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Pronounce the following words. Pay special attention to the letters in bold.

lease individual terminal supply variety tankage crude

Pay special attention to the stress in the following groups of words. Pronounce them.

distribute-distributing-distribution deliver-delivering-delivery
process-processing transport-transporting-transportation
produce-product-production refine-refinery
locate-location gather-gathering

Read the text “Pipeline System”; look at the diagram and pay attention to the underlined terms in the text.

Pipeline System

Fig. 1 Pipeline system

In the petroleum industry, pipelines are used for a variety of purposes:

1. gathering crude oil from individual leases and delivering it to a central location for processing;

2. transporting crude oil from fields to port terminals for tanker transportation;

3. moving crude oil from processing centers and supply points to the refineries and other markets;

4. moving gas from fields to gas processing plants and from these plants to markets;

5. distributing petroleum products from the refineries to the distribution centers.

Match the English terms (1-13) with the Russian ones (A-M).

1. gathering system A. распределительная база
2. pump station B. промышленный трубопровод
3. crude trunkline C. портовая нефтебаза
4. crude tank farm D. магистральный трубопровод
5. tanker E. система нефтесбора
6.marine terminal F. нефтехранилище
7. refinery G. распределительная база
8. petrochemical plant H.нефтехимический завод
9. product line I. резервуарный парк \ нефтебаза
10. processing J. танкер
11. distribution center K. нефтеперерабатывающий завод
12. oil tankage L. насосная станция
13. destination M. переработка

Give an explanation to the following purposes of the pipeline system.

1) Gathering –

2) Transporting –

3) Moving –

4) Distributing –

5) Gathering system –

Example: Moving –gas progresses from the gas field to gas processing plants and from there to the market.

Look at the diagram of Russian pipeline gathering system.


Fig. 2 Pipeline system

Use the above-mentioned terms and give a short explanation to each element of the pipeline system. (Note the differences)

Lesson XI

Introduction to Economics and management


Why did you decide to become an economist?

In your opinion, what does an economist do?

Do you know any world famous economists?

Do you agree that all human activity is connected with economy?


1) social sciences - общественные науки
2) natural sciences - естественные науки
3) attempts - попытки
4) functioning (economic) - функционирование
5) stock market - фондовая биржа
6) exclusively - единственно, исключительно, только
7) inflation - инфляция
8) unemployment - безработица
9) individual industry - частная отрасль промышленности
10) individual behavior - поведение индивида
11) consumer - потребитель
12) output - продукция; продукт, изделие
13) poverty - бедность
14) wealthy - богатый


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