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Do not give prepared answers. Do not be over-familiar. Exercise 5. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true. T) or false (F). The first one has been done for you.. If you arrive too early to a job interview, it will show that you can


9. Do not give prepared answers

Treat interview question-answer guides as guides only. Do not learn them by heart. They may prove helpful in preparing you for the types of questions which may be asked of you, but try not to answer your interviewer with the answers provided in guides. This is done by too many people to be original, reliable and credible. Prepare your own answers which will reflect your own experience, opinions and preferences. Do not state that you adore taking responsibility if you are happier working as a member of the team and not its leader. The truth will become known sooner or later but if you are assigned tasks which you do not feel up to, you are in for a miserable time.

10. Do not be over-familiar

Treat your interviewer with professional formality. Do not call your interviewers by first names. Do not become over-familiar, do not confide in him or her, do not offer juicy details on your former place of employment. Employers value loyalty and discretion. You never know what your professional relation with your interviewer may be when you are offered the job and you want them to remember you well. Do not use slang expressions too often, speak correctly even if it requires slowing down the pace of conversation. Watch your manners: even if you feel comfortable and not stressed, remember this is a professional situation and requires appropriate measures.

Exercise 5. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true

(T) or false (F). The first one has been done for you.

1.If you arrive too early to a job interview, it will show that you can plan your actions properly. (F)

2.Offer the interviewer a cigarette and you will make the situation less formal.

3.Never interrupt your interviewer, because it is the interviewer who asks questions and you who answers them.

4.If you cannot agree with the interviewer on a certain point, leave it.

5.It is your fault not to know something.

6.Never criticize your past employers.

7.Don’t stress your weaknesses since no company wants losers among its staff.

8.Try to create an impression that money is the only thing of interest to you.

9.Prepared answers may be helpful but try not to answer your interviewer with the prepared answers.

10.Use slang words as much as you can.



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