a mechanical device. 14.крайняя шарнирная ось.
17.a hinge. 15.умозрительная точка зрения.
18. adjustable instruments. 16.центральный прикус.
19. the mandible rotates and translates. 17.пломба.
20. the position of the maxillary. 18.прикусные пространства.
19.прикусная сборка.
(установка, пригонка.)
20.артикулятор – механическое устройство.
(аппарат, воспроизводящий движение нижней


Ex. 2 Say in English. Скажи по – английски.

Которая связанна с коррекцией неправильного прикуса; в отношении зуба; должна включать все функциональные, парафункциональные, дисфункциональные отношения, - соглашение (договор); встроенная система; движение Беннета; сбалансированный прикус; скольжение в центре; объединённая концепция; практическая концепция (идея), должна быть открыта – закрыта; и для отдельного зуба также хорошо, как для полного восстановления рта; с практической точки зрения; гармоничное функционирование; это доступно (достижимо); сложные восстановления; способ как зубы ставятся вместе или смыкаются при функционировании; восстановление зуба; для объединённых гипсовых слепков зубных дуг пациентов; разнообразие артикуляторов; должен быть соотнесён с целями прикусной терапии; должен быть близок; не могут быть продублированы; это необходимо перенести и; соотношение к мыщелку и артикулятору.


Ex.3 Begin the sentences. Начните предложения.

1.) ……….which deals with the correction of malocclusion of the teeth.

2.) ……….as the functional and disfunctional relationship between an integrated system of teeth, supporting structure, joints and neuromuscular components.

3.) ……….is necessary for effective treatment of patients.

4.) ……….to a state of harmonious function.

5.) ……….is a primary goal of restorative dentistry.

6.) ……….can be carried away from the patient.

7.) ……….have elements that simulate the temporomandibular joints.

8.) ……….cannot be dublicated on a small articulator.


Ex. 4 Find Passive voice, Participle II. Найдите пассивный залог, причастие II.

Ex.5. Find V. Найдите основу глагола V.

Ex.6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1) What is orthodontics?

2) What is usually defined in relation of the teeth?

3) Is occlusion defined as the functional and dysfunctional relationships between an intergraded system of teeth, supporting structure, joints and neuromuscular components?

4) As what may the occlusion defined?

5) What is necessary for effective treatment of patients?

6) What must be open – ended?

7) What does the relationship between the total masticator system and individuals include?

8) Does what functional occlusion refers from to a state of harmonious functional?

9) For what is the way of teeth come together or occlude important?

10) What is a primary goal of restorative dentistry?

11) What is an articulator?

12) Should the type of articulator be consistent with the goals of occlusial therapy?

13) What does the articulator have?

14) Why is the size of the articulator important?

Preventive resin restorations: indications, technique, and success.


A preventive resin restoration is a conservative treatment that involves limited excavation to remove carious tissue, restoration of the excavated area with a composite resin and application of a sealant over the surface of the restoration and remaining.

Indications for preventive resin restorations:

Preventive resin restorations are used on the surfaces of premolars, permanent molars and primary molars. A broad statement is: a preventive resin restoration is indicated when the carious lesion in a pit of fissure is small and discrete.


Diagnosis involves radiographic, visual and tactile assessment. The radiograph must show no evidence of proximal caries that would mandate a more extensive restoration. Clinical radiographs underestimate the true extent of carious lesions, and the actual size is usually larger than its radiographic image implies.

Lesions exhibiting frank cavitations are easy to detect clinically. Visual and tactile inspection is made with the teeth thoroughly air dried and properly illuminated.

Normal enamel is hard, and softness represents the sine qua non of caries diagnosis. Softness is determined by tactile feel of the explorer. If the explorer penetrates at the base of a pit or fissure or if chalky white enamel can be scraped of the walls, the area is carious.

Treatment plan.

When all results of the examination for clinical signs of caries are negative, the surface is diagnosed as sound and requires either no treatment or a sealant.

When the only sign is an explorer catch, the surface is still considered to be sound. However, pits and fissures are difficult for the patient to clean and can serve as

nid uses for caries development, therefore a sealant is recommended. Questionable surfaces are those with positive visual and tactile findings. Sealants are also recommended for those teeth.

In their review of the management of questionable carious fissures, Meiers and Jensen cited for clinical studies that evaluated “borderline” carious fissures over a period of 24 to 41 months. It was reported that 47 to 13% of the borderline cases progressed to a stage of definite caries.

The combination of an explorer catch and definite softness at the base or along the walls of a pit or fissure is evidence of caries. Usually, a white halo of undermining demineralization also surrounds the affected area. When caries is diagnosed, either a preventive resin or conventional restoration is indicated. The indication for a preventive resin restoration is that the lesion in the pit or fissure be small and discrete. Small refers to the width of the lesion, rather than the depth, a

discrete means that the lesion doesn’t extend along a fissure. Although more than one discrete lesion may be present, they shouldn’t be confluent, which would require a wider cavity preparation.

The final confirmation of the decision to use preventive resin restoration may await the actual treatment visit.


Exercises to the text “Preventive resin restorations”

Ex.1.Say in Russian. Скажите по - русски.

A conservative treatment; carious tissue; a composite resin; indications; the occlusial surfaces; a pit; tactile assessment; no evidence; an extensive restoration; underestimate; implies; properly illuminated; softness; can be scraped; therefore; questionable surfaces; the definitive finding; cited; progressed to a stage of definite

Caries; is evidence of caries; a conventional restoration; rather than the depth; would require; the actual treatment visit.

Ex.2. Say in English. Скажите по-английски.

Применение (использование) пломбы; используются; утверждение; маленький и дискретный; визуальная и осязательная оценка; действительный размер; определить клинически; обычная эмаль; определена; проникает; план лечения; результаты обследования; пространство (поверхность) диагностировано как крепкое; один признак; тем не менее; трудны для пациента, чтобы чистить; в основании; для тех зубов; пограничные случаи сочетания; разрушающая диминерализация; пораженная область; вдоль трещины; должно потребовать более широкого приготовления области (полости).


Ex.3. Find passive voice, to be link. Найдите пассивный залог.

Ex.4. Find V, Vs, V-ed, V2. Найдите V, Vs, V-ed, V2.


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