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Exercise 1 Practise the following geographic names. Guess their Russian equivalents.↑ Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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Vocabulary Exercise 1 Practise the following geographic names. Guess their Russian equivalents.
Exercise 2 Study and practice the following words before reading the text.
Exercise 3 Translate the words and phrases from English into Russian. To border on a lot of countries, deposits of iron, to appoint the Chairman of the Government, double-headed eagle, to stand for generosity, to represent loyalty, mountain chain, valuable minerals, the purest on earth, three horizontal stripes, three-coloured flag, due to the large territory, a range of mountains, deep lakes, presidential republic, elected directly by the people, wooden tableware, judicial branch, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, legislative branch, the Federal Assembly, the Federation Council, executive branch, to reflect the city street patterns, elaborate architecture, glorious history, influential country. Exercise 4 Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.
Exercise 5 Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.
Reading Skills: The Russian Federation Exercise 6 Answer the questions below before reading the text about the Russian Federation. Then scan the text and check your answers. 1. What is the total area of Russia? 2. What is the total population of our country? 3. What is the capital city of the Russian Federation?
Exercise 8 Complete the sentences to the text. 1. Russia occupies about ………. 2. Russia is washed by ………. seas and ………. oceans. 3. Due to ………. the climate and nature are of various types in Russia. 4. The land of Russia varies very much from ……….. 5. The highest mountain of the Caucasus in Russia and in whole Europe is ………. 6. The Urals divide ………. of Russia. 7. The Russian Federation is rich in ……….. 8. Baikal is ……… in the world and its water is ……… on earth. 9. The emblem of Russia is ………. 10. The Russian President is involved in the work of ………. 11. ………. represents the legislative branch of power. 12. The Federal Government represents ………. of power. 13. The judicial branch of power consists of ………. 14. The population of Moscow is about ……….. 15. The Metro system is known for ……….. 16. Today Russia is one of ………. in the world. 17. Russia has a ………. history, ………. culture and ………. power in the world.
Language Focus: Articles Exercise 8 Put the words and phrases into the correct column. What is the rule?
Tolstoy, Yenisei, Caucasus, Moscow, world, Russia, President, music, Europe, Elbrus, first, deepest, it’s … presidential republic, Government, Kremlin, Siberia, Pacific Ocean, she is … engineer, Black Sea, piece of cheese, Baikal, Russia, USA, Russian Federation, apple, to play … guitar, to play … chess, to go to … work, money, north, Red Square.
Vocabulary Exercise 1 Practise the following geographic names. Guess their Russian equivalents.
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