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Do not interrupt the interviewer or try to take over the interview


3. Do not interrupt the interviewer or try to take over the interview

Remember, in the situation of an interview you are a petitioner. You must never interrupt your interviewer as this is a sign of lack of respect and of bad manners. Even though you might want to impress your interviewer with your ideas for the job, your experience to-date and your potential, remember that it is the interviewer who asks questions and you who answers them, not the other way round. Wait for questions to which you may provide an answer encompassing all you want to inform the interviewer about, but do not volunteer them yourself. In many cultures and circles this would not be considered professional, but desperate. Similarly, do not attempt to take over the interview. It is the interviewer who is in charge of the situation and directs it. If you try to take over the discussion, you run the risk of making an impression of being ungovernable and difficult to manage, which are not the most desired qualities in a potential employee.

4. Do not argue with the interviewer

During an interview you want to make the best impression possible on your potential future employer. It will not do to argue with him or her during your job interview. You may want to make an impression of being full of new ideas and prepared to defend them, but you need to make sure you are not perceived as quarrelsome and difficult. If you cannot agree with the interviewer on a certain point, leave it and move to something less problematic. There is a difference between forcing your ideas during a brainstorm in a team and at an interview.


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