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Top 9 list of sabotage targetsСодержание книги
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This includes property damage and expenses incurred related to the accidents/ attacks with secondary effects such as the subsequent cleanup and industry losses. Many of these accidents/attacks involve casualties which obviously cannot be measured in currency terms. Each life lost is priceless and is not factored into the equation.
9. Tanker Truck vs Bridge $358 Million
On August 26, 2004, a car collided with a tanker truck containing 32,000 litres of fuel on the Wiehltal Bridge in Germany. The tanker crashed through the guardrail and fell 90 feet off the A4 Autobahn resulting in a huge explosion and fire which destroyed the load-bearing ability of the bridge. Temporary repairs cost $40 million and the cost to replace the bridge is estimated at $318 Million.
8. MetroLink Crash $500 Million
On September 12, 2008, in what was one of the worst train crashes in California history, 25 people were killed when a Metrolink commuter train crashed head-on into a Union Pacific freight train in Los Angeles. It is thought that the Metrolink train may have run through a red signal while the conductor was busy text messaging. Wrongful death lawsuits are expected to cause $500 million in losses for Metrolink.
7. Phillips Disaster - Oct. 23 1989 Pasadena, Texas, - $1,4 Billion*
The Phillips Disaster refers to a devastating series of explosions and fire in October of 1989, near the Houston Ship Channel in Texas, USA. The initial blast registered 3.5 on the Richter Scale, and the conflagration took 10 hours to bring under control. Some 23 employees were killed and 314 were injured. An explosion affected all facilities within the complex, causing $715.5 million worth of damage plus an additional business disruption loss estimated at $700 million.
6. Oklahoma City Bombing – $1,5 Billion (based on 9/11 numbers minus 25%)
The Oklahoma City bombing was a terrorist attack on April 19, 1995 aimed at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, a U.S. government office complex in downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The attack claimed 168 lives and left over 800 injured. Until the September 11, 2001 attacks, it was the deadliest act of terrorism on U.S. soil, and remains the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in American history. Within days after the bombing, Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols were both in custody for their roles in the bombing. Investigators determined that McVeigh and Nichols were sympathisers of an anti-government militia movement and that their motive was to avenge the government's handling of the Waco siege and Ruby Ridge incidents.
5. Exxon Valdez $2.5 Billion
The Exxon Valdez oil spill was not a large one in relation to the world’s biggest oil spills, but it was a costly one due to the remote location of Prince William Sound (accessible only by helicopter and boat). On March 24, 1989, 10.8 million gallons of oil was spilled when the ship’s master, Joseph Hazelwood, left the controls and the ship crashed into a Reef. The cleanup cost Exxon $2.5 billion.
4. Piper Alpha Oil Rig $3.4 Billion
The world’s worst off-shore oil disaster. At one time, it was the world’s single largest oil producer, spewing out 317,000 barrels of oil per day. On July 6, 1988, as part of routine maintenance, technicians removed and checked safety valves which were essential in preventing dangerous build-up of liquid gas. There were 100 identical safety valves which were checked. Unfortunately, the technicians made a mistake and forgot to replace one of them. At 10 PM that same night, a technician pressed a start button for the liquid gas pumps and the world’s most expensive oil rig accident was set in motion. Within 2 hours, the 300 foot platform was engulfed in flames. It eventually collapsed, killing 167 workers and resulting in $3.4 Billion in damages.
3. Prestige Oil Spill - $12 Billion
On November 13, 2002, the Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77,000 tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its twelve tanks burst during a storm off Galicia, Spain. Fearing that the ship would sink, the captain called for help from Spanish rescue workers, expecting them to take the ship into harbour. However, pressure from local authorities forced the captain to steer the ship away from the coast. The captain tried to get help from the French and Portuguese authorities, but they too ordered the ship away from their shores. The storm eventually took its toll on the ship resulting in the tanker splitting in half and releasing 20 million gallons oil into the sea. According to a report by the Pontevedra Economist Board, the total cleanup cost $12 billion.
2. World Trade Center (terrorist attacks), Sept. 11, 2001 - $39 billion*
With images of burning towers seared into our collective memory, the 9/11 attacks need no introduction. Although not typically thought of as a 'fire,' the 9/11 attacks resulted in the most costly blaze in our country’s history. What's more, 9/11 was also one of the most expensive catastrophic events of any kind: only hurricanes Katrina and Andrew were more financially devastating.
1. Chernobyl $200 Billion
On April 26, 1986, the world witnessed the costliest accident in history. The Chernobyl disaster has been called the biggest socio-economic catastrophe in peacetime history. 50% of the area of Ukraine is in some way contaminated. Over 200,000 people had to be evacuated and resettled while 1.7 million people were directly affected by the disaster. The death toll attributed to Chernobyl, including people who died from cancer years later, is estimated at 125,000. The total costs including cleanup, resettlement, and compensation to victims has been estimated to be roughly $200 Billion. The cost of a new steel shelter for the Chernobyl nuclear plant will cost $2 billion alone. The accident was officially attributed to power plant operators who violated plant procedures and were ignorant of the safety requirements needed.
*Loss figures are from the National Fire Protection Association
Identify high priority off shore targets in the following countries:
France, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Spain
Focused targets:
· Industrial/petro/gas/energy installations (on shore/off shore)
· Crude oil tankers/LNG carriers close to coasts or close to off shore oil installations.
Choose targets wisely and ensure that the secondary effects will have devastating effects.
A one man cell will have limited capabilities. However, providing a truck/boat loaded with explosives is within the capabilities of any single individual. It might take 1-2 years to safely acquire (without causing suspicion) the materials needed for this bomb but the resource vs. effect ratio is magnificent. In theory a 50 000 Euro operation has the potential to cause economical losses for to our enemy in the range 1-3 billion Euro.
Also, keep in mind that tankers carrying crude oil are sectioned (they might not sink if only one section is compromised) so it is essential to hit a cross section (two sections minimum) during a blast (or to ensure that you have enough load). This can f example be achieved by using a fishing boat loaded with explosives. Study the different oil platforms. Know that the crude oil and/or liquid gas is always stored in the hollow foundations/pillars of the platform (the 1-4 supporting blocks). Know that according to EU regulatives all oil platforms have mandatory emergency rescue ships within a certain radius for the purpose of rescuing personnel in case of disaster so the civilian casualties will be minimal.
Also, there is usually barracks on shore housing military units responsible for maritime counterrerrorism in case of terror attacks. These professional military personnel have high speed boats and in some cases helicopters available in case of potential hi-jacking scenarios (they often train for platform raids). However, they will not be able to prevent an attack if you use the following guidelines:
1. Know the area, onshore and offshore. Study naval maps, google satellite maps (through safe browsing ofc).
2. Acquire a verifiable front or at least an alibi to have a boat in the vicinity.
3. Consider serving on a local fishing boat in the area prior to operation. Learn whatever skills you need to complete your mission. Acquire contacts within the local fishing community and establish solid alibis for your undercover/acquisition period.
4. Make accurate estimations/research of military/coast guard response times, location of nearby bases. Do they have access to nearby fighter jets/helicopters? Are the helicopters armed with rockets/missiles/machine guns or not? The restricted parameter surrounding offshore rigs are usually no more than 500 metres so a loaded fishing vessel should have no trouble reaching the rig before military personnel has any chance to respond. The rig personnel will call it in when you are fastening the load (boat) to one of the pillars. Escape using a jetski or other mini vessel.
Estimated time needed for planning/preparation for operation: 1-3 years.
Damage potential for single cell,Justiciar Knight, with a budget of 30 000-100 000 Euro:
Successful attack on oil platform resulting in the collapse of 2 out of 4 foundational blocks; the platform will collapse and possibly sink.
Estimated primary and secondary damage (due to massive oil spills):
Total damage: 2 – 40 billion Euro in total losses + massive shock effect which will temporarily destabilise the global crude prize and stock indexes (particularly on a national level).
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