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Exercise 29. Read the email and translate them.


Exercise 29. Read the email and translate them.


From: Carol Larque1

To: Hartmut Schwandner Cc:

Subject: Earplug2 Dear Mr. Schwandner3

I was interested to read the article in the Engineering and Technology Journal last month about the revolutionary earplug you have developed.4I work for a woodworking company in central Sweden and I would be grateful if you could let us have technical details of this product as well as price and minimum order requirements.5

I look forward to hearing from you.6 Carol Larque

Health and Safety Officer7

Exercise 30. Are the statements about emails true or false?

1. If you know the recipients well, you can leave out the opening greeting and complimentary close.

2. Emoticons J can be used in any type of email.

3. To stress a word, write it in CAPITAL LETTERS.

4. You should keep your message short.

5. It’s not necessary to answer an email quickly.

6. You should never write something you don’t want others to see.

7. You should try to be amusing.

Exercise 31. Answer the questions about this email:

1. Who is Carol Larque?

2. Who is HartmutSchwandner?

3. What does Carol want?

4. Why does she tell Hartmut where she works?

Exercise 32. Match the parts of the email 1-7 with the sections a-g.

A reason for writing B sender’s position C subject line

D complimentary close E sender’s name

F opening greeting

G how Carol knows about Hartmut

Exercise 33. Read the emails and translate them. Email 1:

Email 2:


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