VIII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box. 

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VIII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.



of (2); for; down; under; by(2); over; against; with(2); about; in(4); before; throughout

__________ ___________________________________________________________________

1. Any society has always lived ___the rules of one kind or another.

2. These rules have been developed ___times to suit the society ___which people live.

3. Sometimes new rules can be introduced ___traffic to make it more reasonable to drive and pass.

4. ___all countries there are certain rules which are to be obeyed ___ everyone.

5. Many rules which have gradually developed ___many years deal ___the way people communicate ___one another.

6. Many rules have been laid ___ ___ us all ___ Parliament.

7. If somebody breaks the law they may be brought ___ a court ___ law.

8. All the rules that could result ___ the court decisions to take action ___ us if we have broken them are called laws.

9. All people have duties to obey and when they do so, they automatically protect the rights ___ the people ___ them.

10. The rules that we must not kill or rob are expected to be found ___ all countries ___ the world.

IX. Translate the sentences from Russian into English with the active vocabulary.

1. Исторически, право определялось как свод правил и принципов действия, являющихся обязательными для людей в их отношениях друг с другом.

2. В цивилизованном обществе, закон должен затрагивать почти каждую область нашей жизни.

3. Законы должны быть правильными и справедливыми, и обычные люди должны уважать их и подчиняться им.

4. В правовом обществе права и обязанности определяются законом.

5. Мы все знаем, что может случиться, если мы нарушим закон.


Grammar Revision.


1. If any of us breaks the rules of the country we may be brought before a court of law.

2. If all drivers obey the duty to drive within the speed limits, they will help all road users to travel in safety.

3. If we think about our family and society we will know that there are things we are not allowed to do.

4. If people respect and obey the laws they will expect others to do the same.

5. If there are no rules in sports everyone will set off at different times and in different directions and stop at different places.




I. Read the extract, discuss it and give your definition of law.

Law, says the judge as he looks down his nose,

Speaking clearly and most severely,

Law as I have told you before,

Law is as you know I suppose,

Law is but let me explain it once more,

Law is The Law.

W. H. Auden, extract from Law is like Love.

II. Answer the questions about the text.


1. Why has the question “What is law?” troubled people for many years?

2. Why does any existing society need law?

3. What would happen if people lived without laws?

4. What do laws reflect?

5. What influences the legal system?

6. What purposes do we expect our legal system to achieve?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


IV. Discuss the issues.


1.”When Law ends, tyranny begins.” William Pit, Prime minister, 1801.

2. Ignorance of the law can never be an excuse for breaking it.

3. The laws we have in force at any particular time reflect our thoughts and attitudes.


Chapter III

The Invisible Palace – Part I

“Judge-Made” Law – Common Law and Equity


Vocabulary List


1. lay/ set the foundations - заложить фундамент, положить начало

2. grievance - жалоба недовольство

bring~ before the court - подать жалобу

redress~ - удовлетворить жалобу

~ commmittee - конфликтная комиссия (на производстве)

3. draw on smth. - заимствовать, черпать

4. statute law - статутное право, правo, выраженное в законодательных актах

5. preside over - председательствовать

6. law reports - сборник судебных решений

7. judge-made law – прецедентное право

8. common law - общее право

9. equity - право справедливости

10. fall foul of the law - поссориться с законом

11. make amends to smb. for smth - возмещать убытки

12. whipping - порка

13. legacy - наследство, наследие

14. technicalities – технические детали, формальности

15. petition - подавать прошение, ходатайство

16. give a remedy – предоставить средство правовой защиты

17. bargain - сделка, соглашение

close/conclude/make a ~ - заключить сделку

break one’s side of the ~ - нарушить договор

keep one’s side of the ~ - выполнить свои обязательства по договору.

18. grant – предоставить, пожаловать что-либо

grant a motion - удовлетворить ходатайство

grant a pardon – даровать помилование

19. valid (adj.) - юридически действительный, имеющий силу

validity (n) – юридическая сила

20. judicature - отправлять правосудие (ср. administer, deliver, provide justice)

21. perjure – лжесвидетельствовать

22. probate - доказывание завещания

Probate Court – суд по делам о наследстве

23. revenue – государственные доходы

24. do smth under duress - действовать по принуждению

25. imminent danger - неминуемая опасность, угроза жизни.


Vocabulary Notes



Curia Regis - in former times the King’s Court of Justice


Assizes / the Assize system - ассизы, выездные сессии суда присяжных (создавались в каждом графстве не меньше 3 раз в год, дела слушались судьями Высокого суда правосудия)


Circuit system - система выездных судебных сессий.


The Plantagenets - Плантагенеты (королевская династия) от лат.planta genista –дрок - отец Генриха II, граф Анжуйский украшал свой шлем веткой дрока)


Court of the Exchequer - Суд Казначейства (первоначально суд по налоговым делам. В 1875 стал отделением Высокого суда правосудия, а в 1881 слился с Судом королевской скамьи)


Court of Common Pleas - Суд общегражданских исков.


Court of Requests – Суд по ходатайствам, решал дела на основе права справедливости. Распущен в 1641 году.



Expressions and speech patterns:


1.add to the gradual build-up of the law - способствовать постепенному развитию закона

2.should the need arise - если возникнет необходимость

3.grasp the need to do smth. - осознать необходимость чего-либо

4.from time immemorial - с незапамятных времен

5.with the passage of time - со временем, с течением времени

6. drive a coach & four (horse) through the law – обойти закон, найти лазейку

7. on the ground of smth - по причине, на основании чего-либо

8. the reverse side of the legal coin - обратная сторона медали

9. “red tape” – волокита, бюрократизм

10. decide once and for all - решить раз и навсегда

11. put an end to smth. – положить чему-либо конец, покончить с ч –л


Reading Comprehension



I. Scanning

1.Read the first part of Chapter 3 and say in how many logical parts it can be divided and what the main idea of each part is.

2.Name the countries where either English or Roman Law is the basis of the legal system.

3.Read about the Common Law and find out:

- how Royal Courts appeared and name 3 main courts in the Plantagenet reign.

- upon what the common law was originally based

- what reputation it has at present



II. Skimming


  1. Look more closely through the part “Equity” and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part:
  1. The court of equity was established because the King himself couldn’t cope with the volume of petitions presented to him
  2. The court of equity was established by the Lord Chancellor because he was the “ Keeper of the King’s Conscience”
  3. The court of equity was established so that everyone should receive fairness and justice.
  1. Look through the next two pages and mark one statement that was not true in the passage.


  1. The problem with the old Court of Chancery was that it depended entirely on

the Lord Chancellor’s personal ideas of justice.

b. As the work of the Court of Chancery grew it earned a good reputation for

delivering justice for the poor.

c. Another problem of the Court of Chancery was that it became formalized and bound

up in “red tape”.


Vocabulary Work




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