A. Look more closely through the first part and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part. 

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A. Look more closely through the first part and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part.


1. Although lawyers may be at ‘daggers-drawn’ during a case, there are rules of behaviour – codes of professional conduct – which provide that when in court they must always be courteous to one another.

2. If a lawyer is asked to defend him [the client], he must use all his knowledge and skill to present his client’s case in the best possible light. This is so even if he feels that the defence is not a good one, and that it is unlikely to succeed.

3. Just as judges are expected to be independent, and do the right thing, so too are the members of the legal profession. This means that they should be determined and fearless in putting forward their client’s case.


B. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. If litigants cannot afford to pay the fees of their lawyers, they may apply for legal advice.

2. Lawyers may agree to take on a case for no fee at all, on condition that if the client wins the case and is awarded damages, they will receive these winnings.

3. Claimants are people against whom claims are brought in the civil courts.

4. The privilege given to clients is that a lawyer must not reveal what he or she has been told by the client in the course of preparing a case, without the client’s consent.

5. If a lawyer performed his ‘out of court’ work negligently, giving bad legal advice, preparing a defective contract, the client couldn’t take him to court and claim compensation.


Vocabulary Work


I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. seize power; 2. overthrow the system; 3. consider with special care; 4. suffer injustice; 5. excursion; 6. public spirited citizen; 7. break confidentiality; 8. in sb’s favour (n); 9. the defence is unlikely to succeed; 10. however great the pressure; 11. road accident; 12. claim compensation; 13. rule of evidence; 14. advocacy; 15. be entitled to.


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.

1. возмущаться при выплате гонорара; 2. быть на чьей-л. стороне; 3. быть на ножах с кем-л.; 4. претерпевать изменения; 5. зарабатывать прожиточный минимум; 6. пострадавший; 7. признавать (ся), сознаваться; 8. заявить (предъявить, вчинить, возбудить) иск; возбудить судебное дело, судебный процесс; 9. пособие за счёт благотворительных фондов; 10. не принять иск к рассмотрению; 11. халатность; 12. решение суда о возмещении убытков; 13. применение (права, закона и т.д.); 14. гражданские свободы; 15. благотворительное общество или учреждение.

III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).

1. branch a.находящийся в затруднительном положении с профессиональной точки зрения
2. living wage b. совпадение воль, согласие
3. lenient sentence c. отрасль, разновидность
4. consent d. бесплатный совет
5. loyalty e. снятое обвинение
6. professionally embarrassed f. лояльность, верность; соблюдение права, законов
7. free advice g. возмещение, взыскание убытков; убытки
8. quashed conviction h. функционирование системы
9. damage i. прожиточный минимум
10. running of a system j. мягкий приговор, мягкое наказание

IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.

1. person who brings a case in a civil court;

2. person who is making or defending a claim in a court of law;

3. person against whom a claim is brought in a civil court;

4. anyone who seeks the advice and help of a solicitor or a barrister;

5. person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards.


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.

1. institution where law students, as part of their training, help people with their legal problems; 2. disobeying a court order; 3. fighting a case in court; 4. payments received by lawyers for their work; 5. legal fees in any court case


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B) and give their Russian equivalents.

1. Law Office a. state of being in prison, especially while waiting for trial
2. House of Lords b. money compensation
3. Lord Chief Justice c. special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people has
4. Court of Appeal d. court which is divided into a Civil Division and a Criminal Division
5. judgement e. chief judge of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court
6. damage f. institution where qualified solicitors employed outside the profession may give advice to members of the public
7. defence g. final court of appeal in the UK in both civil and criminal cases
8. custody h. what is said in a court of law to prove that a person did not commit a crime
9. evidence i. information that is used in a court of law to try to prove sth
10. privilege j. decision of a court of law or a judge



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