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Read the text about Nick and his job, decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).



My friend Nick works at the plant. He is a skilled metal worker. He works in the assembling workshop of the tractor plant. Tractors and lorries of different kinds are produced there. His work starts at 8 o’clock in the morning and finishes at 5 o’clock in the evening.

Nick is responsible for special assembling operations. He makes a part of the product and passes it to the next person. So he has to be very attentive. He tries to do his job well as he realizes he is part of the team.

Nick’s work is not easy because he has to do the same work every day. Sometimes it is a monotonous and dull process. But he likes it anyway because he deals with modern machines. All departments and shops of the plant have up-to-date equipment. To use it properly, it’s necessary to know a lot of things, so Nick is going to enter the Polytechnic University to become a specialist in Machine-Building. The good thing about Nick’s job is that his salary is rather high and he has holidays twice a year.

Statement True False
1. Nick is a skilled worker.    
2. His working day lasts for 10 hours.    
3. Nick is responsible for the different operations.    
4. Nick’s work is not difficult.    
5. Nick thinks that his job is interesting and not dull.    
6. Nick is a student of the Polytechnic University.    
7. Nick has a good salary and holidays two times a year.    

4. Answer the following questions.

1) Is it easy to choose a career?

2) What qualities are necessary for future business people? Teachers? Engineers? Your specialty?

3) What qualities are considered universal for all careers?

4) Are you the right person for the specialty you’ve chosen?

5) Do you enjoy your present job? What are the good and bad things about it?

6) Do you earn a lot?

7) How difficult is it to find a good job in your specialty?

5. Describe your job. Tell about your duties, salary, working hours, conditions and difficulties. You may use the information from the chart below.


What job are you interested in? What position do you have? What duties do you have? What working conditions do you have? What is your salary? What problems are there?
1) well-paid 2) interesting 3) in a large up-to-date company 4) in perspective industry 5) prestigious 6) not to sit the whole day in the office   1) manager 2) employee 3) businessman 4) top manager, director 5) petroleum-engineer 6) other options     1) to manage people 2) to work for someone 3) to be a boss 4)be responsible for something 5) to work for a private or public company 1) shift work 2) work eight hours a day 3) field work 4) live in the hostel 5) eat in the canteen 6) short rest 7) holidays twice a year 8) high salary 1) bad weather 2) work overtime 3) no places to relax 4) no days off 5) no comfort 6) conflicts in a team



Lesson VIII



What does the word “engineering” mean?

What types of engineering jobs do you know?

Match the following engineering jobs (1-10) with their translation (a-j). Define the jobs.

Example: 1-i

1) chemical engineering a) дорожный транспорт
2) civil engineering b) машиностроение
3) electrical engineering c) металлургия
4) marine engineering d) разработка программного обеспечения
5) metallurgical engineering e) нефтепромысловое дело
6) mechanical engineering f) инженерное проектирование
7) transportation (traffic) engineering g) гражданское строительство
8) petroleum engineering h) электротехника
9) software engineering i) химическое машиностроение
10) design engineering j) кораблестроение

What other engineering jobs do you know?


1) design engineer - дизайнер
2) production engineer - инженер производства
3) technician engineer - инженер-техник
4) test/laboratory technician - технолог-лаборант
5) service technician - технический специалист сервисной службы
6) installation (maintenance) technician - техник по обслуживанию
7) production planning and control technician - технолог по планированию и управлению производственным процессом
8) inspection technician - инженер-инспектор
9) designer (draftsman) - конструктор, проектировщик (чертежник)
10) skilled worker - мастер, квалифицированный рабочий, специалист
11) mechanic - oператор, механик, техник, слесарь
12) welder - сварщик
13) electrician - электрик
14) to create - производить
15) to extend - расширять, продлевать
16) to update - обновлять, модернизировать, приводить в соответствие с современными стандартами
17) application - применение, использование
18) reliability - надёжность; безотказность
19) component - составная часть, комплектующий
20) to ensure - гарантировать, обеспечивать
21) to handle - управлять чем-л.
22) fault - дефект, недостаток
23) to occur - происходить, случаться, совершаться
24) cost-effective - доходный, прибыльный, рентабельный
25) to require - требовать(ся)
26) to maintain - cохранять, содержать в исправности
27) to install - устанавливать; монтировать; собирать
28) preventative maintenance - планово-предупредительный ремонт
29) repairs - ремонт
30) incoming - входящий; поступающий
31) outgoing - выходной, исходящий
32) specifications - задание, технические требования
33) to manufacture - производить, изготовлять, делать
34) in accordance with - в соответствии с (чем-л.)
35) joining - соединение
36) to wire - подключать
37) to carry out - производить; выполнять, совершать

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[ei] ai m, cr ea te, det ai led, m ai nt ai n

[i] eff i cient, techn i cian, equ i pment

[o] pr o duct, q ua lity


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