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Using texts A and B of Unit 9 write a composition on “My future profession”. Take into account the following outlines or give your own version.Содержание книги
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1. Why have you made up your mind to study maths? 2. What subjects do you study at the University? 3. What is your favourite maths subject? 4. Have you made up your mind to choose a field of maths to specialize in? 5. When are you going to make your final decision? 6. Does the University aim to give the students the top level of education and to enable them to carry on scientific research work? 7. What scientific research work does the fifth-year student write? (Research diploma project.) 8. What scientific writings are defended by the Department graduates to get a scientific degree in both pure and applied fields of modern maths? (Thesis/dissertation.) 9. Are the Department graduates sure to get jobs they are willing to have? computer programmer, computer analyst, internet system administrator, CAD-CAM technician, computer manager, computer engineer, graphic arts specialist, computer graphic specialist, computer software engineer, etc. Extended reading Text C. The Internet Programming Languages
Read and translate the text into Ukrainian at home. Write an abstract (précis) characterizing the Internet languages in detail. Which of them is more familiar to you? Add your own comments. Reproduce it in class. The Internet Programming Languages A computer carries out the instructions given in "absolute" machine languages. But people-programmers don't write programs in machine languages, but in programming languages – i.e., the tools, programmers use to create programs, just as English and other spoken languages are the tools writers use to create books. Perhaps the first thing we need to know is the distinction between assembly languages and all other programming languages, collectively called high-level languages. Writing a program in the assembly language is an exceedingly long and tedious process – a medium-sized program has about 20,000 machine-language instructions in it. A large and complex program can consist of hundreds of thousands of separate machine-language instructions, high-level languages are designed to eliminate the tedium and error-prone nature of assembly language by letting the computer do itself much of the work of generating the detailed machine-language instructions. Assembly languages and high-level languages have their own benefits and drawbacks. There are literally hundreds of programming languages and easily dozens that are used on the PC - the most important are BASIC, Pascal, C and d BASE. BASIC is the closest thing we have so far to a universal language for personal computers. Its strength is that it is easy to fiddle with and includes features that give us easy access to most of the PC family's special features, such as the capability to play music on the computer's speaker. Two other well-known languages that are well-suited for professional programming are Pascal and C. Both have the features that are considered most useful in helping programmers create well-crafted programs that are reliable and easy to update. Pascal and C have many similarities, including structural features that promote good programming practices. Pascal finds its champions among those who have studied it in school. It is the language most favored for teaching computer science, and it was originally created as a language for teaching, rather than for professional use. C is favored by the programmers who are looking for the utmost efficiency in this language, for writing programs that need to be tight and efficient. Usually a programming language is chosen on very pragmatic ground: which languages the programmer already knows (or can easily learn) and how well suited the programming language into the work that the program has to accomplish. Personal taste and convenience also play a major part in the selection of a programming language and why shouldn't they? The last group of programming languages are application languages – the integral part of major application programs. Individually each of the application languages is a whole world “into” itself. Probably, the most widely known and used kind of application languages is the spreadsheet, which allows to set up and stove commands that can be used over and over again, which is the essence of what a programming language is. A spreadsheet is much more specialized programming language than other languages, because it has to work within its own spreadsheet context.
As artificial intelligence (AI) evolved, it has produced specific programs that solve specific kinds of programs and a set of tools that help one construct other program-solving programs. By the end of 1950 it was recognized that the standard programming languages of the time, which had been designed to support a primarily numeric processing, were not very effective in supporting the nonnumeric symbolic computing that AI programs do. LISP – a language designed for symbolic computing, particularly list processing, had appeared by 1960. LISP still serves (although in several greatly extended forms) as the basis for most AI program development. LISP is an interpreted language, although compilers for it are available as well. But when it is run interpretively, it supports significant interactive symboling debugging. In recent years other kinds of AI languages have emerged. Prolog – is a language whose main control structure is not the sequential execution of a set of statements, but rather the application of a specific inference mechanism to the program, which is actually a set of logical assertions. Prolog has been designed to exploit the communicational possibilities associated with the sequential execution of programs.
Text A. Automated Factory Update Pre-text Exercises 1. Before you read the text, read the following questions. Do you know the answers already. Discuss them briefly with other students to see if they know the answers. The questions will help to give a purpose to your reading: – Can we use the term “factory automation” and “computer-aided manufacturing” interchangeably? – What does the factory automation include? – How can you characterize the factory of the past? 2. Learn to recognize international words: automation, complex, concept, definition, function, systems integration, technology, industrial process, product, design, materials, synergistic, productivity, electronical, organizational, variation, programmable, controllable, manager, instruction, parallel, classical, potential, conflict, structure, problem. Read and translate the text: Automated Factory Update Factory automation and computer-integrated manufacturing are extremely popular terms and are often used interhangeably. But they are fairly complex concepts that require careful definition in order to avoid confusion and to understand where the real opportunities are. Factory automation is composed of three key functions: engineering automation, manufacturing automation and systems integration. Engineering automation includes all of the hardware and software technologies that support the automation of the engineering activities. Engineering is a very critical and important part of the overall industrial process because it is the up-front product and/or process design that leads eventually to manufacturing, and it is the area where much of the data that is necessary to drive the manufacturing process are created. Manufacturing automation is all of the automation that supports the production of finished goods from raw materials. This automation has taken many forms and has been evolving for several years, generally in the form of increasingly more powerful and accurate fixed automation. Recently, however, the trend has been to more flexibility and more programmability.
Systems integration is the technology and activity that supports the integration of the engineering automation products into synergistic systems where the whole is more productive than the sum of the parts. This is the area where the quantum increases in productivity will ultimately be available, and it is this area to which the term computer-integrated manufacturing applies. And there are actually three types of integration involved: electronic, physical and organizational. Electronic systems integration is necessary to exploit the opportunity available from using electronic data bases. As more computer-aided design (CAD) systems are used to design a high percentage of the products and processes, more of the engineering data will be in electronic form. And as more of the manufacturing automation devices become computer-controlled, they will have to be driven by electronic data bases. The factory of the past was integrated via paper data, but the factory with a future must be integrated via electronic data. Physical systems integration will be a growing necessity as the factory becomes more flexible and programmable. And as a factory which is oriented toward batch manufacturing becomes more controllable in real time – and therefore more flexible-batch sizes can become smaller and the variation in types of batches can become greater. This implies that a batch factory will become more like a continuous process factory in terms of managing the flow of material through the factory and the flow of instructions to the various machines. The physically integrated factory will have to depend on the electronically integrated factory for its control, coordination, sequencing, and scheduling. And as a result, the implementation of a physically integrated system has to depend on either the prior or parallel implementation of electronic systems that support the physical integration. Organizational systems integration is much less tangible and yet just as important. The classical example of what has surfaced because of the advent of CAD/CAM systems is the potential conflict between the engineering and manufacturing organizations. While an engineering manager may have just as much reason to differ in opinion in the future as they have in the past, they should not be permitted to perpetuate organizational structures that impede the opportunities for productivity improvement through electronic and physical systems integration. It is the integration of CIM that will provide much of the additional benefit that factory automation has to offer. And it is from factory systems integration that automation solutions to manufacturing problems are derived. Active Vocabulary
Vocabulary Exercises
1. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combinations: computer-integrated manufacturing, engineering automation, manufacturing automation, systems integration, hardware and software technologies, engineering activities, manufacturing problem, finished goods, fixed automation, flexibility and programmability, engineering, automation products, engineering data, batch manufacturing, sequencing and scheduling, implementation, productivity improvement, physically integrated system.
2. Look through the text and give Ukrainian equivalents of the following words and word-combination: автоматизація виробництва; виробництво, яке інтегрується на базі ЕОМ; автоматизоване керування; серійне виробництво; установлення та складання; впровадження; електронна база даних; управління; вдосконалення виробництва; додаткова перевага; розвивати(ся); гнучкий; готова продукція; гнучкі виробничі системи; проблеми виробництва; менеджер у виробничій сфері. 3. Look through the text and find words with the same meaning: to apply, production, to involve, significant, complicated, possibility, really, viewpoint, to harm; to increase, different, a lot of, to allow.
4. Look through the text and find words with opposite meaning: seldom, to misunderstand, unimportant, to ruin, raw materials, to decrease, to increase, intangible, deterioration, to forbid.
5. Combine the words from the left- and right-hand columns to make word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian:
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