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Write down the words associated with your specialty.


Now explain your associations.


1) to specialize in - специализироваться
2) namely - а именно, то есть
3) mineral exploration - разведка полезных ископаемых
4) petroleum geology - геология нефти
5) oil (gas) field development - разработки месторождения нефти(газа)
6) prospecting - разведка
7) hydrology - гидрология
8) geology - геология
9) (ore) mining - горное дело; горная промышленность; горные работы; разработка месторождения
10) prominent - выдающийся, знаменитый, известный
11) a wide range of - широкий спектр
12) to contribute to - вносить вклад
13) to deal with - имеет дело, заниматься, изучать
14) properties (chemical) - свойства (химические)
15) rock - горная порода
16) trend - направление
17) tuition - обучение
18) to embrace - охватывать
19) mineral extraction - добыча минералов
20) processing method - метод переработки
21) business administration - управление предприятием
22) vital for - важный, насущный
23) career development - трудовая жизнь; продвижение по службе
24) enterprise - предприятие

1. Read the following words and remember their pronunciation.

[Λ] st u dy, ind u strial, prod u ction

[ei] r a nge, embr a ce, gr ea t

[o] pr o spect, pr o minent, kn o wledge, pr o perty

[a:] dep ar tment

[o:] expl ore, imp or tance

Pay attention to the stress in the following words. Pronounce them.

ge´ology pro′specting im´portance
e´xistence ´knowledge con´tribute edu´cational

Read the text and answer the following questions.

1) What specialties are there at Institute of Natural Resources?

2) When did the Geology and Mineral Exploration Department come into existence?

3) What famous scientists worked at the department?

4) What subjects do the students study?

5) Where do students get their practical knowledge?

6) What new courses appeared at the department?

7) What specialties do the graduates of the department get?

8) What does general geology study?


I study at Tomsk Polytechnic University, Institute of Natural Resources. There are many specialties at our Institute, namely: mineral exploration, hydrology and geoecology, petroleum geology, oil and gas field development, and others. I am a second-year student of the Geology and Mineral Exploration Department.

This department came into existence in 1901. It was called the Mining Department and for many years it was headed by the prominent scientist V. A. Obruchev. Among the well-known scientists who have contributed to the development of ore mining and to the work of our University are M. A. Usov, M. K. Korovin, K. V. Radugin, I. P. Schvartzev.

Modern geologists must know a wide range of subjects. During the first two years of studies students deal mostly with basic subjects. They get knowledge in higher mathematics, physics, general geology, mineralogy. General geology is of great importance to every specialist as it gives the general knowledge of the Earth, its history as well as the physical and chemical properties of rocks.

The new trend in the educational system is the development of courses in geo-ecology, computer science, economics, and marketing. So, we have mining engineering courses which provide wide and general tuition, embracing not only mineral extraction and processing methods, but also business administration, economics, as well as, communication skills which are vital for important career development. Practical training in the field and at different industrial enterprises is also of great importance. There students gain practical knowledge and experience needed for their future job. The graduates of our Institute get such specialties as exploration-geologists, geo-ecologists, mining engineers, drillers, petroleum reservoir engineers, geologists and others.


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