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Travelling and means of travel


Part 1


Unit 1. Planning a Holiday

Active Vocabulary

holiday — отдых, каникулы, отпуск

be on holiday/on one's holiday — быть в отпуске, на кани­кулах

go somewhere for one's holiday — поехать в отпуск

have a different kind of holiday — проводить отпуск иначе

holiday-maker — отпускник, отдыхающий

vacation — чаще как студенческие каникулы; (am.) — длин­ный отпуск, каникулы

seaside — побережье (место для отдыха)

beach — пляж

Shore — берег

coast — морское побережье

be noted as — быть знаменитым как

be noted for — быть знаменитым чем-либо

tour — посещать (как турист)

sunbathe — загорать (Syn. to do some sunbathing; to have a sunbathe; to get sunburnt; to take the sun; to get a tan

tan — загар

become tanned — загореть

tan — загорать

splash about in the sea — плескаться в море

laze around on the beach — бездельничать на пляже

spoilsport — тот, кто портит удовольствие другим (зану­да) syn. killjoy

homelover /stay-at-home — домосед

home-stay type — домосед

fix up — организовывать

deal with — иметь дело с...

pier — пирс

hitch-hiking — путешествие автостопом

accommodation — размещение

arrange — организовывать

entertainment — развлечение

travel agency — турагентство

travel bureau — турбюро

be travelsick (in any kind of transport) — чувствовать себя плохо в транспорте



Kate: Have you had your holiday for this year yet, Jill?

Jill: Not yet, I'm taking it at the end of September.

Kate: Where are you going? Have you made up your mind?

Jill: Not really. 1 thought of going to Spain again, but I've already been there twice and I'd like to try somewhere new.

Kate: My brother's just gone to Mexico for two weeks. I had a card from him yesterday and he seems having a good time. Why don't you go there?

Jill: That's O.K. for you, well-off people, but I couldn't pos­sibly afford it. I'm much too hard up at the moment.

Kate: The air-fare is quite expensive. 1 admit, but you needn't spend a lot when you get there.

Jill: I've spent a lot of money this year. My flat was done up last month, so I haven't got much to spare for expen­sive holidays abroad.

Kate: Oh, I see.

Jill: Perhaps I'll just go to Scotland or Ireland in the end. I've heard they're both beautiful, and I haven't been to ei­ther of them.



Kate: We went to Ireland two years ago to pay Jill and her hus­band a visit. They are in Dublin now.

Jill: Oh, yes, so they are!

Kate: If you decide on Ireland, you can call in on them. Jill would willingly put you up for a few days. I'm sure.

Jill: That's a good idea. I haven't seen Jill for more than three years now and I'd like to know how she's getting on.

Answer the questions:

1. Where is Kate taking her holiday?

2. Why do you think she doesn't want to go to Spain?

3. Where has Kate's brother gone for his holiday?

4. How long is he going to stay there?

5. Is he having a good time there?

6. Why doesn't Jill want to go to Mexico?

7. Does Jill like the idea of going to Scotland or Ireland? Why?

Explain the meaning of the following phrases from the text?

(1) to try somewhere new

(2) well-off people

(3) in the end

(4) to put smb. up

(5) to be hard up

Memorize Dialogue 1.

Work in pairs. Make your own dialogue and find out about each other's holiday plans.


Paul Green went into a London travel bureau. He went up to the counter while his wife sat down at a low table and started looking at the seaside holiday guides. It was a slack time so Paul had only three minutes to wait before a clerk was available to deal with his inquiries.

Paul: Good morning! My wife and I are from Canada. We are looking forward to having one week free in En­gland for a complete rest. No sightseeing, no shopping, not even a cinema: just a relaxation and sunbathing. Golf and perhaps some salmon or trout fishing for me, and my wife enjoys water-skiing, though that might not be available. You see, we'd like a really small quiet place with nearly empty beaches while on holiday. Plenty of sunshine. if that can be ordered. Oh, and we'd like to stay in a small boarding house or perhaps on an isolated farm. Can you suggest a good place to go to?

Clerk: You'll find the quietest seaside places in Scotland or Ireland.

Paul: They'd hardly do. I think. We'd like a place not more than 70 miles from London — just in case we want to run up for a day or two to look around. How about this place called Brighton? Is there a good sandy beach?

Clerk: I'm afraid not. It's a pebble beach. And Brighton is a big very lively seaside resort. Hardly for quiet holiday day. Perhaps a small hotel in a country village. We could probably fix up something like that for you. But it might be a job to arrange anything else.

Paul: That should do very well. Provided it's a quiet area off the beaten track and awav from the crowds. (At that moment Mrs. Burch joined her husband at the counter)

Mrs. Green: Do you know what I've been thinking? You re­member the Joneses were in England last year?

Paul: That's something I'll never be allowed to forget. They've never stopped talking about it ever since.

Mrs. Green: Now, they were touring and they spent a night in a place called Blackpool. They had a room in a five-star hotel on the front and said that everything was quite marvellous. Just imagine their faces when we go back and say that we've spent a week there!

Paul: That's all very well, but from what they said it didn't sound a particularly quiet place.

Clerk: It isn't, sir. It's a very popular resort, packed with peo­ple at this time of year. It's got two piers with amuse­ment arcades, hundreds of hotels and boarding hous­es and thousands of visitors. It's over 200 miles from London, and I've heard they've been having awful wet weather all this season

Mrs. Green: Oh, I expect there are lots of cinemas we could go to if it's wet. And plenty of shops to look around. You can do all the fishing vou want at home. This could be fun, Paul. A swimming pool and concert hall, a wonderful dance floor, hairdressers, sunbathing and gift shops. Oh, Peter, wait until we tell the Joneses. They'll be green with envy.

Paul: I suppose you'll get your own way. So much for a qui­et holiday! Why did I bother to bring mv fishing rod? (As the clerk turns away he shrugs his shoulders slightly and whispers to one of his colleagues)

Clerk: You do meet some funny types in this game!

Comprehension questions:

1. Did Mrs. Green go up to the counter immediately?

2. Were there many people in the travel bureau?

3. What kind of holiday is Paul Green looking for? Is he looking for plenty of excitement?

4. Is Paul hoping for good weather?

5. Must the weather be perfect for you to enjoy your holi­day?

6. Why does Paul find the idea of a quiet holiday at the sea­side attractive?

7. Can you find many quiet seaside places near London?

8. Would Paul be willing to stay in the country?

9. Will Mrs. Green be going with him?


10. Would she enjoy fishing?

11. What does she enjoy doing when on holiday?

12. Why is she eager to stay in Blackpool of all places?

13. Should Mrs. Green get her own way?

14. Should Paul have brought a fishing rod?

15. Do you think Paul is a henpecked husband?

16. Does the clerk admire the Greens?

17. Do you enjoy water skiing?

18. Should you be able to swim before you try this sport?

1. Give English equivalents and use them in sentences of your own:

(1) посвятить неделю полностью отдыху (2) поехать ненадолго в Лондон (3) устроить что-нибудь вроде маленькой гостиницы (4) совершить поездку по стране (5) осмат­ривать магазины (6) поступить по-своему (7) прославить­ся как морской курорт (8) просто отдых и загар на солнце (9) ловля семги и форели (10) катание на водных лыжах (11) магазины подарков (12) вдали от избитых троп (13) это не похоже на тихое местечко

2. Explain the following expressions. Use them in sen­tences of your own:

(1) slack time

(2) to sound a quiet place

(3) packed with peo­ple

(4) plenty of swimming

(5) take a vacation

Wife or the agent.



Many British people have decided that it is not worth spend­ing money on holiday in Britain because the weather is so un­reliable. They prefer their money on a package holiday in south­ern Europe. A package holiday is a cheap form of group travel. You pay a travel agent a sum of money and he arranges a flight, hotel, food and entertainment. All you need is pocket-money when you get to the foreign country. It is sometimes cheaper to go abroad with a package holiday than to stay in England. In spite of this, seaside holidays in Britain are still the most popu­lar and traditional form of holiday for the majority of British people.

Because Britain is quite a small island, no one lives farther than 75 miles from the sea. As soon as the summer weather be­gins, thousands of people in cars make their way to the coast. Many parents are willing to sit on crowded beaches, in traffic jams, and — sometimes — in bad weather to give their children a seaside holiday. Many of the towns and villages on the south of England are still very beautiful, but oil pollution in the water has become a problem over the last few years.

Many of the larger holiday resorts have piers. Brighton has a famous pier. It is a long platform which stretches out into the sea. You have to pay to go on the pier. On the pier you'll find restaurants, small shops, a theatre or a concert hall, amusements stalls and a fortune-teller. A pier is a very good place when it is too cold to sit on the beach.

The seaside is a place for a family holiday. Many teenagers prefer to go youth-hostelling and hitch-hiking around the coun­try-side. Youth hostels are cheap, but the accommodation is simple. Hitch-hiking is a very cheap way of travelling, but some­times you have to wait for hours at the side of the road before you get a lift.

A lot of people enjoy active, open-air holidays such as walk­ing or mountaineering, although British mountains are not spec­tacularly high, there are many rocks and cliffs in Wales and Scot­land that are difficult to climb. Professional mountaineers have trained there before going on expeditions to Tibet or South America.

A holiday camp is a complete contrast to this kind of inde­pendent, outdoor holiday. It's not a holiday in caravans or tents. It's a holiday at a special camp where people live in small cha­lets; special staff look after their children; games are organized; entertainment of all kinds is provided and everyone eats in a large dining-hall. Guests never have to leave the gates of the camp. Billy Butlin who started the first holiday camps in Brit­ain is now a rich man. He is now Sir Billy Butlin, he has been knighted for his services in the country.

From "Club"

Answer the questions:

1. Why do British people prefer going on package holidays to staying in their country?

2. What are the most popular holidays in Great Britain?

3. British people have to put up with many difficulties when on holiday at the seaside, don't they? What are the diffi­culties?

4. Why do many teenagers prefer youth-hostelling and hitch-hiking?

5. Are rocks and mountains in Wales and Scotland difficult to climb? What opportunities do they offer to professional mountaineers?

6. What services has Sir Billy Butlin rendered to his coun­try?


1. Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce correctly:

Reliable, entertainment, majority, resort, pier, hitch-hiking, accommodation, spectacularly, to climb, chalet.

2. Find English equivalents in the text:

He стоит тратить деньги на отпуск в Британии; турагент организовывает перелет, размещение, питание и развлечения; карманные деньги; большинство людей; сидеть на переполненных пляжах; в Брайтоне есть знаменитый пирс; путешествие автостопом; под открытым небом; специальный персонал присматривает за детьми; удостоился звания рыцаря за заслуги перед страной.

3. Give synonyms to the following words:

Holiday, popular, small, amusement, chalet, to arrange.

Study the synonyms:

to travel — a) to go from place to place, e.g. to travel round the
b) to pass, go or move through (a place or distance),
e.g.: How fast does light travel?
to travel light — to travel without much luggage.

travel n — the act of travelling, a general word for going from one place to another. The nouns travel and travels usually suggest travelling for long distances and long periods of time, e.g.: He came home after years of foreign travel.

Compare the synonyms:

journey n — the distance covered and the time spent in going from one place to another, e.g.: I go to work by train and the journey takes 50 minutes.

voyage n — is similar, but is used mainly of sea journeys (or sometimes journeys in space), e.g.: I've never made a sea-voyage.

flight n — a journey by plane, e.g.: Take some books to read on the flight.

cruise я — a sea-voyage for pleasure, e.g.: I'd love to go on a cruise.

trip я — a short journey from one place to another, e.g.: Did you enjoy your day trip to the country?

tour я — a) a journey during which several places are visited, e.g. a tour round Europe; b) a short trip to or through a place, e.g.: We went on a guided tour round the castle.

hitch-hiking n — travelling by getting free rides in passing automobiles and walking between rides, e.g.: Hitch-hiking is a new way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.



Molly: 1 wish people wouldn't go on about their holidays so much. All they talk about is where they went last year and where they are going next year.

Tom: Well, why shouldn't they?

M: Because they are living more and more in a dream world.

T: What do you mean?

M: Well, they are not really interested in their jobs so they spend all their time thinking about the two or three weeks they have off.

T: I still don't see what's wrong with that.

M: Well I do. People should live life as it is.

T: You are taking it a bit seriously, aren't you? Holidays are only relaxation.

M: But they could be so much more — education, culture, the chance to meet different people... In spite of all our dashing around we don't know each other any better.

T: 1 suppose there is something in that, but you will never stop people using their holidays just to escape their trou­bles.


1. Write a summary of the text "The British on Holiday"

2. Here are a number of different things which people like to do on holiday:

sunbathe hike or go hiking

swim or go swimming tour or go touring

do some or go sightseeing go on an excursion
or go skiing climb or go climbing


Active Vocabulary

ads реклама
arrangements приготовления
in advance заранее
appointment встреча
brochure брошюра
comprehensive information исчерпывающая информация
customer клиент
destination турцентр, место назначения
discount скидка
folder раскладывающийся проспект
high season разгар сезона
low season спад сезона, не активный сезон, межсезонье
mass media средства массовой информации
tour-package турпакет, путевка
ready-made tour package готовый, стандартный турпакет
tailor-made tour package индивидуальный турпакет
tourist's guide путеводитель
travel insurance страховка тура
travelogue каталог путешествий




Normally people plan their holidays in advance. Holiday-making people, as a rule, prefer to stick to the same travel agency they have already used before and got their money's worth. On the one hand, they trust the travel agency they've got to know earlier, on the other hand, they expect to purchase a tour package at a reduced price as regular customers.

Suppose you are not an experienced holiday-maker. You are at a loss which travel agency to choose out of a large amount of agencies offering similar services.

You want an enjoyable holiday at some reasonable price, or at least you don't want to be trapped.

Here are some hints for you. Out of the travel agencies of­fering similar destinations and tours pick out 4 or 5. Their names should be familiar to you: their ads regularly appear in travellogues and in mass media. Compare the prices: they should be neither too high, nor too low. All the ad information should be clear to you: nothing should seem odd.

Call the travel agencies you have picked out, and if you lack some information or advice, don't hesitate to ask questions. Re­sponding to the callers' queries is a part of travel agents' duty. If you are still not disappointed, make an appointment with the travel clerk at the agency office.

Efficient travel clerks will always help you to make a deci­sion about where to go, what to see or where to stay in each area you plan to visit. Travel agents are sure to have the most com­prehensive information at hand about the destinations they of­fer. There are usually lots of travellogues, brochures, folders, tourist's guides and maps available for customers.

You may either choose and obtain a ready-made tour pack­age, or ask for a tailor-made tour package. Most of travel com­panies are able to arrange tailor-made tours according to their customers' requests.

Purchasing a tour you should pay in cash or by credit card. You will get a voucher for the services you have paid for, air tick­ets and other travel documents. Travel agents may offer you to pay for your travel insurance. Bear in mind that in high season the prices are up to 25 per cent higher than in low season, par­ty tours are cheaper than individual ones; children get discounts or even travel free.

Answer the following questions:

1. How do holiday-making people choose a travel agency?

2. Why are you at a loss when you are not an experienced holiday-maker?

3.There are some hints for an inexperienced holiday-mak­er, aren't there?

4.Why shouldn't you hesitate to ask questions?

5. What will efficient travel clerks always help you with?

6. What are most of travel companies able to arrange?

7. What do many travel agents offer you to pay for?

4. When are the prices higher?


1. Transcribe the following words and pronounce them correctly:

Agency, purchase, amount, similar, query, efficient, area, brochure, voucher, insurance.

2. Give English equivalents from the text and use them in sentences of your own:

(1) придерживаться чего-либо, постоянные клиенты, растеряться, предлагать сходные услуги, регуляр­но появляться в каталогах путешествий, назначить встречу в офисе, помочь решить что-либо, платить наличными, высокий сезон, групповой тур

3. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text:

(1) to plan smth in advance (2) to purchase at a reduced price (3) an experienced holiday-maker (4) to pick out (5) travel agents' duty (6) an enjoyable holiday (7) the most comprehen­sive information (8) a travellogue (9) a folder (10) a ready-made tour package (11) a tailor-made tour (12) neither too high, nor too low (13) to travel free (14) to bear in mind

Active Vocabulary


to book бронировать
berth спальное место, полка, койка
return ticket билет в оба конца
single ticket билет в один конец
adult взрослый
direct flight прямой рейс
outward journey 1) выезд из страны; 2) первая часть по­ездки, отбытие из данного пункта в другой
departure time время отбытия
to accept принимать
apart from кроме
available доступный
conditions of the ticket условия билета
economy class эконом-класс
monthly return открытый билет сроком на месяц
rail ticket железнодорожный билет
restriction ограничение
to sign поставить подпись
to surcharge доплачивать
return journey последняя часть поездки, возвращение в пункт, из которого началось путешествие



Read the following dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word combinations connected with the topic "Making travel arrangements".

Sam and Molly Almar decide to go to Athens by air. Molly goes to the travel agency to book the tickets.

Molly: Good afternoon. I'd like to book two return air

tickets from Istanbul to Athens,please.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Molly: We want to take the flight tomorrow afternoon and

come back next Friday afternoon.

Travel agent: First class or economy class?

Molly: Economy class.

Travel agent: Two adults?

Molly: Yes.

Travel agent: And your name is...?

Molly: Almar. A-L-M-A-R.

Travel agent: Initials?

Molly: M.H.

Travel agent: And the other passengers?

Molly: S.J. Almar.

Travel agent: On the 11th and the 14th, did you say?

Molly: That's right. Do we have to change?

Travel agent: No, it's a direct flight. Here are your tickets, Mrs Almar. These are for the outward journey Istan­bul to Athens on flight SN 862 at 17.50 on the 11th of July. And these are for the return journey Ath­ens to Istanbul on SN 863 at 15.10 on the 14,h of July. Don't forget to be at the airport 45 minutes before departure time.

Molly: Thank you. Do you accept credit cards?


Travel agent: Certainly. Thank you. That's TL 6796. Could you

sign here, please? Thank you very much.
Molly: Thank you.


Read the dialogue. Pay attention to the use of words and word-combinations connected with the topic "Making Travel Arrangements".

Traveller: Do you sell rail tickets?

Travel agent: Yes, certainly.

Traveller: I need a return ticket from Leeds to Colchester. I'm going on Sunday and coming back next Fri­day.

Travel agent: That'll be a monthly return actually, which is slightly less expensive than the ordinary return. Colchester, is that via London?

Traveller: Yes.

Travel agent: It's 19.00 pounds as far as London and an extra 5.55 through to Colchester.

Traveller: That makes 24.55.

Travel agent: 24.55,yes.

Traveller: Can I travel on any trains I like with that ticket?

Travel agent: Well, there's no restrictions apart from coming back; on Thursday you said, didn't you?

Traveller: No, Friday.

Travel agent: Friday. Oh, well, there are restrictions coming back on Friday. It depends what time you are go­ing to come back — in the morning or afternoon?

Traveller: Afternoon. I'll probably want to come back on ei­ther the 19.00 or the 19.40 from London.

Travell agent:The 19.40's OK.

Traveller: But not 19.00?

Travel agent: No.

Traveller: Would I have to pay extra on that one?

Travel agent: If you came back on the 19.00, they'd surcharge you up to the normal fare, which would be approx­imately... about 4 pounds extra to pay.

Traveller: Oh, well, I'll take the cheaper one then.

Travel agent: There's no restrictions going down, and the only conditions of this ticket are that if you travel... well, if you travel on Sunday, you're OK 'cause it's available for return on or after the following day, Monday, so you're OK. Where you can't use it is if you were going down on Monday, for example, you couldn't return on Friday, you'd have to wait till Saturday.

Traveller: Well, I'll take the cheaper one then, the one at 24.55 pounds.

Travel agent: Monthly return to Colchester. One adult. 4.55 pounds. And you're travelling on...?

Traveller: Sunday.

Travel agent: Sunday the 19th?

Traveller: Yes.

Travel agent: That's your ticket. That one's for the outward journey, as it says there, Leeds to Colchester, and the copy is to bring you back.

Traveller: Thank you.

Travel agent: Thank you very much. And here is 45 pence change.

Traveller: Thank you.

1. Answer the following questions:

1. Which is cheaper, a monthly return or an ordinary return?

2. What is the monthly return fare for the whole journey?

3. On part of the journey there is a train you can not use with a monthly return ticket. Is it on the outward or the re­turn journey?

4. What time is the train you cannot use?

5. How much extra would it cost to travel on any train you like?

6. If the outward journey is on Sunday, what is the first day that the return journey is allowed?

7. If the outward journey is on Monday, what is the first day you can come back?

8. Is the copy of the ticket for the outward or the return jour­ney?



Some may be fond of travelling. For me to travel is to go through a gradual state of nerve wrecking.

Once my wife and I decided to take a holiday trip. So I went to an agency to book a cabin on a ship. While I was away my wife was supposed to be packing. To my astonishment it was only half done when 1 returned as my wife was in doubt whether to take a trunk or just a few suitcases to carry our things in.

It was no use urging her to hurry or to be ready at a certain time because she was not the person to be hurried or ordered about. To try to speed her up was to make her excited and bad-tempered.

With only an hour to spare, the packing to do and the city to cross, I could not but be impatient, so I simply began to throw the things into the suitcases without folding them. The suitcase nearly burst, but I was willing to burst a dozen suitcases to catch the train. I knew my wife would have to iron everything again. But I thought it would teach her not to put things off to the last moment. Within 20 minutes or so we were ready to go.

I immediately found a taxi which seemed almost too good to be true and requested the driver to hurry and get us to the station alive in time. How the taxi-driver managed to get us to the station alive is difficult to understand because he drove at breakneck speed through the heavy traffic of the city. We got to the station, though strange to relate, quite safety to find the train still there and with a few minutes to spare. Some acquaintan­ces were waiting on the platform to see us off, but we hardly had time to say "hello" to them. We were almost the last passen­gers to arrive. This was no time for me to be genteel. Up went the mountains of luggage; down sank my wife in a corner, and away went the train.

In the compartment we were not the only ones to want to put our luggage on the racks. Our fellow passengers wanted to put their as well, only to find there had been no room left to speak of. It was enough to make anyone angry. When they tried to dump their suitcases in the corridor, the conductor would not have them do it. They tried to convince him that it was nothing to make a fuss about but he replied that corridors were to walk through, not to store luggage in. In the end the conductor calmed down. But the people were just bursting to tell us a thing or two.

When we had to change stations to go aboard the ship, my wife wanted me to carry all the luggage. She didn't want to waste money on porters when she had a strong, muscular husband to do it for her. But I had no desire to take the risk of breaking my back and so I went on strike. In the end my wife gave in.

It took the porter three trips to transfer it all and when he had finished he had no breath left to speak of. And the beauty of it was that she had us drag all that luggage only to leave half of it unopened when we did get there.


to book a cabin on a ship to drive at breakneck speed
to go aboard the ship to get to the station

to arrive in/at to see smb. off

to take a holiday trip to change stations


1. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Добрый день. Я бы хотел зарезервировать два авиа­билета в один конец из Москвы в Ростов. — Да, ко­нечно. Первый класс или эконом? — Эконом, пожа­луйста.

2. Будут ли пересадки? — Нет, это прямой рейс. Вы должны быть в аэропорту за 45 минут до вылета.

3. Вы принимаете кредитные карточки? — Да. Спаси­бо. Распишитесь здесь, пожалуйста.

4. Что имеется в новом каталоге путешествий? — Там несколько новых туров и информация об отдельных услугах. — Есть ли какие-нибудь скидки? — Есть скидки на детей до 12 лет. На взрослых туристов никаких скидок нет.

5. Это — билет в одну сторону, т. е. из Милана в Рим. За другой вам следует доплатить.

6. Вам не следует нарушать установленные ограниче­ния. Условия указаны в билете.

7. Мы прибыли на станцию, чтобы проводить друзей. Мы очень торопились, поэтому неслись на безумной скорости.

8. Отдыхающие взошли на борт корабля и поняли, что поступили правильно, забронировав каюту именно на этом лайнере.

9. Некоторые люди предпочитают готовые туры, дру­гим предлагаются индивидуальные пакеты.


10. Ты наверняка часто видишь рекламу этого агентства в средствах массовой информации.

11. Турагент продает также отдельные услуги. Это номе­ра в отеле, экскурсии, страховки тура и т. д.

12. Они, вероятно, издают брошюры, путеводители, раскладывающиеся проспекты и каталоги путеше­ствий.

13. Он, должно быть, организовывает развлекательную программу для пассажиров на круизном теплоходе.

14. Произнесите фамилию по буквам, пожалуйста. Ка­кой вы выбираете рейс? Заполните вот этот бланк, пожалуйста. Не забудьте написать номер телефона.

15. Купе с двумя спальными местами дороже. Вы можете произвести оплату как наличными, так и по кредит­ной карте. — Спасибо, я перезвоню. Я затрудняюсь решить прямо сейчас.


2. You are thinking about visiting either N. or B. Your friend from N. is doing her/his best to persuade you to go to her/his native place. She/he compares the two places and tells the class which one is better and why.


Means of communica- But in...

tion — various
Climate — warm The climate is wet. It may

rain often.

Beaches — clean and sandy The beaches are dirty.

Water — clean and blue

Restaurants and cafes — ………..


Food — delicious..............

People — friendly ………..

Discos — exciting ………..

3. Make up monologues.

1. Are you keen on travelling?

2. Do you think travel helps a person to become wiser?

3. Why are many people fond of travelling.


1. Speak about your going on a holiday trip once.

2. Tell your friend that he/she should or should not go:


a) to the Crimea in June;

b) to the Baltic Sea in November;

c) to the Black Sea in August;

d) to the country in January.

3. A. Act out the following situation.

A family is discussing where they will go for their summer holidays...

Even though their tastes are different the family wants to go on holiday together. They are looking at the holiday pages in the papers. They are trying to choose a holiday they all can agree to. They are at home in London on a wet Sunday afternoon.

1. Daughter: Holidays are for doing something different — I'd like to work with my hands — weaving or pottery, or some­thing. I can't stand lying on a beach for more than a couple of days.

2. Father: An active holiday for me — I'd like to go horse-riding. I'm stuck in an office all year round.

3. Son: I love exploring and discovering things; old church­es and castles, different ways of life; smth. genuine and off the beaten track. I don't want to get stuck in a crowd of tourists. It's not worth going on holiday if you can't get away from what you do all year round.

4. Mother: I've been working so hard this year that all I want is to sit around on the beach and have a really lazy time. I want to soak in enough sun to see me through November.


(1) South Coast Holidays

Camping — Many good sites, but crowded in July and Au­gust. Book in Advance at Tourist Information Centres.

Cottages — Self catering. Prices: $40—$200 per week. Book early through a travel agent.

Hotels— Family hotels especially good for families with chil­dren. Prices: $4.00 — $8.00.

Activities — Riding/Fishing/Shooting/Golf/Boat hire

(2) Mediterranean/Caribbean/Far East/North Africa/Canaries

Numerous fascinating cruises aboard luxury liners — from 14 nights to more than three months.

(3) You relax, we'll move the scenery.

CTC Lines, the people who pioneered a new style of cruis­ing at prices that everyone can afford, offer superb holiday cruis­es to the Mediterranean, the Canaries, the Black Sea, Scandi­navia and many other colourful locations. Five one-class modernships, most with cabins with shower or bath and toilet, and excellent on-board entertainment and all facilities. Now a CTC cruise could cost less than your holiday last year.

CTC cruises start at only $265

(4) Siberian adventure
July 28 — August 11

Private group visiting Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Lake Baikal and Khabarovsk including 3 days travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway.

Inclusive cost $999

(5) Intourist holidays to Russia...

and beyond; Russia, Japan & Russia, Malaysia & Singapore; Russia & India Seasonal and all year round tours. Departures from Gatwick, Heathrow, Manchester, Cardiff & Newcastle. Reductions for children. Group discounts.

(6) Russia "Holidays of a lifetime"

25lh July — 11th August 15 days from $289

Group 1: Moscow-Riga-Moscow

Group 2: Moscow-St.Petersburg-Moscow

Group 3: Moscow-Odessa-Moscow

Group 4: 15 days from $360 Moscow-Tashkent-Moscow.

(7) Intourist Moscow Limited: Russian business trips

Trans-Siberian Express

Motoring holidays in Russia

Moscow-St.Peterburg Weekend Breaks

For those looking for something different and interesting in holiday field Intourist Moscow Limited now offers the widest range ever of tours to suit all tastes.

Send now for your copies of the Intourist brochures or for more information contact.

(8) Take the plunge in the Black Sea

Included in the free two-week holiday are three nights in the Russia capital Moscow; two nights in St.Peterburg and in the seaside resort of Sochi.

You travel by air, leaving Gatwick on September 1.

Active Vocabulary

an aisle seat/a window seat — место рядом с проходом / ме­сто у окна

a booking-office — касса

to board the train — сесть в поезд

buffet/buffet car — буфет / вагон-буфет

carriage — вагон

cloak-room — камера хранения

commuter — житель пригорода, работающий в городе и ежедневно ездящий на работу поездом (автобусом) и т. д.

compartment — купе

to confirm (reconfirm) tickets — подтвердить бронь билетов

couchette — спальное место, полка, койка

dining-car — вагон-ресторан

dining-car steward — официант вагона-ресторана

direct train — прямой поезд

emergency brake — стоп-кран

engine — локомотив, паровоз

fellow-passenger — попутчик

first class/standard class — первый класс / второй класс

guard — проводник

itinerary — спланированный маршрут

junction — ж/д узел, развязка

leaflet — рекламная листовка

make a reservation/an enquiry — бронировать/ наводить справки

porter — носильщик

to pull luggage — тащить багаж

refreshments — закуски и напитки

season ticket — билет, позволяющий путешествовать любое количество раз в течение сезона

sleeper — спальный вагон

smoking/non-smoking compartment — купе для курящих/ не­курящих

station-master — дежурный по станции through train — прямой поезд ticket collector (Br) — контролер ticket conductor (Am) — контролер ticket inspector — контролер timetable — расписание tip — чаевые to tip — давать чаевые

to travel/go first class — путешествовать первым классом to travel/ go second (standard) class — путешествовать вто­рым классом



Travel agent: Good afternoon.

Traveller: Good afternoon. I'd like a rail ticket to Amster­dam, please.

Travel agent: Certainly. When are you travelling?

Traveller: I'm taking the four o'clock train today.

Travel agent: First or second class?

Traveller: First class, please.

Travel agent: That's 82.25, please.

Traveller: Do you accept credit cards?

Travel agent: Certainly. Thank you. Sign here, please. Thank you very much.

Traveller: Thank you.


Peter and Mary Almar are in Istanbul, where they are buy­ing goods for their shop in Zurich. They want to talk to the manager of an export company, but he is not there at the mo­ment, so the Almars plan to go to Athens for three days and then back to Istanbul. Peter is enquiring at a travel agency about travel to Athens.

Peter: Good morning. I want to go to Athens. Could you

tell me if there's a train today or tomorrow?

Travel agent: There's a train every evening at 22.30.

Peter: What time does it arrive in Athens, please?

Travel agent: The train leaving today arrives at 11.40 on Wednesday.

Peter: How much does it cost?

Travel agent: The single fare is TL 848 first class and TL 567 second class.

Peter: Sleeping accommodation is included, isn't it?

Travel agent: No, that's extra.

Peter: Oh. What sort of accommodation is there?

Travel agent: Well, that depends on whether you travel first or second class. There are single-berth compart­ments for first-class passengers and two or three-berth compartments for second-class passengers.

Peter: How much is a first-class berth?

Travel agent: TL 425 each night.

Peter: Can I book a berth in advance?

Travel agent: Yes, we can book a berth for you, if there's space, of course.

Peter: Well, I'll have to think about it first. I'll call bacl<

to book the tickets. Thank you.

Travel agent: Thank you, sir.


1. Phonetic Drill. Transcribe and pronounce correctly.

Guard, carriage, bustle, farewell, scarcely, engine, steward, to absorb, delicious, mysterious.

2. Give synonyms to the following words:

Sign, cheerful, delicious, sharp, steep.

3. Give English equivalents from the text and use them
in sentences of your own.

Тащить багаж по платформе, касса, садиться в поезд, протискиваться сквозь толпу, железнодорожный путь, по­заботиться о багаже, проводник, сделать предварительный заказ на обед, ложиться спать.



1. Give Russian equivalents to the following:

(1) to offer high standards (2) in record time (3) to link Lon­don with Yorkshire (4) luxury travel (5) a ticket holder (6) sleep­ing-car-trains (7) to gain a day (8) to save on hotel charges (9) a reduced price ticket (10) limitations on times (11) a bargain-buy (12) a schedule.

2. Form antonyms to the following words with the help
of prefixes.

Comfortable, easy, frequent, necessary, available, pleasant.



Traveller: Hello. I'd like some information about trains from Amsterdam to Paris, please.

Operator: Hold the line, please. I'll put you through to Inter­national Enquiries.

Clerk: International Enquiries. Can I help you?

Traveller: Yes. Can you tell me about trains from Amsterdam to Paris tomorrow?

Clerk: Certainly. What time would you like to leave? Traveller: It doesn't really matter, but I have to be in Paris by

8.00 p.m. Clerk: There's an express at 10.50, getting in at five past five. Traveller: Hmm. I'd prefer to leave a bit later, I think. Clerk: Well, the 12.26 arrives in Paris at 18.57, but you have

to change in Brussels. Traveller: The time is better, but I'd really rather not change.

Is there a later train? Clerk: There is, but you would still have to change. Traveller: I see. In that case the 10.50 is probably the best. Can

I buy a ticket now? I've got a credit card.

1. Answer the questions. Discuss the reasons for your an­

1) Would you rather work in your country or abroad?

2) Would you prefer to be rich or famous?

3) Would you rather live alone or with your family?

4) Would you prefer to visit USA or Britain?

2. Use the prompts below to make similar dialogues.

Example: tea/coffee

A: Would you rather have tea or coffee? B: I'd prefer tea, please.

1) an afternoon departure / an evening departure

2) smoking / non-smoking

3) a window seat / an aisle seat

4) a rear-facing seat / a front-facing seat

5) first class / economy class

6) single-berth compartment / two-berth compartment

7) hot meals / light snacks and drinks



Tourist: Good morning. I'd like some information on rail

travel in the UK, please. Travel agent: Certainly. Would you like to take a seat?


Tourist: Thank you. Right, well, I'm with my wife and son

and we're planning to spend two weeks travelling around Britain. I'd like to know about tickets.

Travel agent: I recommend you buy the BritRail Pass. That gives you unlimited travel all over Britain.

Tourist: How long does it last?

Travel agent: Well, you want to travel for two weeks, so I sug­gest you buy the 15-day Pass. It's valid for eight days travel in a period of 15 days. It's good value.

Tourist: Hmm. What about children?

Travel agent: It depends on age. Children under five travel free. Those between five and sixteen travel for half price.

Tourist: Sounds great! How much is the adult fare?..



1. Point out the phenomena which are peculiar to travel­
ling by train in Britain
(the platform, the trains, the tick­
ets, the classes, the passengers, the porters). How are
things with us? Do they differ greatly? Discuss it with
your classmate (s).

To express your opinion use the following:

What do you think of/about...? I believe...
What about...? I should say...

I don't think much of..., do you? To my mind,...
Don't you think...? If you ask me...

In my opinion... I reckon...

2. Are these statements true or false?

1) There are cheap tickets after a certain time of the day.

2) It's often nearly 50 % cheaper to travel to London after 8.30.

3) At a buffet it is possible to buy lunch or dinner.

4) There are three classes in Britain.

5) In England train passengers often converse with their fel­low-travellers.

6) The porter doesn't make a charge for this service, but he expects a tip.

7) Some people travel more than 200 miles every day.

8) On some trains there are study clubs.

9) If a passenger has luggage and wants someone to carry it for him he must ask a ticket inspector.

3. Give synonyms to the following words:

Railway, carriage, passenger, a ticket inspector, charge.



With an effort Luke Fitzwilliam averted his eyes from the landscape outside the railway-carriage window and settled down to a perusal of the papers he had just bought. Shortly afterward the train slowed down and finally stopped. Luke looked out the window. They were in a large-looking station with many plat­forms. He caught sight of a bookstall some way up the platform with a placard: "Derby results". Luke opened the door, jumped out and ran towards the book-stall. A moment later he was star­ing with a broad grin at a few smudged lines in the stop press. "Derby Results Jujube the II, Mazeppa, Clarigold".

He folded the paper, still grinning to himself and turned back — to face emptiness. In the excitement of Jujube the II's victory, his train had slipped out of the station unnoticed by him.

"When the devil did that train go out?" he demanded of a gloomy-looking porter.

The latter replied:

"What train? There has been no train since 3.14."

"There was a train just now. I got out of it. The boat express."

The porter replied austerely:

"The boat-express don't stop anywhere till London."

"But it did," Luke assured him. "I got out of it."

"No stop anywhere till London," repeated the porter im­movably.

"It stopped at this very platform and I got out of it, I tell you."

Faced by facts, the porter changed his ground. "You didn't ought to have done," he said reproachfully. "It don't stop here."

"But it did."

"That was signal, that was. Signal against it. It didn't what you'd call 'stop'."

"I'm not so good at these fine distinctions as you are," said Luke. "The point is, what do I do next?"

The porter, a man of slow ideas, repeated reproachfully:" You didn't ought to have got out."

"We'll admit that," said Luke. "What I'm trying to get at is, what do you, a man experienced in the service of the railway company, advise me to do now?"

"You're asking what you'd better do?"

"That," said Luke, "is the idea. There are, I presume, trains that stop, really officially stop, here?"

"Reckon," said the porter, "You'd best go on by the 4.25."

"If the 4.25 goes to London," said Luke, "the 4.25 is the train for me."

Reassured on that point, Luke strolled up and down the plat­form. A large board informed him that he was at Fenny Clay­ton Junction for Wychwood-under-Aste, and presently a train consisting of one carriage pushed backwards by an antiquated

little engine came slowly puffing in. Six or seven people alight­ed, and crossing over a bridge, came to join Luke on his plat­form. The gloomy porter suddenly awoke to life and began push­ing about a large truck of crates and baskets, another porter I joined him and began to rattle milk cans. Fenny Clayton awoke to life.

At last with immense importance, the London train came in. The third-class carriages were crowded, and of first there were only three and each one contained a traveller or travellers.

Luke scrutinished each compartment. The first, a smoker, contained a gentleman of military aspect smoking a cigar. Luke passed on to the next one, which contained a third-looking gen­teel young woman, possibly a nursery governess, and an active-looking small boy of about three. Luke passed on quickly. The next door was open and the carriage contained one passenger, an elderly lady. She reminded Luke slightly of one of his aunts, his Aunt Mildred, who had courageously allowed him to keep a grass snake when he was ten years old. Aunt Mildred had been decidedly a good aunt as aunts go.

Luke entered the carriage and sat down.

After some five minutes of intense activity on the part of milk vans, luggage trucks and other excitements, the train moved slowly out of the station. Luke unfolded his paper and turned to such items of news as might interest a man who had already read his morning paper.

He did not hope to read it for long. Being a man of many aunts, he was fairly certain that the nice old lady in the corner did not propose to travel in silence to London.

He was right — a window that needed adjusting, a dropped umbrella — and the lady was telling him what a good train this was.

"Only an hour and ten minutes. That's very good, you know, very good indeed. Much better than the morning one. That takes an hour and forty minutes."

Luke murmured:

"Of course, not," and let his eyes drop ostentatiously to his paper. But it was of no avail. The flood went on.

"So I just made the best of a bad job and took the afternoon train instead, and, of course, it's a blessing in one way, it's not so crowded — not that it matters when one is travelling first

class. Of course, I don't usually do that. 1 mean I should con­sider it an extravagance, but really 1 was so upset — because you see, I'm going up on very important business and I wanted to think out exactly what 1 was going to say, just quietly, you know..." Luke repressed a smile.

"And when there are people you know travelling up to — well, one can't be unfriendly, so I thought just for once, the expense was quite permissible, though I do think nowadays there is so much waste and nobody saves or thinks of the future. One is sorry the seconds were ever abolished, it did make just that little difference."

(by A. Christie)

Comprehension questions:

1) Where was Mr. Fitzwilliam going by train? 2) What train was he going by? 3) Did he have to change trains or was he trav­elling by a through train? 4) Why did Mr. Fitzwilliam get out at Fenny Clayton? 5) Did Mr. Fitzwilliam see his train go out (pull out, leave) or had his train pulled out (gone out, left) without his noticing it? 6) Was Mr. Fitzwilliam upset over his bit of bad luck that he had been left behind or did he take it easy? 7) Did the boat-express usually stop at Fenny Clayton or did it pass the station without stopping? 8) Why, then, did the boat-express stop at Fenny Clayton that day? 9) How did Mr.Fitzwilliam know that he was at Fenny Clayton Junction? 10) Were the por­ter's sympathies with Mr. Fitzwilliam? 11) What train did Mr. Fitzwilliam board? 12) Did Mr. Fitzwilliam get a seat on the 4.25 train quite easily or was all accommodation reserved? 13) Did Mr. Fitzwilliam settle down in the first carriage he en­tered or in the next one? 14) In what way did Mr. Fitzwilliam propose to while away his time on the train? 15) Why was he sure the lady would try and draw him into a conversation? 16) Why did the lady think that the afternoon train was much better than the morning train? 17) Was the lady going up on some important business or just to spend the weekend with her sister's family? 18) Did the lady enjoy her journey or did she feel annoyed by Mr. Fitzwilliam's presence?


1. Give Russian equivalents:

Austere, ostentatious, an empty-looking station, to change ground, to be of no avail, a man of slow ideas, reassured on the point, Fenny Clayton Junction for Wychwood-under-Aste, came slowly puffing in, a genteel young woman, a gentleman of military aspect, a man of many aunts, to adjust a window.

2. Give English equivalents of:



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