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Now say a few words about yourself using the example – diagram.



1) family - семья  
2) large - большой  
3) flat - квартира  
4) industrial centers - промышленные центры  
5) automobile plant - автомобильный завод  
6) marks - отметки  
7) to do well -хорошо учиться  
8) to enter - поступать в ВУЗ  
9) by correspondence - заочно  
10) to combine -совмещать  
11) friendly - дружелюбный  
12) to spend time - проводить время
13) to listen to music - слушать музыку
14) relatives - родственники
15) uncle - дядя
16) aunt - тетя
17) cousins - двоюродные братья и сестры

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[e] r e lative, tog e ther, sp e nd, e nter

[i] s i ster, l i sten

[a:] f a ther, pl a nt, m ar k,

[Λ] m o ther, c ou sins

Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.

to´gether ´cousins
´excellent ´newspapers
´automobile corre´spondence
uni´versity in´ dustrial

Read the text and fulfil the exercises.


Our family is not very large. I have a father, a mother and a sister. We all live together in a new flat in one of the industrial centers of Minsk.

My father Igor Ivanovich is 45 years old. He works at a big automobile plant as an engineer. He likes his work and spends most of his time there. My mother’s name is Olga Petrovna. She is a teacher of music. My mother always has a lot of work to do about the house and at school.

My sister Alla is three years younger than me. She is a pupil. She does well at school and gets only good and excellent marks.

My name is Tanya. Last year I left school and enter ed the University. I study by correspondence. I combine work with studies. Our family is very friendly. We like to spend time together. In the evenings we watch TV, read books and newspapers, listen to music or just talk about the events of the day. I have many relatives: uncle s, aunt s, cousins and also many friends. We are happy when we are together.

Tell about yourself using the following phrases.

1) to be born

2) to be married (to be single)

3) to be interested in smth.

4) to be fond of smth.

5) to be busy (to be free)

6) to enter the University

7) to study by correspondence

Example :

I was born in Tomsk. I am single. I’m interested in sports and music. I’m especially fond of rock–and-roll. Last year I entered the University. I have very little free time, because I work and study at the same time. I study at the correspondence department.

Tell about your likes and dislikes using the following table.

I like tea, coffee, ice-cream, English classes  
dislike swimming, working in garden, reading
hate to get early, to play tennis, to do house-work, to be late

Use the following phrases to express your opinion when answering the questions and say a few words about yourself.

- I think

- In my opinion

- It seems to me

- I’d like to say

- As far as I know

1) How old are you?

2) Who is the youngest (the eldest) in your family?

3) Is your family big or small?

4) Is your family friendly?

5) Do you spend much time together?

6) Do you have much in common with your relatives?

7) Where do you live?

8) Is it your hometown?

9) Do you like your town? Why?

10) Are you married or single?

11) Have you got a girlfriend (a boyfriend)?

12) Do you have many friends?

13) Who is your best friend?

14) Do you spend much time together?

15) Do you have much free time?

16) What are you interested in?

17) What do you do at weekends?

18) What is your idea of a good rest?

19) Do you work? Is your job difficult (interesting, well-paid)?

20) Is it difficult to work and to study at the same time?

21) What is your future profession?

Lesson II

Hobby and Free Time


What is a hobby?

What is your hobby?

Fill in the spidergram with the words associated with your hobby.

Explain your associations.


1) to differ - отличать
2) to include - включать
3) gardening - садоводство
4) travelling - путешествие
5) stamps - марки
6) postcards - открытки
7) to be fond of - любить
8) to contain - содержать
9) twice a week - два раза в неделю
10) to keep fit - быть в форме
11) pool - бассейн
12) skating-rink - каток
13) to collect - cобирать, коллекционировать
14) variety - разнообразие, многообразие
15) activity - деятельность
16) useful - полезный
17) healthy - здоровый, полезный для здоровья

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[i] d i ffer, act i vity, sw i mming, w i nter, d i sk

[i:] sk i ing, w ee k, f ee l

[ai] w i de, l i ke, tw i ce, organ i zed

[ei] t a ste, f a vourite, sk a ting


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