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IX. Match the sentences and find the continuation



I 1. Crackers try to find a way to copy the latest game or computer program 2. A study has revealed that half a million people will automatically open an email they believe to be from their bank and happily send off all their security details. 3 This software's danger is hidden behind an attractive appearance. That's why it is often wrapped in attractive packages promising photos of celebrities like Anna Kournikova or Jennifer Lopez. 4. There is a particular danger in Internet commerce and emails. Many people believe they have been offered a special gift only to find out later they have been deceived. 5 'Nimda' spreads by sending infected emails and is also able to infect websites, so when a user visits a compromised website, the browser can infect the computer. 6 Every day, millions of children spend time in Internet chat rooms talking to strangers. But what many of them don't realize is that some of the surfers chatting with them maybe sexual predators.
II a) People shouldn't buy cracked software or download music illegally from the Internet b) Be suspicious of wonderful offers. Don't buy if you aren't sure. c) It's dangerous to give personal information to people you contact in chat rooms. d) Don't open attachments from people you don't know even if the subject looks attractive. e) Scan your email and be careful about which websites you visit. f) Check with your bank before sending information.  
  III - crackers - scam - email fraud - phishing - bank fraud - piracy - cyberstalking    

X. Fill in the gaps


digital certificate malware virus scanner spyware firewall antivirus


Malicious software ____________ can be avoided by following some basic rules. To prevent crackers from breaking into your internal network and obtaining your data, install a __________. It will protect you from __________.

Internet users who like cyber shopping should get a _________ __________, an electronic identity card.

If you have been hit by a ________, don’t panic! Download a clean-up utility program and always remember to use an ____________ program, for example, a virus _______________.


XI. Make the right choice

1. Internet-based crimes include scam, email fraud _________ money or valuables.

a) to transfer c) to make
b) to obtain d) to earn


2. Piracy, the illegal copying and distribution of ________________.

a)self-copying programs c) malicious software
b)email attachments d) copyrighted software


3. Viruses are programs that spread by attaching themselves to _______________

a)shareware applications c) email attachments
b)backup copies d) executable files or documents


4. When the infected program isrun, the virus ___________to other files or programs on the computer

a)includes c) provides
b)propagates d) obtains

5. Install a___________, a program designed to prevent spyware from gaining access to the internal network.

a)self-copying programs c) firewall
b)backup copy d) shareware application


6. Spyware usually comes hidden in ___________ downloadable from the Internet.

a)fake freeware c) copyrighted software
b)self-copyingprograms d) legitimate software

7. Worms are __________and don't need to be attached to a document or program

a)embedded c) self-contained
b)hidden d) downloadable

8. Trojan horses are malicious programs ___________ as innocent-looking files.

a)downloaded c) embedded
b)disguised d) included


XII. Make up sentences

1. to / crimes / perform / technology / use / of / variety / a / crackers.

2. data / collect / to / sorted / creating /a / used / are / the / can / which / computer / be / backdoor / to / horses / ominous / trojan.

3. emails / commerce / Internet / particular / and / in / a / is / danger / there.

4. program / a / copy / find / or / latest / to / game / the / way / to / try / computer / crackers.

5. documents / to / executable / attaching / spread / by / that / themselves / are / programs / files / or / viruses.

6. organizations / like / websites / emails / or / those / that / look / real / use / of / crimes / both.

XIII. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English

1. Інтернет забезпечує широку різноманітність можливостей для спілкування.

2. Програми-шпигуни перебувають прихованими у підробленому безкоштовному програмному забезпеченні та умовно-безкоштовних програмах, які завантажують з Інтернету.

3. Черв’яки – самокопіюючі та автономні програми які використовують дефекти системи безпеки.

4. Поштовий вірус розповсюджується, відсилаючи копію кожному у електронній адресній книжці.

5. Існує особлива небезпека у Інтернет - торгівлі та електронній пошті.

6. Як тільки троянські коні активовані, вони впливають на комп’ютер різноманітними способами.


XIV. Points for discussion

1) What do you do to prevent computer infections?

2) What should you do to improve your computer security?


Text 15


Mobile phones


I. Read and translate the text


Mobile phones: definition (визначення) and technology

Mobile phones, or cellular (сотові) phones, are devices that enable communication to all types of telephones while moving over a wide area called the coverage area (зона покриття).

The term ‘cellular’ comes from the fact that the phone calls are made through base stations (базові радіостанції), communication towers (вежі) or antennas, which divide the coverage area into cells (соти). As you move from cell to cell, the calls are transferred (передаватися) to different base stations belonging (що належать) to the same or a different telephone company. This capability (здатність) of mobile phones is called roaming. The phone is said to be out of range (поза зоною) when it cannot communicate (зв’язатися) with a base station.


A brief (коротка) history

  • 1G Generation (покоління) phones started in the 1980s when Motorola introduced (запровадити) the first hand-held phones (портативний телефон). They used analogue technology and the main drawback (основний недолік) was the small number (кількість) of channels that could be used at a time (одночасно).
  • In the 1990s, 2G mobiles introduced digital transmission methods (цифрові методи передачі) that converted (перетворювали) voice into binary information (бінарний), increasing (збільшуючи) the number of channels, the speed of transmission between the phone and the base station and enabling a reduction in size. The most common standard (загальноприйнятий стандарт) GSM, Global System for Mobile communications (глобальна система рухомого зв’язку), started to be used at this stage. One of the features (особливість, ознака) of this technology is the use of SIM (subscriber-identify module) (модуль оригінала абонента) cards, a type of smart card that contains (містить) the user’s information, the connection data and the phonebook. It also enables the user to change service provider without changing the handset.
  • 3G phones offer a high-speed data transfer capability (високошвидкісна передача даних). Some of these phones are called smart phones and combine (поєднують) PDA (personal digital assistant) (персональний секретар) capabilities (можливості) with the usual functions of a digital phone. The new communication standard, UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (універсальна мобільна телекомунікаційна мережа), enables the multimedia transmissions that are becoming common (розповсюджений) nowadays.
  • New standards are being developed that will open the way to new 4G phones with an emphasis (акцент) on multimedia, real-time television and radio.


Features and functions

Mobiles have become an essential part (невід’ємна частина) of our lives and there are many uses for them.


“I’ve bought a new mobile with Bluetooth, a wireless technology, to connect my phone to other devices at home or in my office. It also has WAP, Wireless Application Protocol, (протокол мобільного інтерактивного зв’язку з Інтернет) which enables access to the wireless Web, and an integrated PDA, a digital assistant, where I keep my appointments and sales records.” “My mobile has programmable ring tones so I can personalize (персоніфікувати) my phone’s melodies or sounds, and changeable faceplates (лицьова панель) which make the front look different. I used to just send SMS (short message service), short text messages. Now I can also take and send pictures (фотографувати та надсилати фото) with the built-in digital camera.”  
  “I’m mad about music, so I love having a mobile which integrated (об’єднує) radio and MP3, the most usual music file format on the Web. I can download music from the Net and listen to it on my mobile.” “I’m very concerned (турбуватись) about safety (безпека) in the car. That’s why I bought a hands-free kit, so I can drive and talk on the phone without taking risks.”  
“This mobile also has a speakerphone I can talk without holding the handset (не тримаючи телефонну трубку). I also use it when I want several people to participate (брати участь) in the call”.


II. Match the meaning

- divide into cells - a base station - capability - be out range - drawback - increase - speed of transmission - feature - contain information - enable - essential part - connect - device - digital assistant - be mad about smth. - download - take pictures - be concerned about - participate in брати участь в цифровий секретар швидкість передачі брати участь в пристрій давати можливість невід’ємна частина фотографувати розділити на соти завантажувати здатність бути поза зоною недолік ознака турбуватись збільшувати містити інформацію базова радіостанція бути схибленим на


III. Sort out

camera, size, integrate, real, contain, wireless, increase, digital, user, cell, belong, short, use, area, main, station, develop, new, reduction, standard, smart, wide, term, enable, device, usual, melody, change, combine, essential, transfer, faceplate, take, common, different.


Noun Verb Adjective
1. ______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________   1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________   1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________  


IV. What is the Odd-One-Out

- communication, transmission, information, technology, application, reduction, connection, introduction

- becoming, being, holding, taking, changing, digital, having, belonging, enabling, increasing, moving

- called, converted, developed, integrated, built-in, said, used, transferred, divide, introduced.



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