Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Work in pairs. Ask your partner.


- which area of engineering is the most interesting for you?

- which area is the most demanding in our job market?

- which engineering area did you choose?

- why did you choose this area?

- what are your duties at work?

Express your personal viewpoint on the following.

1) The work of an engineer is:

· prestigious

· well-paid

· difficult

· exciting

· responsible

· creative

· monotonous and dull

2) Mechanical engineers have a lot of job opportunities.

3) Mechanical engineers are extremely important in the running of different plants and industries.

4) Teamwork is very important.

5) Engineers manage our future.

Lesson IX



What is energy?

What sources of energy do you know?

What sources of energy are more efficient and why?

What source of energy is number 1 today?


1) world-wide - мировой, всемирно известный
2) demand for - спрос на
3) effort - усилие, попытка
4) delay - задержка, проволочка, приостановка, промедление
5) nuclear power plant - атомная электростанция
6) to increase - увеличивать
7) consumption - потребление (сфера потребления)
8) to expand - расширять(ся); увеличивать(ся) в объеме, в размерах
9) overall - всеобщий, полный, суммарный; глобальный
10) supply - ресурсы, запас
11) available - имеющийся в распоряжении
12) unlimited - безграничный, неограниченный
13) tides - приливы
14) current - течение
15) steam - пар
16) deposit - залежь; месторождение;
17) heat n - тепло, температура
18) heating - нагревание; подогревание
19) surface - поверхность
20) transfer - передавать
21) to circulate (through) - циркулировать
22) to estimate - оценивать
23) solar energy - солнечная энергия
24) solar cell - солнечный элемент
25) to produce - генерировать, вырабатывать
26) to convert (conversion) - превращать (превращение)
27) in the meantime - тем временем, между тем
28) mass production - серийное производство

Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[ e] pr e sent, e nergy, dev e lop, e fforts

[i:] rec ei ve, h ea ting, st ea m, th e se

[ei] av ai lable, del ay, estim a te, applic a tion, circul a tion

[ә:]conv er t, transf er,conv er sion

[o:]res our ces,w ar mth, s our ce,sm a ll

Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.

appli´cation elec´tricity
de´mand ´nuclear
trans´ferred con´sumption
circu´lation a´vailable

3. Read the text and fulfil the exercises:


At present the energy is the result of many complex and different factors, including a world-wide demand for energy: efforts during the recent past to develop new energy resources; delays in the construction of nuclear power plants, automobile changes that increase gasoline consumption. Demand must be moderated, and intensive efforts must be made to expand the overall energy supply.

But energy is available to use in practically unlimited quantities from other sources. Large amount of energy can be received from ocean tides and currents, from tremendous underground steam deposits, from the power of wind and from the hea t of the Sun. Here comes the Sun. The idea of heating houses with warmth of the Sun has become popular in the last few years.

Most solar-heating systems use a black surface to absorb the Sun’s heat. Engineers cover the surface with glass which lets in the rays, but holds heat. The heat is transferred to water that runs through small pipes. The hot water is then circulated through the house. It is estimated that 40 million new buildings will be heated by solar energy by the year 2000. The solar cell is another way to produce power from the Sun. It converts sunlight directly into electricity. These cells are used with great success in space program, but remain far expensive for wide-spread application. In the meantime, solar homes are being built and lived in from California to Connecticut. The next step is mass production of homes, office buildings and schools – all heated by the Sun.


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