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Ork — 50 points (0-1x) Gretchin — 35 points (0-1x)Содержание книги
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Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Any Ork units within 12" may re-roll any failed Break Test (47) once. Options May purchase from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), Transport (126), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May have up to one Wargear Card (14).
Bigboss Points
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Options May purchase from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), Transport (126), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May have up to two Wargear Cards (14). May be a passenger on a Nob bike (134) for an additional 20 points.
Freebooter Kaptin Points (0-Nx)
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). The Kaptin will only be present as the leader of a Freebooter Pirate (133) mob. Options May purchase items from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May have up to two Wargear Cards (14). May be accompanied by up to 4 Gretchin Assistants (129).
Blood Axe Kommando Kaptin Points (0-1x)
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). May infiltrate (13). The Kaptin will only be present as the leader of a Blood Axe Kommando (132) mob. Options May purchase items from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May have up to two Wargear Cards (14).
Drillboss Points (0-1x)
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). The Drillboss will only be present as the leader of a Stormboy Korps (132) unit. If the Stormboyz are equipped with Jump Packs (123), then the Drillboss must take one at a cost of +5 points. Options May pick equipment from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), and Stikkbombz (126) lists.
Nobz Points
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Any Ork mob (133) may include one Nob to lead it, or up to two Nobz in a Goff mob (133). Nobz are part of the unit they lead, and may not operate independently. Options May purchase from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May be a passenger on a Nob bike (134) for an additional 20 points.
Mekaniak Points
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Your army may always include one Mekaniak, plus one additional Mekaniak for each Evil Sunz mob (133) present. Options May have up to three Wargear Cards (14), and may pick equipment from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), Transport (126) and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May be armed with a Shokk Attack Gun (237) for +25 points. May be a passenger on a Nob bike (134) for an additional 20 points. May also be accompanied by up to 4 Gretchin Assistants (129).
Painboy Points
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Your army may always include one Painboy, plus one additional Painboy for each Deathskull mob (133) present. Options May have up to one Wargear Card (14), and may pick equipment from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), Transport (126) and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May be a passenger on a Nob bike (134) for an additional 20 points. May also be accompanied by up to 4 Gretchin Assistants (129).
Runtherd Points
Wears Flak Armour (105, 6+ save) and carries a Bolt Pistol (240). Your army may always include one Runtherd, plus one additional Runtherd for each Snakebite mob (133) present. Options May have up to one Wargear Card (14), and may pick equipment from the Armour (125), Assault (125), Special (125), Transport (126), and Stikkbombz (126) lists. May also be accompanied by up to 4 Gretchin Assistants (129).
Weirdboy Points
Includes one Weirdboy and two Minderz. All wear Flak Armour (6+ save/ 5+ vs. blast markers (29)). The Minderz each carry a Bolt Pistol (240) and an axe or club (230). Is a psyker with a Mastery Level (36) of 2; select powers from the Ork (44) list. Your army may always include one Weirdboy, plus one additional Weirdboy for each Bad Moonz mob (133) present. Options The Weirdboy may have up to one Wargear Card (14). Either Minder may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun (224) for +1 point per model.
Weirdboy Warphead Points (0-1x)
Includes one Warphead and two Minderz. All wear Flak Armour (105, 6+ save). The Minderz each carry a Bolt Pistol (240) and an axe or club (230). The Weirdboy is a psyker with a Mastery Level (36) of 4; select powers from the Ork (44) list. Options The Weirdboy may have up to one Wargear Card (14). Either Minder may replace their Bolt Pistol with a Boltgun (224) for +1 point per model.
Ogryn Leader
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