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Приготовление дезинфицирующих растворов различной концентрации Практические работы по географии для 6 класса Организация работы процедурного кабинета Изменения в неживой природе осенью Уборка процедурного кабинета Сольфеджио. Все правила по сольфеджио Балочные системы. Определение реакций опор и моментов защемления |
IX. Match the sentences and find the continuationСодержание книги
Поиск на нашем сайте
X. Fill in the gaps
Malicious software ____________ can be avoided by following some basic rules. To prevent crackers from breaking into your internal network and obtaining your data, install a __________. It will protect you from __________. Internet users who like cyber shopping should get a _________ __________, an electronic identity card. If you have been hit by a ________, don’t panic! Download a clean-up utility program and always remember to use an ____________ program, for example, a virus _______________.
XI. Make the right choice 1. Internet-based crimes include scam, email fraud _________ money or valuables.
2. Piracy, the illegal copying and distribution of ________________.
3. Viruses are programs that spread by attaching themselves to _______________
4. When the infected program isrun, the virus ___________to other files or programs on the computer
5. Install a___________, a program designed to prevent spyware from gaining access to the internal network.
6. Spyware usually comes hidden in ___________ downloadable from the Internet.
7. Worms are __________and don't need to be attached to a document or program
8. Trojan horses are malicious programs ___________ as innocent-looking files.
XII. Make up sentences 1. to / crimes / perform / technology / use / of / variety / a / crackers. 2. data / collect / to / sorted / creating /a / used / are / the / can / which / computer / be / backdoor / to / horses / ominous / trojan. 3. emails / commerce / Internet / particular / and / in / a / is / danger / there. 4. program / a / copy / find / or / latest / to / game / the / way / to / try / computer / crackers. 5. documents / to / executable / attaching / spread / by / that / themselves / are / programs / files / or / viruses. 6. organizations / like / websites / emails / or / those / that / look / real / use / of / crimes / both. XIII. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English 1. Інтернет забезпечує широку різноманітність можливостей для спілкування. 2. Програми-шпигуни перебувають прихованими у підробленому безкоштовному програмному забезпеченні та умовно-безкоштовних програмах, які завантажують з Інтернету. 3. Черв’яки – самокопіюючі та автономні програми які використовують дефекти системи безпеки. 4. Поштовий вірус розповсюджується, відсилаючи копію кожному у електронній адресній книжці. 5. Існує особлива небезпека у Інтернет - торгівлі та електронній пошті. 6. Як тільки троянські коні активовані, вони впливають на комп’ютер різноманітними способами.
XIV. Points for discussion 1) What do you do to prevent computer infections? 2) What should you do to improve your computer security?
Text 15
Mobile phones
I. Read and translate the text
Mobile phones: definition (визначення) and technology Mobile phones, or cellular (сотові) phones, are devices that enable communication to all types of telephones while moving over a wide area called the coverage area (зона покриття). The term ‘cellular’ comes from the fact that the phone calls are made through base stations (базові радіостанції), communication towers (вежі) or antennas, which divide the coverage area into cells (соти). As you move from cell to cell, the calls are transferred (передаватися) to different base stations belonging (що належать) to the same or a different telephone company. This capability (здатність) of mobile phones is called roaming. The phone is said to be out of range (поза зоною) when it cannot communicate (зв’язатися) with a base station.
A brief (коротка) history
Features and functions Mobiles have become an essential part (невід’ємна частина) of our lives and there are many uses for them.
II. Match the meaning
III. Sort out
IV. What is the Odd-One-Out - communication, transmission, information, technology, application, reduction, connection, introduction - becoming, being, holding, taking, changing, digital, having, belonging, enabling, increasing, moving - called, converted, developed, integrated, built-in, said, used, transferred, divide, introduced.
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