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Match the English words in column A with their Russian equivalents in column B.Содержание книги
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Put the following words in the right order to make sentences. 1) in 1901\ the Geology and Mineral Exploration department\ existence\ came into. 2) as well\ practical training\ at industrial enterprise\ in the field\ is of great importance\ and. 3) at\ our\ have\ specialties\ we\ several\ department. 4) of subjects\ geologists\ know\ modern\ must\ a wide range. Write your own sentences with the following words. Example. 0) to specialize in – I specialize in petroleum geology. 1) specialist 2) training 3) properties of rocks 4) mining engineering 5) educational system Give the English equivalents to the Russian words. Use the information from the text “My Specialty” and vocabulary. My (специальность) 1. I'm a (студент второго курса) of the (отделения геологии и разведки месторождений полезных ископаемых). 2. The students of this department (специализируются в геологии). 3. This science (имеет дело с) the Earth, its history, the study of (горных пород), their (физическими и химическими свойствами). 4. Our department (был основан) in 1901. 5. It (возглавлялся) by (известным ученым) V. A. Obruchev. 6. A modern geologist knows (широкий спектр) of subjects. 7. His tuition (охватывает) many courses. 8. The geologists study (разведка полезных ископаемых, разработка месторождений нефти, технологические методы, управление предприятием). 9. The practical training at industrial (предприятия) is also very (важно для геолога). 10. The graduates of our Institute have skills which are vital for (продвижение по службе). Tell about your specialty using the sentences as prompts.
Lesson VI My Home Town Lead-in What is the difference between the words “city” and “town”? What are the characteristic features of the place where you live? Fill in the spidergram with words that go with the topic “City/Town”. Now explain your associations. Vocabulary
1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation. [i] Sib e ria, s i xth, i ndustry, r i ver [ә:] res ear ch, b ir ch, Univ er sity [e] el e ctrical, ch e mical, c e ntre [Λ] disc o very, ind u strial, c ou ntry, c u lture [au] t ow n, f ou nded, n ow, surr ou nded [i:] l ea ding, c e dar Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.
Read the text and answer the following questions. 1) Where is Tomsk situated? 2) What’s the population of Tomsk? 3) Why is Tomsk considered to be a student’s town? 4) How many higher educational institutions are there in Tomsk? 5) Which are the oldest universities in Tomsk? 6) Is Tomsk an industrial center? Why? 7) What is Tomsk famous for? MY HOME TOWN My home town is Tomsk. Tomsk is an old Siberian town. It was founded in 1604 and now its population is over 500 thousand. It is situated on the bank of the river Tom in West Siberia. It is surrounded by fine pine, birch, cedar and fir forest trees. In old times Tomsk was just like any other small Siberian town – wooden houses, narrow streets, no parks and gardens. In 1888 Tomsk University, the first in Siberia, was opened and Tomsk became a centre of education and culture of Siberia. Tomsk is often called a student’s town. And it is really right. There are now six higher educational universities in Tomsk. There are also about 30 technical colleges. So every sixth person in Tomsk is a student. The Tomsk Polytechnic University is one of the oldest and largest higher educational institutions in our country. It was founded in 1896 and trains more than 16 thousand students. Tomsk is a big scientific and cultural centre. The oldest in Siberia State University, the Polytechnic and Medical Universities have become the basis for the development of academic science in Tomsk and in 1979 the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded. There are many research institutes in Tomsk. Many Tomsk scientists are well-known all over the world. Tomsk is an industrial centre too. The first industrial enterprise was founded in Tomsk in 1920. During the Great Patriotic War many big industrial enterprises were evacuated to Tomsk and they gave rise to the development of industry in the region. There are many plants and factories in Tomsk now. The leading industries are electrical and mechanical engineering, metal-working, food-producing industries and others. Due to the discovery of oil and gas deposits, the chemical industry began to develop in Tomsk. There are a lot of beautiful places in Tomsk. Tomsk is famous for its wooden architecture. You can see wonderful buildings decorated with traditional Russian woodwork, so called wooden laces.
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