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Points — Space Marines Dark Angels Standard Bearer only


Any Dark Angel within 6” of the Standard will always inflict at least 1 hit in hand-to-hand combat (32), even if they lose or draw against the opponent..


Stasis Grenade                                                                                                                       Rare-2

Points — one use

See the Stasis ammunition type (258) description for more information. Discard after use.


Steel Skull                                                                                                                        Uncommon

Points — Orks only

The Ork using this item gains +1 Toughness and is subject to the rules for Madboyz Behavior (132).


Stealth Suit                                                                                                                            Special

Included in cost of Vindicare Assassin

If the Assassin fires while hiding (23), he becomes detected, not spotted.


Swooping Hawk Wings                                                                                                        Common

Points — Eldar Exarchs only

Used exclusively by Swooping Hawks, these jump packs work exactly like standard Jump Packs (214) with the following exceptions: A Hawk leap must be in a straight line between 6” and 36” long. There is no penalty to the

movement distance for moving over tall obstacles (24). No roll is made for scatter on landing, but no model using Hawk wings may land within 1” of any cover, building, vehicle, obstacle or other model, including other Hawks.

When leaping into hand-to-hand combat (32), Hawks may move within 1” of the enemy model they wish to charge but must still remain 1” clear of any other obstacles, models or features. When charging, Hawks do not get the extra 4” move as ordinary jump packers do. Shots fired at leaping Hawks suffer a –1 to hit penalty for the target‘s speed regardless of the actual distance of the leap they are making. Swooping Hawks carry a special grenade pack which allows them to drop Frag or Krak grenades (256) on targets that they fly directly over.


Flying High

At the start of its movement phase, a Hawk squad may declare that it is flying away from the battlefield and the models are removed from the table. They may take no other actions on the table that turn. Models may fly away

from hand-to-hand combat (32) in this way without incurring any blows against them as would be normal. A



squad which has left the battle in a previous turn may land back on the table anywhere it wishes during its next movement phase, even landing in hand-to-hand combat if desired. It may not make any other movement that turn. Models landing may shoot as normal, but may not use grenades. Models diving into hand-to-hand combat (32) count the +1 WS bonus for charging (23).


Storm Sword                                                                                                                          Rare-1

Points - Space Marines only

See the weapon profile (254) for more information about this weapon.


Storm Shield                                                                                                                    Uncommon


Model receives an extra armour saving throw of 4+ against shooting or hand-to-hand combat (32) which cannot

be modified and applies only against attacks from the front 90° arc. May be used to parry (33).


Suppression Shield                                                                                                             Common

Variable points — see army lists

A model equipped with a Suppression Shield automatically inflicts an S3 hit resolves on a single opponent when it

charges into hand-to-hand combat (32); this is resolved before HtH is started. Models wearing a Shield also receive a +2 bonus to their armour saving throw. As with all shields, these effects only apply if the incoming attack is from the model‘s front 90° arc of sight.


Sword of Asur                                                                                                                        Unique

Points — Eldar only

See the weapon profile (254) for more information about this weapon.


Sword of Secrets                                                                                                                    Unique

Points — Space Marines Dark Angels Supreme Grand Master only

See the weapon profile (254) for this weapon for more information.


Talon of Horus, The                                                                                                                Unique

Points — Chaos Space Marines Abaddon only

This is identical to a single Lightning Claw (231). In addition, the wearer causes Fear (47).


Targeter                                                                                                                            Uncommon


The user gains a +1 to hit with a specific projectile weapon selected before the game starts.


Teleport Homer                                                                                                                 Uncommon


If a squad is teleporting (24) to a point within 6” of an active teleport homer, a roll of a ―Hit‖ on the Scatter Die indicates  that  the  squad  have  locked  onto  the  homer  and  do not  deviate  at  all.  These  come  standard  on  Terminator

Armour (222) and many Dreadnoughts.


Teleport Jammer                                                                                                                     Rare-2


If anything attempts to teleport (24) to a spot within 36” of a model using a Teleport Jammer, the teleporting troops must roll for Scatter a second time after they have rolled scatter from their original target point. In addition,

the teleporting troops will be destroyed if they roll a double- 1 or a double- 2 on the distance roll for either scatter roll. Has no effect on psykers using their powers to teleport.


Teleskopic Legs                                                                                                                      Rare-2

Points — Orks only

The Ork using them gains +2 to its Move, and doesn‘t suffer any movement penalties for crossing obstacles (24) up to 2” high. The Ork can also raise itself up to 2” in the shooting phase (27), drawing Line of Sight from that height.



Terminator Armour                                                                                                              Common


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