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Read the text. Agree with or reject the following statements from the text.


1) Nowadays people noted that some heavier, shining rocks could be heated.

2) It is beyond the scope of any one person’s mind to contain all of the knowledge of mineral exploration.

3) Usually the methods of geophysics are used when soil materials conceal the presence of subsurface mineral deposits.

4) Instruments used for geophysical surveying are the end product of considerable research on geophysical conditions and field needs.

5) Using a single geophysical method alone is much more helpful in understanding a subsurface exploration situation.

Match words from column A with words from column B.

a. to extract b. origin c. specializations d. in the search e. acoustical f. electrical g. geophysical 1. within the science 2. for minerals 3. useful metals 4. conductivity 5. of useful materials 6. surveying 7. behaviour

Fill in the gaps using the words and phrases from the text.

1) Ore rocks were sought by ______ methods.

2) The methods of geophysical exploration rely on the ______ contrasts in density, magnetism and so on.

3) Specially-engineered, self-powered devices were _____ to operate under a wide variety of environmental conditions.

4) A combination ____ geophysical methods _____ geological and geochemical information is very useful.

Fill in the following table. Remember how adverbs are formed from adjectives.

Example. usual (обычный) + ly → usually ( обычно)

adjective adverb
1. general 2. eventual 3. final 4. usual 5. physical 6. possible 7. probable 8. real 9. visual 10. electrical 11. wide 12. helpful generally  

Translate the given phrases into Russian.

1) rocks could be heated and processed 8) subsurface mineral deposits
2) were sought 9) associated properties
3) are developed to explain 10) visual properties
4) in the search for minerals 11) unseen contrasts
5) is combined with 12) a wide variety
6) geophysical exploration 13) miniaturized electronics
7) is often called upon  

Translate the following sentences into English.

1) Наука «геология» объясняет происхождение этих полезных минералов.

2) Мы полагаемся на изучение физических свойств этих минералов.

3) Инструменты, используемые для геофизической съемки, обычно специально проектируется.

4) Они часто пользуются механическими и оптическими приборами для достижения своих целей.

5) Комбинация различных методов помогает понять ситуацию исследования слоя, лежащего под поверхностью.

Give a short summary of the text.

· Tell what information in the text is new for you.

· Divide the text into logical parts. Give a title to each part.

Lesson III



Where do earthquakes occur?

What geophysical methods are used?

Can people predict where ore deposits are in the process of their formation?

What procedure could be called “geological mapping by geophysical methods”?

What are the main purposes of surveying?


1) in a broad sense - до известной степени, в широком смысле
2) to detect - открывать, обнаруживать
3) earthquake - землетрясение
4) environment - окружeние, среда
5) magnetic field - магнитное поле
6) particular - особый
7) applicable in - применимый, подходящий
8) to search for - вести поисковые работы
9) frequently - часто
10) background - предпосылка, происхождение
11) to provide - обеспечивать (чем-л. материальным) (with)
12) to occur - происходить, иметь место
13) weakness - cлабость, непрочность
14) be related to - относящийся к
15) ore mineral - рудный минерал
16) mineralized - минерализованный, минерализированный
17) mountain building - горообразование
18) to predict - предсказать
19) distribution - распределение
20) location - определение места (чего-л.); нахождение, обнаружение
21) sparsely - редкий, разбросанный
22) preliminary - предварительный
23) resource evaluation - оценка ресурсов
24) underdeveloped - слаборазвитый
25) gravity - сила тяжести
26) geological mapping - геологическое картирование
27) detailed - подробный, детальный, доскональный
28) mineral exploration - разведка полезных ископаемых
29) overall - в (общем и) целом
30) by and large - в общем и целом, в общем
31) approach - подход


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