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Write these activities in the correct order for a typical working day. The first and last examples are done.Содержание книги
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1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation. [Λ] c o mpany, st u dy, l u nch, d o es [a:] cl a ss, st ar t [o:] sp or t, c a ll, m or ning, sh or t, rep or t [o] w a tch, o’cl o ck, o ffice [i] b u sy, l i ve, f i nish, d i nner [i:] k ee p, w ee k, employ ee Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.
Read the text about Nick and complete the sentences given below. Then tell about Nick’s typical working day. Use the vocabulary. DAILY LIFE Nick works for an oil company. He’s going to be an engineer and studies at the Polytechnic University. It’s not easy to combine work with studies, so Nick’s working day begins very early. He gets up at 7 o’clock a.m. and does his morning exercises. After breakfast he goes to work. He starts his work at 8 o’clock in the morning. As Nick lives not far from his work he goes there on foot. It takes him 10 minutes to get to his work. Nick usually has his lunch at home. But sometimes when he’s very busy with his work he has his lunch in his office. There’s a small café for the company’s employee s. Nick finishes work at 6 o’clock in the evening. He usually has dinner at home. He likes cooking. After dinner he has a short rest, reads newspapers, makes some telephone calls, and watches TV. Then he prepares for his classes. Nick studies by correspondence, so he often goes to the library to get ready for his classes or to write a report. As a rule, he has no free time on his week-days. Besides, three times a week Nick goes to the sport club to keep fit. He’s very busy. 1. Nick works for _____________. 2. He combines ________________. 3. He gets up __________________. 4. Nick goes to work _____________. 5. It takes him ___________________. 6. When Nick is busy at work, _______________. 7. There is a small café for _____________. 8. After dinner he _______________. 9. He often goes to the library because he ___________. 10. As a rule, on his weekdays he _________________. What is your working day like? Describe it using the following questions. 1) When do you usually get up? 2) How do you get to your job? 3) What time do you start your work? 4) Where do you usually have your lunch? 5) When do you finish your work? 6) Do you have to work hard? 7) Do you have long holidays? 8) Do you like your job? 9) What are the good and bad things about it? 10) How do you usually spend your evenings? Match the occupations (A-D) with the texts (1-4).
What is their occupation? 1) Tim works for a radio station. He spends most of the time in the studio. He plays records and tells jokes. Sometimes Tim works till 1 or 2 in the morning. What is Tim’s occupation? 2) Diana works for a large company. She has her own secretary. She is responsible for the company’s money. Once a year Diana calculates the company’s profit. It’s a very well-paid job. What is Diana’s occupation? Write 2 or 3 sentences about where you work and what you do. Other students will guess who you are. Lesson IV Our University Lead-in When was our University founded? How many institutes are there at the University? What are they? What do students have at their disposal? How many departments for corresponding students are there? What department do you study at? What subjects do you study? What’s your favorite subject? What subject is the most difficult one for you? Do you study successfully? Is it interesting for you to study at the University? Vocabulary
1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation. [e] speciality, helicopter, technical, welding [ǽ] gr a duate, est a blishing, mathem a tics, m a ny [Λ] o ther, c ou ntry [a:] p ar t, dep ar tment, st a ff [јu:] st u dent, comp u ter, n ew est [i:] ch ie f, magaz i ne [k] Polyte ch nic, te ch nical, ch emical, ch emistry
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