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Read the text about Nick and his job, decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).Содержание книги
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MY JOB My friend Nick works at the plant. He is a skilled metal worker. He works in the assembling workshop of the tractor plant. Tractors and lorries of different kinds are produced there. His work starts at 8 o’clock in the morning and finishes at 5 o’clock in the evening. Nick is responsible for special assembling operations. He makes a part of the product and passes it to the next person. So he has to be very attentive. He tries to do his job well as he realizes he is part of the team. Nick’s work is not easy because he has to do the same work every day. Sometimes it is a monotonous and dull process. But he likes it anyway because he deals with modern machines. All departments and shops of the plant have up-to-date equipment. To use it properly, it’s necessary to know a lot of things, so Nick is going to enter the Polytechnic University to become a specialist in Machine-Building. The good thing about Nick’s job is that his salary is rather high and he has holidays twice a year.
4. Answer the following questions. 1) Is it easy to choose a career? 2) What qualities are necessary for future business people? Teachers? Engineers? Your specialty? 3) What qualities are considered universal for all careers? 4) Are you the right person for the specialty you’ve chosen? 5) Do you enjoy your present job? What are the good and bad things about it? 6) Do you earn a lot? 7) How difficult is it to find a good job in your specialty? 5. Describe your job. Tell about your duties, salary, working hours, conditions and difficulties. You may use the information from the chart below.
Lesson VIII ENGINEERING Jobs Lead-in What does the word “engineering” mean? What types of engineering jobs do you know? Match the following engineering jobs (1-10) with their translation (a-j). Define the jobs. Example: 1-i
What other engineering jobs do you know? Vocabulary
1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation. [ei] ai m, cr ea te, det ai led, m ai nt ai n [i] eff i cient, techn i cian, equ i pment [o] pr o duct, q ua lity
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