Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the tense-form in Passive. 

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Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the tense-form in Passive.

1. It has been estimated that some 8,000 millions of meteors as enter our atmosphere each day.

2. In Class A amplifiers the plate current flows at all times, even though no signal is being amplified.

3. The voltage change is brought about by the difference in the number of turns in the two coils.

4. This transmission of heat by the motion of the fluid against a solid is referred to as convection transfer.

5. When the rays enter the lens they are bent towards the normal, and when the rays leave the lens, they are bent away from the normal.

6. Radioactive isotopes are also being used successfully for food conservation, for the prevention of sprouting in potatoes and so on.


Translate into English.

1. Лікаря викликали по телефону.

2. Мені сказали домашнє завдання з англійської на завтра.

3. Цей будинок був спланований одним видатним архітектором.

4. Їх запросили вчора на вечірку, яка була спланована ще місяць тому.

5. За останні роки у місті було відкрито два нових музеї.

6. Їй забули сказати, що іспит буде завтра.

7. Цей твір – літературний шедевр, написаний видатним сучасним письменником.


8. Choose the required verb and put it in the necessary tense and voice.


to house to use to make to fill to pay attention to work out to use

1. It should be noted that the first house of glass and plastics (був розроблений) by engineers of several institutes.

2. Its construction (було приділено) great attention to.

3. Everything in it (зроблено) of glass and plastics.

4. The vacuum between inner and outer walls (заповнюється) with excellent thermal and soundproof materials.

5. All the equipment (вміщується) in the technical chamber.

6. It can be said that soon plastics (будуть використані) in all branches of our industry.


10. Communicative situations:

1. Describe your friend’s appearance.

2. Discuss with your friends the appearance of your favorite film star.

3. Describe with your friend your ideals of man’s beauty.

Retell the text.




1. Read and memorize the following words and word combinations:

are now available to science зараз доступні науці
to take over jobs виконувати роботи
maintenance догляд
to demand a certain knowledge to be of the fundamentals потребує певного знання основ
incandescent lamp лампа розжарювання
transformer трансформатор
seems to jump through space неначе проскакує у npocтopi
in the same way так само
comes out of the metal into the open виділяється (виходить) в навколишній простір
vacuum tube електронна вакуумна лампа
filament волосок розжарювання

2. Read and translate the text:

Electronic equipment

Industrial equipment of electronics is known to play a very important role today.

Hundreds of electronics equipments are now available to science and various industries to help do jobs better or more economically or to take over jobs that could not be done otherwise.

The application, use, and proper maintenance of the many electronics equipments now in industrial use demand a certain knowledge to be of the fundamentals of various standard electronics equipments.

We already know that in motors, incandescent lamps, transformers, etc., the electricity always flows in the copper wire or other metal parts. But consider lightning, where electricity seems to jump through space. The great electric pressure of lightning forces the electric current to pass through the air. In the same way, inside any radio tube, tiny electric currents are made to pass through the space separating certain parts in the tube. Such action — where electricity appears to the flow through space instead to being confined to metal conductors or circuits — is said to be electronic.

Why is it called electronic? Years ago, scientists who were trying to explain how electricity passed through space, imagined such an electric current to be a steady stream of tiny electrical particles. They called these particles electrons. Today, any electric current is believed to consist of countless number of electrons. Only when electricity passed through space, when the stream of electrons comes out of the metal into the open, is such action said to be electronic. For a device to be called electronic, electricity must flow across the space inside the device and be controlled by that device.

In ordinary air, electrons can be made be jump through space only by pressure of high voltage. But if it enclosed in a tube from which the air has been removed, the electrons flow across the space more easily. All tubes must be carefully sealed for the desired conditions to be maintained inside the tube. Most of the small tubes are vacuum tubes, the large ones usually containing mercury or other vapor.

Some electric lights are electronic. The common incandescent light bulb is not considered to be electronic even though it is enclosed like a radio tube, for the electric current flows entirely within the metal filament. In contrast, the fluorescent lamp is electronic; its light is produced by the action of electric current flowing through the space between the two ends of the lamp.

Electronics as a science is not new, for radio, sound pictures, fluorescent light, etc. are known to depend upon electronics.


3. Form the nouns from the following verbs:

To vary, to use, to define, to continue, to supply, to determine, to detect, to precise, to apply, to differ, to strengthen, to include, to limit, to conduct, to play, to maintain


4. Arrange the following words according to the similar meaning:
a) to proceed, normally, owing to, accurate, to provide, various, to switch on, energy, a lot of, large, to use, man-made, for instance, to define


b)many, power, for example, to turn on, to continue, artificial, to supply, big, to determine, precise, usually, to apply, different, due to

5. Arrange the following words according to the opposite meaning:

a) modern, regular, outer, peace, strengthen, include, like, possible, rapidly, past, powerless, efficient, unlimited, accurate, conductor


b) slowly, impossible, inefficient, war, future, limited, inner, old, inaccurate, irregular, non-conductor, dislike, weaken, powerful, exclude


6. Answer the following questions:

1. Does electronic equipment play a great role today?

2. What are the advantages of electronic equipment?

3. Which way does electricity flow in transformers and lamps?

4. What is lightning?

5. What is the particularity of the electronic action?

6. What does electric current consist of?

7. What makes the electrons flow more easily in a tube?

8. Why isn’t an incandescent lamp considered to be electronic?

9. Is a fluorescent lamp electronic?

10. What makes a device electronic?



7. Put the sentences in the plural form and translate them:

1. This man is a welder.

2. This woman is an engineer.

3. There is welding equipment in that laboratory.

4. My uncle is a famous scientist.

5. That engineer has an achievement in the field of electronics.

6. The discovery of the particle of matter is the step towards a real understanding of the secret of matter.

7. A misuse of the term may result in a misunderstanding of the text.


8. Give the plural form of the following words:

A man, a woman, a child, a tooth, a goose, a foot, a mouse, an ox, a boy, a city, a potato, a leaf, a sheep, a deer, a swine.


9. Translate into English:

1. Басейн відчиняється о 9.00 і зачиняється о 18.30 щоденно.

2. Як що тобі потрібні гроші, чому б тобі не знайти роботу?

3. Сонце сідає на Заході, а сходить на сході.

4. Уже пізно, щоб телефонувати твоїй подрузі зараз. Ти зателефонуєш їй завтра.

5. У нас зовсім нема хліба. – Я піду куплю трохи.

6. Ти можеш зайти до мене пізніше? – Добре, я завітаю до тебе ввечері.

7. Він не поголився сьогодні вранці, бо не мав часу.

8. Ми нічого не їли, бо не були голоді.

9. Нам потрібні були гроші, тому ми продали машину.

10. Джим кинув м’яча Сью, вона його зловила.


10. Communicative situations:

1. You are inviting your fellow student to have dinner at your place. You have to give him your address, to explain how to get there and to fix the day and the time.

2. Your friend was trying to get you on the phone the whole day yesterday, but failed. He’s surprised and asks you what you were doing at the time he phoned. You try to remember what you were doing at 11 a.m.; 12.30 p.m.; from 5 to 7 p.m.11


Retell the text.



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