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Group up the following synonymsСодержание книги
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To use, whole, movement, speed, distant, to utilize, entire, far, close, all over the world, motion, near, all over the globe, to receive, to turn into, completely, to get, to transform into, to entirely, to be stationary, to be fixed.
4. Group up the following antonyms: Distant, below, changed, inside, to be in motion, near, above, outside, slow, heavy, to open, unchanged, to be fixed, fast, known, first, light, unknown, to close, then.
5. Translate into English using the words from the text: 1. Ейнштейн твердив, що і на землі, і у всесвіті ніщо не перебуває у стані абсолютного спокою. 2. Усе рухається – від атомів до зірок. 3. Водночас уся сонячна система рухається у напрямі до далекої зірки. 4. Найближча зірка знаходиться так далеко, що її світло доходить до нас тільки за 4 роки. 5. У Всесвіті все відносне, залежно від обставин, за яких ведеться спостереження. 6. Тільки світло має завжди однакову швидкість. 7. Маса чи вага тіла залежить від того, з якою швидкістю рухається тіло.
Answer the following questions. 1. When was A. Einstein born? 2. When did he die? 3. When was his Theory published? 4. What is the core of the theory of relativity? 5. What is the only constant quality in this changing universe? 6. What did Newton say about time? 7. When was Einstein awarded the Nobel Prize? 8. What did he receive his award for? 9. What statement of Einstein opened the way for research on atomic energy? 10. Did he protest against the use of atomic energy for destruction?
7. Ask your friend using the model: Model: Ask your frienfd if he can skate. – Can you skate? 1. if he can speak English 2. if he can swim 3. if he could play violin last year 4. if his friend can play football 5. if he can play chess 6. if he could win a competition
8. Make the sentences negative: 1. I can take photos. 2. I must be at the stadium now. 3. You must learn English. 4. They must have won this game. 5. We were to take part in the competition. 6. She ought to help her with physics. 7. My sister can make pickles. 8. You might be fond of boxing. 9. They may enjoy swimming. 9. Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs can, may, must, should, ought: 1. I... ski very well. 2.... he play the violin? 3. My sister... cook very well. 4. You... visit your friends. 5. She... see the performance. 6. You... learn to play guitar. 7. You... watch outdoor sports.
10. Translate into Ukrainian, pay attention to should and would. 1. I said that I should do this work tomorrow. 2. We knew that he would make a report at the conference. 3. You should pay much attention to your work. 4. You should have paid much more attention to this experiment; it is not done as it should be. 5. If I had enough data I should make an interesting report. 6. Had he known about our experiment before he would have helped us. 7. If there were not enough oxygen in the air it would be unsuitable for breathing. 8. I would like to listen to his reading.
11. Choose the topic and write a short composition: 1. “Einstein’s biography”. 2. “The Theory of Relativity”.
Read and memorize the following words and word combinations
2. Read and translate the text:
Y.O. Paton – the Founder of the Electric Welding Institute A scientist in the field of welding and bridge engineering, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (1929) was born in Nice in the family of the Russian diplomat. Paton graduated from Dresden Polytechnic Institute (1894) and Petersburg Institute of Railway Roads (1896). He was a teacher at Moscow Engineering College of Railway Roads (1989-1904) and Kiev Polytechnic Institute (1904-1938). In 1929 he organized a welding laboratory and the Electric Welding Committee, on the base of which the Electric Welding Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian SSR was founded in Kiev in 1934. He headed this Institute to the end of his life. During 1945-1952 he was a Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. He created the methods of design of rational bridge spans, investigated the conditions of their operation, and suggested methods of restoration of damaged bridges. He carried out research works in the field of calculation and strength of welded structures, mechanization of welding processes, fundamentals of welding, supervised the development of the method of automatic submerged arc welding. During the II World War the equipment and technology of the automatic welding of special steels, tanks, bombs, etc. were implemented in defense industry under his supervision. In post-war years he headed the works on the creation of fundamentals of welding, wide implementation of welding in industry; creation and implementation of assembly-welding production lines.
3. Combine the words from two columns to receive proper terms:
4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense, and then identify the types of conditionals: 1. If you (not/put up) this shelf, you won’t have anywhere to put your books. 2. If he (change) jobs, he would be a lot happier. 3. If I were you I (tell) her how you feel. 4. If you continue to shout so loudly, you (wake up) the baby. 5. Unless you (feel) any better, you can take the rest of the day off. 6. If you are patient for a few minutes I (be/able) to finish this.
5. Rewrite the following as conditional sentences: 1. You need to go to Egypt to see Sphinx. If…. 2. John didn’t leave early so he didn’t get there on time. 3. Calling her might make her feel better. 4. The fax machine is broken so I have to send it by post. 5. There will be an election if the president resigns. 6. Tom didn’t wear a coat and caught a cold. 7. You need to study to pass this exam. Unless… 8. You really ought to go somewhere sunnier to get suntan.
6. Rephrase the following in as many ways as possible using the words from the list below: Only if, otherwise, as long as, unless, providing, on condition that, if 1. Should you go to Rome, you must see the Coliseum. 2. You can swim but there must be an adult with you. 3. Drive carefully so that you won’t have an accident. 4. He will get a bonus if productivity increases. 5. I’ll lend you the money, but you must pay me back soon.
7. Rewrite the following sentences omitting “if”: 1. If I were you, I would think twice before accepting his offer. 2. If you had brought more money with you, we could have gone on holiday. 3. If I were you, I’d leave an hour earlier to be sure of getting there on time. 4. If you get through the theater, could you reserve four tickets for tonight performance? 5. If you had paid the telephone bill on time, your phone would not be cut off.
8. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate conditional clause: 1. If he doesn’t practice more, he ….. 2. Unless you get permission … 3. If I could afford it … 4. Were she in my shoes … 5. Had you followed my advice … 6. Only if we stop cutting trees … 7. Were she more sincere …
9. Answer the following questions: 1. Where was Y.O. Paton born? 2. Was he a teacher at Moscow Engineering College of Railway Roads (1989-1904) and Kiev Polytechnic Institute (1904-1938)? 3. When did he organize a welding laboratory and the Electric Welding Committee? 4. What methods did Paton create? 5. In what field did he carry out the research work? 6. What works did he head in post war years? 7. What did Paton found?
10. Communicative situations: 1. You discuss with your friend the possibility of working in the Electric Welding Institute. 2. Pretend that you are a scientist in the distant future. Speak about your greatest invention. TOPIC: SOLAR ENERGY GRAMMAR: THE INFINITIVE 1. Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:
2. Read and translate the text: Solar Energy Annually the Sun supplies the Earth with a great number of the radiant energy, more than 20,000 times greater than the worlds total power consumption. In other words, only a very small fraction of solar energy reaching the Earth is utilized. One of the main problems is the discovery of ways and means of making more effective the use of solar radiation, the energy of which is practically unlimited. The Sun is the source of all main forms of energy. It gives warmth and life. From very ancient times man has made attempts to harness the solar energy. Today solar energy can be converted into electricity at a comparatively low efficiency rate. Sunlight does not produce high temperatures. It may heat metal so as to make it uncomfortable to the touch, but this is obviously not enough to power an efficient motor. For this, powerful concentrators of solar energy have to be created. Much has already been done to promote the industrial uses of solar energy. Thus in many countries solar water heaters are used. One square meter of such a heater saves as much as 200 kilograms of a fuel a year. Solar energy is utilized in Britain, Algeria, Italy and other countries. A lot of work on solar energy utilization is being conducted in Central Asia. The reason is simple enough: the amount of solar energy that hits the ground here at noon is nearly equal to the capacity of the famous Dnipro Hydroelectric Station. The sun is also used for producing low temperatures, solar air conditioners cost only about one – fifth or one – sixth as much as electric conditioners. Special solar installations are used in deserts to produce distilled water. Scientists are working much in settling major problems of utilizing solar energy.
3. Translate into English: 1. Сонце дає нам світло, тепло і енергію. 2. Вчені знають багато способів використання енергії. 3. Однією з головних проблем людства є відкриття шляхів більш ефективного використання сонячної енергії. 4. Одна форма енергії, як відомо, перетворюється в іншу. 5. Люди перетворюють сонячну енергію на корисну енергію, яка їм потрібна.
4. Find the nouns corresponding to the following words in the text, translate them into Ukrainian: To radiate, to help, to utilize, to concentrate, to create, to produce, to conduct, to work, to settle.
5. Decide, whether the statements below are true or false: 1. Annually the Sun supplies the Earth with a great number of the radiant energy. 2. The Sun is not the source of all main forms of energy. 3. Today solar energy can be converted into electricity at a comparatively low efficiency rate. 4. Sunlight produces high temperatures. 5. A lot of work on solar energy utilization is being conducted in Central Asia. 6. The sun is not used for producing low temperatures. 7. Special solar installations are used in deserts to produce distilled water. 6. State what sentence “a” or “b” is the translation of the given sentences: 1. To solve this problem is rather difficult. a) Розв’язати цю задачу досить важко. в) Щоб розв’язати цю проблему, треба важко працювати. 2. We know alloys to be used in welding. a) Ми знаємо, що сплави застосовуються при зварюванні. в) Ми знаємо сплави, які використовуються при зварюванні. 3. Grammar is known to be the basis of every language. a) Відомо, що граматика є основою кожної мови. в) Граматика є основою кожної мови. 4. The device to be tested is of great importance. a) Прилад, який треба випробувати, має велике значення. в) Прилад, який випробовують, має велике значення.
7. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense-form: 1. Electronic (to be) the science that (to study) the principles and technology of electronic devices. 2. Welding (to be) the major component of modern industry. 3. The discovery of an electric arc by Petrov (to give) a powerful stimulus to the development of welding. 4. Great progress (to be achieved) in the field of welding.
8. Answer the following questions: 1. How much of solar energy is utilized? 2. What is the main problem with the use of solar energy? 3. At what rate can the solar energy be converted into electricity? 4. Does sunlight produce high temperatures? 5. In what countries is solar energy utilized? 6. Why is so much work on solar energy being conducted in Central Asia? 7. Is the sun used for producing low temperatures? 8. In settling what problems are scientists working?
9. State the function of the Infinitive: 1. You study at the institute to become qualified specialist. 2. The problem to be solved was of great importance. 3. To master English it is necessary to work hard. 4. We are very glad to have listened to the professor’s lecture. 5. The engineers had several problems to solve. 6. We would like to continue this trend with an educational exchange among educators of our two countries. 7. Do you know how to write business letters?
10. Translate into Ukrainian: 1. We would welcome the opportunity to cooperate with you. 2. May I have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our plant? 3. It is not the right time to discuss this subject. 4. You are too young to wear black. 5. I was the first to notice that. 6. It was not easy to understand how it could be stopped. 7. It won’t be easy to talk her out of this.
11. Complete the following sentences by adding infinitives to them: 1. This hair-do is much too fussy ______. 2. My only wish is ______. 3. I have nothing more ______. 4. The end of the story was easy ______. 5. I have bought this magazine ______. 6. Who was the last ______.
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