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Go for a drive (mountaineering)


camp or go camping

There are six typical language mistakes in the paragraph be­low.


The Smiths stayed at a camping last summer because all other kinds of holiday accommodations are too expensive for them. Every day Mrs. Smith had a sunbath, Mr. Smith made a sight-seeing and the children made a travel around the is­land. One day they made an excursion to a local castle

Underline them and then write the corrections.

3. Translate into English:

1. Какой у вас чудесный загар! — Спасибо за компли­мент. Мне нравится бездельничать на пляже и плес­каться в море.

2. Мы живем в десяти милях от побережья.

3. Я сыт по горло рыбалкой.

4. Мне нравится идея провести отпуск на море.

5. Он пишет книгу о своих путешествиях в Африке.

6. Вам придется совершить путешествие одному.

7. Это — трехдневное путешествие на поезде.

8. Мысль о путешествии по Атлантике приводила ее в ужас.

9. Круиз по Средиземному морю обещал много инте­ресных впечатлений.

10. Ты получил удовольствие от своей недельной поез­дки на море?

11. Этот курорт знаменит песчаными пляжами.

12. Я с нетерпением жду поездки в Испанию. Я подумы­ваю о посещении корриды.

13. Почему бы не провести каникулы где-нибудь на Черноморском побережье? — А что, если погода бу­дет плохая? Отдых на море зависит от погоды.

14. Давай съездим на Гавайские острова. — Хорошая идея для обеспеченных людей. Я не могу себе этого позволить, так как только что закончил ремонт в квартире. Я уже потратил много денег в этом году.

15. Плата за перелет достаточно высока, но тебе не при­дется тратить большие деньги, когда ты доберешься туда.

16. Почему бы не попросить Тома составить вам компа­нию? — Тома? Он ведь портит удовольствие другим.


Make a list of the facts that prove that holidays are very important to many people.

Where would you spend your ideal holiday? What kind of accommodation would you stay in? How would you spend your time? Write a paragraph.

Write a short essay on one of the following topics.


1. The real purpose of a holiday.

2. Holidays! Does that mean lying in the sun or doing some­thing exciting and energetic?

3. Why are holidays so important to many people? Is it just escapism?


What's your opinion about holidays in Great Britain.

Draw a parallel between holiday-making in Great Brit­ain and in this country. What makes them alike and dif­ferent?

Are you satisfied with the holidays you've just had?

3. Give your friends advice where and how to spend sum­mer or winter holidays.

4. What choice will they make? The local trade-union committee offers passes to a) a sport centre on the Bal­tic Sea coast; b) a tourist centre in Karelia; c) a holiday home not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

1. Alex was seriously ill in spring and got very tired dur­ing the exams. 2. Pete is crazy about swimming. 3. Sam cares for having a different kind of holiday.

5. Speak about the weekend plans of the following peo­ple:

a) a married couple with children;

b) a woman who goes to work;

c) a student living away from home;

d) a football fan;

e) a breakfast-in-bed and Sunday paper enthusiast.

To express your opinion use the following:

Inmy opinion... To my mind,...

I believe... If you ask me...

I should say... I reckon...

6. Comment on the proverbs:

a) East or West, home is best.

b) One cannot be in two places at once.

c) By the street of "By and by" one arrives at the house of


Give examples from your life experience or from literature to prove the proverb


Unit 2. Making Travel Arrangements


Active Vocabulary

ads реклама
arrangements приготовления
in advance заранее
appointment встреча
brochure брошюра
comprehensive information исчерпывающая информация
customer клиент
destination турцентр, место назначения
discount скидка
folder раскладывающийся проспект
high season разгар сезона
low season спад сезона, не активный сезон, межсезонье
mass media средства массовой информации
tour-package турпакет, путевка
ready-made tour package готовый, стандартный турпакет
tailor-made tour package индивидуальный турпакет
tourist's guide путеводитель
travel insurance страховка тура
travelogue каталог путешествий




Normally people plan their holidays in advance. Holiday-making people, as a rule, prefer to stick to the same travel agency they have already used before and got their money's worth. On the one hand, they trust the travel agency they've got to know earlier, on the other hand, they expect to purchase a tour package at a reduced price as regular customers.

Suppose you are not an experienced holiday-maker. You are at a loss which travel agency to choose out of a large amount of agencies offering similar services.

You want an enjoyable holiday at some reasonable price, or at least you don't want to be trapped.

Here are some hints for you. Out of the travel agencies of­fering similar destinations and tours pick out 4 or 5. Their names should be familiar to you: their ads regularly appear in travellogues and in mass media. Compare the prices: they should be neither too high, nor too low. All the ad information should be clear to you: nothing should seem odd.

Call the travel agencies you have picked out, and if you lack some information or advice, don't hesitate to ask questions. Re­sponding to the callers' queries is a part of travel agents' duty. If you are still not disappointed, make an appointment with the travel clerk at the agency office.

Efficient travel clerks will always help you to make a deci­sion about where to go, what to see or where to stay in each area you plan to visit. Travel agents are sure to have the most com­prehensive information at hand about the destinations they of­fer. There are usually lots of travellogues, brochures, folders, tourist's guides and maps available for customers.

You may either choose and obtain a ready-made tour pack­age, or ask for a tailor-made tour package. Most of travel com­panies are able to arrange tailor-made tours according to their customers' requests.

Purchasing a tour you should pay in cash or by credit card. You will get a voucher for the services you have paid for, air tick­ets and other travel documents. Travel agents may offer you to pay for your travel insurance. Bear in mind that in high season the prices are up to 25 per cent higher than in low season, par­ty tours are cheaper than individual ones; children get discounts or even travel free.

Answer the following questions:

1. How do holiday-making people choose a travel agency?

2. Why are you at a loss when you are not an experienced holiday-maker?

3.There are some hints for an inexperienced holiday-mak­er, aren't there?

4.Why shouldn't you hesitate to ask questions?

5. What will efficient travel clerks always help you with?

6. What are most of travel companies able to arrange?

7. What do many travel agents offer you to pay for?

4. When are the prices higher?


1. Transcribe the following words and pronounce them correctly:

Agency, purchase, amount, similar, query, efficient, area, brochure, voucher, insurance.

2. Give English equivalents from the text and use them in sentences of your own:

(1) придерживаться чего-либо, постоянные клиенты, растеряться, предлагать сходные услуги, регуляр­но появляться в каталогах путешествий, назначить встречу в офисе, помочь решить что-либо, платить наличными, высокий сезон, групповой тур

3. Give Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions from the text:

(1) to plan smth in advance (2) to purchase at a reduced price (3) an experienced holiday-maker (4) to pick out (5) travel agents' duty (6) an enjoyable holiday (7) the most comprehen­sive information (8) a travellogue (9) a folder (10) a ready-made tour package (11) a tailor-made tour (12) neither too high, nor too low (13) to travel free (14) to bear in mind


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