Exercise 2. Read the article and underline all the film terms and words you’ve learnt from 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 2. Read the article and underline all the film terms and words you’ve learnt from


Unit 2




Exercise 1. Learn the following words:


существительные action background colour continuity-girl camera crew contribution cutter cutting decor distribution distributor design editing director effort executive extras feature film film-maker grip image location member make-up photography property play production production unit part quality rehearsal rendering set sets screen (screen) credits schedule script shooting stage supervision taste technician treatment   глаголы to create to cast to cut to deliver to embody to engage to hold to head to include to render to raise to be responsible for to shoot to supervise прилагательные artistic completed creative joint important main responsible suitable supporting visual наречия и наречные выражения about besides a lot a great number finally such as with the help of that is as for   действие фон, задний план цвет помощник режиссёра, которая ведёт запись операторская группа вклад монтажёр монтаж (технич.) оформление прокат прокатчик замысел, план; эскиз монтаж (творч.) режиссёр усилия, труд руководящий работник массовка художественный фильм кинематографист рабочий-постановщик образ, изображение натура член грим операторская работа реквизит пьеса постановка, производство съёмочная группа часть; роль качество репетиция передача площадка декорации экран титры график сценарий съёмка сцена, павильон руководство вкус технический работник трактовка, решение     творить, создавать подбирать актёров резать, монтировать доставлять воплощать нанимать держать, проводить возглавлять включать передавать 1. поднимать. 2. добывать отвечать за снимать руководить     художественный завершённый творческий объединённый важный главный ответственный подходящий второстепенный, эпизодический изобразительный   около, приблизительно помимо множество большое количество наконец такие как при помощи то есть что касается






Exercise 2. Read the article and underline all the film terms and words you’ve learnt from

Exercise 1.



Film production is a joint effort. There are about 100 people in a production unit that makes a feature-length film. Among the members of the production unit there are creative workers, executives and technicians. The main figures of the production unit are: the film director, the director of photography, the production designer / art director and the producer. As for the scriptwriter, he sometimes takes part in the film production too.

Each of these people is responsible for his part of the work. The director controls the creative aspect of the production. Before the shooting begins, he works out the shooting script and the storyboard, where he gives his own interpretation of the story. He tests and casts the actors for the main and supporting roles, holds rehearsals, approves the décor and the photography and supervises the editing of the film.

The production designer is responsible for the visual part, or the look of the film, which includes the sets, property (or props), costumes and make-up. He must create a suitable background for the action with the help of colour, design and composition. The director of photography heads the camera crew and is responsible for an adequate rendering of the story and the technical quality of the image on the screen. The producer is the person who is responsible for the budget and business problems. He raises money for the production, forms the production unit, engages actors, organizes the shooting on the set and on location and finally delivers the completed film to the distributors.

These filmmakers have assistants who work under their supervision. Besides the director’s crew, the camera crew, the production and art departments there are a great number of technicians in the production unit, such as electricians, property-men, make-up girls, continuity-girls, cutters, camera operators and grips. All the members of the production unit try to embody the director’s conception.

The credits don’t usually include the names of all the production unit members, but the contribution of each person is very important.




Exercise 4. a) Find the English equivalents.

  1. полнометражный фильм
  2. коллективная работа
  3. творческая сторона фильма
  4. разрабатывать режиссёрский сценарий и раскадровку
  5. делать пробы и подбирать актёров на главные и эпизодические роли
  6. проводить репетиции
  7. давать собственную трактовку
  8. монтаж фильма
  9. изобразительное решение
  10. включать в себя декорации, реквизит, костюмы и грим
  11. создавать подходящий фон
  12. возглавлять операторскую группу
  13. адекватная передача сюжета на экране
  14. техническое качество изображения
  15. бюджет и финансовые вопросы
  16. находить деньги на постановку
  17. формировать съёмочную группу
  18. съёмки в павильоне и на натуре
  19. передавать завершённый фильм в прокат
  20. воплощать режиссёрский замысел
  21. титры

b) Choose 10 expressions and make up your own sentences with them.





Ordinal numerals.

One, two, three, four, five, eleven, twelve, fourteen, fifteen, twenty-one, twenty-five,

twenty-eight, thirty, fifty-two, sixty-seven, seventy-four, eighty-three, ninety-nine, one hundred.


Snow, butter, sand, milk

Неисчисляемые существительные часто относятся к следующим группам:

еда и напитки: milk, bread, cheese, meat, tea, coffee, sugar, honey;

материалы: glass, metal, wood, plastic, paper;

учебные предметы и языки: film-making, aesthetics, history, art, music, English, Russian;

идеи и чувства: knowledge, news, advice, love, time, education, information;

группы аналогичных предметов, объединённые в классы: furniture (chairs, tables, sofas), luggage (suitcases, bags), money (euros, pounds, dollars).

Некоторым неисчисляемым существительным можно придать исчисляемое значение, разделив их на порции, поместив в контейнеры или пользуясь системой измерений:

Порции Контейнеры Измерения
а piece of cake/cheese a carton of milk/juice half a litre of juice
а piece of news/ advice/ furniture/luggage/paper a can/tin of soup a kilo of sugar
a bit of information a glass of juice/water/wine two metres of silk
a bar of chocolate a box of chocolates  
a slice of bread/toast/cake a cup of tea/coffee  
a loaf of bread abottle of water/wine  
  atube of toothpaste  
  a jar of honey  


Следующие существительные в английском языке всегда употребляются во множественном числе:

scissors glasses trousers jeans

shorts tights pyjamas clothes




Many-much, few-little

Many – много, few – мало – употребляются с исчисляемыми существительными.

Many books – много книг

Many students – много студентов

Few films – мало фильмов

Few cameras – мало кинокамер

Much – много, little – мало – употребляются с неисчисляемыми существительными.

much work – много работы

little light – мало света

В утвердительных предложениях вместо слов many и much часто употребляется выражение a lot of как с исчисляемыми, так и с неисчисляемыми существительными.

a lot of exams, a lot of work

В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях это выражение не употребляется.


A few – a little

A few – немного, несколько – употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными.

a few mistakes – несколько ошибок

A littleнемного – употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными.

a little time – немного времени

ЗАПОМНИТЕ: (a) few, (a) little не употребляются в отрицательных предложениях. В таких предложениях используются словосочетания not much, not many.

He does n’t make many mistakes. – Он делает мало ошибок.

Not many people know about it. – Немногие знают об этом.

I do n’t have much free time. – У меня мало свободного времени.

There is n’t much snow in the forest. – В лесу мало снега.







  1. to have/have got - иметь, обладать чем-то


Утвердительная форма Вопросительная форма Отрицательная форма
  We’ve got a big house. He’s got two tickets. Haveyou got a big house? Has he got two tickets?   We haven’t got a big house. He hasn’t got two tickets.  
  I have dinner at seven o’clock. She always has a good time in summer.   Do you have dinner at seven o’clock? Does she always have a good time in summer?   I don’t have dinner at seven o’clock. She doesn’t always have a good time in summer.


  1. have в ряде устойчивых словосочетаний

to have breakfast /lunch/ dinner/ tea/ supper – завтракать /обедать/ пить чай/ ужинать

to have a snack – перекусить

to have a talk – поговорить

to have a bath / a shower – принимать ванну / душ

to have a seat – садиться

to have a walk – прогуляться

to have fun / a good time – хорошо проводить время, веселиться

to have a rest – отдохнуть

to have a journey – путешествовать

to have a class – быть на занятии

to have a lecture – быть на лекции

to have a holiday – быть в отпуске

to have holidays – быть на каникулах

to have a look (at) – взглянуть (на)

to have a cold – простудиться


Exercise 30. Make up mini-dialogues according to the example:

e.g. - Have you got a camera?

- Yes, I have. I’ve got a camera.

- No, I haven’t. I haven’t got a camera.

тетрадь, книги на английском языке, учебник, квартира, собака, гитара, сестра, братья, двоюродная сестра, мобильный телефон, свободное время

Exercise 31. a) In pairs. Tell your partner what you’ve got. Name as many things as


Begin each phrase with I’ve got …

b) Report how many things your partner has got and name some of them.

He’s got / She’s got …


-’s может обозначать:


Притяжательный падеж is has

Exercise 33. Say what ’s stands for and write full forms.

1. I’m sorry. – That’s all right.

2. There’s someone behind the door.

3. Who’s there?

4. He’s got a nice smile.

5. I don’t like Nancy’s acting.

6. She’s fond of watching period films.

7. It’s Paul’s signature.

8. He’s really punctual.

9. The sound designer’s job is very difficult.

10. Mr. Gordon’s first name’s Michael.



Exercise 35. Speak about your flat or room according to the model given in the article "Bedroom in Arles" by Vincent Van Gogh (see ex.27).



Exercise 36. a) Translate into Russian.

  1. There’s a lot of time left.
  2. There’s a woman in the other room who wants to talk to you.
  3. There are a few things we need to discuss.
  4. There is one thing I’d like to ask you.
  5. There is very little difference between them.
  6. There’s a lot of talk about the problem of education today.
  7. There is no need to argue.
  8. There’s nothing like travelling.
  9. Is there any hope?
  10. Is there anything wrong with that room?
  11. Is there any other way to do the job?
  12. Is there anything I can do?
  13. Is there anything else you want to know?
  14. There isn’t anything left to say, is there?

b) In pairs. Choose one item and illustrate its usage in a mini-sketch.

c) Show your sketches to the rest of the group.

d) Complete in as many ways as you can.

  1. There’s / ‘re a lot of … left.
  2. There’s a … who wants to ….
  3. There’re a few things we need to ….
  4. There’s one thing I’d like to ….
  5. There’s a lot of talk about ….
  6. There’s no need to ….
  7. There’s nothing like ….
  8. Is there anything wrong with …?
  9. Is there any other way to …?
  10. Is there anything you want to …?
  11. There’s nothing left to …, is there?




Exercise 37. Complete this paragraph from a travel book. Put in many, few, much or little.

The main town on the island is very small and does not have many important buildings. The islanders do not have (1)………………money, and they have (2)………………….contact with the outside world. There is not (3)…………………..chance of the place attracting large numbers of tourists. The roads are not very good. There are lots of bicycles but not (4)……………………cars. And there are hardly any of the modern facilities which visitors expect. There are (5)………………………shops, and there is (6)…………………entertainment.




От многих прилагательных можно образовать наречия, прибавив суффикс -ly.

(Прилагательные употребляются перед существительными или после глагола “to be”.)

It's a beautiful song. – Это красивая песня.

This song is so beautiful. – Эта песня такая красивая.

She sings beautifully. – Она красиво поёт.





Exercise 41.

Make up similar dialogues.



I. Can (could) – мочь, уметь

Must – должен, обязан

Should – следует, нужно

May (might) – можно

Утвердительные предложения

I can / must / should play. We can / must / should play.

You can / must / should play. You can / must / should play.

He / she / it can / must / should play. They can / must / should play.

Отрицательные предложения

I can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play. We can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play.

You can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play. You can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play.

He / she / it can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play. They can’t / mustn’t / shouldn’t play.

can’t = cannot

mustn’t = must not

shouldn’t = should not

Вопросительные предложения

(Where) can / must / should I play? (Who) can / must / should we play (with)?

Can / must / should you play? Can / must / should you play?

Can / must / should he / she / it play? Can / must / should they play?

Обратите внимание!

1. Глагол, который следует за модальным, употребляется без частицы to.

2. В 3-м лице единственного числа у модальных глаголов нет окончания -s.

II. 1) Глагол can имеет две формы: can – настоящее время и could – прошедшее время.

В других случаях вместо него употребляется выражение

to be able to do smth – мочь, быть в состоянии что-л. сделать

Напр.: I think I’ll be able to come. – Думаю, я смогу прийти.

2) Сan часто используется в вежливых просьбах.

Напр.: Can you help me, please? – Помогите мне, пожалуйста.

Could you do it, please? – Не могли бы Вы это сделать?

III. 1) Глагол must имеет только одну формунастоящего времени.

Вместо него может использоваться need или have to.

2) Может быть 2 варианта ответа на вопрос с must:

Напр.: Must I do it today? – Yes, you must (do it). – Да, ты должен (это сделать).

– No, you needn’t (do it). – Нет, не нужно (этого делать).

IV. 1) have (got) to do smth – должен, потому что вынуждают обстоятельства

Ср.: I must do it. – Я должен / обязан это делать.

I have (got) to do it. – Я вынужден это делать. Мне приходится это делать.

2) Вопросы и отрицания строятся, как с любым не модальным глаголом.

Напр.: Do you have to get up early? – Тебе рано приходится вставать?

He doesn’t have to go there. – Ему не приходится туда ездить.

V. Глагол should имеет одну форму и используется, когда мы даём советы.

Напр.: You should be careful. – Тебе нужно быть внимательным.

You shouldn’t stop. – Тебе не следует останавливаться.

VI. Глагол may:

1) в официальном стиле выражает позволение.

Напр.: May I leave the room? – Можно мне покинуть помещение?

You may stay. – Вам позволено остаться.

2) выражает неуверенное предположение.

Напр.: You may / might be right. – Может быть, ты и прав.

3) используется в пожеланиях.

Напр.: May all your dreams come true! – Пусть сбудутся все Ваши мечты!




The Show Must Go On

original lyrics by “Queen”


Empty spaces - what are we living for?
Abandoned places – I guess we know the score…
On and on! Does anybody know what we are looking for?

Another hero, another mindless crime.
Behind the curtain, in the pantomime.
Hold the line! Does anybody want to take it anymore?

The show must go on!
The show must go on! Yeah!
Inside my heart is breaking,
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile still stays on!

Whatever happens, I’ll leave it all to chance.
Another heartache, another failed romance.
On and on… Does anybody know what we are living for?
I guess I’m learning, I must be warmer now.
I’ll soon be turning, round the corner now.
Outside the dawn is breaking,
But inside in the dark I’m aching to be free!

The show must go on!
The show must go on! Yeah, yeah!
Ooh! Inside my heart is breaking!
My make-up may be flaking,
But my smile still stays on! Yeah! Oh oh oh

My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies,
Fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die.
I can fly, my friends!

The show must go on! Yeah!
The show must go on!
I’ll face it with a grin!
I’m never giving in!
On with the show!

I’ll top the bill! I’ll overkill!
I have to find the will to carry on!
On with the,
On with the show!
The show must go on…

Exercise 48. Complete in as many ways as possible:

  1. I must remember to …
  2. I mustn’t forget to …
  3. I have to …, but I don’t really mind it.
  4. Thank God I don’t have to …




Exercise 51. a) Write the English equivalents in the boxes. Take the numbered letters and put them in order.





























This is a quote by Henry Ford:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _’ _ – _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

b) Discuss it with your groupmates using these phrases:

That’s true.

I agree with him on this one.

I’m not so sure about this one.

I’m afraid he is not quite right.

In my opinion …

From my point of view …

Personally, I think …

If you ask me …




Exercise 52.

a) Read the article below and choose the correct words in italics.

Behind the Camera

A lot of people take part / takes part in film production besides actors and actresses. They are / There are all members of the crew whose names appear / appears at the beginning or end of a film in screen credits. Some of them has / have strange jobs like “Best Boy” or “Key Grip”. Let's look at just some of them.

Producer is the person who choose / chooses which film to make, who raises / raise the money to make it, and who deal / deals with all the business problems.

Director is the person who decide / decides how to shoot (or film) each scene, and who controls / control all the actors who work / works in the set and on location and other people who help/helps to make the film. The director is the one who shout / shouts “Action!” when he or she is/are ready. There is / are usually a lot of takes. A take is one piece of film which is filmed without stopping the camera.

Screenwriter is the person who write / writes the screenplay or script of a film. Sometimes many screenwriters do / does his / their job before a director is/are happy with a screenplay.

And when it is a screen adaptation, it is not / does not usually the writer of the book who write / writes the screenplay but a screenwriter.

Editor is the person who cut / cuts and then put / puts together the film after the filming is finished, and make / makes it into the final movie.

Set Designer - the person who arranges / arrange the furniture and scenery needed in the film. The designer often plans / plan by making models of the scenery before working on the final set.

Wardrobe Designer, or Costume Designer, is the person who design / designs or chooses / choose the clothes that the actors wear / wears in the film. He often get / gets them from special companies who keep / keeps every kind of film and theatre clothes that you can think of.

Gaffer is the lights and lighting chief in the studio.

Best Boy is the Gaffer's assistant.

Key Grip is the person who move / moves the camera around.

Boom Operator is the person who place / places the microphone above the heads of the actors when they are speaking.

b) Compare two articles “A Production Unit” and “Behind the Camera”. Choose only those jobs, which were not mentioned in the first article. Speak of team-members’ responsibilities.

Model: Editor is the person who …

Travel to the heart of cinema! Experience a unique and interactive visit into the great world of cinema. The Grand Rex is on the Grands Boulevards in Paris near Galeries Lafayette. The magic of the cinema will win your heart! Enjoy all the amazing images, film sets, special effects and fabulous sounds. Have a fantasticfamily day out! 1, Boulevard Poissonniere. Métro Bonne Nouvelle (Lignes 8/9) Paris, 75 002
Exercise 53. a) Read the advertisement of “The Stars of the Grand Rex” and complete the text below with the correct forms.


  The Grand Rex (1) ___________ (to be) the biggest movie theater in Paris, opened on 8th December 1932 with the first movie “The Three Musketeers”. It (2)________(to have) a seating capacity of 2,750 and (3)___________(to project) films for more than one million spectators. As it (4) _________(to be) the largest movie theater in Europe it (5) ___________(to show) first-run films on the largest screen and (6) ____________(to welcome) international artists for concerts. It (7) __________(to host) live concerts, film premieres and first runs. There (8)___________(to be) stylish Art Deco design in the foyers, dance hall and restaurant areas. This “atmospheric theater” (9) ___________(to give) the impression of sitting outside in the open air because there (10) __________(to be) a beautiful starry sky and there (11) __________(to be) moving clouds above you on the ceiling. Kids often (12) ____________(to be surprised) and (13) __________(to say): “Look, we (14) _________(to be) outside!” or “It (15)___________(to be) dark already!” There (16)______(to be) also a forty musician orchestra on the stage during some shows. The Grand Rex not only (17) _____________(to show) latest flicks and premiers and some big concerts but (18) _____________(to organize) the Jules Verne Adventure Film Festival, a biggest film festival that (19) ___________(to attract) more than 48,000 film-goers every April. Besides, in late December it (20) ____________(to present) Feerie des Eaux or “Water show” during which there (21) ________ (to be) water fountains which are dancing to celebrate film premiers. There (22)____________(to be) an additional attraction in Rex – “The Stars of the Grand Rex”.This interactive 50-minute tour (23)____________(to take) visitors behind the scenes of film industry, (24) ____________(to describe) history of movies and theatre with special effects.
It (25)_________(to move) you into the basement, into the ceiling, and where theater 3 used to be. The two themes (26) _________(to be) the Rex and special effects in movies. The tour (27) _________(to begin) in a room that recreates the tower of the Rex, which (28) _______(to dominate) the building and the boulevard, even though it is actually in the basement. Then you (29) __________(to enter) a glass elevator at the back of the stage, behind the screen. You (30) ________(to watch) the movie from behind the screen and through the screen. A visitor (31) ________(to see) the screening room and the audience. The elevator (32) __________(to stop) at the top of the building. After that, you (33)__________ (to come into) the director's office and the projection booth. A moving tunnel (don't fall down!) (34) ___________(to lead) you to the special effects section of the tour. A visitor (35) ______________(to take part) in a film set, (36) __________(to dub) over the voice of stars like Cary Grant or Shirley Maclaine, and (37)__________(to join) in a special effects session where he (38) ___________(to be afraid of) King Kong.
  Finally, you (39)_________(to sit down) in very comfortable armchairs in a small luxurious private movie theater, to see a very entertaining film. You (40) ____________(to be surprised) because you know the star. It (41) ___________(to be) you!!! A gift shop (42)_________ (to end) the tour. There (43)________(to be) a lot of your photos there. Open Wednesday through Sunday, 10am-7pm; tours (44) ___________(to start) every five minutes. The ticket price (45) ____________(to be) 9.80? for adults, 8? for children under 12, students and seniors. b) Give your own advertisement of the Grand Rex and its “The Stars of the Grand Rex” exhibition. Try to make it as catching as possible.


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      Application for Schengen Visa This application form is free
1. Surname (Family name) (x)   For offical use only Date of application: Visa application number:   Application lodged at □ Embassy/consulate □ CAC □ Service provider □ Commercial intermediary □ Border   Name: □ Other   File handled by:   Supporting documents: □ Travel document □ Means of subsistence □ Invitation □ Means of transport □ TMI □ Other:   Visa decision: □ Refused □ Issued: □ A □ C □ VTL □ Valid: From ……………………… Until ………………………   Number of entries: □ 1 □ 2 □ Multiple Number of days:    
2. Surname at birth (Former family name(s)) (x)
3. First name(s) (Given names(s)) (x)
4. Date of birth (day-month-year)   5. Place of birth     6. Country of birth 7. Current nationality Nationality at birth, if different:
8. Sex   □ Male □ Female   9. Marital status   □ Single □ Married □ Separated □ Divorced □ Widow(er) □ Other (please specify)
10. In the case of minors: Surname, first name, address (if different from applicant’s) and nationality of parental authority/legal guardian
11. National identity number, where applicable
12. Type of travel document   □ Ordinary passport □ Diplomatic passport □ Service passport □ Official passport □ Special passport □ Other travel document (please specify)
13. Number of travel document 14. Date of issue 15. Valid until   16. Issued by  
17. Applicant’s home address and e-mail address   Telephone number(s)
18. Residence in a country other than the country of current nationality □ No □ Yes. Residence permit or equivalent........................................ No..............................Valid until
* 19. Current occupation
* 20. Employer and employer’s address and telephone number. For student, name and address of educational establishment.
21. Main purpose(s) of the journey: □ Tourism □ Business □ Visiting family or friends □ Cultural □ Sports   □ Official visit □ Medical reasons   □ Study □ Transit □ Airport transit □ Other (please specify)


22. Member State(s) of destination 23. Member State of first entry  
24. Number of entries requested □ Single entry □ Two entries □ Multiple entries   25. Duration of the intended stay of transit Indicate number of days
The fields marked with * shall not be filled in by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercising their right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34 and 35. (x) Fields 1-3 shall be filled in in accordance with the data in the travel document.  
26. Schengen visas issued during the past three years □ No □ Yes. Date(s) of validity from ……. to…. Date(s) of validity from ……. to…. Date(s) of validity from ……. to…. Date(s) of validity from ……. to…. Date(s) of validity from ……. to…. Date(s) of validity from ……. to….    
27. Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa □ No □ Yes. ………………………… Date, if known.    
28. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable Issued by……………………………….. Valid from ……………………to………………………….  
29. Intended date of arrival in the Schengen area 30. Intended date of departure from the Schengen area
* 31. Surname and first name of the inviting person(s) in the Member State(s). If not applicable, name of hotel(s) or temporary accommodation(s) in the Member State(s)
Address and e-mail address of inviting person(s)/hotel(s)/ temporary accommodation(s) Telephone and telefax  
*32. Name and address of inviting company/organisation   Telephone and telefax of company/organisation
Surname, first name, address, telephone, telefax, and e-mail address of contact person in company/organization
*33. Cost of travelling and living during the applicant’s stay is covered  
□ by the applicant himself/herself Means of support □ Cash □ Traveller’s cheques □ Credit Card □ Prepaid accommodation □ Prepaid transport □ Other (please specify):   □ by a sponsor (host, company, organisation), please specify …………………. □ referred to in field 31 or 32 ………………………….. □ (please specify): Means of support □ Cash □ Accommodation provided □ All expenses covered during the stay □ Prepaid transport □ Other (please specify):


34. Personal data of the family member who is an EU, EEA or CH citizen    
Surname First name(s)  
Date of birth Nationality Number of travel document of ID card    
35. Family relationship with an EU, EEA or CH citizen □ spouse ……………..□ child ……□ grandchild ………………□ dependent ascendant  
36. Place and date 37. Signature (for minors, signature of parental authority/legal guardian)  
I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused.
Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. Field No 24): I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member States.
I am aware of and consent to the following: the collection of the data required by this application form and the taking of my photograph and, if applicable, the taking of fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning me which appear on the visa application form, as well as my fingerprints and my photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on my visa application. Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on my application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored in the Visa Information System (VIS) ()for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the condition for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The authority of the Member State responsible for processing the data is: […]. I am aware that I have the right to obtain in any of the Member States notification of the data relating to me recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted the data, and to request that data relating to me which are inaccurate be corrected and that data relating to me processed unlawfully be deleted. At my express request, the authority examining my application will inform me of the manner in which I may exercise my right to check the personal data concerning me and have them corrected or deleted, including the related remedies according to the national law of the State concerned. The national supervisory authority of that Member State [ C.N.I.L. ] will hear claims concerning the protection of personal data. I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements will lead to my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted any may also render me liable to prosecution under the law of the Member State which deals with the application. I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I have been informed that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere fact that a visa has been granted to me does not mean that I will be entitled to compensation if I fail to comply with the relevant provisions of Article 5(1) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and I am therefore refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.
Place and date Signature
  (for minors, signature of parental authority/legal guardian)


Unit 2




Exercise 1. Learn the following words:


существительные action background colour continuity-girl camera crew contribution cutter cutting decor distribution distributor design editing director effort executive extras feature film film-maker grip image location member make-up photography property play production production unit part quality rehearsal rendering set sets screen (screen) credits schedule script shooting stage supervision taste technician treatment   глаголы to create to cast to cut to deliver to embody to engage to hold to head to include to render to raise to be responsible for to shoot to supervise прилагательные artistic completed creative joint important main responsible suitable supporting visual наречия и наречные выражения about besides a lot a great number finally such as with the help of that is as for   действие фон, задний план цвет помощник режиссёра, которая ведёт запись операторская группа вклад монтажёр монтаж (технич.) оформление прокат прокатчик замысел, план; эскиз монтаж (творч.) режиссёр усилия, труд руководящий работник массовка художественный фильм кинематографист рабочий-постановщик образ, изображение натура член грим операторская работа реквизит пьеса постановка, производство съёмочная группа часть; роль качество репетиция передача площадка декорации экран титры график сценарий съёмка сцена, павильон руководство вкус технический работник трактовка, решение     творить, создавать подбирать актёров резать, монтировать доставлять воплощать нанимать держать, проводить возглавлять включать передавать 1. поднимать. 2. добывать отвечать за снимать руководить     художественный завершённый творческий объединённый важный главный ответственный подходящий второстепенный, эпизодический изобразительный   около, приблизительно помимо множество большое количество наконец такие как при помощи то есть что касается






Exercise 2. Read the article and underline all the film terms and words you’ve learnt from

Exercise 1.



Film production is a joint effort. There are about 100 people in a production unit that makes a feature-length film. Among the members of the production unit there are creative workers, executives and technicians. The main figures of the production unit are: the film director, the director of photography, the production designer / art director and the producer. As for the scriptwriter, he sometimes takes part in the film production too.

Each of these people is responsible for his part of the work. The director controls the creative aspect of the production. Before the shooting begins, he works out the shooting script and the storyboard, where he gives his own interpretation of the story. He tests and casts the actors for the main and supporting roles, holds rehearsals, approves the décor and the photography and supervises the editing of the film.

The production designer is responsible for the visual part, or the look of the film, which includes the sets, property (or props), costumes and make-up. He must create a suitable background for the action with the help of colour, design and composition. The director of photography heads the camera crew and is responsible for an adequate rendering of the story and the technical quality of the image on the screen. The producer is the person who is responsible for the budget and business problems. He raises money for the production, forms the production unit, engages actors, organizes the shooting on the set and on location and finally delivers the completed film to the distributors.

These filmmakers have assistants who work under their supervision. Besides the director’s crew, the camera crew, the production and art departments there are a great number of technicians in the production unit, such as electricians, property-men, make-up girls, continuity-girls, cutters, camera operators and grips. All the members of the production unit try to embody the director’s conception.

The credits don’t usually include the names of all the production unit members, but the contribution of each person is very important.


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