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5. Study the following verbs. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the correct form and a suitable preposition. Use the passive where necessary.
1. The word “geology” _____________ the Greek language. 2. Geology ____________ many different disciplines. 3. Many geological processes ____________endogenous and exogenous forces. 4. Integration of all the geological information ________a particular area. 5. The Earth’s surface _______________ many destructive forces, such as weathering, erosion, etc. 6. Applied geology _____________ the practical use of geological knowledge. 7. Geology is the study of the Earth’s history and _________all the technological resources of modern science in deciphering the record of the rocks as documents of Earth history. 6. Give the English equivalents to the Russian words. 1) Classical geology (объясняет) events of the past (на основании) processes which (происходят) at present. 2) Regional geology (нацелена) at the integration of all the geological information which (имеет отношение к) particular area. 3) Geology (имеет отношение) the study of development of (земной коры). 4) We (достигли) the present state of geology as a result of much work and (расшифровывания) of records of rocks as documents of its history. 5) The most obvious (воздействия) of such (сил) are the (разрушительные) effects of (выветривания, эрозии и переноса пород) which (имеют тенденцию) to (выравнивать) landscape and irregularities of the surface. 7. Match the science (1-6) with the description of what it studies (A-F).
8. Choose the correct variant. 1). The surface of the Earth is formed by _________. A. endogenous forces B. exogenous forces C. both 2). Geological maps _________________. A. show all geological information B. geological information from particular areas C. essential bases of all kinds of mining 3). At present views on the Earth evolution and development of a man ______. A. have changed B. are not complete C. have not been determined 4). Geologists ________________. A. input different geological events B. establish history of the Earth C. both 5). Applied geology deals with ___________. A. practical application of geological science B. present day processes C. geological maps of different areas 9. Answer the questions on the text. 1. What does the word “geology” mean? 2. What does geology deal with? 3. What is classical geology aimed at? 4. What forces affect the Earth’s crust? 5. How do endogenous forces affect the crust? 6. What are the obvious effects of the exogenous forces? 7. What does stratigraphy deal with? 8. What is regional geology aimed at? 9. What does applied geology deal with? Lesson II THE USES OF GEOPHYSICS Lead-in
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