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Ex. 1. Say in English. Скажи по-английски.Содержание книги
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Лечение болезней зубов, хирурги, значительно развивались, официальный экзамен на квалификацию, с опытом в стоматологии, были организованы, были учреждены, стоматологические институты и факультеты, пытались вызвать интерес, общественный бюджет, благотворительный бюджет, благотворительные фонды, национальные системы заботы о полости рта, страхование здоровья, может считаться.
Ex.2.Say in Russian. Find Russian equivalents. Скажи по- русски. Найди русские эквиваленты.
Ex. 3. Find Passive Voice, Present simple, Past Simple. Найдите пассивный залог, простое настоящее и простое прошедшее. Ex. 4. Begin the sentence. Начните предложения. 1………………………. becoming a recognized health profession. 2……………………….. within the surgical profession. 3………………………..grew the modern university dental schools and faculties. 4. ……………………… for establishing public dental ambulatories. 5. ………………………. usually represented by health insurance.
Ex. 5. Finish the sentence. Закончите предложение. 1. In the seventeenth century…………………….. 2. In similar way………………………………… 3. In the second half of the 19th century courses… 4. Dentists attempted…………………………….. 5. The beginning of the 20th century……………..
Ex.6. Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When was treatment of dental diseases provided? 2. How did surgery develop in the 17th and 18th centuries? 3. When did the number of master surgeons with experience in dentistry increase? 4. What was set up? 5. What did dentists attempt to arouse? 6. What did they succeed in? 7. When did first ambulatory come into being? 8. Where does national systems of oral care comprise three components? 9. What may considere the period of the development of Russian dentistry? The structure of teeth A child has teeth at his birth. But after birth the temporary teeth appear beneath the surface of the gums on the external aspect of the jaw. А child has twenty temporary teeth, ten in the upper and the lower jaw, placed on each side of the mesual line. They are: incisors, cuspids, and molars. Incisors are cutters, cuspids are pointed, molars are grinders. The eruption of the temporary teeth begins from 5-8 month and is over at the age of 2-3 years. Then the permanent teeth appear. They are 32. They are arranged in equal number on each jaw; symmetrically on each side of the mesial line of the mouth. They are incisors, cuspids, bicuspids, molars. The cuspids are called “canine”, and the bicuspids “premolars”. The 1st permanent molars appear between the years of 6 and 7. The last third molars appear between the 17 and 20. Every tooth has a crown, a neck and a root; it’s outer layers are enamel (on the crown part) and cement (on the root part); the inner tissues are dentine and pulp. Dentine is a hard tissue; pulp is a soft tissue which is within a slender central canal. The teeth have blood vessels and nerves too; the alveolar bone is the physical support for teeth. Teeth change throughout life. All dental and periodontal tissues are affected. These changes are produced by the process of ageing and wearing. The enamel of tooth show no evidence of changed histology structure with increased age of the patient, though there is some evidence that it becomes highly calcified, especially on the surfaces. The dentine shows changes which are brought about by maturation of the teeth. With increasing age the pulp shows the tendency to atrophy and undergoes a process of fibrosis. This is due partly to a decrease of the blood supply. Cementum like dentine may form continuously. The periodontal membrane changes in size with age. Both systemic and local condition may affect the form and structure of developing teeth. In some instances only the gross appearance of the tooth is affected, in others the structure itself is changed or both form and structure may be involved. The absence of teeth from the arch may be due to non –eruption of fully calcified teeth, to non – evolution of the tooth germ, to the failure of the calcification processes in the dental follicle, to the injury of the developing tooth germ fern traumatism of infections processes, to the accidental removal of deciduous tooth, to the transformation of the tooth germ into adenoma.
Exercises to the text Ex. 1. Say in English. Скажи по - английски. При рождении, молочные зубы, на внешней стороне челюсти, на верхней и нижней челюсти, клык, резцовый зуб (резец), моляр (корневой зуб), быть заостренным, появляться, быть расположенным, симметрично, называть, называться, постоянные моляры, каждый зуб, коронка, шейка, корень, внешний слой, цемент, кровеносные сосуды, твердая/мягкая ткань, дентин, меняться в течение жизни.
Ex. 2. Say in Russian. Скажи по - русски. Permanent pulp, dentine, changes,throughout the life, the process of ageing and wearing, the enamel of tooth, increased age of the patient, changed histology structure, some evidence, to become highly calcified, with increasing age. Ex. 3. Match the words in the left column with the those in the right column. Найди слова в правой колонке, соответствующие словам в левой колонке.
Ex.4 Begin the sentences. Начните предложения.
1…………….”the alveolar bone” is the physical support for teeth. 2…………….though there is some evidence that it becomes highly calcified, especially on the surfaces.
Ex. 5 Finish the sentences. Закончите предложения.
1. Incisors are cutters, cuspids are pointed….. 2. It’s outer layers are enamel (on the crown part) and cement(on the root part)…… 3. The dentine shows changes….. 4. Cementum like dentine…..
Ex. 6 Find Present Simple. Найдите в тексте и выпишите Present Simple. Find compound nominal predicates. Найдите составные именные сказуемые. Orthodontics
Orthodontics is the science which deals with the correction of malocclusion of the teeth. The term “occlusion” is usually defined in relation of the teeth, but the conceptual view should include all the functional, Para functional, and dysfunctional relationship that exist between the components of masticator system as a result of the contracts between the occlusial surfaces of the teeth. In this sense “occlusion” is defined as the functional and dysfunctional relationship between an integrated system of teeth, supporting structures, joints and neuromuscular components. The occlusion may defined as functional occlusion, centric occlusion, centric relation, freedom in the centric, Bennet movement, “normal” occlusion, terminal hinge axis, vertical dimension, slide in centric, balanced occlusion. A system of ideas that may be put to practical use, and which can be understood as a unified concept of occlusion, is necessary for effective treatment of patient. A practical concept of occlusion must be open – ended that is, useful for restorative dentistry, orthodontics, treatment of functional disturbances, and for individual teeth as well as full mouth reconstruction. The relationship between the total masticator system and the individual includes the relationship between occlusion, swallowing, mastication and Para function. From the practical standpoint, functional occlusion refers to a state of harmonious function. It is obtainable by an occlusion adjustment or by properly designed individual or multiple restorations or by both adjustment and restorations. The way the teeth come together or occlude in functional is important for the health and comfort of the masticator system. Restoring the teeth with inlays, crowns or other restorations with occlusial surfaces is a primary goal of restorative dentistry. The development of functional occlusion for individual or multiple restorations in many instances requires that the restorations should be made away from the patient. An articulator is a mechanical device for joining casts of the patient’s dental arches so that diagnostic and restorative procedures can be carried away from the patient. The range of articulators varies from simple hinge – like devices to highly adjustable instruments. The type of articulator should be consistent with the goals of occlusial therapy. The articulator must be close to the same size and has elements that simulate the temporomandibular joints. The size of the articulator is important because the mandible rotates and translates about temporomandibular joints. The same sized of closure cannot be duplicated on a small articulator. It is necessary to transfer the position of the maxillary and relative to the condoles to the articulator.
Words to the text: 1. orthopedics – ортопедия. 2. orthodontics – ортодонтия. 3. malocclusion – неправильный прикус. 4. occlusion – прикус. 5. to masticate – жевать. 6. supporting structures – челюстно – опорный аппарат. 7. joints – сустав. 8. arch – дуга, свод. 9. to articulate – связывать, соединять. 10. cast – гипсовый слепок, шина, съёмный протез. 11. temporomandibular – относящийся к височной нижнечелюстной доле и нижней челюсти. 12. condoles - мыщелок
Exercises to the text.
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