Chaos: Nurgle Powers Aura of Decay 

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Chaos: Nurgle Powers Aura of Decay


Force 1

Pick either the user or a single model in base-to-base contact with him. The target exudes an aura so disgusting that it and all models within 3” of it lose 1 from their Attacks characteristic as they retch uncontrollably.

Followers and daemons of Nurgle are unaffected by the aura. The power remains until nullified (37), willfully dispelled, or the affected model is slain.


Miasma of Pestilence

Force 2

Any living models within 6” of the user suffer an S3 hit as soon as they are within range. Followers and daemons

of Nurgle are unaffected. Remains in play until dropped, nullified (37) or the user is slain.


Plague Wind

Force 3, Range 24”

Pick a single living enemy target within range; the Wind inflicts 3D6 hits minus the target‘s Toughness. Each hit causes a wound on a roll of 4+ on D6; for every 3 wounds inflicted by the Wind, one Plaguebearer (56) is created, forming a new unit within 3” of the victims of the Wind.


Stream of Corruption

Force 2

Place the Stream of Corruption template (29) with the pointed end touching the user and the round end over the

target. Any living models under the template will be overwhelmed by the foulness and choked to death unless they can make a normal armour save. Models with Toughness of 7 or greater are will not be slain, but will sustain D6 wounds instead. Enclosed vehicles are unaffected by this power.



Chaos: Slaanesh Powers



Force 1

Use on a single model in base-to-base contact with the psyker using it. The victim must roll under his Initiative on D6 to avoid the touch, which halves all of his characteristics (rounding up) and makes him Stupid (48) for the rest of the battle. Nullify (37) will return the affected model to normal.


Beam of Slaanesh

Force 2, Range 24”

Hits the first model in a straight line in range. The victim must roll equal to or less than its Ld on 3D6 to fight the sensation; if he fails, he is affected by Stupidity (48) for the rest of the game. A successful nullify (37) used on the affected model will bring him to his senses again.


Fleshy Curse

Force 3, Range 24”

Pick a single living target within range. The victim must roll equal to or less than its Toughness on 2D6 to resist the curse. If the victim fails, the curse twists his body into a Chaos Spawn. The mindless Spawn immediately shambles off 2D6” in a random direction. It will then move 2D6” in a random direction in the compulsory movement phase of its own movement phase (23). The Spawn moves directly over troops in its path, causing an automatic S4 hit on any model it touches. The Spawn does not fight in hand-to-hand combat (32) and is hit

automatically if so attacked. It cannot be broken and is immune to psychology (47). Note that even a nullify (37)

will not revert the Spawn back to its original form.


Pavane of Slaanesh

Force 2, Range 24”

Pick a single enemy squad or model within range. The victim(s) must each roll equal to or under their Ld on 2D6

or be overcome by the power, beginning to leap and cavort uncontrollably. If the power works, the affected models can no longer move or shoot and may not roll any Attack Dice in hand-to-hand combat. The Pavane lasts until nullified (37), the user is slain, or it is willfully dispelled.

Chaos: Tzeentch Powers Bolt of Change

Force 2, Range 12”

Strikes the first model in a straight-line path. The victim must roll equal to or under its Toughness on 2D6 to resist the power of the bolt. Failure means that the model is destroyed utterly, with no armour save possible. Vehicles affected suffer a randomly-determined hit with an armour penetration (31) of 3D6+6.


Boon of Tzeentch

Force 1

If this power succeeds, draw 2 cards from the Warp Deck immediately and add these to your hand.


Pink Fire of Tzeentch

Force 1, Range 6”

Strikes the first model in a straight-line path in range. Victims suffer D6 hits with a Strength of 4+D6; make one

roll to determine the Strength of all the hits.


Tzeentch’s Fire Storm

Force 3, Range 24”

Strikes the first model in a straight-line path from the user within range. Place the Firestorm template (29) (2” radius) over the affected target. Every model touched by the template suffers an S5 hit with no armour save possible. Vehicles touched by the template suffer an S5 hit to one randomly determined crewman (13). For every 3 Wounds inflicted by the Firestorm, a Pink Horror (56) is created.



Eldar Powers


Battle Fate


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