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Table 1 (continued)
Based on calculations conducted above it is possible to draw the following conclusions. Each orbit is characterized by only two quantum numbers which are k and n. In a hydrogen atom, charge count z is equal to 1 only for the electron which is static to the kernel. For the electrons which are moving on the orbit charge count z is more the 1. For the electrons which are in the same steady state but moving on the orbits with different values of n, lengths of a large axis are different so are the values of full energy. In a hydrogen atom, the parameters of the first Bohr orbit have been experimentally calculated at a very high precision. The parameters of the rest possible orbits can be calculated using equations above at a very high precision either. In a nonexited atom of the helium, both electrons are in the first steady state and move on the round orbits. The orbital period of the external electron is twice more that the orbital period of the internal electron. Energy consumption to remove an electron from a nonexited helium atom is E = 198310,76 Sn-1 = 39.3933902·10-19 Watt-Second. In this case, the equation (8) takes the following form:
Having calculated via this equation the values ze2 = 1.3914422, it is possible to find z'1 = 1.9677965 from Table 2 Orbits of Electrons In The Helium Atom
Table 2 shows similarly calculated count charges of an electron in the helium atom for the cases when the external electron is in the one of three steady states. Evidently from table 2, the external electron in the helium atom can have only one round orbit in the first steady state, 4 round and 1 elliptical in the second steady state, and 5 round and 2 elliptical orbits in the third steady state. The first orbit of the electron in the second steady state is very stable. Electron’s transfer from this orbit to the orbit in the first steady state is possible only when the atoms collide [15]. Usually, the helium consists of two kinds of atoms. In some atoms, the external electron is moving on the orbit of the first steady state, and on the first orbit of the second steady state in the others. The first atoms are the ones of the parahelium, and the second atoms are the ones of the orthohelium. For the ions with the equal number of the electrons but different kernel charges, the following equity is valid: where: En is the ionization potential of the hydrogen atom, En+1, En, and En-1 are the ionization potentials of the ions of three elements located next to one another, n is the number of the element, k is the number of the steady state of the external elements in the ions. By this formula, the ionization potentials and the values for k have been calculated for 24 elements [12]. There is no principal difficulties for calculating the ionization potentials and the parameters of the electron’s orbits for all elements in the Periodical Table. Table 3 Atoms’ Ionization Potentials
Table 3 shows the calculated and the referenced values of the ionization potentials of the fluorine, the neon, and the natruim atoms. Evidently, the calculated values of the ionization potentials conform well to the reference values. Chemical and a set of physical properties of the elements are stipulated by the energy of binding external electrons with the atoms. The binding energy, and, therefore, the properties are periodically dependent on the number in the Periodical Table. While comparing the ionization potentials of all atoms [13] with the different kernel charges but with the equal number of the electrons, 12 periods shown in table 5 may be neatly discerned for known elements. Table also shows the 13th period for the elements that possibly exist in the Universe in conditions different from ones in the Solar System. Table 4 Periodical Law
Table 5 shows how the electron layers are filled in the atoms of the elements of the 13th period. The period may give an idea how the electron layers are filled in the atoms of other elements. The number of layers in the atom corresponds to the number of the period in which it is located. The maximum possible number of the electrons in the layer is equal to the number of elements in the period in which the layer is filled. In the first layer, both electrons are in the first steady state. Eight electrons in the second layer are in the second steady state, the electrons of the third and the forth layer are in the third, and the electrons of all other layers are in the forth steady state. Table 5 Electrons Allocation in the Atoms of 13th Period
In a specified periodical table of elements one period contains two elements, six periods contain 8 elements each, four periods contain 10 elements each, and two periods contain 14 elements each. In some periods, there is the same regularity in the change of the element’s properties with the increase of the number of electrons in the atom’s external layer. Thus, the second and the third periods beginning with alkaline elements; the fifth, the seventh, the tenth, and the thirteenth periods beginning with the elements of the copper group; the fourth; the sixth, the ninth, and the twelfth containing 10 elements each; the eighth and the eleventh containing 14 elements each are similar. The results of calculations on authors’ equations concur to a high precision with the experimental data. Table 6 shows the values of fundamental physical constants obtained experimentally and calculated with equations below: Table 6 Physical Constants
As a source data, the values of four constants have been taken [13]: Velocity of Light c = 2.99792458×108 mps; Elementary Charge e' = 1.60217733×10-19 Cl; electron mass m = 9.10938968×10-31 kg; Bohr radius r'n = 5.29177249×10-11 m. For hydrogen atom, bn = 1.000544617. Table 7 Energies of Spectral Therms of Hydrogen Atom
Table 7 shows the values of therms of a hydrogen atom taken from the reference [14] and calculated with the equation (7). The difference between the calculated and the referenced value appears after the fifth or sixth decimal point. This is because last digits of the therm values are given not experimentally, but calculated by the established principles. The differences of the therms characterizing the fine structure of spectrums according to existent and new theory are equal.
Bibliography: 17. Шпольский Э.В. Атомная физика. т.I – М.: Физмат, 1963. 18. Зоммерфельд А. Строение атомов и спектры. т. I – М.: Гостехиздат, 1956. 19. Вихман Э. Квантовая физика. т.4 – М.: Наука, 1986. 20. Борн М. Атомная физика. – М.: Мир, 1967. 21. Шпольский Э.В. Атомная физика т.2 – М.: Наука, 1984. 22. Спролул Р. Современная физика. – М.: Фмзматгиз, 1961. 23. Ландау Л.Д., Лифшиц Е.М. Квантовая механика. – М.: Физматгиз, 1961. 24. Кравцов В.А. Массы атомов и энергии связи ядер. – М.: Атомиздат, 1974.
25. Намбу Е. Кварки. – М.: Мир, 1984. 26. Сухоруков В.И., Сухоруков Г.И. Эффект Доплера при движении источника и приемника волн в произвольном направлении // Акустический журнал. – 1986, т.32, №1. – с. 134-136. 27. Сухоруков Г.И. Теоретические модели физического эксперимента. Диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора физико-математических наук – Братск: 1998. 28. Сухоруков Г.И., Сухоруков В.И., Сухоруков Р.Г. Реальный физический мир без парадоксов. – Иркутск: Изд-во иркут. ун-та, 1993. 29. Таблицы физических величин. Справочник. Под ред. И.К. Кикоина. – М.: Атомиздат, 1976. 30. Радциг А.А., Смирнов В.М. Справочник по атомной и молекулярной физике. – М.: Атомиздат, 1980. 31. Гольдин Л.П., Новиков Г.И. Введение в атомную физику. – М.: Наука, 1969. 32. Власов А.Д., Мурин Б.П. Единицы физических величин в науке и технике: Справочние. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1990. Information about authors: Georgy I. Soukhorukov 42-A, Naymoushina Str., 8 Bratsk 665709 Russian Federation Phone: +7 (3953) 37-9529 (home) e-mail: nil_mu@brstu.ru
Edouard G. Soukhorukov 10, Studencheskaya Str., 802 Bratsk 665709 Russian Federation Phone: +7 (3953) 37-9155
Roman G. Soukhorukov 53, Yubileynaya Str., 98 Bratsk 665730 Russian Federation Phone: +7 (3953) 33-1803
Issue date: 22 August 2000
Electronic Version: © Nauka I Tekhnika (Science And Technics) www.n-t.org.
Aether and ethereal waves Sukhоrukov G.I., Sukhоrukov R.G. The Bratsk State University Makarenko str. 40, Bratsk city, Russia E-mail: nil_mu@brstu.ru
Modern physics began at the start of the 20th century. After unsuccessful attempts to explain experiments, scientist came to the conclusion that at extremevelocities, the laws of classical physics did not apply. Thus beganan intnsive exploration of new ways of understanding natural phenomena. The Approached crisis is in physicist to manage to overcome price of the greater victims. The only way out was to ignore some postulates – so we had to abandone Newton’s concept of space and time, and clearly demonstrative physical models as well as the principle of common sense undiscrepancy. Physics became the exclusive realm of the mathematicians with physical processes described through abstract theories that are based on erroneous postulates and hypotheses.this applies in all respects to electromagnetic wave theory. In excluding the privileged reference system in relativistic theory, Einstein abandoned the aether. However such approach to this problem is to be a failure, because it is not possible to abandon really existing ambience. Notwithstanding, the bounless expanse of the universe is filled with a world ambience – the aether. The whole information on surrounding us world give us ethereal waves (light, x-ray, radiowaves and so on). The determination of the wave nature of these radiations precludes any doubts about the validity of existence of the aether. The wave process involves the transportation of energy, whichis impossible without a material carrier. The etherial waves come to us both from the most distant areas of the universe and from the derths of atoms and their nuclei. Consequently, the aether permeates both the macro- and microcosm. We have developed electron-protonic model of the aether, which is inconsistent with its character. Most scientist ascribe a very small density to the aether in order to explain why resistance to a moving body is not apparent. Our studies have shown that the aether has a very high density commensurable with the density of fluids and rigid bodies exceeding gases by hundreds of times. In oeder to avoid raradox, we posit that the aether, having a high density, is instaneosly discharged substance. This greatly simplifies the calculations [1].
According to our model the structure of the aether is like the structure of the universe. Both the universe and the aether are built on the same principle. As in the universe (in macrocosm), so in the aether (in microcosm) the distances between the bodies exceed their sizes by million times. In the aether the probability of electron collisions with protons is so small, as the probability of the collision of celestial bodies. In the unit of the volume of the aether the amountof protons is equal to the amount of electrons. That is why the aether is a neutral ambience – dielectric. Maksvell also considered that aether consists of discharged particles, but he did not call what these particleswere themselves. Dalamber has proved theoretically that ideal incondensable liquid does not resist the body moving at the constant constant velocity rectilineally or on circumference. This law is exactly executed under orbital motion of celestial bodies and when electron is moving in atom. The ability of the aether not to resist the moving bodies, is conditioned by its structure. The ambience does not offer resistance to the motion of charged bodies only in that case if it consists of discharged particles. So, for instance if protons moves in the aether the counter positive particles will repulse it, while negative ones will attract with the same power.The power of repulsion will be compensated by the power of the attraction. Since, any body consists of electron and protons, the aether also does not offer resistance to their motion at constant velocity. The motion of charged bodies influences the efficiency of their interaction. When the charged bodies are not far from each other the motion intensifies the efficiency of their interaction but when they are at the far distance, on the contrary, the motion weakens their efficiency. However the effect of the motion does not influence the ability of the aether not to prevent the bodies from moving at the constant velocity. The reinforcement or weakening of the interaction between of the same charges of the moving bodies and the aether is compensated by reinforcement or weakening of the interaction between different charges. If the aether consisted of neutral particles, its properties would not be proved by the experiments. Such aether would not resist bodies moving at the constant velocity. The counter particles of the aether would send a greater impulse to the body than the passing ones and as a result the velocity of the moving body in reference to the aether would continuously decrease. In some period of time the movionof the body would stop. The principle of Dalamber is not executed if the motion of bodies is accelerated. The power of itertia appeared influences all the particles of the moving body and the aether like the power of gravity. Being in a moving with acceleration vehicle we can judge about the value of this power. The large value of power, with which the aether influence us, proves its high density. The described model of the aether supposes the existenceof more fine ambience, through which electric and gravitational interactions are sent. Let us call this ambience a subether. Light and x-ray waves can not spread in this ambience. As acoustic waves can spread in hard, fluid and gaseous substances, but can not spread in airwaves, so ethereal waves can spread in electro-protonic aether, but can not spread in subether. Subether is an ambience, through which the power interaction from one charged bodies to others are sentat the speed of light and in which the radiations with wavelength less 10-11 m can spread. Thre are not Any waves of de Broyle in nature. There are aether and subaether waves. Electron-protonic aether should be considered incondensable, since the significant distances between its particle causes big changes of the electric field voltage. At the same time there are not any obstacles to the shift deformation. This can explain that fact that light waves are transverse. In view of incompressibilityof the aether the excitation of longitudal wavesin it is impossible. The Planks and Einstein have considered that wave radiation is emitted by the atom discretely and spreads in space in the form of small bundle of energy. These bundles of energy wasd name the quantum of the light or photon. Having abandoned the aether, Einstein had to consider the photons to be a particle, possessing wave properties. Due to this reason in experiments of Davisson and Germer the diffraction of electronic waves had to be explained with the helpof the wave properties of electrons themselves. The inconsistent philosophical notion was incorporated in physics - corpuscular-wave dualism. Corpuscular-wave dualism has excluded the differences between particle and the waves. Any object of the microcosm (the electron, photon, neutron and so on) can behave itself either as a particle, or as a wave. So one more step was made aside from the reality. In the reality photon presents itself a spiral wave, spreading in ambience of the aether at the speed of light. While moving photon consecutively influences all new and new amounts of the ambience, but does not carry away the ambience itself. The particle, unlike the wave, while moving carries away all substances, concluded in its volume. The particle, in no case can become the wave. According to Borit is necessary to waste the energy to transform an electrone in atom from the stationary condition K 1 into the stationary condition K 2
hν ф = Е 1 - Е 2, (1) where h - a constant Plank, ν ф - a frequency of the photon, Е 1, Е 2 - accordingly an energy of the electron in the first and second stationary condition. It is possible to convert the formula of Bor as follows
where R
If it is known known the lengths of the waves, radiated by the atom when the electron turning from the infinity to the orbits of the first and the second stationary condition, it is possible to write the formula (3) in such a type thence we find: ν ф = ν ф 2 - ν ф 1, where the letters ν and T with index " ф " is marked frequencies and periods of the radiated waves (the photons). To present the processes, occurring in atom during the radiation of the photon, we can express the values, referred to photon, through values, referred to atom. Having put in the formula (2) of the value E1 and E2, expressed through orbital velocities of electrons in atom, we have
but if instead of z 1 ', z 2 ' present their values expressed through radiuses of the circular orbits we shall get the following expression: It is required to waste energy to transfere the electron from circular orbit into the infinity where ν а - the frequency of the rotation of the electron around the nucleus. The same picture can be observed when removing the electron from the elliptical orbit where V a /, V n / – velocities of the electron in the apocenter and pericenter, l / – the length of the big axis of the ellipse. Correlations were used at the last formula [1]
Thereby, for circular and for elliptical orbits the following expressions are acceptable: The Spiral wave (the photon) is described by the formula of a flat wave, since the variable value ц (the angular offset of the aether) depends only on the time t and the coordinates x in the direction the wave spreading. Wave equation is of the form The answer to this equation is a correlation where 2 π is an angular amplitude of the spiral wave, ω - an angular frequency. Thereby, when transfering the electron in atom from the upper orbit to the lower one only one photon is radiated. This confirms the above mentioned formulae and calculations on these formulae and experiment data [2]. The scientific results, we have, greatly increase the possibility of the basic researches of the processes of the wave radiation of atoms and spreading of the waves in the aether. So, for instance, it is possible approximately to measure the sizes of the photon. The length of the photon, radiated by the atom of hydrogen when transfering the electron from the second orbit to the first one is equal to a wavelength λ ’ =1215.6683·10-10m. Formula (4) can be written as follows As it is shown in the work [1], the mass of the airwaves mф, agitated by the photon is equl to the mass of the electron. In regard to this it is possible to find the amplitude velocity of the spiral wave Putting the value in the formula V 1 ’ =2.1865006×106 m s-1 and V 2 ’ =1.0932285×106 m s-1 [1], we find V ф =1,8940932×106 m s-1. Energy of the photon is The Period of the radiated wave (photon) is Thence we find Putting the known values in the formula, we get r ф =1,2224071×10-10 m. So the spiral wave (the photon) has a length λ ’ =1215,6683×10-10 m and diameter 2 r ф =2,444481429×10-10 m. Ethereal waves are transverse. Knowing the density of the aether с =1080 kg/m3 [1], it is possible to define its module of the shift For comparison we shall bring importance of the module of the shift of ferric G =0.9×105 MPa [3]. The aether consists of electron and proton. The mass of the proton is 1836 times greater than the mass of the electron. Due to its high inertia, the protons practically do not take part in transmission of the wave energy. The main carriers of the energy in aether are electrons. Our theory allows to solve the paradox of Olibers. The German astronomer Olibers in 1826 has shown that if the amount of stars in the universe is infinitely the night sky must be very bright but not dark as we actually see it. The reason for this paradox is unstrict analysis of this phenomena. Any star radiates the limited amount of photons, which are scattered in different sides in rectilinear path. The farther from the watcher a star is, the less photons fall into the lens of the telescope. We do not see the distant stars, since the radiated by them photons do not fall into our instruments. To concentrate on the focus of the telescope lens a greater amount of photons, it is necessary to enlarge its diameter and to enlarge the time of the exposition while taking pictures. This will let us see more distant stars. If we manage to count the amount of the stars Q0 and Qx accordingly in the volume of the universe 4/3 рR03 and 4/3рRx3, where R0 - a distance till the most distant stars in the explored part of the universe then according to the formula it will be possible to define a new value of the radius of the sphere, which is available to the watcher after the increase of the diameter of the lens and the time of exposition.
The Literature 1. Sukhorukov I., Sukhorukov V. I., Sukhorukov E.G., Sukhorukov R. Real physical world without paradoksov. - a Publishers of the Fraternal technical university, 2001. 2. R. V. Floor. The Optics and atomic physics - M.: "Science", 1966. 3. V. S. Zolotorevskiy. The Mechanical characteristic metal - M.: "Metallurgy", 1983.
Bratsk State University 40, Makarenko Street Bratsk, 665709 RUSSIA e-mail: nil_mu@brstu.ru
General Assembly of International Astronomic Union recommended to use the following values: the distance from the Sun to the centre of the Galaxy R0 =8,5 kps, the Sun�s speed of rotation relative to the Galaxy�s centre V0 = 250km/s [2]. Since
In order to calculate the aberrated correction precisely, it is necessary to conceive the Galaxy�s structure clearly. In our work [1] we illustrated the fact that all outer space, including our Galaxy, is filled with ether. As many other galaxies, our Galaxy is spiral. The ether and the stars form a whirl. In 1985 the the Sun rotates together with the ether surrounding it, in other words, the Sun�s speed relative to the ether equals zero, the speed V0 doesn�t affect the aberrated correction. As a result of carrying out the measuring of the star radial velocity, it was stated that the Sun moves at a speed of 20 km/s relative to closely set stars in the direction of Hercules Constellation [3]. In fact, the Sun doesn�t move relative to closely set stars. It spins with the stars at the same angular velocity relative to the Galaxy�s centre. The above-mentioned phenomenon in the Galaxy can be compared with the phenomenon in P. Sagnac�s experiment [1]. The light, spreading in the spinning Galaxy, transfers oscillatory movements to the particles of the ether. The particles oscillate in the plane, that is perpendicular to the direction of the ray of light. At the same time the particles of the ether are affected by centrifugal and Coriolis forces. Centrifugal forces don�t affect the velocity of light. Coriolis forces transfer the oscillating particles the acceleration in the direction that is perpendicular to those oscillations and reverse to the direction of the Galaxy�s rotation. Influenced by Coriolis forces the velocity of light, where the light is spreading in the direction of the Galaxy�s rotation, decreases, but the velocity of light, where the light is spreading in a reverse direction, increases. The particles acquire the acceleration that can be calculated by a formula [1]:
where C � velocity of light,
Using the formula we can find
It seems that some of the stars move away from the Sun while the others approach to it. At present this illusion is considered to be the Sun�s motion at a speed of 20 km/c relative to closely set stars [3]. The seeming Sun�s motion doesn�t affect the aberrated correction. Thus, the aberrated correction depends only on a satellite orbital motion around the Earth and the Earth�s orbital motion around the Sun. To simplify the task, we suggest to handle some cases when the satellite orbits are circular and the planes of their orbits coincide with the Earth�s orbit plane spinning around the Sun. The Earth�s atmosphere similar to other planets� atmospheres entrains the ether [1]. The Sun and other stars are static relative to the ether, while the planets with their atmospheres move through it. The laser beam reflected from the satellite could go along a telescope axis only if the Earth and the satellite were static relative to the ether. As a result of the motion of the satellite, the reflected beam deviated from the optic telescope axis at an angle of
where V � - the speed of a satellite, � � the velocity of light. The scientists of the Crimean Laser Observatory, Ukraine, defined the Earth�s motion relative to the ether [4]. Now the aberrated correction for the above-mentioned cases should be calculated according to the formula
The rate of the satellite movement was defined according to the formula where
It is possible to read the book [1] on the site: http://Suhorucov.narod.ru
Scientific Literature
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