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Find 5 sentences presenting the main idea of the text. Give a short summary of the text using the words in the box. You may also use the plan which is given below.
1. The text tells us about ________________. 2. The author points out _______________. 3. He believes ____________________. 4. In the second part of the text he continues _______________. 5. The author also gives the information about __________. 6. In conclusion, ________________.
Lesson VII MINING Lead-in What is mining? What has contributed to the better working conditions of miners? What factors influence the choice of a mining method? What is the difference between “development” and “production work”? Vocabulary
Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms. Pronounce them. [ai] mining, incline, either, drives [e] tremendous, tendency dimensions, metal [i] mineral, distance, driven, dimension, drift [ǽ] tabular, capacity, extraction [θ] earth, depth, length, method Pay attention to the stress in the following words.
Read the text and fulfil the exercises. MINING Mining refers to ore extraction. Mining is the industrial process of removing a mineral-bearing substance from the place of its natural occurrence in the Earth’s crust. The term “ mining ” includes the recovery of oil and gas from wells; metal, non-metallic minerals, coal, peat, oil shale and other hydrocarbons from the earth. Mining can be done either as a surface operation (quarries, opencasts or open pits) or by an underground method. The mode of occurrence of the sought-for metallic substance governs to a large degree the type of mining that is practiced. The problem of depth also affects the mining method. If the rock containing the metallic substance is at a shallow site and is massive, it may be economically excavated by a pit or quarry-like opening on the surface. If the metal-bearing mass is tabular, as a bed or vein, and goes to a great distance beneath the surface, then it will be worked by some method of underground mining. Working or exploiting the deposit means the extraction of mineral. Mine workings vary in shape, dimension s, location and function. Depending on their function, mine workings are described as exploratory to find or prove mineral, and productive when used for the immediate extraction of useful mineral. Productive mining can be divided into capital investment work, development work, and face or production work. Investment work aims at ensuring access to the deposit from the surface. Development work prepares for the face work, and mineral is extracted (or produced) in bulk.
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